Download pptx - Collection of data

  1. 1. Collection of data Rosario N. Evangelista
  2. 2. What is a Data? Plural form for datum, collection of numbers, quantities, facts, or records used as bases for drawing conclusions or making inferences. (Good, p.155)
  3. 3. What is a Data? What research is searching for and which are subjected to analysis, statistical procedures, and interpretation so that inferences, principles or generalization are drawn.
  4. 4. Primary Data Are those gathered from primary source Are as follows: a) Individual person b) Organized group c) Established practices
  5. 5. Primary Data d) Documents in their original forms e) Living Organisms f) Man-made material things g) Natural Objects and phenomena
  6. 6. Secondary Data are those gathered from second sources Are as follows: a) Books b) Articles published c) Unpublished masters degree d) Monographs, manuscripts, etc. e) All other second hand sources.
  7. 7. Advantages of Primary Data over Secondary Data 1. The primary data frequently give detailed definition of terms and statistical units used in the survey.
  8. 8. Advantages of Primary Data over Secondary Data 2. The secondary data have usually little or no explanatory notes which often arises from transcriptions of the figures from the original primary source.
  9. 9. Advantages of Primary Data over Secondary Data 3. The primary data usually includes a copy of the schedule and a description of the procedure used in the selection of the type of sample and in collecting the data. This gives the user and ideas of accuracy, applicability, and limitation of the survey result.
  10. 10. Advantages of Primary Data over Secondary Data 4. The primary data are usually broken down into finer classifications. The secondary data often omit past of combining categories, such as showing barrios instead of sitios, or municipalities instead of barrios.
  11. 11. Advantages of Secondary Data 1. Secondary Data are more convenient to use because they are already condensed and organized. 2. Analysis and interpretation are done more easily. 3.Libraries make secondary data are more easily accessible.
  12. 12. Respondents Are those individual who are asked or requested by a researcher to supply data or information about his research problem.
  13. 13. Categories of Data gathered from respondents 1. Facts Personal circumstances What they do 2. Attitudes and feelings 3. Judgements 4. Psychomotor skills
  14. 14. Categories of Data gathered from respondents 5) Results of test and experiments 6) All other data gathered from the primary and secondary data.
  15. 15. (Research Instruments or Tools)
  16. 16. A. Clerical Tools 1. The questionnaire method 2. The interview method 3. The empirical observation method 4. The registration method 5. The testing method 6. The experimental method 7. The Library Method
  17. 17. B. Mechanical Devices Microscopes Thermometers Cameras Rulers monitors
  18. 18. 1. The instrument of must be valid and reliable 2. It must be based upon the conceptual frameworks or what the researcher wants to find data 3. It must be gather data suitable for and relevant to the research topic. 4. It should be from all kinds of bins.
  19. 19. 5. It must gather data that would test the hypothesis or answer the questions under investigation. 6. It must contain only questions or items that are unequivocal 7. It must contain clear and definite directions to accomplish it.
  20. 20. 8. If the instrument is mechanical device, it must be of the best or latest model. 9. It must be accompanied by a good cover letter. 10. It must be accompanied, if possible, by a letter of recommendation from a sponsor.
