  • 7/30/2019 COMOS brochure overview_en.pdf


    Increased productivity

    through holistic plantmanagement


  • 7/30/2019 COMOS brochure overview_en.pdf



    Complex requirementsin a dynamic worldeconomy

    The rising cost and time pressure,

    resulting from international compe-

    tition, requires consistent data


    Today, plant engineers and owner opera-

    tors are faced by enormous challenges:

    increasing international competition

    demands improvements in both produc-tivity and quality. The resulting cost and

    time pressure renders the parallelization

    of various workflows indispensable. To

    complicate matters further, the growing

    number of strict legal regulations con-

    cerning safety and environmental protec-

    tion standards needs to be taken into

    account as well. On the other hand, cus-

    tomers expect custom-tailored high-qual-

    ity products at attractive prices while the

    time-to-market is shortening.

    Decentralized, worldwide production

    facilities require central monitoring and

    control so that decisions can be made

    and communicated within minutes. Fromthe market and enterprise viewpoint,

    these challenges require plant operators

    and plant construction companies to

    adopt solutions that enable them to real-

    ize their potential and address their

    needs across multiple industries and tar-

    get groups. The success factors for this

    are: continuous innovation and consis-

    tent data management.

    COMOS The future of asset management

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    From Integrated Engineering to

    Integrated Operations

    COMOS uniquely enables you to integrate

    your project assets across the complete life-

    cycle of an industrial plant. Our unified

    COMOS data platform provides plant

    engineers, construction companies and

    operators with a seamless information flow

    of project-relevant data across all corporate

    levels and project stages. We are the only

    software vendor in the world, who is able

    to deliver a universal, globally integrated

    software solution. Your benefits: more

    efficient workflows, higher productivity

    and increased quality; all this through the

    optimal interaction of engineering and

    operations domains.

    Continuing innovation

    We developed COMOS software on the

    basis of many years of experience meeting

    the needs of diverse industries successful

    years during which we continuously

    acquired multiple competencies and fed

    these lessons learned into our software,

    while focusing our attention on meeting

    our customers real-world requirements.

    This background ensures that COMOS is

    today, and will in the future continue to

    reflect leading edge technology. In addi-

    tion, COMOS is provided through Siemens

    and embedded in it organizationally as an

    independent business segment within the

    Industrial Automation Systems business

    unit. With COMOS, separate worlds of plant

    engineering are being merged for the f irst

    time. Our integrated end-to-end solution

    enables the process industries to optimize

    project workflows and launch new prod-

    ucts faster.

    COMOS is the only software that

    maps all lifecycle phases of an

    industrial plant on a common


    Due to know-how and many yearsof experience, COMOS is the most

    innovative software for plant


    Our claimIntegrated Intelligence

    Integrated because

    COMOS is the only solution inthe marketplace that seamlesslybridges the gap between inte-grated engineering and integrat-ed operations, from the designstage through to the operationalphase.

    Intelligence because ... COMOS is the only softwareconcept that provides intelligentand consistent data management

    on a worldwide basis. Once pa-rameters have been assigned toan object, they are available toall stakeholders everywhere, allthe time.

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    Growth prospects throughinnovation and investmentprotection

    Innovation and investment protection are

    two mainstays of corporate management

    and planning that reduce operating

    expense and increase operational effi-ciency. We are addressing these goals

    so that you can enhance your competi-

    tiveness and growth while augmenting

    your return on investment. COMOS is the

    only software solution worldwide that

    Our goal: continuous innovation

    and reliable investment protection

    for optimum competitiveness.

    seamlessly maps the entire lifecycle of an

    industrial plant on a single database. You

    will establish a comprehensive, globally

    integrable software solution that sub-stantially lowers your engineering,

    operating and modernization costs.

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    Energy & Power Oil & Gas

    Process Industries




    Reliability in all disciplines

    COMOS offers intelligent solutions and

    services well adapted to your business

    processes and industry-specific work-

    flows. Our comprehensive, innovative

    solution portfolio can be employed in

    each lifecycle phase, from design to con-

    struction to commissioning and opera-

    tion to maintenance and revamping. And

    just as importantly, you can acquire all of

    these solutions from a single vendor.

    We have regional companies and branch

    offices around the globe. Regardless

    where your facility is located, we havestaff available to support you during all

    stages of your project.

    We will discuss your initial situation in a

    personal dialogue and develop a custom-

    tailored solution concept.

    Innovation based on experience

    Our research and development activities

    are geared for offering efficient, sophisti-

    cated solution approaches. We are able to

    draw on many years of global experience

    in asset management in a wide variety of

    industries. Our development teams lever-

    age proven expertise to convert market

    demands into novel, customer-oriented

    solutions for your benefit. System com-

    patibility is our top priority when devising

    new solutions for smoothly integrating

    our software into your existing IT


    Revolution in asset management

    Siemens is the only vendor who can imple-

    ment holistic asset management across a

    complete industrial plant lifecycle using a

    unified data platform. We view your asset

    in a function-oriented manner ratherthan by separate technical disciplines.

    We are now complementing the fully

    integrated engineering processes that we

    have supported for many years with fully

    integrated operations and maintenance


    Holistic plant management through-

    out the entire lifecycle of an indus-

    trial plant on a common database.

    COMOS deployed worldwide in a multitude of industries

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    COMOS allows you to work in a

    virtual office based on complete

    data consistency across the entire

    plant lifecycle.

    Establishment of a digital plant by

    connecting virtual and real world.

    Common standards and freely configu-

    rable interfaces make for an open archi-

    tecture, enabling smooth collaboration

    among different systems. This bridges

    the gap between mere software integra-

    tion and genuine interoperability.

    COMOS maps the entire lifecycle of an

    industrial plant on a single database and

    thus supports the optimum interplay of

    all disciplines in each lifecycle phase. This

    results in a virtual office, where all stake-

    holders can access up-to-date, complete

    and consistent data at all times, ensuring

    worldwide intercommunication, jointdecision-making, as well as fast and

    targeted incident response.

    Interlinking the virtual and physical

    worlds: The digital plant

    Optimizing production processes is

    increasingly handled through the digital

    plant, which helps enhance productivity

    and gain competitive advantage.

    In order to achieve these results, you

    need to digitally mirror the status of your

    hardware and software solutions in an

    engineering system. Within this image,

    you can e. g. plan maintenance and over-

    haul activities for subsequent execution

    in the real plant.

    Conversely, any changes made to thereal plant can be easily transferred to the

    virtual asset data inventory. This inter-

    linkage of the digital and physical plant

    opens up new dimensions in plant

    engineering as well as design.

    Benefit from our comprehensive, innovative software solution and service portfolio

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    Technological edge through object


    Future-proof asset management requires

    you to view your plant in a function-ori-

    ented manner rather than by separate

    technical disciplines. Our object-oriented

    solution is based on a complete, end-to-

    end data flow.

    Object orientation enables you to holisti-

    cally describe a component or object and

    provide each of the disciplines that work

    on your plant project with a dedicated

    component view of the overall project.

    Benefit object orientation: many

    single aspects amount to an always

    up-to-date overall picture.

    The graphical and alphanumerical repre-

    sentations within the database constitute

    an entity the object. This guarantees

    that all requisite data and properties of a

    specific object will be available, in up-to-

    date form, to all entitled users anywhere

    and anytime they are needed.

    An unrestricted flow of information is

    ensured throughout the lifecycle of a

    plant from the design stage to opera-

    tions and extensions to decommission-

    ing. This approach facilitates substantial

    quality improvements that significantly

    contribute to workflow optimization.

    Integrated collaboration of all technical disciplines throughout the asset lifecycle

    COMOS enables you to realizeyour plants full potentialthrough object orientation

    - Integrated, consistent plantengineering

    - Engineering processoptimization

    - Reduction of process lead times

    - Realization of an eff icient assetmanagement strategy

    - Flexible application options inall disciplines and lifecyclephases of your plant project

    - Shorter development cycles for

    new products and processes

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    Transparency byconsistent datamanagement

    COMOS transcends the boundaries be-

    tween all disciplines involved in a plant

    project by facilitating a seamless flow of

    information without data loss duringhandover between various project life-

    cycle phases. This approach enables you

    to manage your project on an end-to-end

    basis and deliver plant documentation so

    that all relevant data and information

    items are available in up-to-date form

    wherever they are needed around the

    clock. You can even execute cross-site

    projects easily. COMOS creates the pre-

    requisites for an efficient workflow and

    facilitates interdisciplinary collaborationon a shared data platform across all tech-

    nical departments of an enterprise. In

    short, it will enhance your productivity,

    reliability and overall business effective-


    Plant engineering spanning different sites and countries on a shared database without any loss of data

    COMOS enables a seamless informa-

    tion flow, ensuring continuous


  • 7/30/2019 COMOS brochure overview_en.pdf



    Modular structure for customized


    COMOS is modularly structured on a com-

    mon database, allowing the different

    applications to be combined according to

    individual needs.

    Flexible adaptation to all systems

    COMOS softwares open system architec-

    ture and support for interdisciplinary

    workflows are perfectly geared for todays

    customer requirements and international

    market trends: COMOS can be quickly and

    easily adapted to your individual needs;

    its intelligent interface technology facili-tates smooth integration into legacy sys-

    tem environments.

    By means of bidirectional data exchange

    with third-party applications, stand-alone

    solutions are networked and incorporated

    into a single system. COMOS merges the

    previously separate data silos of process,

    mechanical, electrical and control engi-

    neering into a unified asset data struc-

    ture. This results in standardized work-

    flows, reducing reconciliation effort and

    improving overall quality.

    COMOS also supports multilingual user

    interfaces in a wide variety of languages,

    thereby simplifying cross-site and inter-

    cultural communication for global corpo-

    rations. COMOS softwares high level of

    scalability lends itself to constant adjust-

    ment to changing requirements and

    increasingly complex product lifecycles.

    How you benefit from aconsistent database

    - Interdisciplinary collaboration

    across all corporate levels- Convenient operation and easy

    handling of large volumes ofdata

    - Smooth integration intoexisting IT landscapes

    - End-to-end data managementand consistently up-to-dateasset documentation

    - Cross-site workflows

    - Interoperability through open

    system architecture

    - Reduced time to market

    Simple integration of COMOS into

    third-party system landscapes.

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    Software solution forintegrated plantmanagement

    COMOS is the only holistic and object-

    oriented software solution that maps the

    full lifecycle of todays plants. Its interde-

    pendent software solutions cover allstages from process design to basic and

    detail engineering to operations and

    modernization and they can be

    deployed as a complete solution and in

    stand-alone mode. The central data plat-

    form in COMOS supplies consistent and

    transparent data linked to individual


    The open COMOS architecture facilitates

    the integration of external data and


    An accurate, transparent and time-saving

    data flow between the engineering and

    operational worlds is ensured, raising

    asset management to an entirely new


    COMOS: the holistic software

    solution throughout the entire

    plant lifecycle.

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    Our unique solution concept From

    Integrated Engineering to Integrated


    Siemens provides numerous integrable

    COMOS solutions to facilitate the worksteps required for successfully planning

    and operating a plant.

    The COMOS Platform solution provides

    the basis for effective overall data man-

    agement. The data of all applications and

    domains is stored centrally and in object-

    oriented form on the COMOS database,

    providing maximum consistency.

    Changes made in one application are

    immediately available in all other applica-

    tions, so COMOS requires no internal

    interfaces. Connection to third-party sys-

    tems is enabled by an open system archi-tecture featuring multiple automated

    interfaces. As a result, each project stake-

    holder is offered optimum transparency

    and interoperability both during engi-

    neering and operations.

    The COMOS Process solution combines

    applications for creating process data and

    all aspects of process engineering. Even

    at the early design stage, plant layout

    data can be used to generate process

    flow diagrams, which are then repre-

    sented in more detail in the piping and

    instrumentation diagram.

    COMOS Process supports quality-con-

    trolled pipe engineering and pipe spec

    management conforming to international

    industry standards. Process data conver-

    sion on the geometry level in the form ofisometrics and 3D images can be easily

    derived from the given data.

    The solution COMOS Automation sup-

    ports electrical engineering for the plant

    through to full automation covering all

    processes relevant to electrical, instru-

    mentation and control engineering by

    specialized solutions. Among other

    things, logical inter-object links and auto-

    mated sequences are graphically mapped

    in diagrams and hydraulic, as well as

    pneumatic, workflow schemes are cre-

    ated on the basis of existing data.

    COMOS Operations is comprised of solu-

    tions for efficient asset management. All

    data from the engineering phase can be

    reused in the operational phase. Avail-

    able applications include solutions both

    for maintenance during ongoing opera-

    tions and overhaul during shutdown. Via

    special user interfaces, the measures ini-

    tiated in the field or workshop can be

    directly reported.

    FromIntegratedEngineering ...

    ... to



    Interlocking engineering and operations

    We offer software solutions for all

    lifecycle phases of the plant


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    Our most treasuredasset the trust of ourcustomers

    In developing our products, we work

    closely with our customers, taking on

    board all of their input, questions, chal-

    lenges, praise and criticism, to gain valu-able hints for constantly fine-tuning our

    work. Our clients help us to design opti-

    mum solutions tailored to their particular

    needs. Customers around the globe trust

    our concepts for professional asset

    management. The following section indi-

    cates how clients from different indus-

    tries have successfully deployed COMOSsoftware within their respective


    Customer input is very valuable for

    the further development of our


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    Process IndustriesChemical

    Energy & Power Oil and Gas Pharmaceutical

    Energy & Power

    The service concept of COMOS offers us competent

    and efficient support for the adaptation of our data

    model. This enables us to promptly implement indi-

    vidual proposals or even overall solutions ourselves or

    commission their speedy implementation.

    Ralf Bergemann, CAE/CAD Coordinator, Vattenfall Europe

    PowerConsult GmbH


    Wackers engineering tool philosophy is

    characterized by central data maintenance and

    decentralized usage by our suppliers. Since the

    introduction of the COMOS integrated engineeringsolution, this concept has been optimally supported.

    In addition to enhanced up-to-dateness of the

    documentation and higher data security, savings

    concerning data exchange and interfaces have

    become possible. Moreover, we identified further

    saving potential for the future.

    Klaus Kraml, Senior Manager, CAx-Systems & Applications,

    Engineering Services, Wacker Chemie AG, Burghausen, Germany

    Oil and Gas

    Above all, it was the object-oriented database struc-

    ture of COMOS that convinced us. This directly met

    many of our requirements for an integrated process

    development platform. Using this approach, we can

    supply even better products to our customers.

    Zhu Chun Tian, Sr. Vice President at Sinopec Engineering


    We have been using COMOS since 2006 and already

    had major benefits. Since then not only our enginee-

    ring time has increased, but it has also gotten more

    consistent. Due to COMOS we are having great results

    in our projects.

    Leonardo Luiz Freitas Santos, Petrobras Petrleo Brasileiro S.A.

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    Data consistency

    Data is entered only once and is then available to all stake-

    holders anytime and everywhere. Stringent inheritance

    and linkage mechanisms provide all stakeholders involved

    in a project with access to up-to-date and consistent data

    from any location and at all times.

    Data integration

    Data integration brings information together from various

    data sources to construct a common data model with a

    standard structure. In software engineering, data integra-

    tion extends from linking different applications up to the

    central provision of data and services on a unified userinterface.

    Data modeling

    Data modeling helps avoid inconsistencies and redundan-

    cies within the managed data and speeds up data access;

    it can be supported by stored rulesets.

    Global engineering

    Global engineering is the concurrent processing of a proj-

    ect, across multiple countries and time zones, by multiple

    stakeholders involved in project development. Data can be

    viewed from any location around the globe and can be

    edited depending on selective access authorizations.

    InteroperabilityInteroperability is the ability of mutually independent

    systems and technologies to smoothly collaborate by com-

    plying with common standards. Information can be eff i-

    ciently provided without the need for specific inter-system

    arrangements. This facilitates quick and reliable world-

    wide decision-making around the clock.

    Object orientation in COMOS

    Object orientation is the holistic description of an existing

    component and its true-to-life graphical representation.

    The graphical and alphanumerical manifestations within

    the database constitute a single entity the object.


    Rather than processing individual development steps

    sequentially, simultaneous engineering parallelizes differ-

    ent workflows within project execution. Concurrent pro-

    cessing of mutually independent activities and overlap-

    ping of interdependent work steps can be performed

    while constantly exchanging information acceleratesproduct development.

    Time to market

    Time to market refers to the development time it takes

    from a product being conceived until its market entry. This

    time period is characterized by costs without any returns.


    Holistic, function-oriented mapping of a plant makes for

    end-to-end communication across all levels, offering all

    stakeholders consistent data, without any losses, on a uni-

    fied data platform. As a result, the complete documenta-

    tion can be traced anytime.

    Workflow and workflow management systemA workflow (sequence of operations) is a series of activi-

    ties in organizational processes that has a defined start,

    an organized sequence, and a defined end. A workflow

    management system is a software that controls the individ-

    ual steps within a workflow in accordance with the sched-

    ule stored in the computer and provides or requests the

    data required for this purpose.

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    Lets tackle things together and elaborate on our claim

    From Integrated Engineering to Integrated Operations

    in a personal dialogue. Get in touch with us we will be

    happy to answer all your queries!

    More detailed information is available on our website at:

    Use the opportunity to move closer to the future!

    Talks for new approaches andnew goals

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    03.2012, Siemens AG

    The information provided in this brochure contains merely

    general descriptions or characteristics of performance,

    which in case of actual use do not always apply as de-

    scribed or which may change as a result of further devel-

    opment of the products. An obligation to provide the re-

    spective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed

    in the terms of contract.

    The marks mentioned are registered trademarks of the

    respective owner. All product designations may be trade-

    marks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier com-

    panies whose use by third parties for their own purposes

    could violate the rights of the owners.
