
Comparison of Cutting Ability Between Serrated and Non-serrated Fossil Shark TeethResult of the Special Exhibition "The Shark" Related to Educational Program

Hajime TARU

Keywords shark tooth, serration, Carcharodon carcharias, Carcharodon megalodon,Otodus obliquus

Bull. Kanagawa prefect. Mus. (Nat. Sci.), no.33, pp. 61-66, Mar. 2004

(Compagno, 1984a; b)

2001 122002 3

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H. Taru62

(Carcharodon megalodon)Otodus obliquus

(Carcharodoncharcarias) 1

,2002 2

1 . 3 . , ,Otdus obliquus .

2. . : :




Comparison of Cutting Ability Between Serrated and Non-serrated Fossil Shark Teeth 63

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Comparison of Cutting Ability Between Serrated and Non-serrated Fossil Shark Teeth 65

3. . , : Otdus obliquus

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(1998) (2003) (2003)


1 1

Abler (1992) ホオジロザメ ムカシオオホオジロザメ オトダス

○ 20 11 5

× 3 9 16

○ 20 12 7

× 4 10 15○:切れ味がよかった,×:切れ味が悪かった



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2004 1 7 2004 1 15 .

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