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Page 1: Compound prepositions


Laurence Petoud

Executive Assistant

Formatrice en Entreprise

ECDL Expert

[email protected]

This support has been developed as part of my revisions for exams First Certificate in English.

Page 2: Compound prepositions

Compound PrepositionsCompound prepositions are also known as complex prepositions and are, as the name implies, made up of more than one word.For example, 'because of' and 'in between' are prepositions using two words while 'in front of' and 'on behalf of' are complex prepositions using three words.


He didn't go to university because of his grades.I accept this on behalf of my business partner.Some of the more common compound prepositions are used frequently in the English Language and they will always (or, most probably) be found together.The following is just a partial list of the more common complex prepositions.

Common Compound Prepositions

According toApart fromIn accordance withWith regard toDue toBecause ofCauses ofResult ofConsequence ofEffect ofEffect onFor lack ofFor want ofIn agreement withIn case ofIn charge ofIn the event of

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