
Computer Collection Events

Presented by Bryan Ukena

Types of Community Collections

Special Collection Event

Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Permanent Site

Community Collection Events

Special Collection Events

Typically one day on a weekend from 9am to 3pm

High participation compared to other events

Focused media Serves as a test

Community Collection EventsHousehold Hazardous Waste Collection Event

Generally Lower Participation

Lower Costs Clearly conveys

the message that CRT’s are Haz. waste

Community Collection Events

Permanent Site

High Participation Natural as an “Add-

on” to Permanent HHW site

Public Convenience Public Education is

On-going Increased Operating


Markets for Computer Equipment

Finding the Balance

Estimating Participation How many people can I expect? Who is eligible

Local residents Small business (less then 50

employees) What about institutions

Estimating ParticipationHow Many People Will Participate?

National Average 1% to 3% ofHouseholds Will Participate in a

Special Collection Event #Homes Rate Total Cars 40,000 X 1% = 400

Estimating ParticipationHow Much Material Can I Expect?

Average of 94 Pounds of Material / Car

Total Cars #/Car Total 400 X 94 = 37,600#

Average of 3.6 Units Per CarTotal Cars Units/Car Total Units 400 X 3.6 = 1,440

Estimating ParticipationWhat Type of Material Can I Expect?

Average of 44% monitors and 56% CPU’s and Other Computer Equipment

Total % MonitorsMonitors

37,600# X 44% = 16,544#

Sponsors How to find them

Talk to groups, local businesses, public agencies

How can they help Providing equipment, food,

advertisement Volunteers

Community Collection Events

Program Sustainability

Multi-Stakeholder Approach Governments Manufacturers Retailers Consumers

Future Marketing Concerns Markets Flat panel Gold value Items becoming obsolete faster CRT’s

Things to Remember Have a back up

plan for more material than expected

Have extra volunteers

Drink lots of water Have FUN!!!!!
