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Page 1: Conflict(3)

Karen S Wright


Page 2: Conflict(3)

Conflict•A good piece of literature has a problem or a conflict that is developed as the story progresses.•Conflict creates doubt about the outcome.•However, conflict has a recognizable solution, leaving a single impression or effect.

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•Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces, which are external or internal.•More than one conflict can weave through a story.

Conflict is Struggle

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•Conflicts are an integral part of life. They are as simple as a misunderstanding, as serious as a natural disaster, or complicated as a world conflict. •Literature is like a mirror and reflects life.•Conflict pulls us into a story to hold our interest. •Like conflict in life, a story’s problem can even evolve into a blessing.

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Conflict isn’t necessarily good vs. evil, but is more complicated.

Character vs. CharacterCharacter vs. selfCharacter/group vs. societyCharacter/group vs. natureCharacter vs. God or the supernatural.

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Character vs. CharacterOne person has a conflict with another person such as--•An argument between two people•An unsettled disagreement.

•Unresolved issues between two people•Passive aggressiveness•Physical altercation

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A person struggles inside and has trouble deciding what to do.

This struggle can involve opposite, powerful feelings and produce a dilemma.

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Sometimes conflict with self will result in a broken or wounded character.

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A conflict that pits a character against society or a dominant group with a different agenda or values.

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One group of people have conflict with another.

Homeland security.

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Character vs. Ideology

Greg Mortenson faces opposition in building schools in Taliban territory.

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Terrifying images…the heartbeat of gripping events.

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Character/Group vs. NatureNature can be a “nurse” or a “curse”.

“If I am going to be drowned. . .[why] was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?” The Open Boat

Hurricane Katrina

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•Mother-Nature is indifferent to human survival.•In the face of Mother-Nature, human frailty and mortality bow.

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Character vs. God or the Supernatural“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!”–Hamlet: Act II, ii.

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“Maybe you should give him his dignity.” E.T.


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Can such a man, so desperate, still boast he can save his life from the flashing bolts of god?" Oedipus Rex Sophocles

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“I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the great combat of life,…greater than any other earthly conflict.” Plato
