Page 1: Connecting with the enterprise - The how and why of connecting to Enterprise Software Systems with RubyMotion

Connecting with the Enterprise

The how and why of Enterprise integrations with RubyMotion

Page 2: Connecting with the enterprise - The how and why of connecting to Enterprise Software Systems with RubyMotion

Who the heck is this guy?Kevin Poorman, Architect at West Monroe Partners

@codefriar -- Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here's my twitter, So follow me, maybe!

Boring corporate bio here.-- West Monroe Partners.

#MyBabyDaughterTessa!, #Homebrew(beer), #Ruby, #AngularJS, #Iot, #Salesforce, #!Java, #!Eclipse, #FriendsDontLetFriendsUseEclipse #!boringCorporateness

Page 3: Connecting with the enterprise - The how and why of connecting to Enterprise Software Systems with RubyMotion


1. Why Enterprise software?

2. Challenges - We'll need a Young priest and an Old priest

3. Tools - We can do it!

4. A Salesforce Example

Page 4: Connecting with the enterprise - The how and why of connecting to Enterprise Software Systems with RubyMotion

Why Enterprise Software?

Flappy birds versus Email.

This is an interactive bit.

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Why Enterprise Software?so chart. much up and to the right. wow.

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Why Enterprise Software?

Enterprise Software Stinks.

Design is not simply art, it is the elegance of function.-- F. Porsche

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ChallengesLies, Damn Lies, and SDK's

1. Rest Apis Rest "ish" Apis, Soap Apis and SDKs

2. Authentication - Oauth or else

3. Data Integrity and Security

Page 8: Connecting with the enterprise - The how and why of connecting to Enterprise Software Systems with RubyMotion

ToolsTime for the how

1. Cocoapods

— ZKsForce

2. Gems

— AFMotion

3. Rakefile!

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An example with Enterprise CRM Software vendor Salesforce.

Resetting passwords like a Boss.

Talk is cheap, Show me the Code.

— Linus Torvald

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Enter the Rakefile: Frameworks

### Application Frameworks# You can *add* to this as neccessary but this is the minimum required# for Salesforce iOS SDK += %w(CFNetwork CoreData MobileCoreServices SystemConfiguration Security)app.frameworks += %w(MessageUI QuartzCore OpenGLES CoreGraphics sqlite3)

— How do you know which ones you need?

(lucky) ? Docs : Build Errors

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Enter the Rakefile: Libraries

### Additional libraries needed for Salesforce iOS SDK# You can generally add just about any dylib or static .a lib this way# These are system dylibsapp.libs << "/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib"app.libs << "/usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib"app.libs << "/usr/lib/libz.dylib"# These are provided by Salesforces' iOS << "vendor/openssl/libcrypto.a"app.libs << "vendor/openssl/libssl.a"# app.libs << "vendor/RestKit/libRestKit.a"# app.libs << "vendor/SalesforceCommonUtils/libSalesforceCommonUtils.a"# app.libs << "vendor/SalesforceNativeSDK/libSalesforceNativeSDK.a"# app.libs << "vendor/SalesforceOAuth/libSalesforceOAuth.a"app.libs << "vendor/sqlcipher/libsqlcipher.a"# app.libs << "vendor/SalesforceSDKCore/libSalesforceSDKCore.a"app.libs << "vendor/sqlcipher/libsqlcipher.a"

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Enter the Rakefile: Vendor'd Projects

# RestKitapp.vendor_project "vendor/RestKit", :static, :headers_dir => "RestKit"

# Salesforce Common Utilsapp.vendor_project "vendor/SalesforceCommonUtils",:static,:headers_dir => "Headers/SalesforceCommonUtils"

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Enter the RakeFile: When good vendors go bad

# Salesforce Native SDKapp.vendor_project "vendor/SalesforceNativeSDK",:static,:headers_dir => "include/SalesforceNativeSDK"

Warning, a wall of boring, soulless, corporate code is coming.

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class AppDelegate

attr_accessor :window, :initialLoginSuccessBlock, :initialLoginFailureBlock

# def OAuthLoginDomain() # # You can manually override and force your app to use # # a sandbox by changing this to # "" # end

def RemoteAccessConsumerKey() # Specify your connected app's consumer key here "3MVG9A2kN3Bn17hsUZHiKXv6UUn36wtG7rPTlcsyH8K4jIUB2O2CU4dHNILQ_6lD_l9uDom7TjTSNEfRUE6PU" end

def OAuthRedirectURI() # This must match the redirect url specified in your # connected app settings. This is a fake url scheme # but for a mobile app, so long as it matches you're good. "testsfdc:///mobilesdk/detect/oauth/done" end

def dealloc() NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.removeObserver(self, name:"kSFUserLogoutNotification", object:SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.removeObserver(self, name:"kSFLoginHostChangedNotification", object:SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager) end

def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions) if self SFLogger.setLogLevel(SFLogLevelDebug) SFAccountManager.setClientId(RemoteAccessConsumerKey()) SFAccountManager.setRedirectUri(OAuthRedirectURI()) SFAccountManager.setScopes(NSSet.setWithObjects("api", nil)) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector: :logoutInitiated, name: "kSFUserLogoutNotification", object:SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector: :loginHostChanged, name: "kSFLoginHostChangedNotification", object:SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager)

@weakSelf = self.initialLoginSuccessBlock = lambda { |info| @weakSelf.setupRootViewController }

self.initialLoginFailureBlock = lambda { |info,error| SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager.logout }

end self.window = UIWindow.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) self.initializeAppViewState SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager.loginWithCompletion(self.initialLoginSuccessBlock, failure:self.initialLoginFailureBlock) true end

def initializeAppViewState() @window.rootViewController = InitialViewController.alloc.initWithNibName(nil, bundle:nil) @window.makeKeyAndVisible end

def setupRootViewController() navVC = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController( @window.rootViewController = navVC end

def logoutInitiated(notification) self.log.SFLogLevelDebug(msg:"Logout Notification Recieved. Resetting App") self.initializeAppViewState SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager.loginWithCompletion(self.initialLoginSuccessBlock, failure:self.initialLoginFailureBlock) end

def loginHostChanged(notification) self.log.SFLogLevelDebug(msg:"Login Host Changed Notification Recieved. Resetting App") self.initializeAppViewState SFAuthenticationManager.sharedManager.loginWithCompletion(self.initialLoginSuccessBlock, failure:self.initialLoginFailureBlock) end


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And now for the actually useful bit in all that

def setupRootViewController() # Yeah, if you could just replace the root view controller with a ProMotion # Screen, that'd be great. navVC = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController( @window.rootViewController = navVC end

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Using the SDK Functions

def query_sf_for_users results = SFRestAPI.sharedInstance.performSOQLQuery( # Salesforce has a fun variant on Sql called # "SOQL" or Salesforce Object Query Language. # First Argument is the Query we want to run. "SELECT id, Name, LastName FROM user", failBlock: lambda {|e| ap e }, # Method is a fun Method that invokes the named # method as a lambda. completeBlock: method(:sort_results) ) end

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Using the SDK functions

def reset_password args UIAlertView.alert("Reset Users Password?", buttons: ["Cancel", "OK"], message: "Salesforce will reset their password!") { |button| if button == "OK" results = SFRestAPI.sharedInstance.requestPasswordResetForUser( @id, # id of user to invoke password reset. failBlock: lambda {|e| ap e }, completeBlock: method(:password_reset_complete) ) end }end

def password_reset_complete response if(Twitter.accounts.size > 0) UIAlertView.alert("Password Reset!", buttons: ["OK", "Tweet"]) { |button| tweet if button == "Tweet" } endend

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Turns this:

RootViewController *rootVC = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]; UINavigationController *navVC = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootVC]; self.window.rootViewController = navVC;

Into this:

rootVC = RootViewController.alloc.initWithNibName(nil, bundle:nil) navVC = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController(rootVC) self.window.rootViewController = navVC

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Q & AWhere we A some Q's

Comments? Snide Remarks?

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Thank You!

Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.-- A. Einstein

Ps: Investigative reporters have discovered that RM 3.5, will include a third new Ruby Compiler -- for Windows and Windows Phone 8.1, this will, of course, be the only redeeming feature of Windows*.