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Page 1: Contact 02/2011

INDUSTRY WITH A TAILWINDThe world has ambitious plans for rapid development of wind energy – the opportunities behind a long-neglected onshore and off-shore energy source

AFTER THE WORST-CASE SCENARIOHow our radiation protection experts are supporting the people and industries of Japan

CISTERNS FOR TANZANIAEngineers without Borders help people help themselves

contactC U STO M E R M AG A Z I N E O F T Ü V R H E I N L A N DC U STO M E R M AG A Z I N E O F T Ü V R H E I N L A N D I S S U E 2 . 11I S S U E 2 . 11

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Technology & Safety04 16 24 Markets & ExpertiseTrends & Innovation

Focus: Wind energy

Fresh air 04

How people can profit from the wind

High pressure 06

A sector between protective walls

and windmills

Assembly instructions 08How wind energy giants are


Head in the clouds 10An interview with Frank Witte on the

future of wind energy

High-wire act 12Why our engineers are crazy

about Alpha Ventus

Mission 16

How Dr. Jens Uwe Schmollack and his

team are supporting Japanese industries

Dragnet 20

How material inspector Dr. Jürgen

Dartmann detects hazardous material


Herculean task 24

How Hellenic Petroleum is modernizing a

refinery with help from our international




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SpotlightFacts and Figures 14

– New testing lab in Shanghai

– TÜV Rheinland corporate report

– Scrapping initiative

– Tracking fakes


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26African and German mayors discuss climate change and migration, an au pair

from Hungary looks after the neighbor’s children, your daughter goes to

school in Canada for a year, a call center in India handles your IT support

needs and the steak on your plate originated in Argentina – no area of modern

life can be seriously considered free from globalization.

In our business, project teams have long been reaching beyond national

boundaries, for example, to help build wind farms in the North Sea with com-

ponents from a dozen different countries. With our international expertise as

solution providers, we not only support wind turbine manufacturers in quality

assurance during production of individual elements, but also in the selection

of the right raw materials. This spares the companies and their staff costly

and risky remedial work in rough seas. To find out how this works, what ex-

traordinary people are involved, where the winds of change are taking the

energy market and much more, check out our lead story (pages 4 to 13). The

conversion of a Greek oil refinery is another prime example of how our ex-

perts’ know-how enables companies to draw on global supply chains to build

complex systems – dependably, economically and successfully (pages 24 and


Being at the right place at the right time is not just our core competency, it’s

also something we take to heart – our experts are dedicated to helping people

and protecting them from risks. Find out about how our radiation protection

team in Japan (page 16) and Engineers without Borders in Tanzania (page 26)

are helping people help themselves.


People & Environment

Human rights 26

Why we support Engineers without

Borders in building cisterns in Tanzania

Values 29

A new quality of relationship between

car tuners and TÜV inspectors

Editorial Information 32

03contact 2.11

Cover picture:

Katja Flöther, Head of Sales for

wind energy at TÜV Rheinland.

Dr. Christoph Hack, Member of the Executive Board TÜV Rheinland AG

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Trends & Innovation Wind energy04

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Fresh summer breezes, frosty winter blizzards, increasingly frequent

and devastating hurricanes: wind has always been a mixed blessing for

mankind. Once harnessed to propel battleships and drive mills, today it

is a promising source of energy for the future. The share of wind energy

in worldwide electricity production mix is seeing a sharp upswing – as

attested by wind farms like Thanet near the mouth of the Thames and

the offshore wind power plant Baltic I, which EnBW commissioned in

2011. At a rated power of 48.3 megawatts, it meets the energy needs

of around 50,000 households. And our experts are supporting RWE

Innogy in an even bigger project: the wind farm Nordsee-Ost, where we

are overseeing construction, has six times that capacity or 295 MW. By

2012, REpower will erect 48 turbines with a rated power of around 6.15

MW each near the island of Heligoland. The 1.1 million MWh produced

annually will supply energy to as many as 300,000 households. Read

more in the following pages.

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PROTECTIVE WALLS AND WINDMILLSPeople have been harnessing the wind since the beginnings of civilization, but the history of electricity generation by wind is still young. What potential do the trade winds, monsoon, föhn, mistral, bora and scirocco have for meeting the world’s energy needs? What prospects exist in conjunction with other renewable energy sources?

All wind turbines worldwide have a total rated power of around 200 GW, sufficient to supply around 200 million households with clean electricity. China is today’s “Wind state No. 1” after over-taking the US in 2010. They are fol-lowed in the top ten by Germany, Spain and India, which today is virtually equal with Italy, France, Great Britain as well as Canada and Denmark.


USA40,180 GW20,7 %

Canada4,009 GW2,1 %

Great Britain5,204 GW2,7 %

France5,660 GW2,9 %

Germany27,214 GW14,0 %

Denmark3,752 GW1,9 %

China42,287 GW21,8 %

India13,063 GW6,7 %

Italy5,797 GW3,0 %

Spain20,676 GW10,6 %

Other countries26 546 GW13,7 %

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As early as 5000 BC, the clever Egyptians

expanded their empire using sailing craft.

Windmills for grinding flour and grist were

not invented in Holland, but around 1750 BC

in Babylonia. Eight centuries later, mills with

vertical rotation axes and standing vanes,

blades or sails were a common feature of

the Persian landscape. Windmills did not

come to symbolize the Netherlands until

the 16th century, and Don Quixote has been

tilting in vain at the winged monsters upon

brave Rosinante since 1605. In 1887, the

Scottish electrical engineer James Blyth

became the first person to use wind power

to illuminate his holiday home. But this

technology was long considered expensive

and inefficient, even though the physicist

Albert Betz developed the theoretical basis

for the aerodynamics of rotors in Göttingen

around 30 years later. According to his

work, up to 59.3 percent of the available

energy can be converted to mechanical

power using aerodynamically optimized ro-

tors: Betz’ law, which remains true today.

With the intensified debate on energy is-

sues that began 20 years ago and today’s

increased public awareness of climate

change, wind power is seeing an upswing.

Wind turbines can be deployed on land and

at sea in all climate zones. According to

Greenpeace, wind energy has the potential

to generate one third of all electricity need-

ed by the middle of this century – resulting

in a considerable CO2 reduction. But no na-

tion is as heavily committed as Norway’s

smallest island: Utsira is home to 215 peo-

ple. The required energy is produced by two

state-of-the-art wind power generators,

whose output is stored by means of the

world´s first wind-hydrogen power plant.

Using electrolysis, excess energy is trans-

formed into hydrogen, which is then stored.

The resulting hydrogen fuel cell powers a

generator to supply Utsira residents with

electricity in calms and storms.

New technologies convert wind energy

into hydrogen

Harvard University has concluded that wind

energy would be sufficient not only to cover

the entire world energy requirement, but an

amount up to 40 times greater. But not ev-

eryone is a fan of this renewable energy

resource: for years, middle-class environ-

mental activists have been blocking what

they consider the “desecration of the land-

scape” and threats to birdlife, neighbors

complain of health issues caused by the so-

called infrasound of the rotor blades. Ame-

rican medical researchers have since dis-

proved this claim: at a distance of up to 300

meters, the noise level is between 40 and

50 dB(A) on average – quieter than many

workplaces. However, large-scale technolo-

gical solutions for storing surplus electricity

until the next peak period are still lacking. In

2009, the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind En-

ergy presented a technology for turning

electricity into natural gas: electricity is

used to produce hydrogen by electrolysis.

The hydrogen is then converted to methane

– the main component of natural gas – by

the addition of CO2. Energy produced in this

way could be fed into the existing natural

gas infrastructure, used to drive natural-gas

cars directly or processed further into gaso-

line or diesel. In mid-2011, a first hybrid

power plant for producing hydrogen from

wind energy is scheduled to go into opera-

tion in Berlin. This is the first pilot project to

link the energy sources wind, hydrogen and


Wind is caused primarily by the differences in air pressure be-tween air masses on land (warmer) and at sea (cooler). The greater the difference between the air pressures, the greater the flow of the warmer air masses into the low-pressure region – and the stronger the wind. The wind speed is measured in km/h, the Beaufort scale indicates the strength from 2 (breeze) to 12 (hurricane).


The offshore wind farm Thanet is 12 kilometers northeast of the mouth of the Thames. It com-prises 100 Vestas V90 wind tur-bines and is operated by Vattenfall UK. Each turbine has a rotor mea-suring 90 meters in diameter; the generators are rated for 3 MW each, for a total of around 300 MW rated power. The farm covers an area of around 35 square kilome-ters. In this region, the North Sea has a depth of 20 to 25 meters.


Wind energy Trends & Innovation

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Over the sea, the air cools and falls

Over the land, the air warms and rises

New air masses rush in

sea land


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GLOBAL PUZZLEThe Nordsee-Ost (NSO) wind park of RWE Innogy is super-sized in every sense. We are monitoring the manufacture of individual components. The 34-meter-long tower segments are being assembled in Cuxhaven. An onsite report.

This puzzle is really a job for giants. That is

how Johann Grapengiesser views building

a wind turbine. The project head at TÜV

Rheinland and his team for monitoring the

production of the components for the NSO

wind farm near the island of Heligoland are

currently travelling all over Europe. The

frames for the nacelles and machines are

being welded in Germany and in the Czech

Republic by Excon. The transmissions are

being built by Winergy in Vörde, in Germany

near the Dutch border. The rotor blades are

coming from the Danish company LM Wind

Power in Lunderskov and Powerblades in

Today, the giant among wind turbines is the ENERCON E-126, with a rated power of 7.5 mega watts. The hub height is 135 meters, and the overall height is 198 meters – just 29 meters less than San Francisco’s famed Golden Gate Bridge. The rotor has a diameter of 127 meters, longer than a soccer field. On January 27, 2011, the system went online near Magdeburg. Un-der favorable wind conditions, it generates 14,000 MWh per year and supplies up to 15,000 people with clean electricity.

An inside view of a giant: Gundolf Wehr-meister inspects the surfaces and welds using a flashlight.


Gundolf Wehrmeister, inspector for the NSO project, oversees construction of tower segments at the Ambau company facilities in Cuxhaven.

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Bremerhaven. They form fiberglass-plastic

laminates into rotor blades 62 meters long,

which are inspected according to a pre-

cisely defined testing process on comple-


Eyes and ears

Our engineers are involved virtually every-

where. RWE Innogy has contracted them

to monitor the specified test plans as third

party inspectors. “We are RWE’s eyes and

ears in the production. My team and I sup-

port the processes, detect faults, offer rec-

ommendations for corrections and identify

manufacturing deviations,” summarizes Jo-

hann Grapengiesser. As mediators between

the customer and suppliers, they moderate

the working relationship and make sure that

the contractually stipulated specifications

are met.

Safe at wind force 10

With this quality assurance during produc-

tion, RWE Innogy wants to avoid remedial

work on the high seas. Repairs under harsh

weather conditions are many times more

complicated and costly than directly in the

plants of the component manufacturers.

The harsh offshore deployment makes ex-

treme demands of the steel components of

the tower and nacelle; welds and corrosion

protection have to last for decades. The

non-destructive testing of each weld is car-

ried out after grinding and sand-blasting.

The coating of zinc or special resin-based

plastics in particular must protect the rust-

prone steel from aggressive sea salt for

many years.

Tower in transit

The tower segments are constructed at the

plant of Ambau Stahl- und Anlagenbau in

Cuxhaven. Each of these sections of the

final tower is 34.5 meters long and weighs

121.5 tons. They are welded together, com-

plete with all entire internal components,

including elevator fittings, cable ducts and


The individual elements are then trans-

ported by night to Bremerhaven as a heavy

load, where they are transferred to a special

ship. This vessel transports the preassem-

bled segments to their sites off Heligoland.

In spite of its length of over 100 meters and

a beam of 40 meters, this ship, designed

especially for NSO, can hold its position to

within centimeters using satellite signals in

water depths of up to 40 meters.

Freshly formed and welded, the tower sections await the next processing steps.


Wind energy Trends & Innovation

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Johann Grapengiesser

[email protected]

+ 49 221 806-4385

+ 49 40 378 79 04-67

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When it comes to employee qualifi-cation for the wind energy industry, the TÜV Rheinland Academy is the ideal partner. Together with the tech-nology-focused university TU Berlin, we recently developed a unique pro-gram for training managers at Ves-tas in deploying the new carbon fi-ber composite technology. Vestas is a global leader in the manufacture of offshore wind turbines and has been operating a rotor blade factory


in Lauchhammer since 2002. The TÜV Rheinland Academy has a facil-ity in the immediate vicinity. “With our plastics competence center, we are an important provider of educa-tional services for renewable ener-gies,” explains director Rainer Er-bisch. Worldwide, TÜV Rheinland Academy prepares executives for new challenges, provides safety training and trains individuals in the use of new energy technology.


The world has ambitious plans for expanding wind power, and not only in China, India and the US. The European Union could cover 14 percent of its energy needs using wind energy by 2020. By 2030 the figure could even be as high as 28 per-cent, according to the European Wind Energy Association. We support global projects of virtually all major manufactur-ers. Frank Witte coordinates these global activities for us. He is expecting expansion in the areas of offshore wind farms.


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A strong updraft: the wind energy market grew by 36 gigawatts, around 22.5 percent, in 2010.

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Wind energy Trends & Innovation

Where is the world wind energy busi-

ness heading through 2020?

By the end of 2010, over 194 gigawatts of

rated power had been installed all over the

world. That’s equivalent to around 20 medi-

um-sized nuclear power plants of the same

type as the still-operative Fukushima I-6

reactor. The Global Wind Energy Council

estimates that this capacity will double in

the next three to four years. Worldwide

forecasts say around 1000 gigawatts will be

installed by 2020. In 2010 alone, the global

industry grew by 22.5 percent.

Will wind energy replace atomic pow-


Certainly not as fast as widely predicted.

This is due to the cost of atomic power,

which is enabling emerging nations to grow

economically. However, economies of scale

are making wind energy less and less ex-

pensive in series production. The larger the

systems and the more they are manufac-

tured on industrial scales, the less costly

wind power will be.

What’s driving this dynamic?

Researchers and actuaries knew long be-

fore Fukushima that humanity needs new

energy policies. Fossil fuels must be re-

duced due to their CO2 emissions, and the

risk assessment of atomic power has

changed. Wind energy still harbours enor-

mous efficiency potential – not least, for the


What’s next technologically?

The largest wind turbine today has a rated

power of 7.5 MW. Turbines with 20 MW

could be available by 2020. The tower and

nacelle height will increase from an average

100 meters today to up to 150 meters. Ex-

perts calculate that each meter of altitude

yields one percent more electricity produc-

tion. Internationally leading experts say

maximum rotor diameter can be increased

in the future from the current 120 to 200

meters. Particularly the introduction of car-

bonfiber plastic technology will make this

possible. And there is still a lot of potential

for increasing power production in the aero-

dynamics of the rotor blades. At present,

the average wind yield is around 30 percent.

So there is still a lot of development scope

until we hit the theoretical limit of Albert

Betz of 59.3 percent. Especially in the

coastal regions of Europe, the US and China

– where most people live – offshore wind

farms consisting of several hundred tur-

bines will be built.

Are the industrial production capacities

up to this task?

What we are observing globally with opera-

tors and their manufacturers is comparable

to the automotive industry in the 1980s.

Industrial mass production is advancing.

However, it has not yet reached the level of

conventional engine manufacturing. The

series production and quality assurance in

the offshore area still requires a great deal

of development work, particularly in corro-

sion protection.

A global companion of our wind energy projects: engineer (Dipl.-Ing.) Frank Witte.

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THE SPICE OF LIFEThe jobs of some engineers look more like high-wire acrobatics. Whether commissioning, regular inspec-tions or maintenance management – everything must be done way up in the air. And our experts enjoy their adventurous jobs even in force-6 winds.

Wind turbines consist of a rotor with hub and rotor blades that convert the wind energy into mechanical rota-tional motion. The rotor blades are similar to aircraft wings. The top sur-face is curved more than the bottom surface. The air flow over the rotor blades thus generates a higher pres-sure on the underside and a lower pressure on the upper side. This cre-ates lift forces that cause the rotor to turn. The rotor transfers its energy to a generator via a driveshaft and, in some configurations, a transmission. A rotating machine housing, the na-celle, allows the system to turn with the wind and accommodates the en-tire technology. The higher the tower, the higher the wind speed and the energy yield.


Not the most comfortable workplace: Frank Kunkel uses a winch and cable to rappel along a 150-meter-high Alpha Ventus tower. “Touring” is the professional term for this type of onsite inspection.

Rotor• Fatigue fractures• Cracking• Lightning strikes• Rotor blade adjuster


Bearings and shafts• Shaft imbalance• Bearing damage

Transmission• Gears• Seals

Generator• Wire winding• Overheating• Ventilation system

Nacelle• Control technology• Mechanical wind

direction follower• Assembly crane

Tower• Ascension aids

(ladders, stairs, elevators)• Hoists, hoisting ropes, chains• Bolts and rivets• Stability• Platform (particularly offshore)

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Wind energy Trends & Innovation


Eight o’clock on a pleasant morning in fall

2010 above the training wind turbine of Al-

pha Ventus in Cuxhaven. Right on the

beach, wind force 6 on the Beaufort scale

– that is: strong wind, rough sea with white-

caps. Entirely normal weather for the North

Sea. And for Frank Kunkel. He has already

put on his personal protective gear, and in

a few minutes our engineer will walk out

the door – of the helicopter D-HTMA, which

he took off in to complete his helicopter

rappelling course. Asked if he’s afraid, he

just smiles. “This is the spice of life for an

engineer,” says the enthusiastic diver and

sailor. He loves the sea and the weather.

The modern helicopter, two turbines with

650 hp each, is specially designed for off-

shore missions. Frank Kunkel is lowered to

the object he is to inspect via the outboard

hoist. He must pass this course in order to

be able to rescue himself or colleagues in

the event of a precarious situation on Alpha

Ventus. He has been lucky so far. He was

able to perform the commissioning inspec-

tion of the ascension aids for Eon, Vattenfall

and RWE, the owners of the first German

offshore wind farm, from a ship. The com-

missioning of an offshore wind turbine is

the final phase of a major contract that

got underway in 2008.

Frank Kunkel “toured” the

eight towers with their

giant rotors erected

by REpower and

Areva. The 5

Loves his work and trusts in good material: Frank Kunkel, the Alpha Ventus high-wire artist.

MW rated power of each unit will secure

the electrical supply of up to 6,000 homes.

Frank Kunkel was satisfied: the require-

ments of the machine directive and the

operational safety regulation had been me-

ticulously observed. Nothing stood in the

way of approval.

Everything from a single source

Whether offshore or onshore: Frank Kunkel

is one of our 12 engineers who scale wind

turbines in Germany. They help secure a

part of our energy supply. As an authorized

inspection agency, we are the solution pro-

vider for wind turbine operators. In addition

to the “first climb,” our experts inspect all

safety-relevant components in the required

two-year intervals: rotor blades, for in-

stance, are subject to enormous stresses.

Our engineers visually inspect the parts,

looking for signs of material fatigue or dam-

age due to lightning strikes or birds. Par-

ticularly ascension aids such as elevators

and ladders can become death traps for

maintenance personnel. As a consequence,

legislators the world over impose stringent

safety requirements on the operation of

wind turbines, the ascension aids and the

authorized inspection agency.

Not a job for desk jockeys. “The important

thing is to not be afraid and trust the mate-

rial,” says Frank Kunkel. The academically

trained mechanical engineer is not afraid of

heights, but respects the dangers he ex-

poses himself to. It takes him around two

hours to inspect a wind turbine, and he is

surefooted even 90 to 100 meters up.

“Good physical dexterity and fitness are es-

sential, otherwise you can’t do this job.” To

make sure they stay that way, our

wind-climbers regularly attend

seminars such as rescue at

heights, offshore and heli-

copter training.

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Katja Flöther

[email protected]

+49 40 378 79 04-20

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For more than 20 years now, TÜV Rheinland has maintained operations

in China. With around 2000 employees it is now our largest branch

company in Asia. To further expand our local capacity, we opened a new

branch office with integrated testing facilities in Shanghai, in April 2011.

The building, with an area of around 17,000 square meters, houses test

labs for numerous product groups. As one of the largest and most

modern testing complexes in Asia, it is aimed at manufacturers in the

consumer goods, mechanical engineering and solar energy sectors.

With our work in this test complex, we will be in an even better position

to ensure that our clients’ products meet the technical standards of their

respective destination countries. In Shanghai tests are carried out on

electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility and everyday usability as

well as chemical analyses – all at the highest technical level. Our com-

pany maintains further large labs in Hong Kong, Guangdong and Shen-



As one of the first companies in Germany, we have re-

leased an integrated annual, financial and sustainability

report. Under the title “Boundless,” the report provides

facts and figures about our business success in 2010 as

well as on corporate social responsibility as a part of our

corporate strategy. The report also contains background

information on innovative processes in the areas of mate-

rials testing, the establishment of new test centers

abroad and energy efficiency. The sustainability report

complies with the criteria of the independent Global Re-

porting Initiative, which once again gave it its highest re-

port rating of A+. For the first time, parts of the sustain-

ability report were audited by the auditing firm of PwC.

“As a neutral provider of testing services, we have a par-

ticular obligation toward the general public when it comes

to transparency and openness. With this new corporate

report, we are the global pioneer in our industry,” says

Aud Feller, Head of Communications at TÜV Rheinland

AG. The integrated corporate report is available as an in-

teractive online report, as well as in printed and PDF ver-

sions in German and English. More information at: www.


and Figures

Focused clients’ target markets: our new branch office in Shang-hai features an integrated testing lab.

Compact: TÜV Rheinlandpublished his first integrated corporate report.

Information: Aud Feller, [email protected]: Ralf Scheller, [email protected]












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Experts estimate that ten percent of all products sold

on the world market are counterfeits. According to

the German Anticounterfeiting Association (APM),

fakes cost the German economy alone 50 billion eu-

ros and up to 70,000 jobs – every year. And the trend

is increasing.

To counter this, TÜV Rheinland has developed a pa-

tented Product Authentication and Control System

(PACS). It allows unique marking of all products, in-

cluding pharmaceutical packages, batteries, textiles

and solar modules. During production, each individual

product is marked with a unique, randomly gene-

rated code. With this solution for tracking and tracing

shipments, products can be identified and monitored

along the entire supply chain. Even end consumers

can verify the authenticity of a product via the Inter-

net or mobile device. In addition to PACS, our service

portfolio for combating product piracy comprises on-

line monitoring, investigations, supply chain security

audits, patent, brand and design protection and IT


The first Cologne Conference on Product Piracy and

Brand Protection will be held this year on October 6,

2011. More information at


contact 2.11 15

Information: Daniel Ritlewski,[email protected]

In mid-April, German customs seized 5,700 electric drills and 1,850 angle grind-

ers at the Port of Hamburg – products that bore unapproved test marks of TÜV

Rheinland or were in violation of trademark law. We had these products de-

stroyed to demonstrate our zero-tolerance policy toward brand piracy and test

mark counterfeiting. A giant construction machine crushed the boxes contain-

ing the products, rendering them unmarketable. The application for border sei-

zure was submitted to the intellectual-property authority (Zentralstelle für ge-

werblichen Rechtsschutz) of German customs and approved in 2010. Our aim

was to intensify action against the misuse of test marks and trademark vio-

lations. The main emphasis was on protecting the trusted GS Mark, and thus

consumer confidence. Through this proactive approach, we prevented danger-

ous products from ending up in private households. We initially bear the costs

ourselves because we cannot always recover damages from those who try to

market the products – but that will not deter us in our struggle against abuse of

test marks. At, consumers and dealers can enter the ID

number of a product and find out whether it is entitled to bear a seal or test



Information: Dr. Susanne Aretz, [email protected]

Scrapping fakes as a public spectacle: TÜV Rheinland cracks down on products with counterfeit test marks.

Original above, imitation below: TÜV Rheinland’s “Track & Trace” system helps in less obvious cases.

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16 contact 2.11

Accummod oloborem vel utpat lutem dolor secte do-lore molortio eriureet wisim nibh ea feum veliquipis

Technology & Safety Radiation protection16Seeking to bring order to chaos: a large number of experts work on a grid line connection to the offsite power grid, the Okuma line, at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

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Shortly after twelve o’clock on Friday, March

11, 2011: Dr. Jens-Uwe Schmollack, one of

our radiation protection experts in Berlin,

hears the news about the devastating earth-

quake in Japan. The quake causes the cool-

ing systems of reactors at the nuclear

power facility Fukushima Daiichi to fail. “I

was shocked and extremely concerned,”

recalls Dr. Schmollack. He immediately gets

in touch with his colleagues in Berlin and

Cologne. They are all experts in the area of

nuclear technology and radiation protection,

and form a specialist network in an extreme-

ly short time. From then on, the team led by

Dr. Margot Horn, Head of the Radiation Pro-

tection Business Field in Germany, is in

constant contact with colleagues abroad

and in Japan as well. On the weekend after

the disaster, they try day and night to get an

accurate picture of the situation, estimate

possible consequences and give recom-

mendations. But the situation deteriorates

dramatically: explosions occur, releasing

radioactive materials. While many foreign-

ers leave the country as rapidly as possible,

Dr. Schmollack immediately embarks for

Following the nuclear disaster in Japan, our radiation protection experts are assisting local citizens and industry: they provide qualified information, take measurements, advise and help residents help them-selves. A look at the present and future of a nightmare.

Japan. “The first thing I did was get up to

date on the radiological situation at our

Japanese main office in Yokohama,” he

says. Yokohama is around 50 kilometers

south of Tokyo. Our experts help swiftly and

without red tape: using special measuring

equipment from Germany, some of which

Dr. Schmollack brought personally, they

conduct numerous radiation protection

measurements in the greater Tokyo region.

Our German specialists check schools and

playgrounds free of charge. Companies

based there also commission the testers to

measure their premises. The focus is on

both the dose rate, a measure of the exter-

nal radiation load, and the contamination of

objects, buildings or food, which is respon-

sible for the internal radiation load.

From cars to mother’s milk

In the first weeks after the nuclear incident,

our laboratories are working all-out. The

analyses commissioned by Japanese pri-

vate individuals and companies cover such

diverse specimens as soil samples, car

parts, mother’s milk and drinking water.

“We enjoy a high reputation in Japan. They

value our expertise and the care we put into

our work,” notes Dr. Schmollack. Because

the consequences of the nuclear disaster in

Japan will persist for years, we are sup-

porting the Japanese population and indus-

try over the long term. “We have received

a great number of inquiries from industry,”

Monitoring the radiation levels: radiation protection expert Dr. Jens-Uwe Schmollack checks vegetable crops in Japan.

Page 18: Contact 02/2011


affirms Bruno Kuckartz, Head of Division for

Energy Systems and Automation, “because

the radiological effects impact Japan’s en-

tire export market – particularly the automo-

tive industry.”

To secure sufficient capacity to handle the

numerous contracts, we are currently es-

tablishing a competence center with new

laboratories in Yokohama. We have already

invested considerably since March, for ex-

ample in state-of-the-art measurement

technology. Now we can both scan large

areas and conduct precise individual mea-

surements. “This enables us to measure

rapidly and precisely on a large scale. Above

all in manufacturing facilities, but also in

places such as ports, the measuring equip-

ment is a big help,” explains Dr. Schmol-


TÜV Rheinland wishes to support its clients

over the long term, beyond the current crisis

management. Anyone who considers how

many parts go into making a car will under-

stand that we cannot possibly check all

parts. Consequently, companies must inte-

grate measuring and monitoring in their

production processes. We advise them on

this and help them to procure and install

suitable equipment.

We would also like to train company staff

for the new tasks. “In addition, we want to

certify the monitoring with technical mea-

suring instruments,” says Bruno Kuckartz.

This will enable manufacturers to easily

18 contact 2.11

prove that their products are free of harmful


No fear of imports

Important information for consumers: since

the accident, goods from Japan are being

closely monitored. According to experts,

concern of irradiated products is unjustified,

as measurements are conducted when the

products are exported from Japan and again

on importation in the destination country, for

twofold customer protection. While the

German government is planning to elimi-

nate nuclear power by 2022, the discussion

on alternative energy sources has just be-

gun in Japan. “With our many years of ex-

perience, we can support the dismantling of

nuclear facilities,” says Bruno Kuckartz. To

prepare for increasing demand, we are cur-

rently building up our team in the area of

nuclear technology and radiation protection

in Japan and around the world.

March 11, 2011, changed not only Japan but

the entire world. The consequences of this

disaster continue to impact the globalized

economy and do not stop at national bor-

ders. “The international ramifications show

that the existing regulatory system is inad-

equate. It concentrates on immediately

managing the incident, but not on the glo bal

dimension,” observes Dr. Schmollack. As of

the beginning of July 2011, he is back in

Berlin. He and his colleagues continue their

work for Japan undiminished.

A tool for experts to measure ionizing radiation: the scintillation counter.

Page 19: Contact 02/2011


Radiation protection Technology & Safety

contact 2.11


Radiation is measured in sieverts

(Sv): 1 sievert (Sv) = 1,000 mil-

lisieverts (mSv) = 1,000,000 micro-

sieverts (µSv)

Limit values vary internationally. In

Germany, the legal limit value for in-

dividuals in the general population is

1 mSv effective dose per year.

0.08 mSv is equivalent to the effec-

tive dose on a long-distance flight,

for instance, from Frankfurt to New


For persons occupationally exposed

to radiation, the limit value in Ger-

many is 20 mSv effective dose per


The system of limit values for nucle-

ar disasters is extremely complex.

250 mSv is considered the limit val-

ue for the persons exposed to radia-

tion in the course of eliminating the

accident damage on the premises of

the nuclear plant in Fukushima.

A single dose of 1000 mSv causes

radiation sickness, but is not neces-

sarily fatal. More than 6000 mSv

causes immediate radiation sickness,

which causes death within days if

not treated.

Following the releases at the Fuku-

shima nuclear power plant, dose

rates in the range of 12 mSv per

hour were measured in the vicinity

of the facility.

In Germany, objects, buildings and

floor surfaces are considered radio-

logically safe when the resulting

effective dose is equivalent to the

value of 10 µSv (0.01 mSv).

The disaster of Fukushima under-scores the hazards of nuclear power: effective radiation protection helps reduce risk.


Dr. Jens-Uwe Schmollack

[email protected]

+49 30 7562-1567

Page 20: Contact 02/2011


2020 contact 2.11

Page 21: Contact 02/2011

21contact 2.11

An industrial building in northern Germany.

The roof structure needs renovation, and

workers use a lifting platform to raise them

to roof level along the building wall. When

they are about halfway up, a dull blast

echoes in the morning air – and the platform

suddenly drops out from under their feet.

The lifting platform abruptly tips over, so fast

that none of the workers can hold on. The

foreman immediately rushes to help his col-

leagues who have fallen to the ground. The

accident plays out in just a fraction of a sec-

ond, but condemns the accident victims to

weeks in hospital. It is subsequently found

that two steel bolts in a supporting member

had suddenly snapped. The lifting platform

simply collapsed.

Some time later, the broken steel bolts,

along with sections of piping and some

welded metal plates, land on the workbench

of Jürgen Dartmann in Cologne, Germany.

Our materials tester and damage analyst is

charged with finding out how this accident

could occur. Every year, he and his team

process around 200 commissions – a job

much like that of a crime scene investigator:

Fractures, holes, cracks – material damage on industrial equipment is always potentially dangerous. As relentless as any crime scene inves-tigator, damage analyst Dr. Jürgen Dartmann seeks to uncover the root causes until the culprit has been identified.

to prove beyond a reasonable doubt why a

specific event occurred on the basis of just

a few clues. Even insurance companies and

prosecutors depend on Dartmann’s judg-

ment. “Only we’re not concerned with mur-

der but with torn welds in factories or cor-

roded drinking water pipes,” says the

expert. Dartmann seeks to find the nature

and the cause of the damage, at least in

most cases – sometimes he also acts in a

preventative capacity to keep damage from

occurring in the first place.

Material inspection Technology & Safety

Prevention mission: Dr. Jürgen Dartmann inspects a bottling system at Cologne’s Reissdorf Brewery to prevent damage before it can happen.

Deep pits under electron bombardment

Dartmann frowns briefly while he regards

one of the steel bolts in his hand. His expe-

rienced eye detects a fine linear structure

on the fracture surface. A first clue? “Could

be a fatigue fracture,” Dartmann mumbles.

But suspicion is a long way from proof. That

is provided by the scanning electron micro-

scope. The principle: the fracture surface is

irradiated by electron beams in a special

chamber, producing a detailed image. This

can be displayed on a monitor – at a magni-

fication of up to 100,000 to 1. The result is

astonishing: the fine lines now look like

No escape: the three-point bend test shows at what stress level a metal begins to give and become deformed.

Page 22: Contact 02/2011


deep pits and appear to cluster at the edge

of the fracture surface. “The bolt received

a slight crack which gradually worked its

way into the interior,” Dartmann explains. It

is in fact a fatigue fracture. This can be rec-

ognized from the wavy lines which beat

against each other roughly under load.

But it is not enough to examine the fracture

surface from the outside alone. “We also

need to study the anatomy of the material,”

Dartmann says. Only a look inside can re-

veal why the fracture occurred. A hot clue

for the damage analyst: something may

have gone wrong in the casting of the bolt.

Possible errors and irregularities can be de-

tected even after the fact by means of de-

structive testing of the material.

A look inside

At a prominent location on the fracture sur-

face where the cracking began, Dartmann

and his colleague cut a tiny piece out of the

bolt. They grind, polish and treat the sample

with acid until they obtain a mirror-smooth

surface: a cross-section through the heart

of the material. Without this laborious prep-

aration, examination under an optical micro-

scope would show only a hilly landscape.

Now, however, a different picture emerges.

„There are shell-like flaws in the metal

structure and squeeze marks near the

edge,” Dartmann reports. In short: the bolt

material is not uniform. Grave errors were

made in its manufacture.

22 contact 2.11

Case closed? Not quite. Dartmann must still

“put the material through its paces.” For the

final series of tests, he has individual rods

machined from the bolt in the workshop.

Then the steel has to show what it’s made

of: the rods are torn apart, bent and attacked

with a hammer in a variety of test rigs. This

way, Dartmann determines the steel’s ten-

sile strength and hardness. This enables

him to judge whether the material was even

designed to be used for bolts in a supporting


Risky combination

“Material fatigue failure in the form of crack-

ing,” is the damage analyst’s final verdict.

The surprise finding: the bolt was even as-

sembled incorrectly, as proven by a photo

from the accident site. The bolts were sim-

ply inserted into the supporting member

with no cladding and no lubricating effect.

“Metal under heavy loads rubbing against

metal, which also caused the squeeze

marks – a risky combination together with

the material defects we discovered,” Dart-

mann says. The manufacturer of the lifting

platform is thus proven to be at fault, clear-

ly and beyond all reasonable doubt, and

must pay damages. And Dartmann’s expert

opinion contains action recommendations

for ensuring that accidents like this one do

not happen again.

A smoking gun: a broken bolt is enough for Dr. Jürgen Dart-mann to discover the cause of the accident.

Damage cases from the lab: from a defective automo-tive catalytic converter and corroded pipes to a faulty heat exchanger.

Comprehensive detec-tive work: Dr. Jürgen Dartmann is interest-ed in the special material glass as well as the production systems in the Reiss-dorf Brewery.

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Dr. Jürgen Dartmann

[email protected]

+49 221 806-2404

Material inspection Technology & Safety

contact 2.11

Page 24: Contact 02/2011


24 contact 2.11

Petroleum is a complex natural product. In

its crude state it consists of around 17,000

different substances in widely varying pro-

portions depending on its origin. Accord-

ingly, complex processes are required to

convert it into final products to fuel engines,

heat boilers or serve as raw material for the

plastic production. Whether gasoline, die-

sel, heating oil or other crude oil derivatives:

all of the products must have precisely de-

fined compositions and meet certain re-


International megaproject

This is why refineries are actually huge

chemicals factories, where a wide range of

processes take place. The retrofitting and

modernization of an existing plant that Hel-

The refinery operator Hellenic Petroleum is converting its plant in the Greek town of Elefsina – a Herculean task that requires the efforts of manufactur-ers from several countries. We are making sure the components comply with the safety and environmental requirements.

Transport on 18 axles: this gasifica-tion unit is one of many compo-nents TÜV Rheinland is inspecting for Hellenic Petroleum.

Control center: George Paparidis Technical Director at TÜV Rheinland in Greece.

Markets & Expertise Hellenic Petroleum oil refi nery2424

Page 25: Contact 02/2011

25contact 2.11

lenic Petroleum is currently carrying out in

Elefsina near Athens is hardly less compli-

cated than building a new facility. Greece’s

largest oil processor, which accounts for

almost three quarters of the country’s total

refinery capacity at its three sites, is con-

ducting the complex conversion to concen-

trate on low-sulfur diesel. When it is com-

pleted, Hellenic Petroleum’s second-largest

plant will process various types of crude oil

at a capacity of up to 100,000 barrels of

fuel daily.

The new systems must fulfill technical re-

quirements in terms of function and cost-

effectiveness, while also complying with

Greek and European environmental and

safety regulations. In Elefsina, Hellenic Pe-

troleum is going even further. The company,

which made environmental protection an

integral part of its business activities more

than two decades ago, will not only produce

low-sulfur fuel in Elefsina, it will also meet

its own energy needs using the low-emis-

sion gases that emerge as a byproduct dur-

ing production process.

Our experts from TÜV Rheinland are making

sure in advance that all the requirements are

fulfilled, starting with the production of the

components and later when they are in-


“To handle a project like this you need not

only a lot of experts from a wide range of

different technical disciplines, but also a

high degree of international coordination

and a willingness to cooperate,” says

George Paparidis, Technical Director at TÜV

Rheinland in Greece, “because many of the

components are manufactured abroad and

tested there before being transported to


These components have enormous dimen-

sions and complex internal technology. Sys-

tems supplied by Spanish manufacturers

include a 70-meter gas reactor scrubber and

a gasification unit measuring 13 meters in

diameter – just two of the many compo-

nents, each weighing 360 tons. Further

systems were supplied from Greece, Italy

and India. Our experts checked various

manufacturing plants onsite to ensure that

the refinery equipment met all require-

ments and regulations. “Our teams have

been travelling in various countries since

July 2009 for Hellenic Petroleum,” reports

Paparidis. “This involves experts from six of

our locations in Spain, and others from Italy

and Greece.” In months of work, their re-

sponsibilities included checking work pro-

cesses and technical documentation, as

well as, accompanying various tests. Greek

TÜV Rheinland experts will also be involved

in the final approval inspection in Elefsina.

“A megaproject like the conversion of the

refinery in Elefsina requires many different

skills: technical expertise in the widest range

of areas, international project management

and extensive capacities at different loca-

tions,” concludes Paparidis. “Here we can

take full advantage of our strengths as an

internationally operating testing company.”


George Paparidis

[email protected]

+30 210 556-2130

Hotspot: In this furnace, coke particles are heated to temperatures up to 400 degrees centigrade.

Heavyweight: This 70-meter, 394-ton gas reactor scrubber is produced in Spain.

Page 26: Contact 02/2011

26 contact 2.11

People & Environment People & Environment Cisterns for TanzaniaCisterns for Tanzania26

Page 27: Contact 02/2011


27contact 2.11

The Baramba Girls’ Secondary School in

Ngara, Tanzania, needs 5000 liters of water

– every single day. It is needed for washing,

in the boarding school’s kitchen and in its

labs. The school is located in the Kagera

region on a high plateau, not far from the

border to Rwanda and Burundi.

The public water supply in this town of over

16,000 in the farthest northwest corner of

Tanzania covered only a small portion of the

needs and was always subject to inter-

ruptions for indefinite periods. Consequent-

ly, the water was pumped into tanks in the

valley and driven up by car. A lot of money

was spent on gasoline, and a lot of time was

lost in the process – time the students could

have put to better use.

But things are different now. “We can sup-

ply our own water,” reports school Principal

Isaias Baramba with a smile. This project,

with a total volume of 26,000 euros, was

made possible by the organization Engi-

neers without Borders and TÜV Rheinland:

with our financial support, the engineers

built six cisterns on the school grounds last

year. This secures a dependable water sup-

ply for the campus, where around 300 peo-

ple live – and thus the school’s inde-


Around four billion people on the planet have no direct access to drinking water. Particularly in regions rocked by conflicts and mass influxes of refu-gees, such as Tanzania, water scarcity is a problem. TÜV Rheinland has now helped Engineers without Borders to build rainwater cisterns.

“The construction of cisterns is a common

technology in this region, because cisterns

are easy to maintain and repair,” explains

Tilman Straub, who heads the cistern proj-

ect. The engineer undertook his first visit to

Ngara to learn about the local conditions in

2008. “We work together with the local aid

organization Mavuno. That makes a lot of

things easier,” says Steffen Rolke, project

coordinator for the German section of Engi-

neers without Borders in Berlin.

Knowledge transfer forms the basis of the

project. “With the help of Mavuno, we

trained a construction team that can now

build cisterns without us,” reports Steffen

The cisterns on the grounds of the Baramba Girl’s Secondary School were built using low-cost materials that are readily avail-able in the region.

The Engineers without Borders passed on their know-how about building and maintaining cisterns to local helpers – enabling them to continue the project on their own.

Rolke. The tanks and rooftop systems were

designed to be constructed using low-cost,

readily available materials. Through training

and with the aid of pictographs, the users

learned how to maintain, repair and clean

the tanks. “We support Engineers without

Borders because they work sustainably and

provide hands-on help to others so they can

help themselves,” says Aiko Bode, our

Head of CSR and Sustainability.

In addition to the cistern project in Tanzania,

we are providing support for the construc-

tion of toilets in a girls’ school in Kenya and

for a bridge project in Rwanda. These basic

facilities make day-to-day life easier: the

bridge ensures that the village remains ac-

cessible in the rainy season, water tanks

help in the dry season and toilets improve

hygiene and privacy.

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28 contact 2.11

Words of thanks adorn the tank

The organization Engineers without Borders

has recently been declared a “Selected Lo-

cation” in the German innovation competi-

tion “Germany – Land of Ideas” – a well-

deserved honor, especially considering the

courage and energy the volunteers working

on the project invest, often along with a

large part of their annual vacation. Founded

in 2003 by nine engineers and an econo-

mist, this charitable organization now has

over 1000 members in 24 regional groups.

The emphasis of its activities is on providing

technical assistance relating to water sup ply

and infrastructure in general in developing

nations. Particularly for those taking part for

the first time, missions like this demand a

strong spirit of adventure. “I sometimes

think the colleagues need a vacation more

than ever once we’re finished,” remarks

Steffen Rolke. On the other hand, he has

never known a participant to return from a

mission anything less than enthusiastic. The

joy of the staff and students of the Baramba

Girls’ Secondary School at the dedication

ceremony of the cisterns was also the grea-

test reward for Tilman Straub and his team.

A sign on one of the tanks commemorates

the support – the words of thanks were lov-

ingly applied using a paintbrush.

Access to water: a human right

The United Nations has declared access to

clean drinking water a human right. But its

provision in developing nations fails mainly

due to a lack of know-how in building and

maintaining simple systems, according to a

survey of managers of public waterworks in

the third world conducted by the Witten/

Herdecke University. Women and children

are most often responsible for collecting

water. The trip to the water source – which

may be used by livestock as well and thus

contaminated – often takes many hours.

Anyone wishing to support Engineers wit h-

out Borders in building more cisterns is

welcome to contact Steffen Rolke: steffen.

[email protected]

Memorialized: the school’s words of thanks to Engineers without Borders and TÜV Rheinland are painted by hand.

People & Environment Cisterns for Tanzania


Aiko Bode

[email protected]

+49 221 806-2350

Steffen Rolke


+49 030 3252-9865

Page 29: Contact 02/2011

Car Tuning People & Environment

29contact 2.11


Glittering chrome rims, a flashy paint job, a

throaty engine sound and a chassis so low-

slung that every pothole leaves a dent in the

body – tuning enthusiasts love to show off

their masterpieces at events. And the third

Tuning Night, which TÜV Rheinland once

again hosted in June 2011, was no excep-

tion: 600 lovingly tuned vehicles and around

1,300 dedicated car fans transformed the

testing center in Cologne’s Poll district into

an extravagant showroom. In small groups,

tuners and TÜV Rheinland inspectors talked

shop about aerodynamics, curve perform-

ance and engine power. Which car stereo

puts out the greatest volume? And where

can you get the best shock absorbers? Key

questions in the world of car tuning.

For years, motor vehicle inspection authorities were the natural enemies of car tuners. But in Germany at least, the two sides have found their way to a constructive dialog. A look at a very vibrant scene packed with individualists.

37 events in a single season

After a downturn during the global econom-

ic crisis, Germany’s tuning industry is back

on the fast track. The German Association

of Automotive Tuners VDAT expects sales

in 2011 to top €4.5 billion. This is driven not

merely by the fascination of technology, but

by the desire to be different, to stand out

from the masses. It’s about lifestyle. A

tuned car is unique, not just another mass-

produced consumer vehicle anybody can

drive. This aim is what unites the scene.

“I like the sense of community,” says Ghas-

san El-Daifi. “We’re all on the same wave-

length.” Since his first attempts to “tweak”

his moped, the 31-year-old Cologne native

has been captivated by the fascination of

Tuning Minister 2009: Ghassan

El-Daifi discovered a passion for

tuning in his youth. Today he’s a

development engineer.

Page 30: Contact 02/2011

tuning. He put his automotive engineering

studies on hold to strike out on his own as

a car tuner – and have time for events such

as the GTI meet at the Wörthersee in Aus-

tria or the Essen Motor Show, Europe’s

largest tradeshow of its kind. His record is

37 events attended – in a single season.

With his masterpiece, a VW Bora BiTurbo

with 518 hp, air suspension and a multicolor-

effect paint job, El-Daifi has already won

numerous prizes in the scene, including the

title “Tuning Minister 2009,” a competition

we launched on the Internet. Participants

created a program of their own – with

tongue-in-cheek remarks such as “Engine

noise is not noise pollution but an important

cultural good” – that was a big hit in the

online forum This

website is a part of our extensive commu-

nication initiative, which was launched in fall

2008 and has continued successfully ever

since. Here, tuning fans can create a profile,

upload photos, create groups – and most

importantly, ask our experts about modifica-

tions they want to make on their vehicles

before approval problems arise. The plat-

form exploits the full range of Web 2.0 me-

dia including Facebook, Twitter and You-

Tube. “We’re especially beefing up our

Facebook offering. Go take a look. We’re

thrilled every time a new fan clicks ‘Like,’”

explains Jost Schaper, Marketing Team

Head at TÜV Rheinland Mobility.

A direct line to the scene

We are deliberately presenting ourselves

more prominently at tuning meets and

shows – as well as organizing events such

as our popular Tuning Night in Cologne. And

the modifications keep getting more radical:

“Today, a car has to have a multimedia sys-

tem with at least 10 monitors to be consid-

contact 2.1130

ered special,” says El-Daifi,” “and that’s

nothing.” Our aim is to improve our contact

with the young amateur tuners and act as a

constructive partner. For far too long, tuners

and vehicle inspection authorities were like

oil and water. After all, our experts have to

refuse to approve vehicles for street use if

the car no longer meets the requirements

for vehicle safety or environmental protec-

tion due to modifications – a great disap-

pointment for the tuner who has invested

countless hours, heart and soul and above

all a great deal of money. The dialog is help-

ing. “Today, we inform users about the

usefulness and feasibility of the modifica-

tions in advance and don’t wait until the

amateur mechanic shows up for inspec-

tion,” explains Dr. Manfred Doerges, Execu-

tive Director of TÜV Rheinland Mobility.

The tuners are taking us up on our offer –

they are the ones who profit most, when

Full house at the testing center: more

than 1300 car fans turned out for the

Tuning Night in Cologne.

Page 31: Contact 02/2011

Kfz-Tuning Mensch & Umfeld

31contact 2.11

Te facipis autatinim zzriurem nis

nostrud magniam delit accum etu-

ero odolore eu facinci psuscin er-

Who’s got the power? Many car

tuners use the mobile testing

bench to find out exactly …

… how much horse power a tested

car has under the hood.

Page 32: Contact 02/2011

People & Environment Car Tuning

32 contact 2.11

their “babies” are approved. “Our detailed

in spections are not a form of harass-

ment, but rather important and useful,”

Dr. Doerges explains. Because cheap, low-

quality parts continue to show up on the

Internet – often with falsified technical com-

ponent reports. Inspectors take such parts

out of circulation to protect all road users.

Customizers who do not obtain proper ap-

proval for their modifications risk severe

penalties, and, in the event of an accident

with an illegally modified vehicle, hefty re-

imbursement claims from insurance com-


Good reasons for looking at vehicle inspec-

tion not as a bothersome obligation but a

useful opportunity. El-Daifi, who today

works as a development engineer at Ford,

thinks so too. And it’s not impossible that

he might someday switch sides – to an in-

spection service. “But of course,” adds El-

Daifi, “only to TÜV Rheinland.”


Jost Schaper

[email protected]

+49 221 806-3558

Editorial InformationPublisher: TÜV Rheinland Aktiengesellschaft, Communication,

Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 Cologne

Phone: +49 221 806-4314 Editor: Aud Feller

Fax: +49 221 806-1760 Text: S+L Partners GmbH, Cologne

Internet: Printing: Druckhaus Ley + Wiegandt, Wuppertal

Photos: Lothar Wels (Titel, pp. 6-11, 20-23); picture-alliance/dpa (pp. 2, 16, 18); TÜV Rheinland AG (pp. 2, 3, 12-13, 14, 1

5, 17, 19, 24-25, 29, 32); Ingenieure ohne Grenzen (pp. 3, 26-28); gettyimages/Stephan Wilkes (pp. 4-5); Thanet/Jamie

Cook (p. 7); photallery/Fotolia (p. 6); Enercon GmbH (p. 8); Ralf Bille (p. 11); Carl-Victor Dahmen (p. 15); picture-

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The greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the production of this brochure have been offset by investments in the Gold Standard climate protection project “Wind energy in Yuntdag“.

Open house day: visitors feast-

ed their eyes on around 600

lovingly customized vehicles.