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Page 1: Contact April 2011

March 17, 2011, DharamsalaTribute to Phuntsok, 20 years old.

Hundreds of monks, Tibetans andforeigners led a walk in McLeod Ganjfor the late Phuntsok, a young Tibetan

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H.H. Dalai Lama 10th March statement at main temple in McLeod Ganj

March 10, 2011, Main Temple,McLeod Ganj

The clock strikes 9 and for Tibetans,today is unlike any other.

This day marks the 52nd anniversaryof the Tibetan people’s peacefuluprising of 1959 against CommunistChina’s oppression in the TibetanCapital Lhasa, and the thirdanniversary of the non-violentdemonstrations that took place acrossTibet in 2008.

Hundreds of Tibetans andsupporters gather in front ofTsuklakhang Temple (main temple) tolisten to a statement read by HisHoliness the Dalai Lama

In 1949 and 1950, the Chinese armytroops invaded the territory of Tibet.In response, the Tibetan people madean appeal to the internationalcommunity that remains unanswered.A small Tibetan delegation was forcedto sign the “17 Point Agreement,” inwhich Tibet lost its sovereignty, in1951 in Beijing. For Buddhist Tibet andCommunist China, eight years ofuneasy coexistence followed thisagreement.

On 10 March 1959, tens ofthousands of men and women took tothe streets of Lhasa to demand

Uprising Day Commemorations and Protest March

independence for Tibet. The protest, ledby an exhausted population, was crushedin a bloodbath. According to Chineseestimates, about 87,000 Tibetans werekilled in Central Tibet alone. It took overthree days for the People’s LiberationArmy to defeat the uprising, but it failedto quell the resistance movement, whichspread throughout Tibet.

The March 10, 1959 uprising and itssuppression is the reason His Holiness,members of his government and about

80,000 Tibetans have been exiled to India.On March 10, 2008, just months before

the Beijing Olympics and the day of the 49thanniversary of Tibetan uprising of 1959,peaceful demonstrations of Buddhist monkstook place in Lhasa, the capital of the TibetanAutonomous Region. They demanded therelease of monks imprisoned in October 2007.

Then, on March 14, protests escalatedinto violent riots against any non-Tibetanpeople and their property. The policeretreated before the onslaught

By Caroline Couffinhal

Tribute to Phuntsokmonk who self-immolated on the eveningof March 17th in the Sichuan Province.The tribute was organized by five majorTibetan organizations to express solidaritywith Phuntsok.

The 20 year-old monk died after he sethimself on fire. The police initiallyattempted to extinguish the flames, butthen they began hitting him, said Tibetansin exile in contact with locals in Tibet.

The body of Phuntsok was returned to KirtiMonastery, located not far away from Merumarketplace, where the monk had set himselfon fire, before hundreds of monks and civiliansgathered to demonstrate, said the International

Campaign for Tibet in a statement.According to sources, a few hundred to

2,000 Tibetans, including monks, wereimmediately gathered to demonstrateagainst the Chinese law and walked abouta mile from the place where the sacrificetook place.

“The crowd continued to grow rapidlyand took Phuntsok in his monastery andhas managed to protect him while policetried to take him,” a local witness said. “Themonks of the monastery said they wouldnot let the Chinese police Phuntsok takethe body, even though they all die.”

Phuntsok was in critical condition whenhe was taken inside the monastery. He waslater taken to the local hospital while Tibetan

By Caroline Couffinhal

Copyright: Kiran Aujlay


Page 2: Contact April 2011

Contact Magazine 2 April 2011Mob : 98161-50326 /



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Page 3: Contact April 2011

Contact Magazine 3 April 2011

butter lamps were lit according to TibetanBuddhist tradition.

The self-immolation appeared to be asmall repeat of protests that grippedTibetan areas of China in March 2008,when Buddhist monks and other Tibetanpeople loyal to the exiled Dalai Lama, theirtraditional religious leader, confrontedChinese police and troops.

According to sources in exile incontact with Tibetans in the area,Phuntsok doused himself in fuel andimmolated himself as protest againstgovernment policies and the crackdownon monasteries in the area. March 16th,the day Phuntsok chose to self-immolate,was the third anniversary of a majordemonstration at Kirti in 2008, duringwhich at least 10 Tibetans were killed.

“The protest took place to mark the

people three years after the protests onMarch 16th, 2008 in Ngaba,” said twomonks from Kirti Monastery who are inexile in Dharamsala, according to theInternational Campaign for Tibet.

Thursday night in McLeod Ganj, hundredsof people held a march to pay tribute toPhuntsok. Holding candles and pictures ofthe young monk, they walked to the mainTibetan temple and shouted slogans callingfor justice and freedom in Tibet.

Leaders of the Tibetan community,speaking beside a photo of the youngmonk, have denounced the death of themonk and the crackdown by Chineseforces in Tibet in 2008.

In a statement sent to AFP, (AgenceFrance Presse) the organizers of theprotest said they wanted to “remind theChinese government that the seismicwaves of Tunisia and the Middle East hadreached Tibet,” referring to the recentpopular uprisings in the Arab world.

Throughout the night, the crowdprayed and gave speeches in memory ofthe young monk.In a speech, the President of the TibetanYouth Congress declared Phuntsok “amartyr who had made supreme sacrifice

for the cause of Tibet and for the peopleof Tibet,” according to “”.

The crowd sang the Tibetan NationalAnthem, “Gyallu,” then scattered,screaming, “Freedom!”

In Tibet, the monk was cremated onMarch 19th in an emotional ceremonyattended by thousands of monks,according to sources in exile. The previousnight, monks of Ngaba Kirti Monasteryhad held prayers for Phuntsok in front ofhis monastic quarter even as armedChinese security forces kept constantwatch on the monastery.


(continued from page 1) frustration and anger of the Tibetan

Monks litting candles at the main templecopyright photo:Roberta Mandoki

copyright photo:Roberta Mandoki

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Contact Magazine 4 April 2011

March 14th and March 15th, 2011, MainTemple, McLeod Ganj

His Holiness was at the Main Templein McLeod Ganj for two days to offerteachings on the practices of aBodhisattva and the stages of meditationat the request of a group from Thailand.

The temple was flooded with people.Tibetans, monks and nuns, Indians, andforeigners from all over the world cameto listen to the teachings of His Holinessthe Dalai Lama. The teachings weretranslated simultaneously in English,Japanese, Thai, and Korean languageson FM channels.

9.30 AM: The spiritual and temporalleader of Tibet and the Tibetan people,His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama cameinto the temple… silence throughout thethousands of people.

He took a seat and began his annualtwo days of teachings with prayers forNew Zealand, Australia and Japan’snatural disasters victims.

He proposed the chanting of the HeartSutra 100,000 times “to help prevent suchan enormous natural disaster fromreoccurring.”

The charisma and personality of theDalai Lama was so breathtaking thatlisteners immediately quieted their minds

and instead of talking aloud, whispered.These teachings discussed Gyalsey

Thokme Sangpo’s “37 Practices of aBodhisattva” and Kamalashila’s“Middling Stages of Meditation.”

What is a Bodhisattva? How do youdeeply understand and practice thisspirituality? At that moment, I felt a littlelost.

After the first day of teachings, I didsome research to find a brief explanationof these concepts.

“A Summary of How an AwakeningBeing Behaves, 37 Practices of aBodhisattva,” was written by the monkGyelsé Thogme (Tog-me Zong-po)between 1245-1369 and summarizes 37practices of the bodhisattva idea of life.

In Tibetan Buddhism, a bodhisattvais anyone who is motivated bycompassion and seeks enlightenment notonly for him/herself, but also foreveryone. A bodhisattva’s goal is toachieve the highest level of being: aBuddha. Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit termwhich translates as: Bodhi[enlightenment] and sattva [being].

Nonetheless, the 37 practices cannotbe achieved through a simple decision;it’s through rigorous training for severaldecades when one can finally arrive atsuch perfection.

The Kamalashila’s “Middling Stagesof Meditation,” from eighth-centuryTibet, are a statement of the gradualprocess of meditation. It combines thepractice of calm abiding (shamatha), thehigher vision (vipashyana) to achieveenlightenment and to accomplish thework of a bodhisattva.

His Holiness has long expressed thevalues of love, compassion and tolerance.He repeated his respect for all religions,explaining that although people of otherfaiths may have different philosophiesand ideas about creation, we all share thesame essential principles of love andcompassion.

Following the teachings of Buddhism,the values of empathy towards othersand selflessness, the Dalai Lamaexpressed the importance of not beingselfish and greedy for power. For him,“recent uprisings in North Africa havegiven people hope for a new democracyagainst heads of state power and moneymadness.”

Overall, a beautiful experience.

Some of the bodhisattva’s 37 practices2. Attraction to those close to you

catches you in its currents;Aversion to those who oppose you burnsinside;Indifference that ignores what needs tobe done is a black hole.Leave your homeland — this is thepractice of a bodhisattva.

11. All suffering comes from wantingyour own happiness.Complete awakening arises from theintention to help others.So, exchange completely your happinessFor the suffering of others — this is thepractice of a bodhisattva.

15. Even if someone humiliates youand denounces youIn front of a crowd of people,Think of this person as your teacherAnd humbly honor him — this is thepractice of a bodhisattva.


His Holiness TeachingsBy Caroline Couffinhal


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Contact Magazine 5 April 2011

Rishi Yoga Centre

Teacher Shivam has been practicing yoga and meditation forthe last 18 years. Shivam has been teaching different methodsof yoga such as Hatha, Kundalini, Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga.

He has taught in Europe,UK, New York and India.Fluent in English, French and Spanish.CONTACT: Shivam. Phone: 0981 656 5138

[email protected] / www.rishiyogaindia.comHimalyan Paradise Hotel, Jogiwara Rd - Map #15



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Libraryfree library service book & magazines

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On the 5th of March, Losar, the TibetanNew Year, was celebrated. The followingis a brief picture documentation of therituals and celebrations that happend inMcLeod Gangj, although the traditionschange from region to region in Tibet.

Butter SculpturesThree hugeb u t t e rscu l p t u r escould beseen in theMain temple,where aprayer tookplace on thefirst day ofLosar. Theb u t t e rsculptures,which were several meters high,contained dharma and were made frombutter and wax.

Altar OfferingsIn the Main temple, large offerings ofsweets, dried nuts and Khabsey weremade to the gods; while similar offeringsare made in every household on smaller

Losar Celebrations in McLeod GanjBy Martina Marek

altars. A butter sheep; the traditional pilesof tea, butter, salt, and milk; a stack oflarge Khabseys, in different shapes; lubö(green grass as the symbol of spring);chema (a bowl half filled with rice andhalf with tsampa for saying new yearprayers for the well-being of all sentientbeings); and seven bowls filled withanything you want to offer are allcompulsory for the Losar altar.

Khabsey & Other Traditional Foods

Several days or weeks before the actualcelebrations, people will begin their Losarpreparations. Brewing chang, Tibetanbeer, is of utmost importance since thequality of the chang will influence the nextyear. Next, people start making khabsey,fried sweets which are a traditional Losartreat. The first morning of Losar iscelebrated with a bowl of changkou(boiled Tibetan beer combined withkhabsey and dried cheese, among otherthings) as well as doma-rice (Tibetansweet rice).

Sang SolOn thethird dayof Losarpeople willgather toput up newp r a y e rflags. Earlyin them o r n i n gyou cansee people putting up prayer flags in themountains while chanting prayers,burning incense and attaching a khatakon the flags. The higher you string theflags, the better!

Copyright photo: Heather Zimmermann

Copyright photo: Heather Zimmermann

Copyright photo: MartinaMarek

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Contact Magazine 6 April 2011

of the rioters, including monks, and quicklyresumed control of the city the next day,then proceeded to make many arrests.

Inside the temple, crowds gather tolisten to the speech of the Dalai Lamaand the Kashag (the highest executiveoffice of the Central TibetanAdministration of His Holiness the DalaiLama). When His Holiness appears, thereis silence in the temple.

The Dalai Lama begins his speech witha tribute to “those brave men and womenwho sacrificed their lives for the justcause of Tibet. I express my solidaritywith those who continue to sufferrepression and pray for the well-being ofall sentient beings”

Many years ago, His Holinessexpressed the wish to retire from thepolitical life of the Tibetan government.In his March 10th statement, he onceagain discussed the issue of hisretirement:

“As early as the 1960s, I haverepeatedly stressed that Tibetans need aleader, elected freely by the Tibetanpeople, to whom I can devolve power.Now, we have clearly reached the time toput this into effect.

“My desire to pass the authority is nodesire to escape my responsibilities. Thisshould be beneficial to Tibetans longterm. That does not make adiscouragement on my part. Tibetanshave placed such faith and suchconfidence in me that I am determined toplay my role for the just cause of Tibet,like any of them.”

During the 11th session of the 14thTibetan Parliament in Exile, which took placeon March 14, His Holiness “has formallyproposed that the necessary amendments

be made to the Charter for Tibetans in Exile,reflecting his decision to devolve hisformal authority to the elected leader.”

The 11th session of the 14th TibetanParliament in Exile was held from March14th to March 25th in Dharamsala.Discussions are underway to decide thecase of His Holiness.

On March 20th, thousands ofTibetans across the world voted to electthe Prime Minister (Kalon Tripa) of theTibetan government-in-exile, an exercisein democracy.

Protest MarchEvents have also been organized in

Paris, Brussels, Taiwan and New York.More than 1,000 people took to the

pavement in Kathmandu, Nepal, todemonstrate for the Tibetan cause.

After the official functions at McLeod,hundreds of Tibetans and supporterstook to the streets in Dharamsala.

The protest march has been held everyyear since the arrival of the Dalai Lama inIndia. The walk starts at the temple, wherehundreds of people come after thecelebrations, and the crowd goes toDharamsala, chanting slogans and singing.

“Free Tibet.” “People of the world,support us.” “UNO wake up!” “Releasethe Panchen Lama.”

A true energy emerges from the marchso palpable that it could almost be touched.

Monks, Tibetan youths, elderly peopleand foreigners all are united for the samecause, the same struggle, and the same hope.

The march ends in lower Dharamsala,where the crowd gathers to listen tospeeches by organizers.

Lekmon is 23 years old; he studiedphotography in New Delhi. He was bornin India. He does not personally know

Tibet and its lack of human rights, but forhim the struggle is the same: He mustfight and keep the hope that one day hiscountry will be free and liberated ofChinese oppression.

March 10th is an important day forLekmon because for him, “it is the dutyof every Tibetan to celebrate this day”because as in all countries, the popularuprisings forge the history of a countryand may change things.

Regarding the peaceful demonstrationsfor Tibet organized worldwide on March10th, he says , “ I am happy that the causeof Tibet is heard and is reflected in theworld” even though it’s quite new to him.It may be in thanks to the advancedtechnologies like the Internet thatinformation about what is happening inTibet is revealed to the world.

In the 80s and 90s, few people talkedabout the case. The information was notas well relayed as it is now. The lack ofmeans of communication preventedinformation from being relayed properly.

But for him, he says, “the fight is notfinished. There is still much to do. Even ifhope is intact, there is still much work to do.”

Every year, Lekmon takes part in themarch. It’s important for him to be there.

“Even though you’re busy, even if youhave something very important to do,you must participate in this eventbecause it is through this kind of eventthat things can evolve,” he says.

To the question “What did you thinkof His Holiness speech?” he replies, “TheTibetan people must let the Dalai Lamaretire because there are reasons behindthe speech of His Holiness.” He adds thatthe next Prime Minister will face a greaterresponsibility, but the Dalai Lama willalways be present for all Tibetans.

After the march, the crowd dispersesto get back to McLeod and keep onfighting; to never give up.(source:

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Copyright :Kiran Aujlay

Photo: tibet post

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Contact Magazine 7 April 2011

Discover balance, well-being and integration of mind, bodyand spirit during this special teaching by Yogi Shivam.

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Blue, pink, yellow, red, and green – Holisprinkles in all colors. Holi is a well-knownIndian festivals in the West and isdescribed as one of their most entertainingholidays in India. Who wouldn’t enjoysmearing powdered colors on each othersfaces, throwing colored water on relatives,and wishing the holy cows a “HappyHoli!” while rubbing colors on their fur.

On Holi, everything is allowed: Thereare no gender, race, or caste restrictions,social status doesn’t matter, and actionswhich would normally be rude, likethrowing colors on strangers, are allowed.Holi is a festival to enjoy, have fun andmake fun – or in other words: be a kidagain!

For Hindus, Holi signifies the end ofwinter and the beginning of spring so it iscelebrated on the day preceeding the lastfull moon in Phalunga (the lunar month inFebruary/March); the 20th of March thisyear. The day before, Holika Dahan orsmall Holi is celebrated.

Like all Hindu festivals, there is aspiritual story behind Holi. On HolikaDahan, the escape of Prahlad is celebratedby lighting large bonfires, where images ofHolika are burnt. According to the story,Prahlad, the son of Hiranyakashipu and theKing of the demons was a great devotee ofLord Vishnu, who tried to stop the peoplefrom worshipping the gods. This upset hisfather, who tried to stop Prahlad frompraying to Lord Vishnu. Despite theattempts of his father, Prahlad continuedworshipping Lord Vishnu. As a result,Hiranyakashipu attempted to kill his ownson but was saved by Lord Vishnu. WhenHiranyakashipu tried to poison Prahlad,Vishnu turned it into nectar. When helocked his son in a room with poisonoussnakes, Prahlad was able to survive. In theend, Hiranyakashipu thought of a trick. Heasked his sister Holika, who was immuneto fire thanks to a boon, to take Prahlad onher lap and jump with him into a fire.Hiranyakashipu assumed that Prahladwould burn to death while Holika wouldsurvive the fire. When entering the fire,Prahlad offered prayers to Lord Vishnu,who once again saved him. Holika, on theother hand, burned to death since her boonwas only effective if she entered the firealone.

With songs and dancing aroundbonfires, the triumph of the gods iscelebrated on the evening before Holi.

While the burning of images isspiritually significant, the throwing ofcolors has a medicinal purpose. Due tothe weather change, from winter tospring, many people are susceptible tofevers and colds. It is believed that thethrowing of powder from medical herbsis beneficial to your health.Traditionally, the colors of Holi weremade from kukum, neem, haldi and bilva,which are recommended by Ayurvedicdoctors. The flowers of the palash andtesu trees are collected, dried, andgrounded. When mixed with water, thispowder creates an amazing red colorwith properties that are thought to begood for the skin.

Nowadays, synthetic colors areoften used, which unfortunately havethe opposite effect and can lead toserious health problems. Lately, therehas been criticism of the poor controlof the materials used for Holi colors.

Holi is one of the oldest Hindufestivals with written proof found inreligious works from several centurysbefore Christ as well as in the Ratnavali,a 7th century Sanskrit drama.Additional evidence has been found in

old temples in Hampi, where a panel fromthe 16th century depicts a royal couplewaiting to be drenched in colored waterduring Holi.

The rituals and length of Holi variesall over India. A special Himachali ritualis the Kulli Holi, where people mix snowwith the powdered colors to make an IceHoli. In most regions people celebrateHoli for two days, while in the Braj regionthe celebrations endure for 16 days!

After Holi, the colored spots on thestreet remain as a lasting reminder of thebeginning of spring – and of course, areminder of all the fun and joy of Holi!

Holi Festival of ColorsBy Martina Marek

Copyright photo: Martina Marek

Putting colors in each others’ facesCopyright:Martina Marek

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Contact Magazine 8 April 2011

- Map #3


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PHONE: 220 992

Page 9: Contact April 2011

Contact Magazine 9 April 2011

Ayuskam Health CareLOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place,near Bhagsu taxi stand and near TibetanHotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod GanjMOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210WEBSITE:

Naam Art GalleryLOCATION: Main Road Sidhbari DharamsalaMOBILE: 9816043708

Tibet MuseumLOCATION: Near the Main Temple and theNamgyal Monastery gate, McLeod GanjHOURS: 9am-5pm, Tue-Sun

Tibet Photo Exhibit: 50 Yearsof Struggle and OppressionLOCATION: Gu-Chu-Sum hall on Jogiwara Rd,next to the Lung-ta Japanese RestaurantHOURS: 2am-5pm on Mon, Wed and Fri

Wood Carving ClassesLOCATION: Zoha Art, Bhagsu Nag RdCONTACT: MeenaEMAIL: [email protected]

Music ClassesKailash Tribal Music SchoolAll kinds of Indian Traditional instrumentsWEB: www.musictribe.orgLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near Green ShopHOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL: [email protected]

Library of Tibetan Works & ArchivesLOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, betweenMcLeod Ganj and Lower DharamsalaHOURS: 9-10am, 11-noon and 3-4pmPHONE: 222 467

Public Audience with HH KarmapaCONTACT: Cheme ChoegyalLOCATION: SidhpurHOURS: 2.30pm, Wed and SatPHONE: 9816315336DETAILS:

Tushita Meditation CenterWEB: www.tushita.infoLOCATION: DharamkotHOURS: 9:30-11:30am & 12:30-4pm, Mon-SatPHONE: 221 1866EMAIL: [email protected]

Tibetan AstrologyLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near KCC BankPHONE: 941 810 1965EMAIL: [email protected]







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Contact: Om Yoga Meditation CentreKetan Lodge, Jogiwara Road.


Lha Tibetan Cooking SchoolLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992HOURS: Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.Indian Cooking ClassesLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to TibetanAshoka GuesthouseHOURS: 10am-6pmPHONE: 941 813 0119EMAIL: [email protected]

Lhamo’s Kitchen, Tibetan Cooking ClassesLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the Green ShopPHONE: 981 646 8719HOURS: 8am-9pm

Nisha’s Indian Cooking ClassLOCATION: Hotel Lotus Leaf, Jogiwara RdHOURS: Classes from 4-6pmEMAIL: [email protected]

Sangye’s Kitchen Tradit ionalTibetan Cooking C lassesRecommended by Lonely planetLOCATION:Lung-ta Restaurant, below theTashi Choeling Monastery on Jogiwara RdHOURS:10am-12pm and 4-6pmPHONE: 981 616 4540EMAIL: [email protected]

Ayuskam Health CareLOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place,near Bhagsu taxi stand and near TibetanHotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod GanjMOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210WEBSITE:

(continued on page 10)

LearnTarot Card Reading

Osho Zen CardsRaider and Waide Cards

ReikiReiki Level I, II, III

Also contact for reading and healingsessions @ 91-9816867501

Email: [email protected]

Vedic AstrologerLOCATION: Kunga Guest house (Nick's ItalianRestaurant), Bhagsu Rd McLeod Ganj-Map #6MOBILE: 09897339026HOURS: Drop-in

Page 10: Contact April 2011

Contact Magazine 10 April 2011

Tibetan with Teacher Pema Youdon:LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, opposite the post officeHOURS: 1-4pm, or leave a message.


Lha Healing Oil Massage Courses &TreatmentLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992HOURS: Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.

Kailash Tribal School with Yogi SivadasWEB: www.yogatribe.orgLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the GreenShop - Map #6HOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL: [email protected]

Nature Cure Health ClubLOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara RdPHONE: 941 813 0119EMAIL: [email protected]

Shiatsu & Swedish MassageLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992See ad pg 3.

Synergy Ayuredic Massage CentreLOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara RdPHONE: 941 80 8488EMAIL: [email protected]

Traditional Thai MassageLOCATION: Opposite the Govt. Tourist Infor-mation Centre, Hotel Surya RdPHONE: 981 633 9199EMAIL: [email protected]



Dr. Sant Marwah ClinicLOCATION: in front of Main TempleHOURS: 9:30am-6:30pmPHONE: 221 106, 98160 21106Kumar Ayurvedic and PanchkarmaLOCATION: Hotel Surya Rd, opposite theTourism Informations CentrePHONE: 941 824 9399OURS: 10am-2pm and 2:30-7pmMaanav Health ClinicLOCATION: Main SquareHOURS: 10am-12:30pm and 2-5pmPHONE: 941 815 5795EMAIL: [email protected]

Men-Tsee-KhangLOCATION: between McLeod Ganj andLower DharamshalaPHONE: 222 618, 223 113EMAIL: [email protected]

Nature Cure Health ClubLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to TibetanAshoka Guest House-Map #10HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pmPHONE:: 941 813 0119EMAIL: [email protected]

(continued from page 9)

Tibetan Language ClassLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdHOURS: Registration from 9-11am, Mon-FriPHONE: 220 992See ad on pg 3.

Hindi ClassesLOCATION: Ketan Lodge, Jogiwara Rd,beside the Korean RestaurantPHONE: 981 649 4732

Hindi Lessons with KailashLOCATION: At Bhimsen’s Indian Cooking ClassPHONE: 220 063, 941 816 1947HOURS: 4-6pm, daily

Hindi Lessons with SunilLOCATION: Kunga Guesthouse, Bhagsu Rdand in DharamkotPHONE: 221 942, 941 818 7281EMAIL: [email protected]

Tibetan LanguageLOCATION: The LibraryHOURS: 10-11am and noon-1pmSee Buddhist philosophy listing.

A perfect haven for meditation,spirituality, holiday, leisure orsimply an extended vacation....!

OUR USP~ convenient & central

~ private entrances, balconies,sit out lawns with sunny -mountain & valley view

~ fully equipped pantries(incl. microwave, electric kettle,

electric stove, electric chimney, sink,refrigerator & all accessories)

~ walking distance to The TibetanLibrary (LTWA) & Central McLeod Ganj

Contact: ++ 91 98163 05576;[email protected] route The Buddha House

McLeod Ganj-Map #20

Elevated Living!For visitors onlong term stay!

Tibetan Delek HospitalLOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, betweenMcLeod Ganj and Lower DharamsalaPHONE: 222 053, 223 381HOURS: Outpatient services: 9am-1pm,Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; Emergencies: 24 hrs, daily

- Ayurveda clinic & Panchakarama Center- Specialized Ayurveda doctors

- Panchakarma treatments,detoxification & rejuvenation

-Learn how to make Ayurveda oils & medecines- Ayurvedic massage and Panchakarma

courses- Body constitution and diet according to

Ayurveda- Ayurvedic Wellness Spa

- Ayurvedic medicines and oils- Yoga for wellbeing

Location: Ayushkama Health Care, First floor hotel Anand Palace, nearBhagsunag taxi stand or Ayushkama Ayurveda Clinic & Training Center,

near Tibetan Ashoka Guest-House MacLeod Ganj-Map #7Contact: mob : +91 98 05928923/ 9736211210


AyuskamaHealth Care

Primary Health CentreLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, main marketHOURS: 9:30am-4pm, Mon-Sat

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Contact Magazine 11 April 2011

Tourist InformationBus Schedule

* Times and prices may vary.Please check with the bus stand ahead of departure.

LEAVING FROM THE MCLEOD GANJ BUS STAND, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED:DELHI: Ordinary Bus: 4:45am, 6pm, 6:45pm, 8:15pm and 8:30pm(Rs330) Semi Deluxe Bus: 6pm (Rs355) AC Volvo Semi-Sleeper: 8pm (Rs1035) AC TATA: 8:30pm (Rs840)AMRITSAR: Ordinary Bus: 4:45am (Rs165)

*from DharamsalaDEHRADUN: Ordinary Bus: 9pm; AC Deluxe: 5:30pmMANALI: Ordinary Bus: 5:40pm, 8:40pm *from DharamsalaPATHANKOT: Ordinary Bus: 11am, 12:10pm, 12:30pm, 2:10pm, 3:50pm, 5pm (Rs75)SHIMLA: Ordinary Bus: 5am, 5:30am, 6am, 8am, noon and 4:55pm (Rs235) *from DharamsalaSemi Deluxe Bus: 8:22am, 7:45pm and 9:30pm (Rs???) *from DharamsalaFOR BOOKINGS:LOCATION: ticket stand under McLLo’s, main squareHOURS: 10am-6pm, dailyPHONE: 221750For deluxe buses, book through any travel agency.

TAXISA private taxi to Lower

Dharamsala will cost youRs150. Cram into a jeep(from the bus stand), andit’ll only cost you Rs10.

Esoteric Meditation CenterKailash Tribal School with Yogi SivadasWEB: www.yogatribe.orgLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, nr the Green Shop - Map #6HOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL: [email protected]

I am Happy Open AshramWEB: www.iamhappy.inEMAIL: [email protected]: Behind Hotel Akashdeep,Bhagsu- Map #6 & McleodganjHOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-SatMOBILE: 9882868470 or 9569221047

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki CentreSee the Yoga & Reiki section.

Tushita Meditation CenterWEB: www.tushita.infoLOCATION: DharamkotHOURS: 9:30-11:30am, Mon-SatPHONE: 221 866EMAIL: [email protected]

Vipassana MeditationWEB: www.sikhara.dhamma.orgLOCATION: DharamkotHOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-SatPHONE: 221 309EMAIL: [email protected]

Nature CureHealth Clubwith Mahinder Kapoor

Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka GuestHouse - Map # 13, Mobile: 94181 30119

or 09736333888Email: [email protected],

12 years’ experience andrecommended

by the Lonely PlanetVisit us for: Swedish massage courses

and treatment, Zen Shiatsu courses andtreatment, reflexology treatment, SPAand Singing Bowl Treatment, steambaths,

sauna and mud baths.Our teacher has had experience teaching in Israel.

Kailash Tribal School with Yogi SivadasLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop- Map #6WEB: www.yogatribe.orgHOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL: [email protected]

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki CentreLOCATION: Ketan Lodge, behind Akash Hotel,on Jogiwara Rd - Map #17HOURS: 8am-6pmPHONE: 980 569 3514

Rishi Yoga Centre with Yogi ShivamWEB: www.siddharthayogacentre.orgLOCATION: Himalyan ParadiseHotel Jogiwara Rd - Map #15HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pmPHONE: 981 656 5138EMAIL: [email protected]

Siddhartha Yoga Centre with Yogi ShivamWEB: www.siddharthayogacentre.orgLOCATION: Upper Bagsu Nag Map #1HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pmPHONE: 981 656 5138EMAIL: [email protected]

Shiva Yoga Shala Swami SudhiWEB:www.shivayogapeeth.comLOCATION: Kalsang Guest House, Tipa Road,Mac Leod Gandj - Map #28MOBILE: 7417873295/9882352047EMAIL: [email protected]

Universal Yoga with VijayRecognized by Yoga AllianceWEB: www.vijaypoweryoga.comLOCATION: Room #5, Yongling SchoolBuilding, Jogiwara Rd - Map #15HOURS: 9:00 -11:10am & 4:30 - 6:30PmEMAIL: [email protected]

Police Contact InformationLOCATION: Past St.John’s Church, on road toDharamshala in Cantt area.PHONE: 221 483

Tibetan Delek HospitalLOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong,between McLeod Ganj andLower DharamshalaHOURS: Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics:2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; Emergen-cies: 24-hrs, daily.PHONE: 222 053,223 381

Post OfficeThe McLeod Ganj Post Office is located onLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, past Peace CafeHOURS: 9:30am-1pm and 2-5pm, Mon-Fri;9:30am-noon, Sat.PHONE: 221 924Parcels and money orders can besent in the mornings only.



Drop-in Yoga Class at LhaLOCATION: Temple RoadPHONE: 220992

Himalayan Iyengar Yoga CentreLOCATION: Dharamkot, on the footpath to Bhagsu - Map #5EMAIL: [email protected]:


Nyima Sangpo Bai

Sherabling, Upper Bhattu- 176 125Teh. Baijnath, Distt. Kangra (H.P)

Mob. 9816181358, 9616514151email: [email protected]

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Contact Magazine 12 April 2011

The Mountain Cleaners is a volun-tary organization founded in April 2009by Jodie Underhill who have success-

fully set up a waste management system atthe popular trekking destination Triund.You can help Jodie and the Mountain

Around Town: Helping OutANIMAL RESCUE

Dharamsala Dog RescueWe are in urgent need of vet volunteers,animal experts and sponsors. We are in im-mediate need of sponsors for two paraly-sed dogs that need a home, wheelchair,monthly food and medicine. Please contactus if you see an injured/sick dog. Anythingyou can do is appreciated.WEB: www.hnsindia.orgLOCATION: Behind the District Court Complexon Chilgari St, Lower DharamsalaPHONE: 981 622 0841EMAIL: [email protected]

Rogpa Baby Care Centre helps low-incomeTibetan families to become self sufficientby providing free child care for under 3's,so that parents can work. Can you helpwith art activities, games, singing, dancingand commit to a minimum of 3 weeks andlots of hard work (including diaperchanging!). If you have a desire to createand maintain a fun and loving atmospherewith our children, volunteer hours areMon-Sat, between 8.30am and 12pm or1pm-5pm. Located nr. Nature Cure HealthClubs, no.13 on map.If you would rathervolunteer in the Rogpa Shop and Cafeserving cakes and drinks, baking andmeeting new people, then we also requirea minimum commitment of 3 weeks.We sellfair trade products made at our VocationalTraining Centre and accept donatedclothes, books, etc that are also sold in theshop. We are located nr. Carpe DiemPlease email us at [email protected]


Contact MagazineSubmit a single piece or become a steadycorrespondent of this local, grassrootspublication. Contact needs volunteers towrite, proofread and edit copy and work ongraphic design.Volunteers needed, especiallythose with a knowledge of Photoshop.CONTACT: Lobsang Rabsel at the Lha office,Temple Road.PHONE: 981 615 5523EMAIL: [email protected]

Volunteer language teachers, for both long-and short-term placements, are needed forquality education in Mcleod Ganj:

Gu-Chu-Sum provides support for ex-po-litical prisoners and their families. It alsoorganises campaigns for the release ofcurrent political prisoners.Gu-Chu-Sum School needs volunteers forits English conversation classes and tutor-ing sessions from 6pm onwards, Mon- Fri.LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, downstairs Lung-taJapanese RestaurantHOURS: 4:30-6:30pmPHONE: 220 680EMAIL: [email protected]

Tibet Hope Center is a registered NGOstarted by two Tibetans to support thenewcomers from Tibet.We run a conversation class where ourstudents can practice their English, andwe are in constant need of conversationpartners. They love to ask questionsabout your life and exchange ideas onmany topics.Think Globally, Act LocallyWEB: www.tibethopecenter.orgLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, behind Gu-Chu-SumHOURS: 4:30-5:45pm, daily, and we evenhave a campfire every evening!PHONE: 981 637 3889EMAIL: [email protected]

works with Indian com-munit ies l iv ing in

poverty toward a healthy and sustainablefuture.Needed urgently: volunteer primary teach-ers and assistants for maths, English andart, as well as nurses and health workers.CONTACT: Tashi LhamoLOCATION: Top floor, Bank of Baroda oppo-site art gallery, Kotwali Bazar, DharamsalaPHONE: 981 608 1562, 223 930EMAIL: [email protected]


Lha Donation CenterAccepting donations of all kinds: clothing, sleep-ing bags, books, school supplies, office sup-plies, medical supplies, used laptops, finan-cial assistance... Donations are clearly recordedand distributed to those in need, both Tibetanand Indian. Lha is a registered non-profit,social service organisation. See advert on pg 3.

Tong-LenDonations welcomed: medical supplies, sta-tionary, books, toys and children’s clothing.LOCATION: Top floor, Bank of Baroda oppositethe art gallery Kotwali Bazar, DharamsalaPHONE: 981 608 1562, 223 930


Volunteer TibetYou’re motivated to share your timeand assist organisations in the Tibetancommunity. Even if you’re j us t

passingthrough Dharamsala, there are stillmany ways to donate your time & make adifference.

WEB: Jogiwara Rd, opposite AkashGuesthouse.HOURS: 9am- and 5pm, Mon-FriPHONE: 98820 17083, 220 894EMAIL:[email protected]

Women’s Team Volunteers required to teachIndian women computer/English skills. For moreinformation visit [email protected] mobile 09817515123

For a full list of volunteer opportunities,bothlong- and short-term, please contact us:

The Active NonviolenceEducation Center (ANEC)facilitates trainings, workshopsand open forum discussions onnonviolent strategies to help

resolve disagreements and differences atall levls of human society.As part of our General Outreach Program,ANEC welcomes volunteers from westerncountries to participate in informal paneldiscussions on ideas and views of regionaland global peace and nonviolent strategies.Free lunch and tea for volunteers.WEB: No. 262, 1st floor, KhajanchiMohalla, Khunyara Rd, Lower DharamsalaPHONE: 941 809 4476, 941 898 7745EMAIL: [email protected]

Learning and Ideas for Tibet (L.I.T.) isa non-profit organization that needs arange of volunteers interested in theTibetan movement and communityeducation.CONTACT: LaurenPHONE: 941 879 4218L O C AT I O N : Jogiwara Rd, near the KoreanRestaurant

Lha Community Social Work fostersprojects for the benefit and enrichment ofthe local community.We provide a library, English and Frenchclasses, computer training, medicalassistance programmes, environmentalprogrammes and clothing distribution toneedy Tibetans and Indians, in addition tosupporting construction and renovationprojects. See ad pg 3.WEB: www.lhaindia.orgLOCATION: Temple Rd, across from StateBank of IndiaHOURS: 9am-noon and1-5pm, Mon-FriPHONE: 220 992

Nyingtob Ling (‘Realm of Courage’) helpssupport Tibetan children from disadvan-taged families.The children work hard at making delightfulhandicrafts and paintings. They are sofriendly and LOVE visitors!LOCATION: Near Norbulingka, SidhpurPHONE: 0189 224 6366, 981 685 1841EMAIL: [email protected]



The Clean Upper Dharamshala Projectwas founded in 1994 to provide awaste management system in andaround McLod Ganj. The GreenWorkers, the Handmade Recycled

Paper Factory, the Green Shop and theEnvironmental Education Centre are part ofthe Clean Upper Daramshala Project. Joinus for the weekly guided tour on Wednes-days at 3 pm at the office of CUDP!


Cleaners every Monday at 9.30 am & jointhem up to

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Contact Magazine 13 April 2011