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ZAMM · Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 94, No. 5, 365 – 366 (2014) / DOI 10.1002/zamm.201409405 ��������

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���� ������� Francesco dell’Isola and Samuel Forest


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���� ������� Martin Ostoja-Starzewski, Jun Li, Hady Joumaa, and Paul N. Demmie

From fractal media to continuum mechanics

The paper presents an overview of modeling fractalmedia by continuum mechanics using the methodof dimensional regularization. The basis of thismethod is to express the balance laws for fractalmedia in terms of fractional integrals and, then, con-vert them to integer-order integrals in conventional(Euclidean) space. Following an account of thismethod, the authors develop balance laws of fractalmedia (continuity, linear and angular momenta, en-ergy, and second law) and discuss wave equations inseveral settings.

© 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Page 2: Contents: ZAMM 5 / 2014


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���� ������� Noel Challamel, Jean Lerbet, Chien Ming Wang, and Zhen Zhang

Analytical length scale calibration of nonlocal continuum from amicrostructured buckling model






The paper deals with the buckling of a columnwhich is modeled by some finite rigid segments andelastic rotational springs and relating its solution tocontinuum nonlocal elasticity.

���� ������� Stefan Diebels and Alexander Geringer

Micromechanical and macromechanical modelling of foams: Identificationof Cosserat parameters

The paper describes the micropolar modelling approach for open-cell foams and links it to virtual experimental data obtained frommicroscopic computations.

���� ������� M. Olive and N. Auffray

Symmetry classes for odd-order tensors

The authors give a complete general answer to the problem, recurrent in continuum me-chanics, of determining the number and type of symmetry classes of an odd-order tensorspace. As an illustration of this method, and for the first time, the symmetry classes of allodd-order tensors of Mindlin second strain-gradient elasticity are provided.

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