Page 1: Conventions of real media texts

Codes and Conventions of Posters, Magazine

Front Covers and Trailers.

Page 2: Conventions of real media texts

PostersPosters are potentially the first part of the promotional package that the audience would see, due to the fact that movie posters surround us during everyday life whether it be on the side of a bus, at the cinema or on a billboard. They are extremely enticing and are used to draw the audience in to watch the movie, if it is not yet out, they might want to go and watch the trailer to get a further insight the the plot of the film. In order for a film poster to be successful they will need to entice the audience without giving away too much information, if too much information is given, they will feel like they know the plot and will therefore have no interest in watch the film, which is besides the purpose of a successful movie poster. This is why conventions are followed.

Conventions: The main convention of a poster is that the main image dominates the frame. Many different camera shots could be used, this does not necessarily matter. But if the image fills the frame it is more likely to attract attention than if the image was only tiny. Additionally, it would allow the audience to pay attention to detail, to see if they can work out anything about the film from just looking at the image. Moreover, the image should allow the audience to understand what genre it belongs to, this could be highlighted through the use of iconography. A slasher film may present an antagonist wearing a mask or an antagonist holding a weapon such as an axe.

The title of the film should always be present so that the audience will remember it, for when they see other parts of the promotional package such as the trailer, or if they are that enthusiastic can research the film themselves. It is always the largest piece of text on the poster, making it clear that it is the title. If it is placed towards the bottom of the page, it will be on of the last things the audiences sees and will therefore be one of the last things the audience remember! Usually, the font is written in a display font because this is the biggest and most attractive. Colour wise they are usually written in red or white, contrasting against the dark background as well as having connotations to blood and juxtapositions to purity.

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Some film posters do not contain a tagline, but I believe it makes the film poster more effective if it does have one. However, they do not have a specific placement it varies depending on the poster. The main role of the tagline is to anchor the image to give the audience a further understanding without giving away too much information.

Institutional information is always displayed at the bottom of the page in a very small font because it is not relatively important. Types of information the audience would expect to find within the small paragraph would be who directed the film as well as a number of actors that feature within the film. This could be useful as the main image does not necessarily showcase the full cast. Underneath the institutional information, a release date is usually written in a slightly larger font, this allows the audience to be aware of the release date, in order for them to begin to become excited enough and start a countdown until the film is out for them to view.

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TrailersTrailers are the most important part of the promotional package as it gives the audience the best insight into the narrative. In order for the trailer to do this, it must be exciting and leave the audience will a large amount of unanswered question that can only be answered if they go and watch the film.

Conventions:Film trailers follow a seven part narrative structure to ensure that no vital information is withheld from the audience that the director may deem relevant. It begins with a location as well as a main character, giving the audience an insight into their current lifestyle. A subtle problem begins to occur which then progresses throughout the trailer. The character begins to investigate the issue that has arose. A montage is then presented with different jump scene as well as scenes of terror that will excite the audience. The title and release date are then presented. The audience are lead to believe that this is the end of the trailer. However, a sting is then used (a quick piece of footage) to frighten the audience even more.

Another massive part of a film trailer is the non-diegetic sound, both parallel and contrapuntal sounds are used to mimic the actions or to contrast with the actions. Tension, emotion and fear can all be heightened due to these sounds. A range of different sounds are used in many different trailers, such as the sound of a heartbeat. This is used not only to mimic the character's heartbeat, but also the audiences. Another common sound used is the use of nursery rhymes, making the sound of innocence seem so evil. This has a lastly effect on the audience and their everyday lives.

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Despite being the majority visual based. Some aspects of trailers can be textual. For example, in the Friday the 13th trailer, on one occasion the screen went black and the text “From the Director Michael Bay” and another that said “and the producers of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Lastly, at the end of the trailer it says “Friday February 13th 2009”. Information like this is extremely important which is why it is written in text, if it was spoken the audience would be less likely to pay attention to it.

After studying a few trailers in depth I have grasped these conventions in order to include them within my own trailer I am making as part of my Promotional Package.

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Magazine Front CoversMagazines can be an effective promotion method of new movies. It will publicise the film to an extent and depending on the feature it is given, can provide the audience with exclusive interviews, previews and reviews further enticing them to watch the film. Total Film and Empire are the most popular film magazine, for a film to feature in a magazine like this, it must be of a high rating and worth watching.

Conventions:The masthead is always presented at the top of the front cover, in a bold display font making it evident that it is the title of the magazine.

The main image takes up the whole frame, making it stand out. If it was small, it would not be as effective.

A main sell line is used an coincides with the main image. Additional sell lines are provided on the side of the main image, to further entice the audience to buy and read the magazine.

Smaller images are placed on the front cover to match with the content inside the magazine to match the sell line and further entice the audience to want to take a sneak peak.

Lastly, a pug is placed in the bottom right hand side of the page with a barcode and a price tag, as it is the least relevant and is therefore out of the way.