
    The final grade will be made up of:7 points written exam (exam session) + the points from two out of the three tests

    1 points Test 1 (CP 3)1 points Test 2 (CP 5)1 points Test 2 (CP 7)

    The tests, as well as the written exam, will include a theoretical and a practical part. The questions in the practical part will refer to the aspects listed below.

    In order to take the written exam in the exam session, you have to take the preliminary tests and to hand in the written tasks in due time.

    BibliographyE-exercises; T-theory; T+E- theory and exercises Arhire, Mona & Anamaria Micu, Limba engleza. 1600 de teste gril, Braov: Editura

    Aula, 2004 (E)Banta, Andrei, Limba englez n 60 de zile, Bucureti: Editura Teora, 1992 (T+E)Chioran, D., Irina Panovf, Ioana Poenaru, Exerciii de gramatic englez, Bucureti:

    Editura Teora, 2008 (E)Galea, Ileana, Virgil Stanciu, English with Tears, Cluj: Editura Dacia, 1999 (E)Hulban, Horia, Lctuu, Tamara, Goglniceanu, Galina, Competen i performan

    exerciii i teste de limba englez, Bucureti: Editura tiinific i enciclopedic, 1983 (E)

    Levichi, Leon, Ioan Preda, Gramatica limbii engleze, Bucureti: Ed. Gramar, 1996 (T)Sndulescu, George C. English Grammar Exercises (ed. rev.), Bucureti: Editura pentru Literatur Contemporan, 2011Timar, Eszter, Limba englez n teste i exerciii, Bucureti: Ed. Teora, 1998 (E)Thomson A. J., Martinet A. V., A Practical English Grammar, Oxford: Oxford University

    Press, 1986 (T)Thomson A. J., Martinet A. V., A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1, Oxford:

    Oxford University Press, 2002 (T+E)Vince, Michael, Advanced Language Practice, Macmillan, 2003 (T+E)Walker E., Elsworth, S., Grammar Practice for Upper intermediate Students. Harlow: Longman, 2000 (T+E)Walter, Richard, Focus on Advanced English. CAE Grammar practice, Pearson Education Limited, 1994





  • CP1&2


    1. Indicai toate formele de baz ale verbelor de mai jos:a) to leave, to see, to ring, to drink, to put, to eat, to give, to take, to write, to go, to read, to win, to know, to tell, to come, to meet, to rise, to run, to begin, to be.b) made, bring, buy, broken, went, find, lost, freeze, put, grown, set, heard, cast, done, gone, draw, understand, cost, caught, teach.c) to lead, to like, to send, to end, to spend, to hand, to hold, to finish, to know, to drive, to live, to sing, to have, to ask, to say, to help, to prefer, to excuse, to keep, to pass.

    2. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii: a) la forma interogativ, b) la forma negativ:1. They speak English well. 2. John and Mary are playing with a big red-and white ball. 3. The little girl can write capital letters. 4. My friend is reading the newspaper now. 5. The book of grammar is on my desk. 6. Children like to play in the water. 7. I gave you my copybook last night. 8. These workers can build houses. 9. I saw your daughter at the concert last week. 10. They have got their lessons to do in the afternoon.

    3. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii a) la interogativ, b) la negativ:1. You go to the cinema every week.2. Ann writes the exercises every day.3. His brother bought a fountain-pen last week.4. The travellers reached the village in the evening.5. Mary and her husband live in the heart of the town.6. The doctor returned to Bucharest by the ten oclock train.7. Peter reads English books in the original.8. Your neighbours go out of town on Sundays.9. The teacher entered the classroom at eight oclock sharp.10. You saw him cross the street.

    4. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul prezent, forma continu:1. What (she, to do) now? She (to read) the newspaper.2. All the boys (to play) football on the stadium.3. What (the orchestra, to play)?4. Mr Brown (to write) a letter now.5. I (to open) all the windows of my room.6. He (to shut) the front door.7. Mary (not to learn) her English lesson; she (to sleep) now.8. Where (you, to go) in such a hurry?9. It (to rain) heavily.10. (You, to read) todays newspaper?11. Little Tommy (to eat) an ice-cream; his father (to smoke) a cigarette.12. Marys sister (to look) out of the window at the people in the street.

    5. Punei verbele din paranteze la Past Tense, forma continu sau nedefinit:1. He came in while I (to work).2. What (you, to do) yesterday at this time?3. William the Conqueror (to land) in England in 1066.4. As he (to cross) the road, he slipped and fell.


  • 5. My friend Tommy (to come) to see me yesterday.6. When I came home, your dog (to sleep) in my armchair.7. I lost my wrist-watch while I (to walk) through the garden.8. I (to have) my breakfast when the bell rang.9. My friend (to send) me some books the other day.10. I (to know) him quite well when I was young.

    6. Completai spaiile punctate cu verbul to read, Past Tense sau Present Perfect; justificai folosirea lor:1. I ... this book. 2. I ... this book yesterday. 3. I ... this book last week. 4. I ... this book today. 5. I often ... this book. 6. I ... this book since you were here. 7. I... this book two years ago.

    7. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpurile corespunztoare:1. As I (to come) to school yesterday, I (to see) Johns father working in the garden.2. The boy not (to hear) what his father (to say) because he not (to listen) at the time.3. It (to begin) to rain while we (to leave) school yesterday at two oclock.4. When I (to arrive) at school this morning, the bell (to ring) and the boys (to go) to their classrooms.

    8. Punei verbele din paranteze la formele corespunztoare:All elementary forms of matter (to be composed) of very small unit quantities (to call) atoms. The atoms of a given element all (to have) the same size and weight. The atoms of different elements (to have) different sizes and weights. Atoms of the same or different elements (to unite) with each other to form very small unit quantities of compound substances (to call) molecules. Atoms (to be composed) of a positively charged central core or nucleus, (to surround) by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The charges (to be) equal, so that the atom (to be) electrically neutral. Atoms (to form) chemical elements, as hydrogen, iron or lead. Two or more atoms sticking together (to form) a molecule. Molecules (to form) chemical compounds. The nucleus (to be) the central part of the atom, representing most of the weight of the atom and (to be) charged with positive electricity. Atomic nuclei, it is now believed, (to be made up) of two kinds of fundamental particles, protons and neutrons.

    9. Traducei n englez:1. Deseori ncep cte o carte i o las apoi neterminat, fiindc trebuie s lucrez mult la englez i seara, cnd m apuc s citesc un roman ori o carte de nuvele ori ce altceva mai gsesc, sunt obosit.2. Vecinul meu pariaz rareori pe cai, aa c nu cred s iroseasc vreodat muli bani, cu toate c muncete mult i ctig bine.3. Ciobanul pe care-l cunosc i leag din cnd n cnd calul de copacul acela i vine s-mi bat la u, fiindc mai ntotdeauna l poftesc s intre i-i ofer un pahar cu limonad.4. Are de gnd s te ntrebe dac mnnci ceva, iar eu intenionez s-i spun c un adevrat vntor nu mnnc niciodat altceva dect vnat, ceea ce sunt sigur c nu are i nici nu va putea face rost, chiar dac-i spui c mori de foame.5. Doctorul este chemat n fiecare sear, dar azi e hotrt s apuce s doarm nainte de a merge, ca de obicei, s flecreasc cu btrna doamn, care se plictisete de singurtatea ei cnd se ntunec i trimite dup el de ndat ce apune soarele.


  • 6. Cnd m duc s vorbesc cu el despre afaceri, mnnc tot timpul, aa c azi stau acas; n-are dect s se trasc la picioarele mele nainte s m mai duc eu s-l vd la ea acas, ori nu m crezi?7. Niciodat-n viaa mea n-am condus un autobuz cu vitez aa de mare, drept care nu trebuie s te mire dac nu respect semnele de circulaie.8. Sora ei vitreg tocmai a czut de pe o stnc i s-a lovit la cot, dar a i sosit un doctor s-o ngrijeasc.9. Mai niciodat n-am locuit ntr-un apartament att de luxos, cu ap curent i nclzire central i care a fost deja pltit de cineva de care nici n-am auzit.10. N-am avut niciodat niciun regret c am renunat la chimie. Am studiat fizica i am ajuns fizician priceput, ori cel puin aa sper.11. Cei care au dus multe lupte la viaa lor au neles deja ce vreau s spun cnd zic c am avut noroc c am trit la adpost, lipsit i de invidie i de mndrie.12. Unde i-a ascuns dirijorul peruca i de cnd ine el publicul s-l atepte?13. N-am nici cea mai vag idee de ce tocmai i s-a cerut locotenentului s pun masa, fiindc vede toat lumea c masa a fost deja pus i soldaii lui au fost chiar dui n formaie acolo s-i ia cina.14. De ce a fost lsat singur judectorul, dac nu s hotrasc dac e vinovat sergentul ori nu i s-l ntrebe pe acesta dac a minit tot timpul ori chiar a spus adevrul?15. Chelnerul a fost indus n eroare de hainele scumpe ale clientului lui i i-a ngduit s plece i s se ntoarc cu banii pentru not mai trziu, ntruct cel din urm i-a explicat c portofelul lui se afl n camer la hotel; clientul a plecat i pn n ziua de azi chelnerul nici c l-a mai vzut.16. Directorul colii l-a confundat pe portar cu gunoierul, i-a dat coul de hrtii ii-a cerut s-l goleasc, dar portarul a fost att de jignit de greeal, nct i-a naintatdemisia pe loc.17. Doctorul a trimis dup sor n vreme ce tu cumprai medicamentul, fiindc a zis c nimeni nu tie s fac o injecie aa de bine ca sora.18. Tablourile pictorului erau privite cu interes de vizitatori, care erau condui prin muzeu de un savant mai n vrst cu ochi albatri i crora li se spunea c acelea sunt cele mai bune picturi din lume.19. Ce carte te atepi s aduc de vineri ntr-o sptmn i de ce nu mi-ai spus mai devreme c vrei s vin la coal ntr-o zi cnd m ateptam s fiu liber?20. Omul de tiin purtase cma cenuie cu mult nainte s ajung la mod i fu amrt cnd toi ncepur s poarte i el trebui s-o schimbe, ca s arate altfel dect ei.21. Fizicianul ctigase deja premiul Nobel cnd s-a retras din grupul vostru, fiindc lucrai la ceva ce dura de prea mult vreme.22. Matematicianul tocmai i ntorsese ceasul i era gata s plece-n ora cnd gsi un juctor de fotbal alergnd prin grdin i clcndu-i n picioare straturile de flori.23. A spus c-i ajunge ct a muncit, c tunde iarba din fraged copilrie, c vrea s vad lumea, aa c a plecat ntr-un tur al lumii i acum viziteaz Frana.24. A fcut o mare greeal atunci cnd a mrturisit c fur stilouri de ani de zile i c a fost prins de poliie cam din dou n dou luni, dar acum nevasta lui l-a iertat i l-a fcut s promit c nu mai fur i se poart frumos.25. Sptmna viitoare pe vremea asta se va fi aflat n spital de o lun, de cnd a ncasat-o, fiindc n-a ascultat de ordinele directorului de a nu juca fotbal n timpul orelor.26. nainte s ajungi s m cunoti, el i va fi spus c una gndesc i alta vorbesc; te avertizez c aa face mereu i nu vreau s existe vreo nenelegere.27. Pn s-mi spun el c prea ntind coarda, l voi fi rugat s-mi mprumute o sum mare de bani i, dac am noroc, o s mi-o dea pe loc.


  • 28. Mama lui vitreg a promis c va trece la subiect de ndat ce va sosi toat lumea, dar nu nainte, fiindc nu voia s trebuiasc s spun aceleai lucruri de dou ori.29. Doctorul a hotrt c va locui n Frana n urmtoarele cinci sptmni.30. Arheologul a afirmat c va lucra ca profesor universitar tot restul vieii lui.31. Ascult concertul acesta de cnd a nceput s ning, de la apte, i sunt sigur c emisiunea muzical a nceput de mult, dar n-am avut timp s deschid radioul pn acum, fiindc trebuie s exersez zilnic la pian.32. Dac n-ai vzut nc piesa aceea, du-te ct mai curnd. George a vzut-oalaltieri i zice c erau acolo o mulime de oameni i c n-a mai vzut o pies aa debun.34. Cnd te-ai ntors de la gar? Atept aici de mai bine de o or i nu te-am vzutvenind. Te ntorci deseori aa de trziu acas cnd te duci acolo?35. Deseneaz case de cnd era copil; de fapt, tot timpul deseneaz, chiar i cnd vorbeti cu el. Cnd l-am cunoscut, lucra ca arhitect din ziua cnd a absolvit liceul.

    Homework 1: Using an English newspaper/magazine published in September 2013, select an article and underline all the verbal forms in the first 20 lines. Then list the verbal forms and specify their mood and tense.


    1. Completai fiecare spaiu cu un cuvnt.The case of the break-in at a Cambridge home entered its third day today. The accused's defence was based on the fact that he (1) ...could.. not have entered the house at 6.30. He claimed (2) have been playing football at the time, and stated that several witnesses could confirm this. At this point, the prosecution (3) him of changing his story, as he had previously stated that he had been at home at the (4) of the break-in. The defendant agreed that his memory (5) .. not in the best of shape, as he had been (6) .. from bouts of depression. The judge stepped in, reminding the defendant that he (7) .. taken an oath to tell the truth, and warning (8) . of the severe consequences of lying in court. The defendant said that he had simply forgotten (9) .. the football match, and insisted (10) he was not changing his story.

    2. Negai urmtoarele propoziii n vorbirea indirect ncepnd cu I thought you said:1. That restaurant is expensive. I thought you said it wasnt expensive.2. Ann is coming to the party.3. Bill passed his exam.4. Ann likes Bill.5. Ive got many friends.6. Jack and karen are going to get married.7. Tom works very hard.8. I want to be rich and famous.9. Ill be here next week.10. I can afford a vacantion this year.

    3. Traducei n englez:1. Povestitorul conchise c a fcut cinste colegilor lui scriitori cnd i-a publicat autobiografia, unde a descris viaa literar a anilor 1930 i a repovestit vieile tuturor prietenilor lui.


  • 2. Clientul avocatului i ddu seama c de trei ore se face de rs, de cnd a intrat n biroul avocatului i a nceput s-i spun c s-a hotrt, a fcut deja prea multe greeli, e hotrt s divoreze, chiar dac nevasta lui e siren.3. Minerul presupunea c se plimb cam de dou ore i jumtate dar, dei tare ar fi luat un autobuz, hotr c nc n-a slbit destul i fcu tot drumul pn acas pe jos.4. Sergentul mrturisi c i s-au oferit dou ngheate dac promite s nu spun nimic despre ceea ce tocmai a vzut.5. Spionul a repetat c nepoatele lui au fost trimise n absena lui la coal, exactaa cum a zis nora lui.6. Mesagerul promise c o s mearg pe vrfuri pn la fotoliul btrnului i o s-i opteasc la ureche mesajul.7. Danezul rspunse c va fi primit de primul-ministru.8. Egipteanul a declarat c prietenul lui va fi trimis acas cu maina.9. Francezul ndjduia c i se va preda engleza.10. Grecul se ntreb cui o s i se decerneze n acel an premiul Nobel.


    4. Trecei la forma pasiv urmtoarele propoziii:1. The family gave him a very nice present on his birthday.2. The boy finished his lessons at about seven oclock.3. Somebody found my gloves in the garden.4. We must plan our work carefully.5. The student told the details of his examination to his friend.6. The tailor told him that his suit would be ready in a week.7. He took them for a drive to the lakes surrounding Bucharest.8. They built this house over two hundred years ago.9. The committee have approved the plans for the building of a new district.10. The audience was attentively listening to the speaker.

    5. Trecei la forma pasiv urmtoarele propoziii:1. The postman gave me two letters this morning.2. Did Jack eat all the apples?3. The wind shook the trees.4. Did Tommy open the bag?5. Mary will sing a new song.6. The men were cutting down the trees.7. The gardener was picking the flowers.8. The cook was preparing the food.9. They had finished their game before noon.10. The gardener is cutting the grass.

    6. Schimbai diateza tuturor verbelor de mai jos fr a schimba sensul propoziiilor.1. Hrothgar, king of Danes, built a magnificent hall, named Heorot.2. Heorot was visited by a terrible monster, named Grendel.3. Grendel killed thirty of the sleeping Danes and carried their bodies away.4. This scourge afflicted the Danes for twelve years.5. Beowulf heard of Grendels deeds.


  • 6. Fourteen companions were selected by Beowulf.7. Beowulf asked permission to save Heorot, killing this monster.8. Until darkness came, the thanes of Hrothgar and the followers of Beowulf drank mead.9. Songs were sung by the gleeman.10. Hrothgars queen served mead to her lord and to Beowulf.11. The king, queen and their followers left the mead-hall for the night.12. The coming of Grendel was awaited by Beowolfs men.13. Grendel devoured one of Beowulfs men.14. Grendel was seized by Beowulf, who had the strength of thirty men in his handgrip.15. Beowulf caused the death of Grendel by wrenching the monsters arm from its socket.

    7. Traducei n englez:1. Mi se arta casa cnd s-a stins lumina.2. Se fcea focul n timp ce Cenureasa sttea acolo n picioare i tremura.3. Dirijorul nu tia ce se putea face n legtur cu oarecii.4. L-am ntrebat pe juctorul de bridge de ce a fost nvinuit i mi-a rspuns c ia fost pus n crc ceva ce n-a fcut niciodat.5. Cartea pe care o citeai fusese mprumutat de la o bibliotec vestit, care nu ddea cri cu mprumut mai mult de zece zile.6. Pacientul fusese bine ngrijit, dar se plngea c nu-i place salonul i vrea s plece din spital ct mai curnd, chiar nainte s se nsntoeasc.7. Nuvela fusese pe larg comentat de muli critici literari, care o citiser i o gsiser a fi cea mai slab pe care o scrisese vreodat autorul ei.8. Poemul va fi fost discutat n aceast revist literar nainte s trebuiasc s-l analizezi pentru examen.9. Pedeapsa va fi fost hotrt pn vin martorii s depun mrturie.10. Familia ta a spus c ideea ta va fi dezaprobat, aa c mai bine te-ai rzgndi.


    8. Corectai greeala(ile) din fiecare propoziie.a) I wish I bought that old house.b) I'd rather you don't eat all the breadc) It's time I god) I wish I own a motorbikee) I wish we are not leaving in the morningf) Sue would rather reading than watching television.g) Come what comes, I'll be on your sideh) I hope it would stop rainingi) I'd prefer if you didn't waitj) I wish I didn't listen to you before

    9. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.a) I'd rather you (not/watch) television while I'm reading.b) It's high time you (start) working seriously.c) I wish I (spend) more time swimming last summer.d) Helen is bossy. She acts as if she (own) the place.e) I wish you (not/keep) .. coming late to class.f) Suppose a complete stranger (leave) . you a lot of money in their will!


  • g) I wish I (go) to your party after all.h) I'd rather you (sit) next to Susan, please.i) The government demanded that the ambassador (be) recalled.j) You are lucky going to Italy. I wish I (go) .. with you.

    10. Traducei n englez:1. E de necrezut c vindea vin cnd i-ai fcut o vizit la cinci dimineaa.2. E recomandabil s treci la subiect, fiindc toi ateapt s aud ce crezi despre ce s-a ntmplat aici deunzi.3. E de necrezut c plnge, cnd tie c nu se mai poate schimba nimic, ntruct greeala pe care a fcut-o a ajuns cunoscut tuturor.4. E interesant c se plimbau cnd te-ai ntlnit cu ei, fiindc au zis c niciodat nu vor merge la plimbare pe vreme ploioas.5. Nu i se pare greu de crezut c aceast carte a fost scris n Evul Mediu?6. M ateptam de la el s aleag s stea n Monte Carlo, chiar dac tim cu toii c s-a nscut n Grecia.7. Mi se pare o neruinare s-mi spui c banca poate da oricnd faliment, cnd tii c toi banii mei sunt depui acolo i, dac-i pierd, trebuie s m mut din casa aceasta costisitoare i s i-o las ie.8. I-am spus c e normal s doarm cnd o s vin eu, fiindc aveam de gnd s m ntorc foarte trziu i nu-i cazul s stea treaz s m atepte.9. Insist s te dai la o parte, fiindc stai n drum.10. Adolescentul e incapabil de crim i vor fi adui martori, ca s depun mrturie pentru nevinovia lui.

    Homework 2: Using an English novel (give the title), choose twenty lines of dialogue and turn them into reported speech with the reported verb in the past.

    CP3 - TEST



    1. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.

    1. If the company offered me the job, I think I (take) it.2. Im sure Liz will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if she (refuse)3. Many people would be out of work if that factory . (close) down.4. If she sold her car, she (not/get) much money for it.5. Theyre expecting us. They would be disappointed if we .. (not/come).6. Would George be angry if I . (take) his bicycle without asking?7. Ann gave me this ring. She .. (be) terribly upset if I lost it.8. If someone . (walk) in here with a gun, Id be very frightened.9. What would happen if you . (not/go) to work tomorrow?10. Im sure she (understand) if you explained the situation to her.

    2. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.


  • 1. If I (know) her number, I would call her.2. I (not/buy) that coat if I were you.3. I ..(give) you a cigarette if I had one, but Im afraid I dont.4. This soup would taste better if it .. (have) more salt in it.5. If you . (not/go) to bed so late every night, you wouldnt be so tired all the time.6. I wouldnt mind living in England if the weather .. (be) better.7. If I were you, I . (not/marry) him.8. We would gladly buy that house if it (not/be) so small.9. Id help you if I (can), but Im afraid I cant. 10. She (leave) on holiday if she had enough money.

    3. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.

    1. If I . (know) that you were sick last week, Id have gone to see you.2. Tom . (not/take) the exam if he had known that it would be so difficult.3. Jim got to the bus stop in time. If he (miss) the bus, he would have been late for his interview.4. Its good that Ann reminded me about Toms birthday. I . (forget) if she hadnt reminded me.5. We might not have stayed at this hotel if Debbie (not/recommend) it to us.6. Id have sent you a postcard while I was on vacation if I (have) your address.

    4. Traducei n englez:1. Acum te-ai plimba prin Paris dac plecai ieri cu avionul.2. Nu i-ar fi de niciun folos dac ai ncepe s te plngi efului c ai fcut greelide dactilografiere.3. Dac i-ai pune prea multe ntrebri personale, sunt sigur c i-ar spune foartecurnd c cine tie multe mbtrnete repede.4. Vipera te muca dac o atingeai.5. Cum traversa cmila deertul dac nu era arabul?6. Cangurul ar fi mncat ieri toat ziua dac avea destul hran.7. Gilbert ar lua-o pe jos, dac ar fi pierdut trenul.8. Godfrey ar fi acum la u deja, dac l-ai fi chemat.9. Grace ar umbla toat ziua s te caute, dac nu-i spuneai c o s pleci dou sptmni.10. Mihai nu drma casa, dac nu era scit de nevasta lui.11. Miranda ar fi murit de fric, dac ar fi vzut umbre furindu-se de-a lungulmesei lungi de lemn.

    Homework 3: Using a Romanian novel/short story (give the title), identify 10 structures including all the types of IF clause and then translate them into English.



    5. Subliniai forma corect din fiecare propoziie.a) I don't think you could/should tell anyone yet.b) I couldn't/shouldn't possibly leave without paying.c) That mustn't/can't be the hotel Jane told us about.d) There are times when the traffic here can/could be really heavy.e) We are enjoying our holiday, though the weather could/must be better.f) You couldn't/shouldn't really be sitting here.g) You could/may be older than me, but that doesn't mean you're cleverer.h) You might/should like to look over these papers if you have time.i) I'm afraid that nobody should/would help me in that kind of situation,j) No member of the association must/shall remove official documents from these premises without written permission.

    6. Alegei propoziia A sau B care are cel mai apropiat sens de propoziia dat.a) It's possible that we'll know the answers tomorrow. ...A.,...A We may know the answers tomorrow.B We should know the answers tomorrow.b) I don't think you should ring him now. It's rather lateA You might not ring him now. It's rather late.B You'd better not ring him now. It's rather late.c) You needn't come if you don't want toA You won't come if you don't want to.B You don't have to come if you don't want to.d) I think it's wrong for you to work so hardA You don't have to work so hard.B You shouldn't work so hard.e) Perhaps these are the keysA These might be the keys.B These must be the keys.f) It would be wrong for us to lock the cat in the house for a weekA We'd better not lock the cat in the house for a week.B We can't lock the cat in the house for a week,g) Ifs possible that the decision will be announced next weekA The decision might be announced next week.B The decision will be announced next week,h) Although I try hard, I can never solve The Times' crosswordA Try as I may, I can never solve 'The Times' crossword.B Try as I can, I may never solve 'The Times' crossword.i) I know. Why don't we go out to eat instead?A I know. We must go out to eat instead.B I know. We could go out to eat instead.

    7. Subliniai forma corect din fiecare propoziie.a) That can't have been/shouldn't have been Nick that you saw.b) You must have given/might have given me a hand!c) I caught a later train because I had to see/must have seen a client.d) I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way.e) I didn't refuse the cake, as it should have been/would have been rude.


  • f) I don't know who rang, but it could have been/must have been Jim.g) It was odd that you should have bought/would have bought the same car.h) I asked them to leave but they might not/wouldn't go.i) It's a pity you didn't ask because I can't help/could have helped you.j) It's your own fault, you can't have/shouldn't have gone to bed so late.

    8. Completai fiecare propoziie cu un singur cuvnt. Formele contractate reprezintp un singur cuvnt.a) I .. have become a millionaire, but I decided not to.b) You .have been here when Helen told the boss not to be so lazy! It was great!c) Peter wasn't here then, so he .. have broken your vase.d) I .. have bought that car, but I decided to look at a few others.e) If you felt lonely, you . have given me a ring.f) Don't take a risk like that again! We .. have lost because of you.g) It's been more than a week! You .. have had some news by now!h) We were glad to help. We . have just stood by and done nothing.i) You really .. have gone to so much trouble!j) I .. have thought that it was rather difficult.

    9. Explicai deosebirile de sens dintre propoziiile a i b:1. a) I didnt need to tell him what had happened; he knew everything about it.b) I neednt have told him what had happened for he knew everything about it.2. a) They didnt need to take a taxi for there was plenty of time till the departure of the train.b) They neednt have taken a taxi for there was plenty of time till the departure of the train.3. a) He didnt need to break the window to get into the house for his key was in the lock.b) He neednt have broken the window to get into the house for his key was in thelock.4. a) My tea was already sweetened, so I neednt have put any sugar in it.b) My tea was sweet enough, so I didnt need to put any sugar in it.

    10. Dai formele negative ale propoziiilor de mai jos, cu implicaiile a) nu e nevoie b) nu e voie:1. You must answer everything in writing.2. My brother must go to Jassy next week.3. They must go to school tomorrow.4. You must pay your debt just now.5. She must be in Bucharest tonight.

    11. Trecei propoziiile de mai jos a) la Past Tense, b) la viitor:1. We must paint the walls of this room.2. Students must speak English at the English lessons.3. They can translate this text very quickly.4. The collective farmers must till the land without any delay.5. They must write all their exercises before five oclock in the afternoon.6. Mary can speak Spanish quite fluently.


  • 12. Trecei propoziiile de mai jos a) la interogativ, b) la negativ:1. Tommy can ride a bicycle.2. We may pick flowers in this park.3. Peter and James could understand the poem.4. They must be at the railway station at ten.5. We shall arrive in time for dinner.6. She would like to come with us.7. You must write the translation at once.8. Candidates may leave the room before the end of the examination.9. We shall be able to spend two weeks there.10. You have got to finish that report tonight.11. He can make a fire by rubbing two sticks together.12. At the end of her stay there she will be able to speak French.

    13. Traducei n englez:1. M-a ntrebat ce s fac s-o ajute.2. Nu tia dac s-l bat sau s-l laude pe boxer.3. Vrjitorul se ntreba dac s-i dea prinesei banii lui.4. Ar trebui s-i spun fiicei ei o poveste despre un lptar, dac vrea ca ea s adoarm.5. Judectorul atepta cu nerbdare vizita mamei lui, ntruct credea c aceasta ar trebui s vin cndva la sfritul sptmnii.6. Cred c n-ar trebui s existe niciun motiv de ngrijorare, dac nu faci n absena mea nimic nechibzuit.7. Presupun c fata de acolo o fi sora lui vitreg.8. Copiii tot copii rmn.9. Funcionarul i uluia toi profesorii cnd era mic.10. Petrecea zile ntregi n ser cnd era liber.11. Ar trebui s-i spun c era exact ce merita.12. Ar trebui s m duc ntr-un loc prsit i s m instalez acolo.13. Precis c nota aceea de plat este falsificat, dac o folosete poliia ca dovad mpotriva lui.14. E precis la birou i completeaz formulare, cum face zilnic.15. Nu-l vd pe aici, trebuie c joac baschet pe undeva.16. Trebuie c cicatricea aceea a fost o ran grav mai demult.17. Copiii nu trebuie s vorbeasc cu primarul cnd e ocupat.18. Nu trebuie s iei niciun medicament fr sfatul doctorului.19. Doctorul urma s vin la apte, dar se vede c a uitat.20. Aceasta este o mas veche, pe care n-o poate nimeni ridica.21. Poi s-mi spui pe litere numele suedezului?22. Strinii nu au dreptul s intre n aceast zon fr permis special.23. Nu ai dreptul s vinzi ce nu-i aparine.24. Nu se poate s fi uitat cu totul rudele lui de el.25. Niciodat n-am fost n stare s in minte fraze lungi.26. Ai putea s scrii un rezumat, dac nu ai vreme s rescrii tot textul.27. N-a putea sprijini un om care a fcut o crim i nici ea n-ar putea.28. Traducerea ta ar fi putut s fie corect, dac-i ddeai osteneala s cauicuvintele necunoscute.29. Ar fi putut pleca, dar a rmas acolo i i-a ascultat discursul pn la sfrit.30. Vrea s tie dac are voie s te lege la ochi ct atepi.31. Pot s te ajut cu ceva?


  • 32. Poate c-mi voi fi terminat lucrarea pn vii tu s m ajui.33. M-am gndit c s-ar putea s plou, aa c mi-am luat umbrela.34. I-am explicat c se poate duce la ru, dar n-are voie s noate n el.35. Puteai s alegi o main mai bun; aceasta nu face doi bani.36. Mi-a spus c nu-i nevoie s m duc la mare dac nu vreau.37. Nu era nevoie s vin aa de curnd; puteam atepta.38. Nu era nevoie s cumpere ea plria; avea el de gnd s i-o cumpere.39. Poate c citete, habar n-am.40. S-ar putea s citeasc, cine tie?

    CP5 - TEST



    1. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.a) I don't like this restaurant, I wish we (go) to the Taj Mahal'.b) It's time something .. (do) about this problem.c) The late Prime Minister is said (be) difficult to work with.d) That was lucky! If I . (catch) this bus, I .. (meet) you.e) Your order . (deal) with at the moment.f) But for Pauline, I (not/pass) the exam.g) All dishes (serve) with French fries and a green salad.h) The house is thought to . (sell) recently for a million pounds.i) If only I .. (study) more when I was at school.j) If I were (tell) you where the treasure is, what would you do?

    2. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.b) If I .. (know) that you (arrive) on that train, I . (come) to meet you.c) I wish you .. (not/eat) all the food! I'm hungry!d) Be careful! If you .. (tease) the cat it .. (scratch) you!e) Thanks very much! If you . (not/help) me, we . (not/finish) the work so quickly.f) Hurry up, or all the best seats .. (take).g) What a shame that it (decide) to cancel the school play!h) Carol now wishes she .. (marry) in a church.i) If it . (not/be) for you, I (still/be) in prison today!j) Unfortunately, tomorrow's match .. (call off).

    3. Trecei verbele din parantez la forma verbal potrivit.a) Sam ........... (not/receive) the parcel the last time I ............................... (speak) to him.b) I ............. (consider) buying a house but now I ............ (change) my mind.c) When you .......................... (feel) hungry, room service .............................. (bring) you whatever you want.d) I .................................. (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I..................... (lose) my ticket, but he believed me in the end.


  • e) Ever since I ................................. (be) a young child, I ....................... (die) to meet you.f) As soon as I .......................... (have) a look at the designs, I...................... (send) them to you. You'll get them by Friday.g) Whatever ................................... (happen), I ........................... (meet) you here in a week's time.h) By the time you............................ (finish) getting ready, we ............................... (miss) the train!i) Sally! I............................ (not/expect) to see you here! What .............................. (you/do) in New York?

    8 Care dintre expresiile subliniate este corect? Rescriei expresiile care sunt incorecte.a) Will you be seeing Rob Jones tomorrow? I wonder if you could give him a message from Sally Gordon? .....b) I had a great time in the Greek Islands. We would rent a small boat and go fishing every day. ....................................c) Julie, hi! I've been hoping I'd see you. I've got some good news! ..................d) We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It was constantly chasing the cats next door ...................e) We had a lovely time in Madrid. Every day we were exploring the city, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars. .....................................f) The steam engine is usually thought of as a relatively modern invention, but the Greeks had built a kind of steam engine in ancient times ...................g) I felt rather worried. It was growing darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter ...................h) Don't worry! All we have to do is wait here until someone will find us.i) This meat is really tasting awful! Are you quite sure it was fresh?

    9. Completai fiecare spaiu cu un singur cuvnt potrivit.Some people always have good advice to give you, but only after the event. You . (1) have come across the type, who somehow always know what you (2) nave done when it has become too late. By now I . (3) spot them a mile off. It (4) be because I have had so much practice. Last week, for example, I (5) to take my car to the garage because the lights weren't working. It was an expensive job, but I decided that I .. (6) as well pay, and get it over quickly. 'You (7) have told me,' said a friend when I was telling him how much I .. (8) to pay. 'I . (9) easily have fixed it for you. Then you . (10) not have wasted so much money.' You (11) imagine how I felt! Actually, he . (12) probably have made a mess of the job, and I . (13) well have ended up paying more. But it does seem strange that everyone else . (14) know exactly what I . (15) to do.

    10. Completai fiecare propoziie cu o sintagm potrivit care s conin cuvntul din paranteze ntr-o form potrivit. n unele situaii este nevoie de forma negativ.

    a) But I only lent you the book this morning! You .. (finish) it already!b) I don't know who phoned, but I suppose it . (might) Sophia.


  • c) Strange (seem), Harry has never been to London.d) Never (see) a more boring film!e) I told you we would miss the train! We .. (leave) earlier!f) I was just thinking about you. It's strange that . (should) phoned me!g) Try (might), I just can't understand how this computer works!h) Seldom .. (snow/fall) here in winter, even when it is very cold.i) It rained every day on my holiday in France, so I .. (need) the suntan lotion after all!j) Well, I thought the food was awful. It (can) the same restaurant you went to.

    11. Traducei n englez:1. Franuzoaica nu tia ce am de gnd s fac.2. Finlandezul zise c citete de ore ntregi.3. Ploua. Ploua de zile ntregi.4. Dac egipteanul era srac, nu avea bani.5. Dac voia, danezul i ntindea mna vrului lui de-al doilea.6. Mcar dac se inea chinezul strns de balustrad.7. Mai bine sttea albanezul acas.8. Trebuia s faci cum a zis algerianul.9. Canadianul ar veni, dac ar fi rugat.10. A veni, dar nu pot.11. Indonezianul se atepta s tii de cstorie.12. Iranianul a propus s plecm, fiindc eram prea muli.13. Dac tiam cine eti, te ddeam afar.14. Mereu vine coreeanul i-mi pune ntrebri dis-de-diminea.15. Veneai, dac tiai?16. Armeanul citea de dou ore cnd l-am chemat.17. Leul se juca. Se juca de mult vreme cnd s-a pornit ploaia.18. Chelnerul zicea c a uitat.19. Dac am pleca cu toii?20. Mai bine ai veni i tu.21. De-ar fi s fie adevrat, m-a duce.22. De-ar ti el, pariez c n-ar veni.23. Ziceai c menajera a scris o nuvel anul trecut, nu-i aa?24. Trebuia s-l nelegi i s-l ajui.25. Se vede c a uitat.

    CP7 - TEST
