
For The Calendar... Spotted…

News & Views Crookwell Public School

15th December, 2017 Term 4 Week 10

• Evelyn Dark and Poppy Stephenson for offering their help. • Montanna Allwright for being so thoughtful. • Santa for calling into CPS on Monday! • K-2 students for sharing lovely Christmas wishes with Santa. • Bodi Waters, Jet Tate and Alexander Anderson for great help

organising resources. • Mrs Whittington for organising a FUN colour-run! • Ada Dunn and Crystal Pick for keeping our playground tidy. • Mia Butler, Poppy Stephenson and Naomi Cramp for their

eagerness to help with extra tasks. • Mikayla Smith for taking wonderful care of Mr Atfield. • Claudia Picker, Tilly Plumb and Mikayla Smith for being

wonderful staffroom helpers. • Jacque Barney and Sophie Moore for providing exemplary

care for the guinea pigs. • Charlotte Tetley for keeping our playground tidy. • Evelyn Dark for being responsible.

The greatest gift you can give a child is a happy childhood.

Maggie Dent

Lost Mackenzie Gauci has lost her iPad. It is in a black and red case with a signature and shearing stamp on it. It was lost at the end of last week. If you find the iPad after a thorough search please return it to Mr Nedanoski, Mr Atfield or Mackenzie.

Thank you in anticipation!

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Gundungurra nation, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future

43 Denison Street, Crookwell Ph: 48321213 Fax: 48321353 Email: [email protected]

Working Together, Growing Together

Next Week

Mon. 18 Dec Staff development day (pupil free)

Tue. 19 Dec Staff development day (pupil free)

Next Year Mon. 29 Jan Staff development day (pupil free)

Mon. 29 Jan Uniform Shop – 9am – 11am

Tue. 30 Jan Year 1-6 students return to school

Mon. 05 Feb Kindergarten 2018 commence school

Find us on Facebook: Help us grow our page by sharing it with fellow parents and family members.

Year 6 Fete A very exhausted Year 6 are basking in the success of the amazing Year 6 Fete held last Thursday. Thankfully the weather was glorious enabling students to fully explore the many and varied stalls on offer.

Year 6 exemplified teamwork and cooperation as they worked as one to raise a whopping $1598, making it the most successful Year 6 fete to date. Comments from younger students supported this with a great time being had by all.

Year 6 would like to thank all those who contributed to the White Elephant and Cake Stalls. Thanks also to Kylie Ward for the great hairstyles.

The Lolly Guessing Competition was won by George Lee with the accurate guess of 175.

Zeth Young, Tynen Long and Dustin Carr purchase some lovely treats from the Cake Stall manned by

Sophie Moore, Kayla Merryfull and Younies Nasser.

Students eagerly peruse the White Elephant Stall hoping for some Christmas bargains.

Dusty Jenkins, Riley Salt and Connor Osborne busily

prepare sausage sandwiches with Mrs Ross while Mr Harrop ensures the sausages are cooked to perfection.

A very confident Thomas Cole is transformed by a

very able ‘beauty therapist’ Hannah Shipton.

Krystal Pick, Montanna Allwright and Lousie Robertson

look beautiful after visiting the Beauty Salon.

Great shot Miss Bell!

Spreading the Christmas Cheer at Viewhaven Residents at Viewhaven Lodge (Aged Care Facility) had smiles on their faces as students from Crookwell Public School GCOPS choir entertained them by singing Christmas carols last Monday. Some of the residents joined in carols such as ‘Silent Night’ and ‘Deck the Halls’. Students enjoyed spending time chatting with residents and giving each of them a small gift and handmade card. After the success of this week’s visit we are planning several visits to Viewhaven in 2018!

Students looking relaxed after singing carols.

Residents of Viewhaven enjoy their lunch while

listening to carols.

Details For Starting School Next Year School re-opens for the 2018 academic year on Monday 29th January 2018 when staff only return to school. Students in Years 1 to 6 will return to school on Tuesday 30th January. The 2018 Kindergarten students will commence their schooling on Monday 5th February, 2018 after participating in the Best Start assessment program for a period of time on either Tuesday 29th or Wednesday 30th January or on Thursday 1st or Friday 2nd February, 2018.

N.B. Invitations informing Kindergarten families of their child’s Best Start interview times will arrive in the post before the end of this term.

Year 5, with Santa’s Help, Star! Year 5 performed a carol for their assembly item on Friday 8 December. The elvish choir was unexpectedly conducted by Santa. Year 5 performed wonderfully, led by the fantastic voice of Isla Stephenson.

Year 5 were arranged into groups, each with a different role.

Lead singer Isla Stephenson was supported by back-up

singers Bonita Holman, Brianna Roberts, Kimberly Allport and Oscar Textor.

The soprano group, also known as the ‘La-La-La’ group,

were ready to go at their final rehearsal.

Year 6 Luncheon Year 6 celebrated seven years of schooling at Crookwell Public School with a luncheon at the Crown Theatre Café on Tuesday. Prior to lunch being served, the students took the opportunity to expel some energy by using the play gym equipment. Once parents and friends arrived, a fine luncheon of pizzas and salad was served, followed by graduation cake. The cake was cut by Class Captains Rhianna King and Dusty Jenkins. After some brief thankyou speeches students were presented with their celebratory T-shirt, a Yearbook and photo memento from The School Photographer. Year 6 were then able to leave with their parents or remain behind to play on the gym equipment before returning to school in time to catch buses home, with many choosing the latter option; a testament to how much fun they were having! In fact, a great time was had by all!

Miss Bell and Mrs Atfield, along with Year 6, would like to thank the family and friends of Year 6 students for joining us on this important occasion, and Mr and Mrs Topalidis for the great array of pizzas and salads served. Miss Bell and Mrs Atfield would also like to congratulate Year 6 not only on their impressive behaviour on Tuesday but also on the completion of their primary education. Thank you Year 6, farewell and all the very best for 2018 and the years beyond.

Sophie Moore, Rhianna King and Jacque Barney take a short break to rehydrate before returning to the play gym.

Jess Langford certainly enjoyed her ride through the covered slide.

Ari Stephenson, Jackson Kelleher, Cameron Herd, Sean Ward and Mason Kearney make the most of the ball pit.

Class Captains, Rhianna King and Dusty Jenkins cut the Year 6 Graduation Cake.

Thank you Mrs Stepien Kindergarten has had the pleasure of Mrs Stepien’s company for the past 10 weeks. Mrs Stepien will finish her final university placement this week. We have enjoyed her caring nature and helpful attitude in the classroom. Kindergarten has learnt so much over the term. Many friendships have been formed and we hope to see you again in the new year.

Miss O’Neill, Miss Anthony and Kindergarten want to wish Mrs Stepien all the very best in her teaching career and hopefully she will not forget us!

What a fantastic way to finish the term with the lovely Mrs


Colour Fun Run On Wednesday, students from K-6 participated in our first ever colour fun run! What a great way to finish our school year! Everybody involved had a fabulous day and were very colourful upon their return to school. I would like to congratulate everyone on their amazing fundraising efforts for this event, with your help we raised over $9500.00! This money will go a long way in purchasing beneficial supplies for our school. Thank you to all of the staff and parents who helped in a number of ways, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Charlie Colley and Tyler Smith gave the day a thumbs up.

Jesse Croker jumps the vault with ease.

Miss Bell was turned into a nice shade of blue.

Hannah Shipton was excited for the day ahead.

Mrs Whittington presented Oscar Textor with a certificate and medallion for being the highest fundraising student.

The teachers didn’t miss out on the action!

Santa stops in with K-2 On Monday students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 were delighted to see Santa! Santa was on his rounds visiting all the schools in our district and decided to stop in and collect all of the Santa letters from K-2 at Crookwell Public School. It was wonderful to see Santa looking so jolly and healthy, ready for a big trip around the world on December 25th. Thank you for visiting Santa!

Santa admires the special card that Phoebe Fannin made for him.

Brax Druett tells Santa his wishes for Christmas.

Campbell Burch is all smiles with Santa.

Evelyn Dark enjoys Santa’s company.

Bodi Waters sits on Santa’s lap to tell him what he would like for Christmas this year.

Emily Simpson is so excited, she cannot wait for Christmas!

Lachlan Nolan is thrilled to see Santa at school!

Tynen Long’s last day at CPS is one he will remember.

Shae Dumesic shows Santa the kind of lizard she would like for Christmas.

Thank you Santa for visiting K-2!

K-2 give Santa a special gift to keep him nourished on his big trip.

Merry Christmas everyone from the K-2 teachers!

Kids on Keyboards Students who have been learning to play the keyboard this year entertained us with their talent at the Kids on Keyboards concert on Monday. Well done to the many students who have extended their music skills through this program! Thanks Mr Binns for the Christmas songs!

Thomas Haywood-Whipp is all dressed up as Santa for one

of Mr Binn’s favourite Christmas songs!

Sianabel Anderson, Rory Hallam, Elizabeth McDonald, Ihaka Hape, Bryce Foley, Alexander Anderson, Charlie McGregor and Jesse Faulkner are the very talented keyboard players.

Resources/Equipment Needed in 2018 During the holiday break you may be shopping and wish to buy items of school equipment for your child/children from one or more of the following lists. Clearly marking your child’s belongings with their name or initials would be greatly appreciated.

Kindergarten, Year 1 & Year 2 • Art shirt • Library bag • Reading folder

Primary Classes • HB lead pencils • Blue/Red/Black ballpoint pens (not felt tip variety) • 30 cm wooden ruler (measurements in centimetres

and millimetres, not inches) • Eraser (not toy rubbers please) • Sharpener • Highlighters (4 pack) • Coloured pencils (12 pack) • Art shirt • Library bag • Gluestick • 1 small pencil case • Display folder for Peer Support – Year 6 only.

A Great Year! Thank you! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, staff, parents and wider school community, for the role you have played to make 2017 a happy, successful and memorable year. The value of your support cannot be underestimated.

To the parents who will no longer have students at the school, I thank you for your commitment and support over the years and to our Year 6 students as you move from primary school to high school I extend my congratulations and best wishes.

I wish you all a very happy holiday spent with family and friends before returning to Crookwell Public School for a wonderful 2018.

Yours in Public Education, Greg Atfield Principal

Michael Whittington & Jade Bell Assistant Principals

Community Announcements ………………… The inclusion of any announcement does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof by Crookwell Public School.

Make history come alive these school holidays with the Heritage Raider program at the Bradman Centre. Kids and adults have the chance to interact with precious artefacts and rare images from the Museum’s rich archives. A tour behind the scenes where the magic of capturing cricket’s heritage is created is included in the 2 hour program.

Everyone who signs up to the Heritage Raider program receives a take home Heritage Raider Kit and Souvenir Ticket.

Learn How To Knit During The School Holidays Country Women’s Association would like to offer 10 places to Crookwell Public School upper primary students (2018 Years 4, 5 or 6) to learn how to knit over the school holidays.

The lessons are free and everything is provided, however if you can borrow or bring in your own size 8 needles it would be greatly appreciated.

The lessons will be held with other students from other local schools each Wednesday over the holidays, starting on January 3rd and finishing on 24 January 2018.

If you are interested please make contact with Lillian Marshall on 48322172.

Please note there are limited places, so first in best dressed. Game On @ Upper Lachlan Shire Libraries Looking for something to do these school holidays? Sign up for the Summer Reading Club and participate in fun activities online. Participation in the Summer Reading Club is FREE! This year the theme is Game On, celebrating our Aussie sporting culture, games, technology, team spirit and the 2018 Commonwealth Games. The Summer Reading Club at Crookwell and Gunning Libraries will run from the 1st December 2017 until the 31st January 2018. Children and young people can register for free at our libraries and will receive a participation pack. Come into the library to collect your Summer Reading Pack and start reading! For more information visit:

Not a member of the library, that’s ok, pop into the library and join – it’s free!

The program runs from 10:30am – 12:30pm on select days and can be booked online. For more information or to purchase tickets, please go to

Singing, Guitar and Beginner Keyboard Lesson spots available from Term 1, 2018 at Crookwell Primary School!

All music provides opportunities to perform in the local area and all lessons during school hours. Private lessons are $20 per half hour / $35 per 1 hour - sibling discount. No charge for sick / away. Please contact Gillian McCann 0419402898 for further information.

School Holiday Workshop:

Dotty Fireworks Mural @ Crookwell Library Celebrate the New Year by creating a dotty fireworks mural.

When: 11am - 12pm Tuesday 23rd January.

Ages: 5 - 14 years.

Cost: $5 per person or $10 for a family.

R.S.V.P. Monday 22nd January, 4845 1231.

Please wear old clothes or a painting smock.

Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre – Vacation Care – January 2018Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th

Water fun day

Morning at the pool then back to the school for more water sports. Slip n slide, water balloons etc water pistols $3:00 Pool entry

Fire Station Visit Join us at the Crookwell fire Station to have a tour of the building and look at the truck

Movie Day Come along and watch one of the newest movies out. Then picnic in the park

$25.00 This includes Ticket, drink, popcorn and travel.

Morning at the Crookwell Pool Picnic in the park then Art/Craft Afternoon at the library $3:00 Pool entry Swimmers and Towel

Kids Choice You choose. Ride your bike, Play the PlayStation, watch a movie, Arts and crafts, board games SCIENCE Afternoon

Monday 15th

Tuesday 16th

Wednesday 17th

Thursday !8th

Friday 19th

Morning at the pool $3:00 Pool entry

Afternoon at the library

Picnic at the Skate Park

Movie Afternoon

Junior Master Chef Come along and try your hand at making some delicious treats, and a yummy lunch

$10:00 includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea

Ten Pin Bowling in Mittagong

Come and see how you go. Are you good enough to get a strike???? $25:00 Includes 2 games and shoe hire. Foo can be purchased at an extra cost

PlayStation Day

We have a PlayStation2 and a PlayStation 3, PSP, PSP vista, DS and game boy. As well as more games than you could poke a stick at.

Monday 22nd

Tuesday 23rd

Wednesday 24th

Thursday 25th

Friday 26th

Footy at the oval, Special guest

Wear your favourite team colours and come have a kick.

Wombeyan Caves

Come join us for an awesome adventure. Followed by a picnic lunch at the caves. $25:00

Police Station Visit

I hope you have been good!!! Come visit the local Police Station. See inside the cars and sit inside the cell. Afternoon at the pool $3:00 Pool entry

AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE Come celebrate Australia Day. Sausage sizzle lunch, cricket and other fun party stuff. $5:00 All food included


