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Every minute approximately 3 billion cells in your body die.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic States

The sympathetic division typically functions in actions requiring quick responses. (Fight or flight)

The parasympathetic division functions with actions that do not require immediate reaction. (Rest & relaxation)

We need to be in parasympathetic for cell regeneration.

As a result of epigenetic investigations, we now understand how negative, fearful thoughts can cause DNA strands to constrict and become entangled.

Conversely, we’ve learned that positive, appreciative, and loving thoughts can result in lengthened and relaxed DNA strands.

Expectations of motherhood:

I’d Be:Stay at home




They’d Be:


Self Directing

Able to self entertain


I Assumed a Lot

Ass-U-Me• Adoption

• Full of rage

• Didn’t want to be comforted

• RAD• Tantrums 4-8 x

daily. 20-50 minutes long.

• “You have to go get her BIT done.”

• Taming the tiger while it’s still a kitten.

Brain Integration Therapy

Touch for Health training Spring 2011

Crossinology Brain Integration

Brain Gym & Emotion Code Certified Summer 2011

My own Brain Integration Therapy Summer 2011

Trained in BIT Winter 2011

Negativity is fear. Fear creates stress.

Life Force Energy. High Vibrational Frequency.


Toxin/Bad Vibes

Nutrient/Good Vibes

A single cell displays intelligence, consciousness and awareness

Finding Stress in Your Energy Field

Demonstrations:Fluorescent Light

Sugar packet

Ear tug for range of motion

Balancing gaits

Singing bowl

Dr. Charles Krebs Bonding Work

“We also have on our brain stem beside the nurturing system, we have another system that they initially called the panic system because it was an animal model and they

watched what animals did…”

Chick separated from the Hen? Kitty separated from the Cat?

“Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mama! Mooooommmmyyyyyy!”

“They look identically the same because they are running off the same brain stem systems. It’s really the Separation Distress System, designed to reunite baby with mother.”

What if mama isn’t there? Cries are not good if you are a helpless prey. So you get quiet, you get small, you feel alone. You learn to care for yourself.

If we have these reactions when we are older, it’s called anxiety and depression. If you have them as children, RAD, ADD, “Behavior problems”.

Healing Hearts & Hemispheres

Holding time for adults?!

Negative choices come from not feeling love. (Heart wall)

Week of “I Love You”“Stop saying that!”Pushed.Started self governing & projecting love toward others.“I love you”, code for “I trust you.” (CC Function)


Brain Integration

Environmental factors: Candida, Fluorescent lights, Allergens, Electromagnetic Radiation, Hydration, Vaccinations.

Three aspects of the Corpus Callosum: Neuromuscular level, Cortical level, and the effect of Trust on the CC. (Trust is the key emotion for the CC)

Deep Level Switching. Right to Left. (Learning) Top to Bottom. (Higher cortex, Reptilian) Front to Back. (Emotional trauma)

Brain Integration

Right & Left Anterior Temporal Lobe/Hippocampal Complexes (Short term memory)

Broca’s (motor movements, speech, integrates information received from Wernick’s):

Wernick’s (sight, sound, comprehension, thought- translated into commands)

Auditory Interpretative Point (interpreting what has been said.)

Brain Integration

Limbic System, maintain basic functions, react to threat to ensure survival.

Pupillary response, strong tie to subconscious emotional centers. (Amygdala & Hypothalamus)

Basal Ganglia, organization of coordinated motor activity. Interface between the sensory system.

Brain Integration

Hippocampus, permits transfer for Primary Memory (short term) to Secondary Memory (long term)Senses, the drive of an individual,

Fear of: Failure/Success/Making Mistakes/Getting it Wrong.

Parahippocampal Gyrus (surrounds the hippocampus) Modulates responses to memory & learning.

Emotional Reactivity (Drama Queens)

Brain Integration

Visual systems, 3D, Convergence, Divergence, Tracking, Focusing,

Auditory Integration

Vestibular System Static balance, Dynamic balance. Pitch, Roll, Yaw.

Repaterrning HC, HC eyes down right (gestalt), HC eyes down right counting. HC eye rotations.XC, XC eyes up left (logic), XC eyes up left humming. XC eye rotations.

Emotional trauma balanced from previous learning difficulties.Friends, teachers, reading, math, school, work, co-workers, etc.

Living in a Parasympathetic State

• Stay well-hydrated. Drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.• Eat healthfully, adjusting the proportion of protein and carbohydrate to your brain needs.• Think positive, healthy thoughts.• Take time each day to focus on things you are grateful for in your life.• Spend time with positive, uplifting people.• Spend time with people you want to be like.• Talk to others in loving, helpful ways.• Surround yourself with great smells.• Make a difference in the life of someone else.• Exercise.• Regularly connect with your loved ones.• Learn diaphragmatic breathing.• Learn and use self-hypnosis and meditation on a daily basis.• Focus on what you like a lot more than what you don’t like.• Have meaning, purpose, excitement, and stimulation in your life.• Establish eye contact with and smile frequently at others.• Learn something new each day.• Make beautiful music a part of your life.

Is this MY list, or YOURS?

Attachment & Depression Healing

• Neurotransmitters

• Heartwall

• Brain Function

• Emotional Reactivity

• Body Awareness

• Emotional Diffusion

“We create a foundation of optimized access to brain function (healing their hemispheres), then we support the client with tools for emotional wellness. (healing their hearts)” - Kelsha, Cherry River Wellness