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Denmark 2015 Key mobile trends

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Foreword Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

foreword During the recent years – mobile advertising has experienced heavy growth in Denmark. A growth that is set to continue in the years ahead of us. Danes are generally considered as being one of the most mobile-savvy consumers worldwide and they are increasingly becoming less dependent on both physical shops and computers.

While many brands operating in Denmark successfully have adapted to this mobile-facing behavior – there is room for improvement. 1/3 of brands operating in Denmark still fail to respond the mobile consumer demands by the lack of mobile optimized sites and landing pages. Consequently, more than 40% of consumers have tried to run away from a poorly optimized mobile brand to a competitor that could deliver the desired experience. On that basis, the market still holds plenty of space for those who continue to invest in a well-thought and innovative mobile strategy that can make the lives of Danish consumers easier. That is why, we in the following pages give you the room to explore the opportunities the Danish market holds for mobile first companies like yours. Enjoy!

eMarketer:  Mobile  ad  spending  more  than  doubles  in  Denmark  2014  

Danish consumers feel comfortable to use their mobile devices for purchasing and interacting with various products and services. This accounts for travel, music streaming services and subscriptions to magazines, newspapers or physical products such as clothing, electronics and healthcare.

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Denmark Market overview

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mobile market overview Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

The market overview The market overview In Denmark mobile ad spending is expected to drive the digital ad growth and by 2018 eMarketer estimates that mobile will claim almost 70% of all digital media spending in the country. In 2014 mobile took a 12.5% share of total media ad spend in Denmark, which was the second highest portion globally. Only UK achieved a higher share with 13.4%. While there are many great explanations behind the booming mobile ad spend in Denmark – the mobile-savvy consumers are with no doubt one of them.

An astounding 87.5% of Denmark’s population – or 4.9 million consumers became mobile users in 2014. By 2017, Denmark will become the worldwide leader in terms of smartphone penetration with 83.2% of the population, or 92.7% of mobile phone users using a smartphone.

eMarketer:  Mobile  ad  spending  more  than  doubles  in  Denmark  2014  

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Almost 3 out of 4 Danes have a smartphone – and more than 2 million consumers use their smartphone daily to get online.

Only 48% used desktop for internet access in 2014. This is a 15% (63%) since 2013.

In the same period the mobile internet access has grown from 22% to 34%.

And the use of internet access from tablets has grown from 15% to 19%.

Heavy growth in mobile internet traffic

mobile market overview Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

Danske Medier: Mobilannoncering 2015

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On average Danes use 30 hours & 15 minutes in apps

every month

Time spent on apps

mobile market overview Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

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86% 43% 21% 26% Of Danish smartphone users notice mobile advertisements

Surf on their smartphone or tablet while watching TV

Always look for product/service reviews on their mobile devices pre-purchase

Have searched for a product/service after seeing a mobile ad

TNS Gallup Mobile Devices 2014

The Danish mobile audience

mobile market overview Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

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Denmark M-commerce &

Consumer Behavior

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M-commerce is growing

2012 19%

2013 30%

2014 36%

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

During the past two years the number of Danes shopping on

their mobile devices has

increased by 47,2%

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

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Danske Medier: Mobilannoncering 2015

28% Of mobile web searches result in a purchase, store visit or a phone call

Of mobile web searches are made within one hour before a purchase


Of mobile web searches contribute with some kind of business value fx. store visit, web shop visit etc.


The impact of Mobile search

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

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Mobile shopping ON smartphones

When purchasing something with a smartphone, 40% of

Danes shop through apps,

while only 26% use A mobile


DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

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Mobile shopping ON tablets

When purchasing something with a tablet, 39% of Danes

shop through a browser,

while 30% use an app.

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

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Two years ago 19% shopped via smartphones or tablets. In 2014

this number grew to 33%. Mobile shopping is increasing significantly in all age groups. It decreases somewhat with age, but the fact is that every fourth

person in the age group 55-64 have used their smartphone or tablet for shopping.

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

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Electronics Home deco travel media clothing healthcare service

What Danes shop on mobile?

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

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28% 21% 23%

18% 42%

32% 13%

Mobile gender patterns

travel Media clothing electronics

While the biggest share of females prefer to buy clothes followed by media with their mobile devices, men are more likely to shop for

media followed by electronics.

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

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Differences in ad click behavior

across devices and various audiences appear in Denmark. The click rate for females are generally higher than for men on mobile. In addition, the 55+ age group

generally has higher click through rates compared to other age groups.

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

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Mobile Shopping is increasing across all age groups

60 50 40 30 20 10 0


15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64


2013 2014

DIBS – Nordic E-Commerce 2014

Mobile commerce & Consumer Behavior Denmark

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The younger audiences use

mobile devices significantly more than the elderly in Denmark. In comparison, the mobile use among the elderly is growing at

least twice as fast. There is no

longer an Early adopters market. Instead the whole market is perceived as fully mature, which just continues to grow.

Danske Medier – Mobilannoncering 2015

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Denmark Mobile advertising

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Operating in a mature market means that it only is the highly

relevant mobile services that create close relationships between the users and the developers/brands. These are especially services, which give the users control and convenience.

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In Denmark, banks have successfully adapted to these mobile consumer demands. while other sectors still face many untapped self-service, dialogue & context based opportunities.

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Days of the week with highest advertisement interaction

Mon tue wed sat fri thu sun

Leadmill Insights Denmark 2015

Mobile Advertising Denmark

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Am 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

PM 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Leadmill Insights Denmark 2015

Mobile Advertising Denmark

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Leadmill Insights Denmark 2015

Most mobile actions take place during the weekend and occur between 17-21 pm.

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Denmark Summary

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Summary Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

Mobile is booming in Denmark and it is evident that consumers embrace innovative mobile solutions to enrich their online experiences. Overall, Danes prefer to use mobile web for quick information search – often at last-minute pre-purchase search, while apps often are applied for a deeper level of engagement such as purchase. During the study, we have also discovered certain differences in behavior among genders. When purchasing something with their mobile devices in hand, females tend to buy travels and clothes while men are more in to media and electronics.

eMarketer:  Mobile  ad  spending  more  than  doubles  in  Denmark  2014  

Summary Thereby travel & fashion brands might find great values focusing their advertising on women across age groups, when striving for ad interaction and mobile purchases.

Mobile shopping is increasing in Denmark. Not only

among Millennial’s but also the older age groups,

where more than 25% of the 55-64 year olds have

purchased something with their mobile device within

the last year.

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Summary Denmark – 2015 key mobile trends

Given the positive developments and consumer expectations, the future looks very bright and promising for advertisers and app developers that are ready to take the full advantage of the world’s leader when it comes to mobile penetration. With an ever increasing number of Danes, who become independent of their desktops – mobile has to be a well-integrated part of every marketing strategy if aiming for success in the Danish market. To gain success however, advertisers must create an environment around mobile that reflects an understanding of the mobile consumer needs and enriches the user’s experience across devices and platforms.

eMarketer:  Mobile  ad  spending  more  than  doubles  in  Denmark  2014  


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About Leadmill

Leadmill is an innovative mobile advertising company with Scandinavian roots but a worldwide reach that makes it effortless for advertisers to acquire, engage and retain unique audiences on mobile.

About Leadmill

Through powerful targeting options and a ROI focused product suite, we make sure that brands can interact and build profitable relationships with customers at all touch points of their consumer journey.

By aggregating a wide array of handpicked media partners and networks, Leadmill has billions of unique impressions available worldwide for all mobile devices.

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Are you ready to win new market shares in Denmark?


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