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Data for DecisionsChapter 7

Austin ColeFebruary 16, 2010

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I. Samplinga. Bad Sampling Methodsb. Random Sampling

II. ExperimentsIII. Applying Sample to a PopulationIV. SimulationsV. Confidence IntervalsVI. Discussion

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Population- entire group of individuals about which we want informationSample- part of population from which information is collected

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Monthly unemployment rate based on survey of 60,000 householdsDefine populationDefine unemployedFinal percentage

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"Labor Force"

UnemployedNot looking for workEmployed

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Bad Sampling Methods

Convenience sample-sample of easiest to reach members of populationBias-systematically favoring a certain outcomeVoluntary Response Sample-people choose to respond to a general appeal

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Simple Random Sampling

Every individual in population has equal chance to be sampledTable of random


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Cautions about Sample Surveys

Undercoverage-group of the population is left out when choosing sampleNonresponse-individual chosen doesn’t participateWording of questions

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Observational StudyExperiment-imposes some treatment on individuals to observe their responsesConfounding variables-variable whose effects cannot be distinguishedControl group

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Randomized Comparative Experiment

Online vs. classroom courses

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Random Sampling Exercise

1.Starting on line x, read 2-digit groups until you have chosen 6 restaurants.2.Ignore groups not in the range and ignore any repeated labels.

Starting at line 105: 07, 19, 14, 17, 13, 15

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Thinking about Experiments

Placebo effectDouble-blind experimentProspective studies

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From Sample to Population

Statistical inference-using fact of a sample to estimate about whole populationParameter-fixed number that describes populationStatistic-number that describes a sampleSampling Distribution-distribution of values taken by the statistic in all possible samples of the same size from the same population

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Assessing simulations

ShapeCenter-mean of sampling distribution (g)Spread-standard deviation of sampling distribution

g(1- g)n

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Confidence Intervals

Percent of all samples will produce an interval containing the true population parameter68-95-99.7 RuleMargin of error for 95% confidence interval:

ĝ(1- ĝ)n2

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95% Confidence Interval

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A Gallup poll asked a random sample of 1785 adults if they attended church or synagogue in the last 7 days. Of the respondents, 750 said yes. Find the 95% confidence interval.

ĝ(1- ĝ)n

ĝ=.42 =.023

95% Confidence Interval: .376 to .466

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In real world examples, what are some uses of knowing the spread/standard deviation?Other uses/applications for this information?

9,38,44a (7th edition)

Homework Problems: