Page 1: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat





BAHASA MELAYU ............................................................................................. 1

Bab 1 Tatabahasa .......................................................................................... 2

Unit 1 Golongan Kata ......................................................................................... 3

Unit 1.1 Kata Nama ..................................................................................... 3

Unit 1.2 Kata Kerja ...................................................................................... 11

Unit 1.3 Kata Adjektif ................................................................................ 13

Unit 1.4 Kata Tugas .................................................................................... 16

Unit 1.5 Kata Ganda ................................................................................. 30

Unit 1.6 Kata Majmuk ................................................................................ 32

Unit 1.7 Kata Banyak Makna .................................................................. 34


Unit 1.8 Kata Berimbuhan ......................................................................... 35

Unit 1.9 Penanda Wacana ..................................................................... 46

Unit 1.10 Sinonim ........................................................................................ 47

Unit 1.11 Antonim ....................................................................................... 48

Unit 2 Ayat ............................................................................................................ 48

Unit 2.1 Ayat Penyata ............................................................................... 49

Unit 2.2 Ayat Tunggal ................................................................................ 49

Unit 2.3 Ayat Aktif dan Ayat Pasif .......................................................... 49

Unit 2.4 Ayat Tanya .................................................................................... 51

Unit 2.5 Ayat Majmuk ................................................................................ 52

Unit 2.6 Ayat Sama Maksud ..................................................................... 52

Unit 2.7 Ayat Seruan .................................................................................. 53

Unit 2.8 Ayat Perintah ................................................................................ 53

Page 2: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat


Unit 2.9 Ayat Songsang ............................................................................. 54

Unit 3 Peribahasa ................................................................................................. 54

Unit 3.1 Simpulan Bahasa ......................................................................... 54

Unit 3.2 Perumpamaan ............................................................................. 55

Unit 3.3 Bidalan ........................................................................................... 55

Unit 3.4 Pepatah ......................................................................................... 56

Unit 3.5 Bandingan Semacam/Kiasan ................................................... 57

Unit 3.6 Kata-Kata Hikmat ........................................................................ 57

Unit 4 Penjodoh Bilangan .................................................................................. 59


Bab 2 Petikan Pemahaman .......................................................................... 63

Strategi Starfish untuk Petikan Pemahaman......................................... 64

Contoh Soalan dan Jawapan Kertas 1 Pemahaman ........................ 65

Bab 3 Penulisan ............................................................................................. 76

Strategi Starfish untuk Bahagian A ......................................................... 77


Strategi Starfish untuk Bahagian B .......................................................... 80

Strategi Starfish untuk Bahagian C ......................................................... 84

Surat Kiriman Rasmi.................................................................................... 87

Surat Kiriman Tidak Rasmi ......................................................................... 90

Ucapan ........................................................................................................ 93

Laporan ....................................................................................................... 94

Berita ............................................................................................................ 96

Dialog ........................................................................................................... 98

Catatan ..................................................................................................... 100

Page 3: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat


Cerita ......................................................................................................... 102

Autobiografi/Biografi ............................................................................... 103

Keperihalan ............................................................................................... 105

Fakta .......................................................................................................... 106

Perbincangan/Perbahasan ................................................................... 107

Peribahasa ................................................................................................ 109



ENGLISH ....................................................................................................... 111

Chapter 1 Grammar .................................................................................... 112

Unit 1 Articles ............................................................................................. 112

Unit 2 Nouns .............................................................................................. 114

Unit 3 Verbs ............................................................................................... 118

Unit 4 Tenses .............................................................................................. 120

Unit 5 Subject-Verb Agreement ............................................................ 125

Unit 6 Pronouns ......................................................................................... 126

Unit 7 Adjectives ....................................................................................... 130

Unit 8 Adverbs ........................................................................................... 132

Unit 9 Conjunctions .................................................................................. 133

Unit 10 Prepositions .................................................................................. 134

Unit 11 Modals .......................................................................................... 136

Unit 12 Posittive and Negative Statements ......................................... 137

Unit 13 Postive and Negative Questions and Responses ................. 138

Unit 14 WH - Questions ............................................................................ 139

Unit 15 Punctuation ................................................................................. 140

Unit 16 Types of Sentences ..................................................................... 142

Unit 17 Proverbs, Idioms and Similes .................................................... 143

Unit 18 Synonyms and Antonyms .......................................................... 146

Page 4: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Chapter 2 Social Expressions ..................................................................... 148

Starfish Strategies for Social Expressions ............................................... 153

Chapter 3 Reading Comprehension .......................................................... 154

Starfish Strategies for Reading Comprehension ................................. 156

Model Question and Answer Paper 1 .................................................. 158


Chapter 4 Writing ......................................................................................... 170

Starfish Strategies for Section A ............................................................. 171

Model Question and Answer (Section A) ............................................ 172

Starfish Strategies for Section B ............................................................. 173

Model Question and Answer (Section B) ............................................ 174

Other Possible Formats for Section B .................................................... 176

Starfish Strategies for Section C ............................................................. 179

Starfish Tips for Excellent Writing (Section C) ....................................... 180

Model Question and Answer (Section C) ........................................... 187

Page 5: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat




Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan,

menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat.

A. Kata Hubung

Menyambungkan dua ayat atau lebih untuk membentuk ayat majmuk.

Kata hubung terbahagi kepada tiga jenis iaitu gabungan, pancangan dan


i. Kata Hubung Gabungan

Menghubungkan dua ayat yang sama sifatnya untuk membentuk ayat

majmuk gabungan.

Kata hubung


Penggunaan Contoh


Menunjukkan pilihan.

Awak hendak makan nasi atau

minum air sahaja?

Dan/ serta

Menggabungkan ayat atau

menunjukkan dua unsur yang


William makan menggunakan

sudu dan garpu.


Menunjukkan sesuatu yang

tidak dirangkumi.

Harga untuk setiap buku di atas

rak itu sama kecuali yang

berkulit biru itu.


Perbuatan yang dibuat


Ah Tong menjerit lalu menangis.


Menunjukkan akibat sesuatu

perbuatan atau perkara.

Oleh sebab kerajinannya, maka

Abu memperoleh keputusan

yang cemerlang dalam UPSR.


Menyatakan dua perkara

yang berlainan. Digunakan

jika jumlah manusia, haiwan,

dan seumpamanya yang

hadir selepas perkataan ini

melebihi satu.

Ibu sedang memasak

manakala ayah dan abang

sedang membaca surat


(ayah dan abang = lebih

daripada seorang)


Menyatakan perbuatan

pada masa yang sama.

Farid menyanyi sambil menari.


Menunjukkan perkara yang


Adik ingin membeli komputer

tetapi duitnya tidak mencukupi

untuk membayar harga

komputer itu.

Page 6: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Contoh Soalan dan Jawapan Kertas 1 Pemahaman - Bahagian A

Soalan 1 – 8

Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang paling sesuai.

1. Adik ketawa _____ apabila ayah membuat jenaka.

A. terkumat-kamit

B. tersengguk-sengguk

C. terhuyung-hayang

D. terbahak-bahak

2. “Salam ______ saya ucapkan atas kehilangan ibu kamu,” kata Suri kepada


A. sejahtera

B. takziah

C. tahniah

D. sedih

3. Wajah Hasya kelihatan _______ akibat kehilangan banyak darah.

A. hitam legam

B. kuning langsat

C. pucat lesi

D. merah saga

4. Pak Abu menggunakan _______ sabit untuk menebas semak –samun di

belakang rumahnya.

A. sebatang

B. sebiji

C. sebilah

D. seketul

5. “______ kamu sudah lama tidak hadir ke sekolah, Afnan?” tanya Ahmad.

A. Berapakah

B. Siapakah

C. Mengapakah

D. Apakah

D adalah jawapan terbaik kerana kata

ganda ‘terbahak-bahak’ merujuk kepada

perbuatan ketawa

B adalah jawapan terbaik kerana takziah

merupakan perkataan yang membawa

maksud turut bersedih atas kematian

C adalah jawapan terbaik kerana ‘pucat

lesi’ bermaksud kelihatan seolah-olah

tidak bermaya

C adalah jawapan terbaik kerana ‘sebilah’

merupakan penjodoh bilangan yang

digunakan untuk benda tajam dan runcing

seperti sabit, pisau dan lain-lain

C adalah jawapan terbaik kerana kata

tanya ‘mengapa’ digunakan untuk

mengetahui sebab dan alasan berlakunya

sesuatu perkara

Page 7: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Strategi Starfish untuk Bahagian C: Menulis Karangan

Dalam Bahagian C, dua soalan akan dikemukakan tetapi anda perlu memilih

satu soalan sahaja.

Pilih soalan karangan yang ingin dijawab dengan teliti.

Soalan karangan yang diberikan terbahagi kepada dua jenis iaitu karangan

berformat khusus dan karangan tidak berformat.

Karangan Berformat Karangan Tidak Berformat

Surat Kiriman Rasmi

Surat Kiriman Tidak Rasmi












Strategi Mengarang

1) Pilih soalan dengan bijak supaya dapat dijawab dengan tepat:

Pilih soalan yang sesuai dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman anda.

Kenal pasti bentuk dan format soalan.

Cari kata kunci soalan untuk membuat huraian.

2) Rangka isi karangan:

Cari kata kunci dan fahami kehendak soalan dalam arahan.

Pastikan jenis karangan dan format karangan tersebut.

Tulis poin-poin penting, ayat ringkas dan idea spontan.

Anda disarankan membuat peta minda bagi menyusun isi-isi penting.

3) Tulis dan Semak karangan

Biasanya satu perenggan untuk pendahuluan diikuti dengan beberapa

perenggan untuk isi-isi utama dan satu perenggan untuk penutup.

Pendahuluan karangan mestilah menyatakan tajuk dan isi-isi yang hendak


Gunakan konsep : 1 isi + 1 huraian + 1 contoh untuk setiap perenggan.

Ayat dan perenggan dalam karangan boleh dihubungkan dengan

menggunakan penanda wacana.

Penutup ialah kesimpulan untuk karangan yang disampaikan itu.

Jangan lupa gunakan peribahasa yang sesuai dalam karangan anda.

Baca dan semak semula karangan yang telah siap ditulis.

Page 8: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Definite Article - ‘the’

the can be used in front of both singular and plural nouns as well as adjectives.

o the is a definite article. It refers to a very specific person or thing.

o It also refers to someone or something which is one of its kind.

o It is also used to refer to something or someone that has been

mentioned before.

Below are some examples:

Definite Article Examples


He is the principal of SMK Taman Ilmu.

She is not the person you are looking for.

Tonight, the moon will be shining brighter than usual if it does

not rain.

Halim had an apple this morning. The apple was delicious.

DO NOT use articles in the following situations:

Situation Examples

When talking about

things in general

I enjoy eating bananas for breakfast.

My mother likes to watch movies with us at home.

Before countries

and languages

(except countries

that already have

‘the’ as part of their

name e.g. The

United States of


Malaysians enjoy visiting Thailand because it is very

near to our country.

My father is able to speak Bahasa Melayu, English and


Singapore is a developed country.

Before the names

of people and


My mother brought us to Fraser’s Hill last Saturday.

Yusuf plays badminton with Tanush every afternoon.

Sarah likes going on vacation to Penang Island.

Before the names

of sports, activities

and games

Aerobics is a good way to lose weight.

A lot of Malaysians enjoy playing badminton.

Monopoly is a very sophisticated game.

My sister enjoys singing and dancing.

Before the names

of days, months,

seasons and


Deepavali is celebrated by most Indians all over the


Summer is the hottest time of the year in countries

which have four seasons.

My father usually has meetings on Fridays.

Muslims must fast during Ramadan.

Page 9: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Starfish Strategies for Reading Comprehension

There are two types of texts in the reading component of the examination.

o Linear Texts

o Non-Linear Texts

Linear texts are texts that are organised in a traditional way. We read linear texts

just like how we read most normal texts in sequence. Examples of linear texts are

stories, letters, informational texts, etc.

Non-Linear texts are texts that are non-traditional way. We do not read it from

left to right nor do we read it in order. Examples of non-linear texts are

advertisements, brochures, posters, notices, tables, graphs, charts, etc.

Questions that are asked in the reading component require you to find the

answers that are found DIRECTLY in the texts, but some will require you to make


For questions that require direct answers from the texts, you need to pay

attention to KEY WORDS from the questions and find those keywords in the texts

to get the answers.

For questions that require inferences, you need to think critically and creatively.

You need to analyse what the text is trying to tell you indirectly.

Some of the aspects that students need to pay attention to are as below:

Identifying main ideas

When reading a text, students must be aware of the overall message of the

text. This means they must be able to understand what the text is about.

The main idea is usually found at the beginning of the text, but it can also be

understood from the overall idea of the text.

Below are some questions and statements that may be used to test students in

the examination:

o What is the text about?

o What is the advertisement/note/letter/notice, etc. about?

o From the story, we know that…

o Based on the story, we know that…

Page 10: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Remembering specific information from the text

Sometimes, questions for reading comprehension require you to remember

specific information from the text.

This means that the answers can be found in the text.

Students must read the text again to find the specific information that the

question asks for.

Below are some questions that may be asked in the examination:

Who did ….. ? (This type of question requires you to look for a specific

person mentioned in the text)

Why did …..? (This type of question requires you to look for a specific

reason why something happened in the text)

When did….? (This type of question requires you to look for the specific

time when something happened in the text)

Making inferences or conclusions

In reading comprehension, there will be questions or statements that will test

your critical thinking skills.

These types of questions may ask you to make an inference (an intelligent

guess) or make a conclusion (your overall understanding) about the text.

This means you must answer the question or statement based on your daily

experience and understanding of the world around you.

Answers to such questions or statements will usually be based on your common

sense. Therefore, the answers WILL NOT be found in the text.

Below are examples of how you might be tested on making inferences and


o Which word/phrase would best describe … ? (This type of question tests

you on how to describe the character or the situation the character is


o From the text, we know that…. (This type of question tests your overall

understanding of the text and the events that are mentioned in the text)

Finding cause and effect

For questions related to cause and effect, students are expected to find out

the reason and the effect of an incident in the text.

Students should be able to find the answers for these types of questions from

the text.

Page 11: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



Starfish Tips for Excellent Writing (Section C)

Suggestions for Introduction

An introduction of a composition is one of the most important aspects in writing.

The introduction is where you set the story. It is where you give a brief

background about a character or event.

Below are some suggestions on how you can start your composition:

If the story is about a person Example

Describe the


Who is she/he?

What does she/he normally


What is the relationship of

the character with you?

o Andy is an honest person.

o Farid is always getting

into trouble.

o Kerry is my childhood


Describe the


hobby related

to the topic

What does he/she/they like

to do?

o Lutfi loves playing video

games. He spends most

of his time on the


o Kavita is a great cook.

She loves cooking new

dishes in the kitchen for


Describe the



related to the


What is she/he like?

o My neighbour is a very

kind person. He loves to

send us delicious food.

o Firdaus is an intelligent

boy. He is always at the

top of his class.

If the story is about an event Example

Describe the


What event is taking


o It is the 16th of May. It is

Teachers’ Day.

o Today is Earth Day. It

reminds us to save


Describe what

is happening

or going to

happen in the


What is going to happen? o Teachers and students will

have a few activities on

this day.

o We are expected to turn

off the electricity for one


Page 12: DAY 1 · DAY 1 16 1.4 KATA TUGAS Perkataan yang menegaskan sesuatu ayat, menyatakan bilangan, menanyakan sesuatu dan menjadi penyambung ayat. A. Kata Hubung Menyambungkan dua ayat



3 Body Answer most of the questions that are given. Answers

are straight forward.

Extra information is added to make the composition

more interesting: After that, they sang the “Happy

Birthday” song while Marissa cut her cake

4 Conclusion Composition ends with what the characters do at the end of

the day and how the main character felt.

5 Proverb Add proverb to make the composition more interesting.

(3) Model Question and Answer (Section C)

Write a story based on the given picture. You may use the notes given to help you.

Your story should be between 80-100 words.

walking – home – school heard – noise –drain

searched – found – kittens climbed down – rescue – home- keep

Every day, my friends and I walk home from school. Yesterday,

we heard some noises from the drain while we were walking.

We searched everywhere for the source of the sound but we

could not find it. I peeped into the drain. To my surprise, I saw

something moving. I quickly called my friends and we realized that

they were kittens.


1 2

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Although it was dangerous to go down into the deep drain, I

still climbed down slowly to rescue them with the help of my friends.

They were still very small. I took them home and asked my mother’s

permission to keep them. She agreed to my suggestion, I was over

the moon!

Explanation of Model Answer

No. Elements Description

1 Time setting Every day – tell us what the characters normally do.

Yesterday– give the context to the story.

2 Introduction Give the context to the story. Last line tells us what the

story will be about.

3 Body Use most of the notes given but also add extra

information like “saw something moving”.

4 Conclusion Add more information to make the story more


5 Idiom Add in idiom to make conclusion more attention-


Summary and Checklist

Put a check mark (√) at the items you have mastered.

I can: √

1. recognise the format of Paper 2.

2. understand what is required of each section in Paper 2.

3. use different formats required in Section B.

4. use the strategies suggested to write compositions.

5. write a complete composition.


