Page 1: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• Connect Europe’s feudal economy to the state of global trade in the Middle Ages

• Describe the hierarchy and authority of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages

• Analyze the Church’s political power and its contributions to European society in the Middle Ages

Page 2: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism
Page 3: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• What can happen to a continent if it isolates itself from the rest of the world? What happens to its people? (think Kennedy and the Summer Reading)

Page 4: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism
Page 5: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• Good Picture

• Most power?

• Most people?

Page 6: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• What was part of it

• How do the fields look

Page 7: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

7. What is the difference between a peasant and a serf?

Page 8: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• What connection does the Manor have to European trade during the Middle Ages?

Page 9: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• What kind of court do you go to?

Page 10: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism
Page 11: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

• Think about the Tug of War for power battle

• How did the RC Church flex its PERSIAGM power? (2)

• Hierarchy in the RC Church…

• Tithe…

Page 12: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism
Page 13: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism
Page 14: Describe the economic and social components of feudalism

Middle Ages
