
Design Thinking & The Hackathon 16 June 2015

Padang & Co, a Newton Circus company!Adam A. Lyle, Executive Chairman | [email protected]!Derrick Chiang, CEO | [email protected]!

The Pilot Project!Chris Pile, CEO & Founder | [email protected]!Jon Hoel, Co-Pilot | [email protected]!

Padang & Co and The Pilot Project conducted this 3-hour Design Thinking session as a pre-session for the 2015 Clean & Green Hackathon for the National Environment Agency of Singapore. 60 participants from a range of backgrounds attended the session.

The purpose: to help make Singapore a truly clean city and a 'Zero Waste Nation' by creating solutions that enable behavioural or mindset change, with particular reference to the twin challenges of recycling and waste.

1.  Understand what Design Thinking is and why it is useful 2.  Know why brainstorming sessions often don’t work – and what to do about it! 3.  Master a simple Design Thinking method you can apply to various challenges 4.  Come up with plenty of good ideas for the upcoming Hackathon! 5.  Learn about some Design Thinking resources

Session outcomes

1.  What is Design Thinking? 2.  Barriers 3.  Activity 1: Observations 4.  Activity 2: Insights 5.  Activity 3: Solutions 6.  Activity 4: Select & present your top ideas 7.  Resources


“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.”

Tim Brown, CEO and President, IDEO.


Feasible! Viable!

Needs of people!

Possibilities of technology!

Requirements for [business] success!

Ok, but what about more granular criteria?


Feasible! Viable!

The boss will say yes!IT dept. will say yes!We have the skills!We have the budget It’ll fit our policy/ strategy/campaign!

It will provide real value People will actual use it!It will be worth all the money/time/effort We won’t be embarrassed we thought of it!!


Today, we’ll do focusing on what’s desirable. (Let’s think about what’s feasible & viable later.)

We go very broad in thinking what is desirable After we have done that, we think what is feasible and viable

Design thinking is kind of similar to the way you used to think, long before you started studying for exams…

… but it’s done in a systematic way.

Example session: heaps of ideas generated in 20 min:

… because all the players took part.

Reasons why ‘brainstorming’ can fail!

Don’t try and ideate & evaluate simultaneously! Evaluation is important, but it comes later in the process!

1!Ideating & evaluating at the same time!

2! You need to generate a large quantity of ideas, then you can build on these ideas to generate the quality you need.!Too few ideas generated/scope too narrow!

3! This is a follow-through problem, not an ideation problem!!Not enough follow-through !

Encourage each other to give ideas

Ground rules for this session

Build on one another’s ideas

Use quantity to generate quality

Switch off the internal critic


Put out the Welcome Mat!



Umm… kinda... Sorta incomplete ideas

Stick figure sketches

Your opinion,

without stats to

back it up.

Bring it!

1.  Ideas get shot down!2.  People start to self-censor!3.  Fewer ideas are generated!4.  People stop thinking laterally!5.  People don’t build on each other’s ideas!6.  Ideas tend to get stuck in a narrow band!7.  People feel less engaged and less committed!


What happens when you don’t set some ground rules…

Design Thinking is about going broad & deep !


Explain & build!

Decide on your

Top 3 ideas!

This session! Hackathon!

This session! Hackathon!

Discover ! Develop ! Deliver !Decide !

Design Thinking is best learned by doing!

Will divide the room: half focusing on Reduction in Litter and half on Reduction and Recycling Then you will form into groups to work on 3 Activities •  What you have Observed •  What Insights this provides •  What potential Ideas or Solutions these Insights provide Please •  Share results •  Do one Activity at a time •  We will ring a bell to move to next Activity

What happens now

We’ll divide into two groups based on the coloured DOT on your name badge: RED Dots - Challenge 1 Reduce Littering •  RED Dots to the right of the room - the bench side

GREEN Dots - Challenge 2 Reduce and Recycle •  Green Dots to the left of the room - the windows side

•  Now form into groups of 5 or 6 people •  FOR EACH GROUP THERE ARE MULTIPLE COLOURED POST IT NOTES •  Please use one colour per person


We need to be clear about the problems before trying to come

up with solutions

Activity 1: Observation

Challenge 1 - Littering What do you see ? What type of litter occurs at events ? Where do you see it ? What type of litter do you see in your neighborhoods ? Who do you see littering ? Challenge 2 - Recycling Thinking of your home and neighborhood environments – AND EVENTS What do see people doing in terms of recycling, How do people deal with waste ? What waste gets recycled ? What doesn’t seem to get recycled Who do you see recycling ? JUST FOCUS ON WHAT YOU’VE SEEN IN YOUR EXPERIENCE . WRITE CLEARLY ON POST IT NOTES. NO SOLUTIONS - JUST OBSERVATIONS

Activity 1: Observations

1. Observations !

Actions – what are people doing?!

Problem actions: •  These are your personal observations & opinions •  You’re not trying to prove anything! •  Don’t worry if your opinion is ‘correct’ or

not – you are just sharing your own experience •  Don’t worry about statistics or figures •  You’re just helping to map out problems •  Don’t write analysis or solutions yet

•  But you can start thinking about context: •  Who is doing it? •  When are they doing it? •  Where are they doing it?   .!

People are

throwing drink

cans on the

ground at

sporting events

People are not using recycling bins at all

People are

dropping used

tissues on the

ground at

hawker centres

People are putting the wrong things in the wrong bins

Activity 2: Insights

Now look at the Observations - take a few minutes and think about them Individually write down what Insights this gives you •  Why do you see what you see, what is the root cause, the driver •  What does it say about Mindset •  what does it say about the physical environment, the infrastructure You don’t have to agree as a group . We want multiple points of view We don’t want solutions yet we want understand the cause of the problem we have observed WRITE YOUR INSIGHTS ON YOUR COLOURED POST IT NOTES

Activity 2: Insights

2. Insights!

Ask why the problem is occurring!

Mindset factors:  (Again, don’t worry about statistical accuracy at the moment – just your observations are fine for now) •  Think in the 1st person (I, me, my) •  Why are people doing/not doing things? •  What are they thinking? Why? Infrastructure factors: •  Facilities •  Built environment •  Maintenance •  Etc.

Hmm, no-one

seems to be


I’m always in a hurry! I don’t have time to hunt around for a bin!

There are no

bins around

The bin is overflowing already…

Activity 3: Solution ideation

Now this is what you have been wanting to do Now build on the insights and write down as many ideas as you have to solve This is brain storming We want lots of ideas We all know the rules No bad ideas, no evaluation - just get plenty of ideas Build on one another’s ideas

Activity 3: Solution ideation

3. Solutions!

How might we solve !

Mindset:  •  Why are people doing/not doing things? •  What are they thinking? Why? Infrastructure factors: •  Facilities •  Built environment •  Maintenance •  Etc.

There are no

bins around

Move bins to higher-traffic locations

Install more bins



more regularly

The bin is overflowing already…

Develop bins

with weight

sensors that call

to be emptied

when nearly full

Now pick your Top 3 ideas!

Bring them to the front

The Design Thinking session generated a very large volume of ideas as a kickstarter for the hackathon. The hackathon itself took place the following weekend. 25 teams developed solutions to the twin challenges of recycling and waste. More information

Design Thinking Resources

Useful resources: blogs!

Design Thinking Tim Brown




Designing for Growth

Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie

This is Service Design Thinking Marc Stickdorn

101 Design Methods Vijay Kumar

Useful resources: books!

Change By Design

Tim Brown

Design Works Heather Fraser

Back of the Napkin Dan Brown

Useful resources: books!

Thank you
