
My Journey To Digital Marketing : - www.DigitalReader.In

RAHUL JAGDISH GUPTA E-mail - [email protected] // [email protected]

CAREER OBJECTIVEMy goal as a Digital Marketing Specialist is to create vibrant and brilliant visual contents in marketing the company’s brands

and serves. I am the Author of a Self Developed & Self Managed Website DigitalReader.In I am Google AdWords & Analytics Certified. I have competent knowledge and skill in creating concepts using the latest technology in digital

marketing. I am also very well versed in managing SEO and PPC efforts, have a solid grasp of web analytics and secure understanding of online marketing concepts, procedures, strategies and practices. I have three years experience in

managing multiple online projects, including Web Design, SEO, PPC campaigns, CRM, Social Media, Content Management, Email campaigns and Mobile campaigns.KEY SKILLS & QUALITIES

I am the Author of a Self Developed & Self Managed Website DigitalReader.In •I am an Excellent Team Player with Exceptional Communication & Presentation Skills

•A Quick learner, Creative Thinker with a can-do attitude•I have the Hunger to learn and Desire to know more

•Ability to incorporate digital sales & marketing techniques in campaigns•Strong Sales Support, Project Management, Leadership and training skills

•Excellent analytical thinking approach & Market ResearchWORK HISTORY

I am currently working as a Digital Marketing Specialist with one of the leading MNC in IndiaTenure : March-2012 To Present

I also runs a personal website, DigitalReader.In to share my Digital Marketing Knowledge with othersResponsibilities:

Coordinated with team members and ensured successful online and offline marketing campaigns.•Maintained all competitive activities and key developments in the industry.

•Collaborated with external team members for website development and SEO.•Monitored external agencies involved in email online campaigns and branding activities.

•Evaluated all online marketing initiatives and ensured compliance to all optimal quality standards.•Performed research and maintained all digital developments for channel managers.

•Ensured a strong presence of organization on social media and monitored functionality.•Developed and implemented social strategies in coordination with all stakeholders..

•Negotiated with external suppliers of digital marketing and drafted contacts.•Managed various digital marketing campaigns such as web marketing, email campaigns and online advertising on both web

and mobile platforms..



About : YP is a leading local marketing solutions provider in the US. Dedicated in helping local businesses & communities to grow. YP solutions include online presence, local search, display advertising and direct marketing. In July 2014,'s YPMobile application for the  iPhone  was ranked #37 out of the top 100 applications

downloaded for Apple's Smartphone.

Job Responsibilities: Collaborated with external team members for website development and SEO

Devising strategies to drive online traffic to the company website Tracking conversion rates and making improvements to the website

Developed and managed social media strategies in coordination with team members.

Client: Modis

About : Modis is a global provider of IT staffing & recruiting services with strong presence in the United States, Canada & Europe, Serving Fortune 1000, mid-market

and government clients in every industry. Over 1 Million IT candidates with capabilities in web development, business analysis, Software Development and Engineering,

Network Design and Administration, Project Management, Technical Writing, Help Desk and Technical Support are present in Modis proprietary database.

Job Responsibilities: Performed research (Keyword Research) and maintained all digital developments for

channel managers Utilizing a range of techniques including paid search, SEO & PPC

Managing online brand & product campaigns to raise brand awareness Developed and managed social media strategies in coordination with the team.

RAHUL JAGDISH GUPTA www.DigitalReader.In

E-mail - [email protected] // [email protected]

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION I am Google AdWords Certified I am Google Analytics Certified

I’ve Completed my MBA with Specialization in Marketing in 2012, New Delhi - India

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Bachelor Of Business Administration with specialization in Business Management in 2010,

New Delhi - India

PERSONAL SKILLS A quick learner with ‘Can do’ attitude Thrive in deadline-driven environment

Problem solving, influencing and relationship building skill Self motivated

CERTIFICATIONS Google AdWords Certified Google Analytics Certified

Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing from Manipal Global University Advanced Diploma in Computer Programming

RAHUL JAGDISH GUPTA www.DigitalReader.In

E-mail - [email protected] // [email protected]

A Brief Overview about Digital MarketingWhat is it and why it matters?

In simplistic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it

involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand

what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.

Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales conversions, what content works

and doesn’t work, etc. While the Internet is, perhaps, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing, others includes wireless text messaging, mobile instant messaging,

mobile apps, podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and radio channels, etc.

Now, Let's get started…

Digital Marketing is important to…

Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and whatever place they desire it. Gone are the days when the messages people got about your products or services came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know. Digital media have been an ever-growing source of entertainment,

news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. And they

are more likely to believe them than you. People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are

personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences.

7 Pillars of Digital MarketingW



















Pillar 1. – Web Design (Branding, Web Development)Pillar 2. – Content (Copy, Video, Photography, Audio)

Pillar 3. – SEO (Organic Search, Onsite Search)Pillar 4. – PPC (Paid Search, Affiliate, Retargeting)

Pillar 5. – E-mail ( E-mail Marketing & Analytics)

Pillar 6. – Social Media (SMM, Blogs)

Pillar 7. – Mobile

Pillar 1. – Web Design (UX, Branding, Web Development)

What Makes a Good Website?

Key Questions :

Q : How long do people stay on your site?

Q : How often do they return?

Q : What do they do on the site (transact, interact) ?



N Usability (Clarity, Simplicity, Speed)

Satisfying User Experience (UX) Organized Site Navigation

Cohesive & Appealing Design

Quality Content & Offerings

Interactivity - User Engagement

Project Planning & Execution Define the website’s purpose and vision

Establishing a reasonable budget (build & maintain) Hiring the right team

Picking a good CMS – I prefer “Word Press” QA Process

Adding Interactive Elements (Social, Blogs, Polls) Marketing Basics (Analytics, SEO, CRM(Email))

Be prepared : Producing good content is resource intensive.

There are basically four conditions that make website content, actually a great website content!

1. Valuable Website Content : Definitely, visitors want content that has value to them. The most

valuable content is that teaches them something new, answers questions, helps them

make a purchase decision, etc.

By delivering content of value you are building trust and goodwill. Become an authority in your

field and people will follow you. Give them something they want to hear about and they

will come back!

2. Original Website Content : Creating original content is not necessarily about being the first to talk about a certain topic. Even if the topic you want to write about is covered in other

publications, make sure to write something that is new about it. Create original content of your

own and make it public.

Pillar 2. – Content Marketing On the web : "Content is KING"

so, What Makes a Good Content?

A Good Content is a…1. Valuable Website

Content2. Original Website

Content3. Credible Website

Content4. Friendly Website





Couple of ideas to make original website content:

a) Express your own thoughts and points of view regarding the topic

b) Help on what is called 'content curation' by discussing and reviewing posts by others in

the same topic. Be unique!

Once again, this will, convert you in an authority in your field and people will follow you and this obviously will generate traffic to your


3. Credible Website Content : Readers are mainly looking for content they can trust and the best way for you to become credible is by

producing original and useful content in a constant basis.

When you are starting to build that credibility, you can start by establishing it in your 'About Us'

page where you can publish some of your credentials. To start, just make sure you have

real testimonies from clients that help you build that credibility.

Pillar 2 : Contd.




4. Friendly Website Content : This is a key factor: make your content is not only human-friendly; make sure it is ALSO search engine friendly. Be aware that search engines today have learned to interpret the content they

find very much like humans do. Do not ever stuff keywords in your content, but still make

sure you use them.

Always remember the basics : Make proper use of the H1, H2 and H3

tags Use a good Keywords tag,

A better Description tag and An outstanding Title tag

Pillar 2 : Contd.




What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the ongoing process of making certain that your site performs as well as possible on specific search engine lookups.

This article points to explain the SEO fundamentals that every SEO expert, web site architect, developer, or

owner should know.

Why should you optimize your website?

Success is biased as being top of the rankings. The top-ranked site for a search does better than #2, and the top few get many times more visits than the results at the bottom of the first page, which in turn get many

times more clicks than results on page 2 etc. etc.

The skew is so great that the benefits of getting higher up the rankings far outweigh the costs. You should be

optimizing your websites to get high rankings.

Aim to get in the top 5 or 10 results for one or more specific search terms.

Pillar 3. – Search Engine Optimization




Google SEO Methodology – A Step by Step Guide

This is the most developed & simple search engine optimization methodology that you can use to optimize

a page on your site for a single keyword phrase in Google. I have broken it up into 3 distinct phases:

Phase I : on-page SEO Phase II : internal off-page SEO and

Phase III : external off-page SEO. Before you can begin the SEO process for a keyword,

you must first select the landing page you hope will rank for the phrase. In most instances, the best

landing page to select for Google can be found with the following query: site : keyword

phrase. This will show you what page from your site Google considers to be the most relevant for the

keyword. If you decide to create a brand new page for the targeted phrase, then you should utilize the

keyword in the filename. Once you have selected the landing page you can then begin the following search

engine optimization process.



Pillar 3 : Contd.

Phase 1 – Optimize your Landing Page (On-Page


1) Use keyword phrase in the Title tag. Phrase

should end within first 70 characters.

2) Use keyword phrase in Meta Description. Phrase

should end within first 156 characters.

3) Use keyword phrase in <h1> tag if there is one.

4) The keyword phrase should be used in the page's text-based body content at least twice. On pages

more than 500 words in length, make sure

that keyword density is at least 1.5% (but no

more than 6 or 7%). Keyword usage should be evenly distributed throughout the page.

Pillar 3 : Contd.



Pillar 3 : Contd. Phase 2 – Internal Off-

Page SEO1) Identify additional pages on your site that can also

be optimized for targeted keyword phrase.2) Once the support page(s) has been identified,

maximize the link relevance passed on to the landing page by: a) using the keyword phrase in

page Title and Meta Description, b) using the keyword phrase in non-hyperlinked body content, and c) hyperlinking one instance of the keyword

phrase to the intended landing page. 3) Maximize the number of optimal internal links to

your landing page. Vary the anchor text going to your landing page by using slight variations of the

keyword phrase (e.g.: single, plural, synonyms, long -tail variations, etc. )

4) This phase can be extended by more pages support the landing page. But unless you have

significantly fewer pages than your competition, then you would probably be better served to move

on to Phase 3





Phase 3 – External Off-Page SEO (Link Building)

1) Always seek quality instead of quantity. Focus on finding pages that are relevant for your targeted

keyword.2) The optimal link from a 3rd party site is the same as an

optimal link from one of your own pages. The targeted keyword phrase will ideally be in the Title and Meta

Description, body content and the linking anchor text.3) Avoid site-wide (i.e. global, run-of-site) links in all

circumstances. This is an especially important guideline if the site is not keyword-relevant. Your landing page

will more than likely get filtered for the targeted keyword unless you have high quality links to legitimize

the relevancy.4) Brainstorm link bait or link magnet ideas so that

inbound links will hopefully develop naturally.5) Unfortunately, the most relevant links are only

attainable by providing an incentive to the site owners. Advertising relationships, partnerships and bartering

possibilities should be explored to obtain the most valuable links.

6) Avoid paying for a link from a non-relevant site unless it has significant traffic potential.

Pillar 3 : Contd.


CWhat is PPC (pay-per-click) marketing?Pay-per-click marketing is a way of using

search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website, rather than “earning” those clicks organically. You know those sponsored ads you often see at the top of Google’s search results

page, marked with a yellow label? That’s pay-per-click advertising (specifically Google AdWords

PPC).Here’s how it works: Every time your ad is

clicked, sending a visitor to your website, you pay the search engine a small fee. (That’s why

it’s called “pay per click.”) When your PPC campaign is well-designed and running smoothly, that fee will be trivial, because the visit is worth more to your business than what you pay for it. For example, if you pay $10 for a click, but the click results in a $300 sale, then using PPC is

a no-brainer.

Pillar 4. – Pay-Per-Click – P P C (Paid Search )



Is Pay-Per-Click Marketing Right for You?

PPC advertising offers a unique opportunity to:

Grow Your Customer Base - Connect with searchers actively looking for products and services like yours, and

respond to that need by providing them with an offer relevant to their search query.

Generate Leads at Low Costs -  Because pay-per-click marketing allows you to reach leads and prospects when

they’re researching and looking to buy, it’s a highly effective way to bring interested visitors to your site. Plus, you can enjoy an algorithmically generated discount from

the search engines in exchange for making their users happy.

The truth is, pay-per-click marketing can work for almost any kind of business, whether you’re looking to sell

products through an e-commerce website, generate leads for a service-based or software business, build brand

awareness, or even drive foot traffic and phone calls to your local store.

The difficulty is in the execution. In order to get the most out of your pay-per-click marketing campaign, you need to

follow a few best practices.

Pillar 4 : Contd.



Keyword Research for Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Keyword research for PPC can be time-consuming, but it is also incredibly important. If you only do keyword research once, when

you create your first campaign, you are probably missing out on hundreds of thousands of valuable, long-tail, low-cost and highly

relevant keywords that could be driving traffic to your site.

An effective PPC keyword list should be:

Relevant – Of course, you don't want to be paying for Web traffic that has nothing to do with your business. You want to find

targeted keywords that will lead to a high PPC click-through rate, a low cost per click, and increased profits. That means the keywords

you bid on should be closely related to the offerings you sell.

Exhaustive – Your keyword research should include not only the most popular and frequently searched terms in your niche, but also

extend to the long tail of search. Long-tail keywords are more specific and less common, but they add up to account for the

majority of search-driven traffic. In addition, they are less competitive, and therefore less expensive.

Expansive – PPC is iterative. You want to constantly refine and expand your campaigns, and create an environment in which your

keyword list is constantly growing and adapting.

Your pay-per-click keyword strategy should also include regular negative keyword discovery – negative keywords prevent

your ads from showing up for searches that are not relevant to your business and are unlikely to convert

Pillar 4 : Contd.



Google AdWords for Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Google AdWords – by far the most popular PPC platform – operates on a pay-per-click model, in which users bid on

keywords and pay for each click on their advertisements.

Every time a search is initiated, Google digs into the pool of bidding AdWords advertisers and chooses a set of winners to

appear in the ad space on its search results page. The “winners” are chosen based on a combination of factors,

including the quality and relevance of their keywords and ad text, as well as the size of their keyword bids.

For example, if I bid on the keyword “PPC software,” my ad

might show up in the very top spot on the Google results page.

More specifically, who gets to appear on the page and where is based on an advertiser’s Ad Rank, a metric calculated by

multiplying two key factors – CPC Bid (the highest amount an advertiser is willing to spend) and Quality Score (a value that

takes into account your click-through rate, relevance, and landing page quality, among other factors).

This system allows winning advertisers to reach potential customers at a cost that fits their budget.

Pillar 4 : Contd.



Managing Your Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Once you've created your new campaigns, you’ll need to manage them regularly to make sure they continue to be

effective. In fact, regular account activity is one of the best predictors of account success. You should be continuously analyzing the performance of your account – even just 20

minutes a week can make a big difference – and making the following adjustments to optimize your campaigns:

Add PPC Keywords: Expand the reach of your pay-per-click campaigns by adding keywords that are relevant to

your business.

Add Negative Keywords: Add non-converting terms as negative keywords to improve campaign relevancy and

reduce wasted spend.

Split Ad Groups: Improve click-through rate (CTR) and Quality Score by splitting up your ad groups into smaller,

more relevant ad groups, which help you create more targeted ad text and landing pages.

Review Costly PPC Keywords: Review expensive, under-performing keywords and shut them off if necessary.

Refine Landing Pages: Modify the content and calls-to-action (CTAs) of your landing pages to align with individual

search queries in order to boost conversion rates. Don’t send all your traffic to the same page.

By continuously optimizing your pay-per-click campaigns, you’ll be able to grow your customer base and increase ROI.

Pillar 4 : Contd.

Pillar 5. – Email Marketing & Analytics



L What is Email marketing?Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial

message to a group of people using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or

current customer could be considered email marketing. It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is

meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or a current customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to

refer to sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its

current or previous customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new customers

or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, and adding advertisements to

email messages sent by other companies to their customers.

122,500,453,020 emails are sent every hour – Marketing Profs (2014)




Pillar 5 : Contd. Types of Email Marketing

Email Newsletters – These are regular emails that are sent to a list of subscribers who have chosen to receive updates from a

company. Newsletters usually don't have explicit sales messages, but try instead to build a relationship between a customer and a

brand. They often have a conversational tone and contain news and information that will be of interest to the customer. The goal is to keep a customer connected to a company even when they are not

buying anything.

Transactional Emails – These are emails that are sent out after certain actions trigger them. When a customer buys a product

or makes a reservation, emails are sent out confirming that transaction. They legitimize online commerce by giving customers a

way to prove they have bought something. Transactional emails often also contain new sales messages. Studies have shown that

transactional emails are opened 51.3% of the time, while newsletters are only opened 36.6% of the time. Knowing that they

have a captive audience, marketers will often try to insert new sales pitches into emails that are not explicitly for selling. For example, airline reservation emails often ask if you would like to upgrade

your seat for a fee.

Direct Emails - These are used to inform customers about new products, sales and special offers. They provide customers with direct information about products and usually provide a link or another easy way for customers to access the product. They are

similar to the coupons, catalogs, and sales fliers that used to be sent through the post office.




Pillar 5 : Contd.ANALYTICS

Email Marketing ROIReturn on investment (ROI) is a measurement

of how much money is returned for every dollar that a company spends. The chart

below compares the ROI of email marketing with some other popular forms of marketing.

It is clear that companies are getting the most benefit from their email marketing


Must Do In Email Marketing

1. Know Your Objective 2. Manage Your Lists3. Focus on compelling

content and strategic offers

4. Use best practices5. Find the right email

service provider6. Measure your results

7. Maximize your content






Pillar 6. – Social Media Marketing – (SMM)

What is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing is the process of

gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to

share it across their social networks. When the underlying message spreads from

user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company

itself, this form of marketing results in earned media rather than paid media

Social media can be used as a public relations and direct marketing tools but also as

communication channels (targeting specific audiences with social media influencers) and as

customer engagement tools.

Pillar 6 : Contd.






Top 5 Social Media Marketing Platforms

Facebook –  Facebook pages are far more detailed than Twitter accounts. They allow a product to provide videos, photos, and longer descriptions, and testimonials as other followers can comment on the product pages for others to see. Facebook can link back to the

product’s Twitter page as well as send out event reminders.

Twitter –  Twitter allows companies to promote their products

in short messages limited to 140 characters which appear on follower’s home pages. Messages can link to the product’s website,

Facebook profile, photos, videos, etc

LinkedIn -  LinkedIn, a professional business-related networking site, allows companies to create professional profiles

for themselves as well as their business to network and meet others. Through the use of widgets, members can promote their

various social networking activities, such as Twitter stream or blog entries of their product pages, onto their LinkedIn profile page. LinkedIn provides its members the opportunity to generate sales leads and business partners. Members can use “Company Pages”

similar to Facebook pages to create an area that will allow business owners to promote their products or services and be able to interact with their customers. Due to spread of spam mail sent

to job seeker, leading companies prefer to use LinkedIn for employee's recruitment instead using different job portals.

Additionally, companies have voiced a preference for the amount of information that can be gleaned from LinkedIn profile, versus a

limited email.

Pillar 6 : Contd.






Google+ –  Google+, in addition to providing pages and some features of Facebook, is also able to

integrate with the Google search engine. Other Google products are also integrated, such as Google

Adwords and Google Maps. With the development of Google Personalized Search and other location-based search services, Google+ allows for targeted advertising

methods, navigation services, and other forms of location-based marketing and promotion. Google+ can also be

beneficial for other digital marketing campaigns, as well as social media marketing. Google+ authorship was

known to have a significant benefit on a website's search engine optimization, before the relationship was removed

by Google. Google+ is one of the fastest growing social media networks and can benefit almost any business.

BLOGS -  Platforms like LinkedIn create an environment for companies and clients to connect online.

 Companies that recognize the need for information, originality, and accessibility employ blogs to make their

products popular and unique, and ultimately reach out to consumers who are privy to social media.

Blogs allow a product or company to provide longer descriptions of products or services, can include testimonials and can link to and from other social

network and blog pages. Blogs can be updated frequently and are promotional techniques for keeping customers,

and also for acquiring followers and subscribers who can then be directed to social network pages.

Pillar 7. – MOBILE Marketing




What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smart phone. Mobile marketing can provide

customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and

ideas. In a more theoretical manner, academic Andreas Kaplan defines

mobile marketing as "any marketing activity conducted through a ubiquitous network to which

consumers are constantly connected using a personal mobile device"




Pillar 7 : Contd.Types Of Mobile Marketing SMS Marketing –  Over the past few years SMS marketing has become a legitimate advertising channel in

some parts of the world. This is because unlike email over the public internet, the carriers who police their own networks have set guidelines and best practices for the mobile media

industry (including mobile advertising).

Push Notifications–  Push notifications were first introduced to SmartPhones by Apple with the advent of

the iPhone in 2007. They were later further popularized with the Android operational system, where the notifications are

shown on the top of the screen. It has helped application owners to communicate directly with their end users in a simple and effective way. If not used wisely it can quickly alienate users as it causes interruptions to their current

activities on the phone.

App-based Marketing -  With the increasingly widespread use of SmartPhones, app usage has also greatly increased. Therefore, mobile marketers have increasingly

taken advantage of Smartphone apps as a marketing resource. This allows for direct engagement, payment, and targeted

advertising.There is a lot of competition in this field as well. However, just like other services, it is not easy anymore to rule the mobile

application market.

Pillar 7 : Contd.




Mobile Web Marketing –  Advertising on web pages specifically meant for access by mobile devices is also an

option. The Mobile Marketing Association provides a set of guidelines and standards that give the recommended

format of ads, presentation, and metrics used in reporting. Google, Yahoo, and other major mobile content providers

have been selling advertising placement on their properties for years already as of the time of this writing. Advertising networks focused on mobile properties, SMS resellers and advertisers are also available. Additionally, web forms on web pages can be used to integrate with mobile texting

sources for reminders about meetings, seminars and other important events that assume users are not always at their computers. In addition Mobile websites are another aspect of mobile web marketing and can be a tool than can used to help make purchasing goods and services easier as well as create better communication opportunities between trade

QR Codes-  QR codes allow a customer to visit a web

page address by scanning a 2-D image with their phone's camera, instead of manually entering a URL. The resultant URLs typically include tracking features which

would be unwieldy if typed by the customer.

Its all about Digital CRM & ORM

What is Digital CRM?

Digital customer relationship management is the use of Internet communications channels and

technologies to enhance customer relationship management (CRM) and customer experience

management (CEM ) initiatives.An important goal of digital CRM is not only to provide an organization with a clear picture of

each customer's habits and preferences, but also to make personalization and automated

messaging easier. The term digital CRM is often associated with the Internet of Things, a scenario in which computer processors capable of sending

and receiving data are embedded in everyday objects. In such a scenario, the customer may not

be human -- the customer might be a fuel tank capable of sending an automated message to the

supplier, requesting a delivery.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

What is ORM?Online Reputation management is

the practice of monitoring the reputation of an individual or brand on the internet, addressing content which is potentially damaging to it, and using

customer feedback solutions to get feedback or early warning signals to

reputation problems. Most of reputation management is focused on pushing down negative search results. Reputation management may attempt

to bridge the gap between how a company perceives itself and how

others view it.

1. Brainstorming & Research

7 Sharp Stages of Digital Marketing

2. Budgeting & Goal Setting

4. Teams & People

3. S



5. Tools & Tech

7. Audit & Optimization

6. E




Stage 1. Brainstorming & Research

Stage 2. Budgeting & Goal Setting

Stage 3. Strategy

Stage 4. Teams & People

Stage 5. Tools & Tech

Stage 6. Execution

Stage 7. Audit & Optimization

Quick TipsStage 1 : Brainstorming & Research

This is the ideation, assessment and discovery phase of any marketing campaign or project. Anything goes in this stage, as

specific budgets and decisions are not set yet.  Whatever existing data or resources are in place is analyzed in this phase, including formal audits and assessments (i.e. SEO

Rankings, existing customer base, SWOT, etc.) This is when you do your research, read industry news from various

sources, explore the history and case studies associated with the Pillar, and gather your key information.  Like most of the

following phases, once this process starts, it never really stops.

Stage 2 : Budgeting & Goal Setting

Here is where you answer questions like ‘How much can we spend?  What do we need to make?  How long will it take? 

Essentially, your ROI goal setting and planning take shape at this stage.

Stage 3 : Strategy Planning

A formal strategy can be put together once the first two stages are done.  The campaign is potentially on at this point.  Ideas are

more well-formed and organized. More focused research is being done on specific tactics.  Here is where specific tactical

strategies, say for Pillar 3 (Organic Search), tie in with the overall marketing strategy, including traditional and digital

elements. Domain (industry) knowledge becomes more important here. Segmentation is critical as well.  The following two stages

can also be seen as sub-sections of Strategy, as can the Budgeting phase; but each of these stages has distinct elements, skill sets

and decisions associated with them, which is why they’re considered separately.

Stage 4 : Teams & People

With budgets and strategy in place, the next question is who can execute the work?  What is the right mix of people by skill level,

location, etc?  How do people and team dynamics impact timelines and ROI?  Should you work with an agency or do this

work in-house?  This is where those decisions are made.

Quick Tips Contd.

Stage 5 : Tools & Tech

Everyone likes to use tools and platforms that they’re familiar with.  Developing knowledge and expertise in technology takes time.  So

with the project staff selected, the next key decisions revolve around which tools can be used to organize, manage and analyze the campaigns. At another time, we will review what some of the

best tools and technologies are for all the Pillars, and the hundreds of sub-tactics that exist within them.

Stage 6 : Execution

With all that setup in place, it is time to get the actual work done!  In reality, the prior 5 phases all require some type of work to be

done; however, that is all considered as planning or pre-production.  Execution is the stage where the curtain is lifted and

the show is officially on.

Stage 7 : Audit & Optimization

Once execution begins, especially in the digital marketing realm, analysis and campaign optimization come into play.  Analyzing the results, and generating recommendations to improve things, such as Conversion Optimization on website landing pages, are of great

importance.  While the audit process connects to all stages, full campaign audits are centered in this phase.

Quick Tips Contd.

1. “Digital Marketing is the field of continuous learning & applying thoughts into actions.” – Google

2. “Sharing is Good, and with Digital Technology, Sharing is Easy.” – Richard Stallman

3. “Content is anything that adds value to the Reader’s life.” – Avinash Kaushik

4. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

5. “The Success of the Page should be measured by one criteria : Does the visitor do what you want them to do?” –

Aaron Wall

6. “We have the right assets for the fast-growing digital business.” – Bernie Ebbers

7. “Social Media is about Sociology & Psychology more than Technology.”– Brian Solis

8. “In our business whenever there is disruption, our clients need guidance.” – Michael Roth

9. “Content Marketing is a Commitment not a Campaign.” –Jon Buscall

10. “The key to Success is Hard-Work & Determination” – Peter Drucker

Top 10 Digital Marketing "Quotes"

Please make sure you apply them & see the results by yourself.

Thanks & Pleaseare the two important keywords of my

life that brought me this far…There is so much to learn – & share – which is

why I decided to start sharing my collective knowledge, accumulated over the past 3+

years on several digital marketing campaigns, Blogs, webinars, etc.

Hope you enjoyed…See you soon… Regards,

Rahul J Gupta Connect with me & share your knowledge…

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