
Do Now

1) What do you think would have to happen for the US to join World

War II?2) How do you think the US might

respond if they were attacked?


• News Article Analysis due FRIDAY!

9.4- Pearl Harbor

Interactions with Japan

• July 1940- Congress passed a law giving Roosevelt power to restrict sale of materials important to fighting a war to other countries.

• Roosevelt blocked the sale of airplane fuel and scrap iron to Japan.

• Japan signed an alliance with Germany and Italy.

Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

• December 7, 1941- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

• They sunk or damaged 21 ships of the US Pacific fleet.

• They killed 2,403 Americans injuring hundreds more.

• The next day President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.

• December 11, 1941- Japan’s allies- Germany and Italy- declared war on the US

American Industry

• After the attack on Pearl Harbor almost all major American industries and 200,000 companies converted to war production.

• Automobile factories turned to the production of trucks, jeeps, and tanks.

• Henry Ford created an assembly line for making B- 24 Bomber planes.

Building an Army

• Americans put into effect a draft to build up its armed forces.

• At the beginning of the war the military was completely segregated.

• African Americans were organized under their own military units with white officers.

• Tuskegee Airmen- African American fighter pilot unit.

Women in the Military

• Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps was formed in May 1942.

• Women became a part of regular war operations.

• The army, Coast Guard, the Navy, and the Marines all set up their own women’s organizations.

Graphic Organizer

• Effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor

Propaganda Posters

• Analyze the propaganda posters and answer the questions that follow.


• News Article Analysis due FRIDAY!

Exit Ticket

• 1) What was one effect of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

• 2) How was propaganda used during World War II?
