
DOVE CAMPAIGN FOR REAL BEAUTY Christabelle Najomo THE CAMPAIGN Launched in 2004 The purpose CONTROVERSY ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN... Unilever The main picture for the campaign THE DOVE EVOLUTION THESIS Dove tries to show that the expectations that the media has given young girls and women today are unattainable and that the supposedly "flawless" women who appear on these ads most of the time are engineered by Photoshop ANALYSIS.. Ideologies -What does the audience want to believe that dove gives to them -The only people represented in the media are.. -Why does it work? -Common ground Ethos -How does Dove gain its credibility and trust from the audience? -No wonder our perception of beauty is so distorted. Pathos -Emotions of the audience, color Logos - See how ridiculous this is (reason) CONCLUSION Dove is trying to re-define beauty to women and young girls.
