Page 1: Dungog High School News - · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates

Dungog High School Vision : Dungog High School educates individuals to be contributing members of a modern global society. It provides a positive working and learning environment where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens.

We focus on respect, responsibility and personal best We respond to our local, national and international contexts and student needs

We encourage initiative, innovation and leadership We provide a range of experiences that challenge individuals to explore and interact with the world.

We value individual differences We provide a broad, responsive curriculum focussed on excellence.

Dungog High School News

Prosperitati Specto : I Strive for Success

Eloiza Street Dungog 2420 T: 49923022 F: 49923125 E: [email protected]


FACEBOOK PAGES: Dungog High School and Dungog High School Careers

School Hours: 8.58am-3.20pm; Office Hours: 8.30am-3.30pm during school terms

Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016 Principal (Rel).

After 12 years at Dungog High School and 44 years of service in Education we

sent off Ms Jarvis in style as our Principal at the end of last term. She has

provided outstanding leadership and service to our school and she will be

missed. I will relieve as the Principal for the remainder of the school year until the

position is advertised and a suitable person is placed in the position.

New Relieving Deputy Principal

Our new Relieving Deputy Principal is Mrs Melissa Krempin who comes to us from Narara

Valley High School. I have already been impressed by her enthusiasm and can do attitude.

She will be a wonderful addition to our school for the next 6 months.

Relaunch of PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning)

On Friday of last week we celebrated the relaunch of PBL. It has been 6 years since we

started this successful philosophy at school. It was a very successful afternoon thanks to the

support of the school community. A short assembly started the afternoon followed by

numerous fun activities which were a universal hit. A big thank you to everyone for their

support, however, I need to highlight the vision and leadership from Ms Dibley and Mrs Judd

and our PBL team for the afternoon’s success.

Year 10 subject selection interviews

Every year around this time we start the lengthy process of helping our Year 10 students and

their parents to make an informed selection of the subjects the students will study in Year 11

and 12. This is a very important process; it involves detailed information distribution and

advice from staff and careful thought and selection from students.

The process we have followed has had an extra step over the last few years and it has

proved to be a popular one with staff and students. The first step is the distribution of a

written information booklet to students; this contains detailed explanations of all the courses

the school can offer in Year 11. Then students are given further information on all of these

courses by staff speaking to each class. This is followed by an information evening for

students and parents, where staff speaks directly to all students and parents who want to

know more about particular courses.

The additional step occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday last week: all Year 10 students

were given an individual appointment to discuss their selections one-on-one with a Head

Teacher or their Year Adviser. In most cases, a parent came with the student. This individual

opportunity to clarify their thoughts and make sure that they were selecting the best courses

to fit their goals was appreciated by the students and their parents.

From this point, all the students’ selections are counted and the timetabling lines are

developed – this is the grouping of subjects that allows the majority of students to get a

pattern of study that fits their goals.

It may seem very early to be thinking about the school timetable for 2017, but so much

information is required before the time-tablers can start work that it is essential to start at this

time of the year.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher interviews will occur on Tuesday 9th August in the MPC between 5pm and

7pm. For these interviews, parents that have registered on the Sentral Parent Portal are able

to book interview times through the portal. To book an interview time through the portal,

simply log on to the portal ( then select

interviews then Semester two 2016 parent/teacher interviews. This will display your student/s

classes and teachers as well as instructions on how to make an interview time. If a class

appears twice on the list, please only make an interview time for one of the listings. Interview

times for the 9th August can be made after 9am on Wednesday 27th July 2016.

If you are having problems accessing the Parent Portal please phone the school’s office and

ask for Mr Mark Curran.

If you do not have access to the Parent Portal, you can still book interview times using the

booking sheet attached to this newsletter.

From the Office:

Want to make a payment?

Parents Online Payments

Go to the schools website,

and the $ Make a Payment link will be on

the front page. By selecting the link you will

be taken to a secure Westpac Quickweb

payment page.

There is an instruction manual on the

website http://www.dungog-


Please cease depositing directly into the

school’s bank account.

Parent Portal (Sentral)

Sentral's parent portal provides parents with

24/7 access to important information about

their child/children.

To use the Parent portal, you will need to

register as a parent user. New parents have

been sent a letter from the school by Mr

Curran, our Sentral Coordinator, explaining

this simple process and providing you with a

unique access code. You cannot register

without this code. If you do not receive a

letter, or if you lose your registration access

code, you can contact the school for a new


You will be able to register for the Parent

Portal at any time after receiving the letter.

Student Letterbox

To save students lining up and waiting to

hand in notes or pay for excursions, fees,

etc we have started a new system with a

‘Student Letterbox’. Students can drop the

following in the Letterbox: permission notes, absence notes, correct monies with permission note in a sealed envelope, and early leaver requests – (note all Thursday early leaver requests must FIRST be signed by the Deputy).

If a student does need change and/or a

receipt to take home they will need to stay in

line, or come back later to collect it.

Page 2: Dungog High School News - · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates

Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016


NAIDOC Week, last week of Term 2

Over the past few years, we have celebrated NAIDOC week with an assembly and various activities. This year, thanks to the work of the

Junior AECG students, assisted by Mrs Judd and Mrs Cara Clements, Norta Norta Tutor, the celebrations were even more inclusive and

enthusiastic than ever.

Dates for your diary

Please note the upcoming event – this is an important way for you to either get important information or see the school and its community at

its best:

Thursday 4th August: The Dungog and District Community of Schools reception, held in our MPC, arriving at 4pm for a 4.30 formal

acknowledgement of excellence in our schools. This is part of our celebration of Education Week. Come and see the work that is happening

in our partner primary schools as well as the high school.

Thank you Brad Dives Recipients for weeks 1 and 2 are:

Clare Richardson Year: 9

Clare did an outstanding job at our recent Trivia Night, she supported Ms Daffy in all aspects of the night including cooking

the barbecue and serving drinks.

Rebecca Murray Year: 12

Rebecca is a diligent student who always works to the best of her ability.

Rebecca is a responsible student who is an outstanding role model and

can always be relied upon to provide assistance when required.

Clare and Rebecca will receive a certificate and $25 voucher.

Earth and Environmental Science news

Last Tuesday the HSC Earth and Environmental class headed to Dungog Common to complete

their mandatory field trip from the “Introduced Species” topic. A great day was had by all

students, completing quadrats and transects in two different locations to measure the impact of

introduced species. A special thanks to Allen Shrimpton and Jann Vandermeer, two of the

Dungog Common Trustees whose knowledge was invaluable to the student’s experience.

Students were also spoken to by the Dungog Green army, who discussed weed removal and

rehabilitation techniques.

Oceanic Melanesian Athletics Championships Lleyton Lloyd attended the Oceanic Melanesian Athletics Championships in Suva, Fiji, in the July School

Holidays as a member of Team Australia. This was Lleyton’s first time representing Australia at an International

event. Lleyton competed in three Para Athlete events and won three medals.

The Open Men’s 100m Para run where he won Gold with a Personal Best Time

The Open Men’s 200m Para run where he won the silver medal

The open mixed Para 4 x 100m relay where they took Gold.

Well done Lleyton!

Page 3: Dungog High School News - · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates

Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Creating Safe, effective teaching and learning environments Dungog High School celebrated their PBL relaunch on Friday 22nd July. DHS has been a PBL school for many years. We decided that it was time to review and update our process during 2016 and the relaunch marks the beginning of the new PBL matrix which explains the expected behaviours for students. The new expectations will be taught to students in PBL lessons to be held in roll call lessons during Term 3 and 4. The relaunch involved students demonstrating our 3 core values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and PERSONAL BEST by planning their activity, organising the items required and running the activity for the relaunch. Many students donated items for the day. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for their support of this event. A big thank you to Barrington Bakeries who kindly donated their donut equipment and dough for the event and Tristan Beisler volunteered to operate the machine for the whole afternoon producing some lovely hot donuts for the students. Year 7 and the English Faculty held a fundraiser as part of their cake stall to raise funds for Lleyton Lloyd in Year 10 who is a para-athlete and was selected to represent Australia at the 2016 Oceania Melanesian Regional Championships. Lleyton competed during the holidays and returned home with a gold medal in the 100m and the mixed relay and a silver medal in the 200m. Congratulations Lleyton! He has also been selected to compete in New Zealand later in the year as well. Year 7 raised $355 to help pay some of the costs for Lleyton. What a great way to demonstrate our 3 core values. The benefits of being a PBL school include:

addresses the diverse academic and social needs of every student to support them to be successful

enables schools to establish a continuum of supports that are intensified to meet the needs of every student

is team driven, using a problem solving approach (data, systems and practices) that engages students, parents and all school staff

establishes positive social expectations for all in the school community

provides a framework for the school and its community to collectively support the wellbeing of every student.

When implemented well:

students respond positively as they have been taught what is expected of them

staff deliver consistent responses to student learning and behaviour

students feel safe and cared for at school. Their parents, family and community are more involved in their school

unproductive and challenging behaviour can be significantly reduced for most students.

PBL Team

Page 4: Dungog High School News - · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates

Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016



Year 11 Enterprise Day Update The two Year 11 Business Studies classes have been working hard over the past weeks creating

their marketing campaigns which you can see in this newsletter, displayed around the school and

on the schools Facebook page. There are many wonderful and exciting businesses this year which

will be selling a variety of food over two days.

When: Monday 5th August 2016 breakfast and during recess and lunch

Monday 29th August 2016 breakfast and during recess and lunch

Where: Main quad area at DHS

All staff and students are encouraged to support the 8 businesses that will run over two days (have a look at some of the ads in this newsletter).

All profits from the day are donated to a nominated charity –– so all the support you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Mrs Neilson and Mr Shumack

Kristy Neilson HSIE Faculty / Events Co-ordinator Dungog High School


Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Wk 2

25 July

Yr11 Cross Roads

Girls State Tennis

26 July

Yr11 Cross Roads

Girls State Tennis

27 July

Yr11 Cross Roads

Regional Athletics


Girls State Tennis

Youth Theatre Project

28 July

Yr11 Cross Roads

Regional Athletics


29 July

Yr11 Cross Roads


1 August


Y11 Construction Work


Public Speaking Yr 7&8

Science & Eng. Challenge

2 August


Y11 Construction Work


Uniform Shop 8am-4pm

3 August


Y11 Construction Work


Cyberia Brainstorm


4 August


Y11 Construction Work


5 August


Y11 Construction Work


Dungog Horse Sports


8 August

Yr11 PI Work Placement

Yr11 Metals & Eng Work


9 August

Yr11 PI Work Placement

Yr11 Metals & Eng Work


Yr7-12 P-T night

10 August

Yr11 PI Work Placement

Yr11 Metals & Eng Work


11 August

Yr11 PI Work Placement

Yr11 Metals & Eng Work


12 August

Yr11 PI Work Placement

Yr11 Metals & Eng Work




Term 3 Week 2: 25th July to 29th July

Mon C Butler, F Hack, E Maslin

Tues K Nairn, A Ellicott

Wed H Williams, P Williams, S Hitchens

Thurs L Tull, M Ince, A Tighe

Fri A Endersby, R Hancock

Week 3: 1st to 5th August

Mon J Hipwell, N Paterson, F Wysel

Tues G Edwards, C Everett S Hooke, L Kearney

Wed L Lovegrove, J Vasic, K Flannery

Thurs J Czapiewski, L Dries, M Townsend

Fri J Ross, T Kennedy

If you are unable to be here by 9.30am could you please let Margaret Edwards know, by phoning the school on 49923022.

Page 5: Dungog High School News - · where people feel valued and are responsible, knowledgeable citizens. Dungog High School Vision: Dungog High School educates

Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016


Expression of interest for Assisted Travel Support Officer (ATSO) position The Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP) often provides additional support to students with disabilities on transport. Assisted Travel

Support Officers (ATSOs) support students with complex health or behaviour needs to ensure their safe travel to and from school. If you are

interested in temporary part-time work as an ATSO the following website contains information on how to apply for the position.

For further information please contact ASTP on 1300 338 278 or email ASTP at [email protected]

James Theatre - Coming events

Ghosts of Operas Past! Saturday 30th July, 7.30 pm Sunday 31st July, 1.30 pm

We’re excited to welcome back our friends from the Maitland Musical Society, who are

returning to the James with an original work, Ghosts of Operas Past! It tells the story

of the Upper Wallabadah Musical Appreciation Society, as they endeavour to stage a

performance of a Gilbert and Sullivan show. The production includes many well-loved

G&S songs from The Pirates of Penzance, The Mikado and HMS Pinafore. The

production finishes with the Upper Wallabadah Society putting on a full scale

production of Trial By Jury, Gilbert & Sullivan's first Operetta. Bring your family and

friends along for what is sure to be a fantastic performance of singing, laughter and


There will be two performances of Ghosts of Operas Past! on Saturday 30th July at

7:30pm, and Sunday 31st July at 1:30pm. Tickets will be available at the door, or

online at the MMS Box Office.

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Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016


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Term 3 Week 2 25th July 2016


