
Recipes exchange between Greek and French students

Elves de 4meCollge Pierre de NolhacVersailles2010 - 2011

Par groupe de 2, les lves volontaires se sont chang en anglais une recette de leur got. Ils ont d ensuite la cuisiner, la tester et faire une petite critique.

100 gr butter
100 gr of melted dark chocolate
3 eggs
150 gr sugar
50 gr flour
fruits such as strawberries, bananas for the topping
Preheat the oven at 180 C
Beat eggs sugar and flour into a mixer-bowl.
Add the melted dark chocolate

Melina and Elias


The recipe was really good but the explanations were not very clear and precise.Then the pastry was not enough cooked.The preparation was very easy!

Zo & Jessica

The greek cookies were delicious but the orange juice and the cognac were both a little bit strange. It was really easy to do it and it didn't take too much time. We think that it is really different from the French cookies. Thank you for sharing this good recipe with us . Constance and Hortense

Ingredients4eggs1 kg flour2 sachets of baking powder500 butter margarine1 vanilla juice of 1 orange1 shot of cognac2 cups of sugar

MethodBeat the eggs, the sugar , the butter, orange juice and the cognac.Add flour with the baking powder and mix them by hand.Once our dough is ready, we form it into small cookies .Mettez l oeuf sur la surface de l aide d un pinceau.Cover the pan with the baking paper and place in the cookies.Bake them at 180 C for 40 min.Elena and Helen

Greek cookies

Here is a good cake to make1 yogourt3 large eggs3 cups of flour2 cups of sugarhalf cup of oil1 yeast powder1 small bag of sugar vanilla

melt the yogourt and the sugar and the flour then add the eggs and the oiland finally add yeast and sugar vanillaput it in the oven at 180C during 15 min

This recipe is not difficult to cookIt is tasty and good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thophile and Joseph

Yogurt cake


I made the cake but the amounts of the ingredients were not quite right.
The dough was hard and I put another yogurt to make it soft.I had to bake it for 40 min instead of 20 min. It was tasty andI would love to make it again.

Ingredients1 cup olive oil, 2 cups coarse semolina, 2 cups sugar, 4 cups of water, 100 grams blanched almonds and 2 tbspn cinnamonMethodPut the oil in a large saucepan on a medium heat and when it is almost smoking hot gradually add the semolina, stirring continuously until it turns light brown. Reduce the heat, add the almonds and brown together, stirring - it is a matter of taste how brown you will let it get. In the meantime, dilute 2 cups of sugar in the water and boil for 3-4 minutes. Withdraw the semolina from the heat, and add the hot syrup while stirring. Return to a gentle heat and keep stirring until the mixture looks smooth. When almost all the moisture has been absorbed add the remaining sugar. Cover the halva with a clean tea towel and let it stand for 10 minutes to absorb moisture. Empty it into a fluted mould or a cake tin, and dust all over with cinnamon.Konstantinos and Alex

Semolina CAKE - (Halvas)

This cake is easy to make but the proportionality is not respected with the olive oil. But apart from that this recipe is very good according to my friends because peronnaly I hate the semolina cake. We dont understand why we must use so much olive oil for this little cake because that makes it very heavy !Thanks you veru muchJoseph et Theophile

Ingredients-4eggs-250g of sugar-125g of flour-2 teaspoons of orange flower water

Preparation.Beat the egg whites until stiff. Stir the yolks still beating then the sugar gradually, and finally sifted flour. Add the orange flower water. Pour the batter into a lined cake tin (greased and floured) and bake (140-150) for three quarters of an hour. Check for doneness with the tip of a small knife. Cool a few minutes before turning out.Cassiope and Claire

Sponge Cake

The recipe was good, easy to make. I like it very much. It was one of the best sponge cakes.Katerina

For 14 canels 1/2 liter of milk, 50g butter, 150g flour, 2 eggs, 2 eggs yolks .The day before, boil milk in a saucepan, add butter in the hot milk, allow to cool. In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients(flour and sugar). Beat well eggs and eggs yolks, then stir in the dry ingredients. . Little by little pour the milk in the bowl, stir combine. Add vanilla powder or rhum. Keep it in the fridge. 14 small moulds The next day, Pre-heat the oven at 180(thermostat 6). Fill three quarter the moulds and bake them for 35/40mn

Rostam, Thibault, Antoine


It was a nice recipe,but I found it difficult with the ingredients.You did not write the amounts for sugar and vanilla so I made up the mixing.My classmates liked the caneles and I made some for my family too.


Ingredients kg peeled potatoes,cut into round slices2 onions200 gr sausages ( cut in pieces)6 eggsbutter for the omeletteoil for frying the potatoessalt and pepperadd peppermint ( optional )

MethodFry the potatoes until well done.Place the potatoes on a plateSaute the sausages and towards the end , add the onions and saut until they are softAdd the potatoes againBeat the eggs and pour them on top in order to make an omeletteFry the omelette from both sidesServe hotAndros

Egg omelette

Dear friend When I made this recipe ,I can see that this recipe was easy but requiered a lot of time to do it !It was good but I would'n't eat it every day because it was very heavy for my small stomach !!!My parents and my two sisters tasted them also and liked it but found also that it was heavy !!!I want to tell you thank you very much dear friend !!!!!your friend , Philippine

IngredientsOne whole chicken1 kg potatoes4 oranges2 lemonssalt, pepperolive oil

MethodCut chicken and potatoes in pieces , put them in the pan.Squeeze oranges and lemonsPour orange and lemon juice on chicken and potaoesAdd salt ,pepper,olive oil on top of it.Bake it for 35 minutes

The secret of this recipe is not to use water but let the chicken and the potatoes bake in the juices. This gives the food a unique taste and a special colour.Katherina and Marie Anna

As my friend Nicole is vegetarian, she couldnt eat the dish; so I prepared and ate it alone. I found it delicious but itseems that doses were inaccurate ; so it was a little bit difficult to do. It was cool to discover a new Greek meal because in France we dont eat this kind of food.


Bake chicken with oranges

Ingredients3 egg yolks4egg white50g of butter150g of dark chocolate (70% of cocoa)2 soupspoons of caster sugar

Preparation of the chocolate mousseCut the butter in piece and cut the cocolate wuth a knife. Melt them together on very soft fire or on the bain-marie, by moving to obtain a very smooth cream. Remove from the fire, add egg yolks, sugar and mix.Beat egg whites very firmly until stiff and then add them delicately to the molten chocolate. Fill the foam glasses in the chocolate then place them in the hanging fridge 30 minutes

Enjoy your meal !!Jessica and Zo

Chocolate mousse

The recipe was good and tasty.I made it 3 times,one for my class,one for my teachers and one for my family.
Zoe, is your name Greek?Elias

Ingredients Salt, 3 tomatoes,Pepper, 2-3 pieces of chicken breasts, 2 cloves Garlic, 2 large onions, oregano, olive oil, cinnamon, sugar

Directions 1. Chop the tomatoes into cubes and set aside.
2. Quash 2 cloves of garlic and set aside.
3. Chop the onions and set aside. 4. Preheat a saucepan (medium heat) with some olive oil in it. Once the olive oil is hot, add the chicken, stirring it and turning it so that only the outside is singed. Once the outside of the breasts is cooked (not burned), remove them from the pan and set them aside. 5. Add some more olive oil in the pan. Once the olive oil is heated again, add the chopped onions and stir. Once the onions soften and start getting some color add the quashed garlic and stir well. 6. Once the onions are slightly brown/golden, sprinkle a pinch of sugar over them along with a pinch of cinnamon and stir well. 7. Add the tomatoes with the onions and turn the heat to high. Stir everything together and add half a cup of water.
8. Add a touch of oregano as well as salt and pepper to taste. (optionally you can add a little white wine at this stage for some additional taste).
8. Bring the mix to a boil, while stirring, and add the chicken breasts.
9. Reduce the heat to low (low-to-med) and cover the saucepan.
10. Allow for 1 hour and 20 minutes of cooking, but make sure to check often if it needs additional water. (do not let it dry).
Best served hot, along with rice.Dora and Catherine

Chicken tomato sauce

For five persons, you need:200 grams of flour, 60 grams of sugar, 4 eggs, 75 grams of butter, 150 ml of milk, 150 ml of water2 bags of vanilla sugar, 1 coffee spoon of salt, 1 bag of yeast, 1 soup spoon of oil, 2 soup spoon of rhum (it's optional).And you also need a waffle iron.

Preparation :1.Mix the flour and the salt, make a well in the center and break eggs there. Add the molten butter, the milk and the water. Whip it all. Add the sugar, the vanilla sugar, the oil, the yeast and possibly the rum. Whip again. The dough must be liquid and fluid. Should the opposite occur, add some water2.Deave rest 30 min. Pour the dough into the moulds of the waffle iron oiled beforehand.3.Cook around 3 min, turning the waffle iron at the middle-cooking.4.Eat these waffles sprinkled with icing sugar, with some jam, nutella (chocolate), some maple syrup,...

ENJOY YOUR DESSERT !!!!Alice and Emma


The doses were not right and I had to add them ,the result was good,but could you send the right doses for the waffles, Emma?Mariana

1kg flour
2 eggs
grated cheese as much you like
8 slices chopped bacon
a cup of corn oil

Mix the ingredients into a bowl
Shape the dough into small balls ,you press them a little bit to make flat
Bake them for 20 min at 180 C

Natasha and Eleonora

Small cheese pies

Ingrdients 5 small rusks of barley2 chopped tomatoes100 gr. Feta cheese 5 olivesoreganoolive oil

Method:Take the rusks and rinse them with a little water so they become moist.Add a little bit of olive oil, spread the chopped tomatoes on top of them, and olives [you must cut the olives into little pieces ) .Finally put the feta cheese and sprinkle the oregano and oil on top..Your dakos is ready.Argiris