
Edward Morgan

ExpAnd Vice-President

Edward Morgan• From Ashtead, Surrey (Nr


• 3rd Year. BSc Geography (Human), University of St Andrews

• Mountaineer and Caver

• Vice-President ExpAnd 2011-12

• Ambassador for ETE

• Fellow Royal Geographical Society

• Member of the British School Exploring Society (BSES Expeditions)• Previous Expeditions: 2009 South West Greenland YE BSES; 2010 South-East Kazakhstan ExpAnd; 2011 Indian Himalayas (Ladakh) TL BSES; 2012?

• Founded in its current form in 2007.

• In previous generations there have been expeditions to Greenland and Indonesia.

• First ‘recent’ expedition to Tanzania in 2009.

• Second expedition to Kazakhstan in 2010.

• Talks throughout semester: September review of the summer; Geordie Stewart 7 summits.

• Explore Conference!• Microadventure Competition!

• Intersemester Ski (or walk) Expedition.

• Summer 2012?

5th July – 15th August 2010

Dzungarian Alatau mountain range, South Eastern Kazakhstan

Why Kazakhstan?

• Go somewhere off the beaten track.• Engage in a useful project. • Establish links in other countries.• Have a good time!

How was the expedition planned?

• Venue chosen by committee Christmas time.• Establish team.• Establish links in host country.• Fundraise, fundraise, fundraise…and publicise!• Logistics…with the help of our hosts.• Ended with 1200 emails!


• Initially thought total cost would be £13,500• After revaluation the projected cost came to

£6500.• Fundraised as a group. Cake sales, cinema…• Success with trusts applications• Paid for our own flights and insurance.• Cost of living low, ended with left over funds.

The Expedition

What did we learn? What did we achieve?

• Asian Bureaucracy.• Birds are cool.• Watch out for any that has been deep fried.• A biodiversity report sent (and received) to

the Association of the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan.

• A good relationship with a foreign country.

Thank you for Listening

“What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on.”

Jacques Cousteau (French Explorer, 1910-1997)
