Page 1: EGFR ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !# 1 - 聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学会 ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !"# 1 $ 2 1 1 ˘ˇ 1 ˆ 1 ˙ ˝

���� ����������Vol. 33, pp. 529�535, 2005

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Page 2: EGFR ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !# 1 - 聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学会 ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !"# 1 $ 2 1 1 ˘ˇ 1 ˆ 1 ˙ ˝

� 6� 27������������: � 149.2 cm� � 41.5 kg� ��36.2�C� �� 70������ ���� 16 ���� ��114�70 mmHg� ����� ��� !�"� #$%&'��"� #(%&)*�"� +,-./01234� 56��7�� 897�"� :7;� <=>97?@� A6BCDE�"� FGHIJ�"�KLMNBCDE�"������� �Table 1�: OP� LDH 400 IU�l�ALP 525 IU�l �QR"ST� UVW KL-6 X25000 U�ml �Y�WQR� JZ[ \ P CY-FRA 43.9 ng�ml� SLX 184 U�ml� CEA 19.4 ng�ml�T4]^_`O?�������: 56 Xabc �Fig. 1�OP� de8fWghi�H%0j�kl8fWmnopWq%0jrs�tu� 56 CT �Fig. 2�OP� d S6vwW5&x�ryzi�{HJ|p}j�kl8fWmnopWs�Hq~�}jrtu�A6 CTOP� �d�Ws�p��rtu� �6 CTOP� ���W�� 6 mm�H��p��rtu� ��.�OP� F���� 5�� � 3� 5

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Table 1. Laboratory Data

Fig. 1. Chest radiograph on admission showed irregu-

lar-shaped mass lesion in the right middle lung

field and multiple small nodular shadows in

bilateral lung fields.

Fig. 2. Chest CT scan on admission showed irregu-

lar-shaped mass lesion with pleural indentation

in the right S6 and multiple small nodular

shadows in bilateral lung fields.

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Page 3: EGFR ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !# 1 - 聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学会 ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !"# 1 $ 2 1 1 ˘ˇ 1 ˆ 1 ˙ ˝

�������� ��������� ��EBUS ����� ����������������� ����������� �!��Fig. 3A�� "�� ����� #��$�%&'()����� �** !+����,�-.� /0$1��2���������� 3 456�7�!4�� ����������5�89:0���;��<� �Fig. 3B�� �0���=>�?���@*A=>�B �� ��CD��� EE�F0��G+H��G+IFJ�����K���5���=�L5��M�N����Fig. 4�� O�� AP�!QR5 genomic DNA

�ST�� UV'W)X�YZ["� EGFR 0exon18�19�21 �\!]#?^_��[`�a�

abcde�f$����� exon21 � heterozy-gous missense mutation �L858R����� �Fig. 5��gL� ]#?^_�\!�%h0i)jkl�]#?^_mn�d0o�� !+�o�&p'1011 p�� /0$� (q>r0st T4N3M1�stage IV�N�� uv� 7B)wJ��M�Lx+y*��z{|}M~���M~0+~,-*"��%�g !+�00� .��./LR���0�g��1g2�-�34��**�A�� 5�6�!O�� 30���Z)7$��+� %�8� 79���9��<� :4:�;��R+M:�<� (q�=�LR���>���5� ?�@�(q�h*"��A�B��� j��{��0CD�,���� ��� E�F�G¡Hy*� �;��I¢�<�F�� MS �Z{Z� [£�V¤0CD�Bg �� /0$� j��{��0CD�¥J�����y*,� 15K$��� ¦� XH§¨ �Fig. 6�LR�¦� CT© �Fig. 7����ª S60�L�EE«w�� M�N���O¬:���AP!�­B:�;�O�PQ�®¯�!�� /0$� y*,� 5Y°$�� CYFRA 12.5 ng�ml,SLX 87.6 U�ml� CEA 11.7 ng�ml�!�P�R±���!�� -A���CD�²S�³´�Tµ��+ �Fig. 8��

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uv� ���¶��2��U" �EBUS� ����V·W�N�1�� �X¸�Y0@Z0�[� ¹@N�2�� ºZ�\g�0�����]»0^¼3�� ³

Fig. 3B. The EBUS image revealed heterogeneous

internal echoes and an irregular margin of the

lesion, with almost no vessels or bronchi within

the lesion.

Fig. 3A. The EBUS image revealed that the probe was

adjacent to the lesion because of drainage

bronchus obstruction.

Fig. 4. Histological examination of the lung tissues

obtained from TBLB biopsy with HE staining

showed adenocarcinoma cells ��100��

j��{���P�����M0 18 531


Page 4: EGFR ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !# 1 - 聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学会 ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !"# 1 $ 2 1 1 ˘ˇ 1 ˆ 1 ˙ ˝

����������� �3����������� ������������ EBUS � �!�"#�$� 1992%� Hurter �& 26'()� 19'(*+,&-.*/01234#���4�� 5�*$78�9:*�������;���<#�$� =>?@>AB&�����C1� 25D&�

=>?@>AB*$EF�+,G�H�IJ���KLMNOLPQRSTU����<#�$VW&/X� YZ[�7� CTN\]^���K_`�/�abc^���� da���Sefgh�SiH

Fig. 5. Missense mutations in exon 21 of EGFR.

Fig. 6. Chest radiograph at 15 days after commence-

ment of gefitinib.

Note improvement of the mass lesion in right

middle lung fields and multiple small nodular

shadows in bilateral lung fields.

Fig. 7. Chest CT scan at 15 days after commencement

of gefitinib.

Note improvement of mass lesion in the right S6

and multiple small nodular shadows in bilateral

lung fields.

jklm nopq �532


Page 5: EGFR ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !# 1 - 聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学会 ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !"# 1 $ 2 1 1 ˘ˇ 1 ˆ 1 ˙ ˝

���� EBUS ������������ ����������������� ���������������� �!"� #�$%&'�()�*$�()+�,� -��./�0!"1��2�3+45��!��� 6789���� EBUS �EBUS-GS� 4:��;�<�����6789���2������=>9?�����@�A�B�=>9?��C�!DEF()��!���4� EBUS-GS ��=>9?���4GHIJ����K�6789��L��MM� N���B���()�O���2�3+��������-�()45��!��� B�PQ� �R-� 10 mmS'��T����� 76�+U�1�����3+4���+�V����5�� T-�B�1���=>9?4�� ������WX�within� �� 87� �Y������� ���!Z�[����WX �adjacent to� �� 42� �Y��� "\#�]������^��$%_`a4&b������� 3�MM()�cd+ adjacentto +!H� eH1���fg���� hijkl���&b����$%_`a�*'Tm�()���� 3�n)�eH adjacent to �- within���3+4eH1���Yg�3+��!4H�

��!1��o��+pq-E�� :*� rc�s+,�t-�uv.�A/0+��/O12v.34'�!A4�5���Y�� 2004�� Lynch -� EGFR �w>8xhy9z�K�]D�{6O�|4/O12v.3�A��Y�}~�w�?������7����3+��V��6�� 8-�e�+� ��.)9�Y�rc�,�t-u�R 275#�}~�w�?:�v.4c�E� 25 #4;���� ;�#�d� 9#� EGFR {6O���]3!��+3�� 8#� EGFR {6O�|�<��4� A(�,;�# 7 #��EGFR{6O�|�<�-E!���+�V����� 8-�M��3� EGFR{6O�|� EGFR4 EGF�=��eH�"���TE� BE4>"����?�������3+����]H� B�����}~�w�?�e���Q2�@�TE�3+������}~�w�?4;�2��6=��|�� EGFR4�����2� EGFR ��A������+�V����� 3E-�3+eH� }~�w�?4;���"\#�]���� 3��A���]3��3+4��TE�� A(� Paez -�,�t-�u�R 119#�B�� 61�� *"� 58����Ct-���� EGFR w>8xhy9z�K�{6O���c��+3�� EGFR {6O�|�Du� ��� *"�� ,��R�E��F"<�-E� B�EGFR {6O�|��QGH O�Y�+I¡��G@GH O��Y�+�V����7�� M�Lynch -� EGFR {6O�|� 119�,�t-�u�R���� 2 �- 25 � exon �����-¢�+3�� �|4 16Y��4BE-�J� 18�-21 �Y��+�V��]H� "\#�]���w>8xhy9z���K� exon18�19�21����EGFR {6O�����+3�� exon21 � het-erozygous missense mutation �L858R� 4<�-E�� 3� L858 �8£¤¥£¤¦§�-¨lM�©�ª�KLTE���«M!¬­®¯�Y�� B���� 3��K��|4 EGFR �°��'�!�±�7q���Y�d+pq-E�� SfeH� *"�����,��R��Y�"\#�}~�w�?�v.�Q4²/³N���+O���� P��}~�w�?�Q7��+3����� ´µ� Q75¶·R���4� ¸¹�ºS�Y��»�!�K�-�()�� »�!�T1��5���� U¼!v.��!4�� "\#�ed�$%

Fig. 8. Chest CT scan at 5 months after commencement

of gefitinib.

Note improvement of mass lesion in the right S6

and multiple small nodular shadows in bilateral

lung fields.

}~�w�?4�����Du� 1# 533


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���������� � ������������� within�������� adjacent to ����� �!"#$� %&'(�)*+,�-./+� 012!�� EBUS-GS 3 45�#$6789� EGFR :;� <�=>-7$�0?@*� AB�,CDE:F@GH-�IJ@+�

� �

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A Case of Pulmonary adenocarcinoma with EGFR Mutation Diagnosed

by Endobronchial Ultrasonography with Guide Sheath

�EBUS-GS� Successfully Treated with Gefitinib.

Takeo Inoue1, Noriaki Kurimoto2, Miho Nakamura1, Masahiro Ohsige1,

Atsuko Ishida1, Junko Sagi1, Yoshitugu Fujita1, Yuka Matsuoka1,

Taeko Shirakawa1, Mamoru Tadokoro3, Teruomi Miyazawa1,

and Hiroaki Osada.2

A 79-year-old Japanese woman with no smoking habit was referred to our hospital complaining of

anterior chest pain. Chest CT showed a mass in the right middle lobe and multiple pulmonary nodules in

both lungs. For further examination, we performed transbronchial lung biopsy using endobronchial

ultrasonography with a guide sheath �EBUS-GS�� Biopsy specimens of the lung revealed adenocarcinoma,and she was diagnosed as lung cancer with multiple pulmonary metastases. We searched for the EGFR gene

mutations in one of the primary tumor specimens, and an exon 21 missense mutation �L858R� was detected.Subsequently, we initiated gefitinib, and it acted dramatically on both primary tumor and pulmonary

metastases. Since EGFR gene analysis needed a fair amount of tumor cells, it has been mainly analyzed by

surgically resected specimens. However, as EBUS-GS makes it possible to obtain biopsy specimens at better

site, it is expected that EGFR gene analysis will be performed with less invasive method using EBUS-GS.

1 Division of Respiratory and Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, St. Marianna University School

of Medicine

2 Department of Chest Surgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine

3 Department of Diagnostic Pathology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine

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