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Page 1: Egyptian civilization





Page 2: Egyptian civilization

• The basic element in the history

of Egyptian civilization is


• The Nile River rises from the lakes

of Central Africa as the White Nile

and from the mountains of

Ethiopia as the Blue Nile, they

both meet at Khartoum.

Page 3: Egyptian civilization

Early Dynastic Period: 3100-2600


Old Kingdom: 2600-2160 B.C.

First Intermediate Period: 2160-1040


Middle Kingdom: 2040-1700 B.C.

Second Intermediate Period: 1700-

1570 B.C.

New Kingdom: 1570-1070 B.C.

Third Intermediate Period: 1070-600


Late Period: 600-332 B.C.

Greco-Roman Period: 332 B.C.-395


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They were governed by pharaons. The

basic source of Egyptian history is a list of

rulers compiled in 280 B.C. by Manetho for

the Macedonians who ruled Egypt.

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The economy in the ancient Egypt was based on the

cultivation of crops. They cultivated: lettuce, garlic, onion,

lentil, wheat (trigo), bareley (cebada), etc.

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They believed in gods such as:

•Atum-Ra: the first sun god creator.

•Osiris: the Egyptian god who judged the


•Isis: god of magic and fertility.

•Seth: god of chaos Osiris brother and rival.

•Horus: the god of sky.

•Geb: god of Earth.

•Toth: god oof sun

•Aten: god or spirit of sun.

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They developed a lot of tools such as:

1. Water clock

2. Sundial

3. Pyramids

4. Time System

The Egyptians changed from cooper tools to

bronze because they were better to work


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• The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important

to record and communicate information about religion

and government.

• The most famous of all ancient Egyptian scripts is

hieroglyphic. They were able to preserve the beliefs,

history and ideas of ancient Egypt people.

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They art and architecture was based on the construction

of temple, tombs and cave drawing.

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•Slavery existed in Egypt, but

not in the classic sense of the

word. The slaves had legal

rights, they could have salary

and could be promoted.

•Although they also were


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The roots of Egyptian civilization goes back more than 6,000 years to

the beginning of settled life along the banks of the Nile River.


The fall of the Egyptian empire was when the Persian attacks again,

and ruled until 335 B.C., in what is sometimes called the Thirty-first

Dynasty or second Persian occupation of Egypt.

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•They contributed creating the eye

makeup using minerals.

•They contributed creating the way

of knowing what time it is.

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•The golden age of the Egypt civilization was: from

10,000 BCE, to the Persian conquest in 525 BC.

• The First Golden Age was the Old Kingdom (The

Pyramid Age) was from the 1st to the sixth Dynasty.

It was followed by a period of disorder that is called

the First Intermediate Period.

•The second Golden Age was the Middle Kingdom, the

Age of Classical Literature. It was followed by the

Second Intermediate Period, and the New Kingdom.

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