

Week 5 April 2/3, 2016 GLOW PARTY Need to Know We Respond!

Staging: ! Purple CF Kids Backdrop ! Large Headphones ! Fake Speakers ! Boom Box ! TV Covered to look like iPad ! Fun Lighting

Elementary Game and Dance:

Water Bottle Ring Toss Materials Needed: -6 water bottles (Insert glow sticks inside) -Glow sticks in the shape of a ring

Prep: Set up 2 sets of 3 water bottles with glow sticks in each. Turn your glow sticks into rings using the plastic connectors. Tape two start lines on the floor for the two teams.

How to Play: Divide the kids into two teams (larger campuses can do more). Have each team line up behind their designated line. Have one person from each team try to toss a ring around one of the water bottles. Continue throwing the rings until each child in the line has had a turn. Whichever team has the most rings on their water bottles at the end is the winner. Glow Dance: The kids will play a version of the “Freeze Dance” with the song “Lights Shine Bright” from Tobymac.

Materials Needed: -Pack of balloons or beach balls -1 Glow Stick per balloon/beach balls

Prep: Insert glow sticks into 10-15 balloons and blow them up (not with helium) OR you can use 5-8 Beach balls.

As the music plays, the kids will try to keep the balloons/beach balls from falling on the floor by tapping it to each other. Once the music stops, the kids have to grab a balloon/beach ball and freeze. Once the music starts again, the kids will try to keep them from touching the ground again by tapping it to each other.


TIU_Future Back_Music Video TIU_Intro_Video TIU_Logo_Slide

Host Enters Host

Hello everyone and welcome to another AWESOME weekend here at CF Kids.

• We are on our fifth week of our series “Turn it Up” where we’ve been learning that God’s Good News is for everyone!

• We heard some AMAZING news last week about Jesus Giving up His life to pay the price for OUR sins and about how He came back to life!

• Because of that, we couldn’t just celebrate on one weekend. So we are celebrating God’s Good News with a…GLOW PARTY! Let’s pray!

Lead kids in Prayer


So you come to church and hear about a God that loves you, a God that sent His one and only Son to die in your place.

• So you think… Okay God loves me. That’s cool. • But there is a question we should be asking… how do we

respond to what we just heard? Let’s watch.

TIU_Take a minute:Repent_Video

TIU_WK 5_Life App_ Video TIU_Logo_Slide TIU_Need to Know_Video

It’s not enough to just KNOW that Jesus died on a cross. Now we have to take action! We have to respond! That brings us to our Need to Know for today. Say it with me:

o We Respond!

• We can start by admitting that we are sinners. That means we

are honest with God about our sin and need for Him. We can repent and turn from our sins. Then we can believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord and that He takes away our sins through His sacrifice.

• We respond with belief.

TIU_Resurrection Creed_Video We believe in God the Father! We believe in Jesus Christ! We believe in the Holy Spirit… that has given us new life! Today is the day our broken hearts are healed by His hands. We believe the Good News! Let’s rejoice by praising Him!


TIU_Drops in the Ocean_Worship


TIU_Glow Party_Slide Now we couldn’t have a glow party without some glow fun. We are going to play “Glow Freeze Dance”. When the music starts, try to keep the glow balloons (or beach balls) in the air by tapping them to each other. But when the music stops, FREEZE. If there is a balloon near you, make sure to grab it and not let it fall. Once the music starts again, you can tap the balloons to each other again. Let’s play!

TIU_Lights Shine Bright_Glow Party Song That was so much fun! Now that you are warmed up, we have another game. This game is called “Water Bottle Ring Toss”. Here’s how to play. (Follow instructions on pg. 2)

TIU_Glow Party_Slide w/Music Host leads Game Great job everyone! Thanks for coming today as we learned how we respond to the Good News about Jesus and letting your lights glow. Before we go, we have a few announcements.


TIU_April Family Mission_Slide

Here’s your NEW Family Mission: Donate some new or gently used children’s books any weekend in April OR May! All books will be given to kids right here in Miami with the help of our Local Missions Partners. You can drop off any books at our CF Kids Drop spot at Check in.

TIU_Baptism Class Sign Up_Video If you responded to the Good News about Jesus and have chosen to follow Him, you’re next step is to sign up for Baptism class. Baptism doesn’t save you; you are already saved and just want to show others that you’ve chosen to follow Jesus. Sign up is in (indicate area).


You know those kids in Miami who will get your books? Well we use some of the offering to help kids just like them. Not only do we help meet their physical needs, we also let them know about the GOOD NEWS of Jesus. If anyone has offering, please place it in (indicate area). That’s all the time we have. See ya next week.


TIU_Memory Verse Challenge_Pick Up Video

TIU_Lights Shine Bright_Pick Up Video
