
Elements of Elements of FolktalesFolktales

What is a Folktale?

Folktales were passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, which is called oral tradition.

Folktales were made up to explain the wonders of the world or to teach morals and lessons.

Common Elements of Folktales:Rule of ThreeRule of Three: Items happen in sets of 3

or 7s (things happen in 3s, lots of repetition or repeated phrases)- 3 characters- 3 events- 3 tests the character must overcome

Ex: “Jack and the Beanstalk” showed Jack climbing the beanstalk three times. The wicked stepmother visited Snow White in the forest three times before she finally got her to eat the apple. Three little pigs were tested by the wolf.

Magic/Spirits Magic/Spirits are commonly used, to explain the unexplainable.

You will see similar similar characteristics from stories across the worldacross the world



Fairy tales


Fables, fairy tales, legends, and myths all fit under this umbrella.


Elements of Fables

These are stories that teach a lesson teach a lesson or have a moral usually stated at the end

The main characters of fables are usually animals animals with human with human characteristicscharacteristics(Anthropomorphism)(Anthropomorphism)

Characters must overcome obstaclesobstacles or pass challengeschallenges

Examples of Fables

• Tortoise and the Hare

• Lion and the Mouse

Elements of FairytalesUsually has a hero or heroinehero or heroineHas magic/magicalmagic/magical creaturesOften begins with “Once upon a

time” or “Long, long ago…”ConflictsConflicts are resolved through

kindness, courage or intelligenceEnd with “…happily ever after”“Underdog” usually wins

Examples of Fairy Tales

Cinderella • Sleeping Beauty• Aladdin

•Refer to individuals, individuals, heroes, or kings heroes, or kings who lived in a period before written record.

•Based on factsfacts, but changed to make it more interesting•(Hyperbole)(Hyperbole)

Elements of Legends

Example of Legends

•Robin Hood

•King Arthur

Elements of MythsReveal values of the society values of the society for

which they were created.Explain WHYWHY something is as it isExplains HOWHOW something came to

be and it usually explains something in nature (creation myths/hero myths)

Feature gods or other beings gods or other beings with supernatural powers

Examples of Myths

• Perseus and Medusa

• Theseus and the Minotaur

What elements do they all have in

common?1. Characters are not well-developed

Flat characters (no change)

Cardboard characters (Prince= rescuer, Owl=wise, Princess= helpless, witch=evil)

2. Predictable PlotsUnhappy/Unfortunate StartTests/Trials along the way

Happy Ending

3. All questions are answered at the end Morals / Themes / Messages

They all share common themes

Characters go through tests to prove something (the good character must solve a problem)

Good versus Evil (has characters that good, others are bad)

Good is rewarded and Evil is punished in the end (tales have a happy ending)

Most Common Folk Tale Across Cultures

Group Activity

• Why do you think these stories changed as they were passed down through each generation?

Let’s find out!
