  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review











    Stalker'sBlade -







    Spirit Visage Thornmail Frozen Heart Dead Man'sPlate

    Banshee's Veil Randuin'sOmen




    T ri ni ty F or ce W it 's End B la de of t heRuined King


    Mercury'sTreads -Alacrity

    Stalker'sBlade -




    Spirit Visage Trinity Force



    Sated PhoenixUDYR BUILD



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    Not So Fireproof | Phoenix Udyr | 6.1

    Ellesmere Last updated on Today @ 05:22pm

    Quint ofMovement



    Quint of AttackSpeed


    Mark of AttackSpeed


    Seal of Armor


    Glyph of CDReduction


    Glyph of MagicResist


    Hide item names










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    Any reason you put so much emphasis on attack speed? Why not just

    run 3x MS quints instead of this mixture of MS/AS? -3

    I think that you're undervaluing 3 speed boots. Boots ofswiftness are really strong right now.

    Also, is hunter's potion always

    REALLY necessary? -4

    I think you're grossly undervaluing DMP. That item is like a mobiboots that don't go away when you get in combat. Also, it adds like 200

    damage to your burst. -2

    I'd remove items that you don't use in more than 5% of your games;

    I personally think that they'd mislead your readers more than help them


  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    Ninja Tabi -Alacrity

    Stalker'sBlade -



    Frozen Heart Randuin'sOmen


    Mercury'sTreads -Alacrity

    Stalker'sBlade -



    Spirit Visage Wit's End Banshee's Veil


    Boots ofSwiftness -


    Stalker'sBlade -




    Dead Man'sPlate

    Spirit Visage


    6 17 18

    2 8 10 11 12

    3 13 14 15 16

    1 4 5 7 9






    1 AmumuOne of the easiest champions to counter jungle, mumu generally sits very lowin his jungle and you typically want to hit level 3, grab your stun and jumpdown to his jungle to kill him.








    2/5 3/5






    When does one tech your trinket to red? blue? -3

    This is something that has been o

    mind for a while: What do you RE

    get from your 4th/5th point in turtle

    stance? an extra 80 HP shield? H

    much does that matter by the timelevel 12? Wouldn't it instead be be

    just put the remaining points into b

    then later tiger for better scaling?

    18/0/12 is REALLY weird dude.

    Neglecting thunderlord's decree

    out on a LOT of damage. More

    distribution of mastery points in

    seems bonkers. You'll need one

    an explanation to defend the la

    thunderlords. -4
  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    1 Diana Diana jungle is another easy one to counter jungle. She doesn't have anescape early and your jungle clear is much faster. Your early game damage isalso much stronger so if you have the chance to 1v1 her, take it.

    1 NidaleeAfter her q buff this patch, she's a bit more relevant in the jungle, but overallnot much of a problem for Udyr. You can 1v1 her as long as you don't get hitby any long ranged spears. Dodge those and you can easily counter jungleher and make her life miserable.

    1 NunuNunu is an objective focused jungler, so you have to stay on your toes withthe objectives. Blink for a minute and he'll snag drag and rift herald, so myadvice is to keep objectives warded and try to get them going before he can.As for fighting him, you can easily 1v1 nunu at any point in the game unlessyou're way behind.

    1 RengarRengar is another champ that you can counter jungle quite easily. You'remuch stronger than him at every part of the game, BUT beware of the bushplays. Don't let him jump on you and run in the bushes and jump on you againand shit. Just stun him, follow him into the bush if you have to and beat thatsquishy kittens face in (wow that sounded way worse than I meant). Also ifyou see his ult coming, get your stun ready and the second he shows, stunhim off whoever he's jumping on and blow him up. He only takes a few hits tobe killed.

    1 SejuaniAlthough not a very common pick recently, Sejuani is still a very good

    jungler. She's tanky and has a ton of cc... but that never stopped Udyr. You'llwin a 1v1 at any point in the game, so feel free to counterjungle or just farmup and dominate her late game.


    Udyr's Strengths


    Flash vs Ghost


    Initial Clear

    Mastering Sated

    How to Gank

    Team Fighting

    Your Role as Udyr

    Hey guys! I'm Ellesmere and this is my first guide on mobafire! I have over 600 games played as Udyr this

    season and a 60% win rate. First thing I want to say is that I discovered this champion on my own and although I

    do know who Trick2g is and respect him as a player/streamer, he is not the reason I play Udyr and I do not watch

    his videos. Just because I play and love a certain champion doesn't mean I'm a trick fanboy haha.

    Let's get started!

    About Me

  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    My summoner name is Ellesmere (A variation on the name of the elven city from Eragon - Ellesmera) and I'm 24

    years old from the Bay Area in California. I run my own company which has branches in LA and the Bay Area, and I

    do everything from television production to graphic design and web development. I've played violin since I was 4

    and spent my whole life preparing to be a concert violinist until I decided, the year before my college auditions, I

    wanted to pursue a career in film so I changed courses and started my own company in LA when I moved there at

    18. I love spending my free time playing basketball, video games, and spending time with my friends and my

    wonderful girlfriend. My favorite types of movies are animated films like Emporer's New Groove, The Lion King,

    every pixar movie, etc.

    I've played video games off and on my whole life, mostly games like League and WoW but I also love playing old

    school shooters like Doom II. With league I've found that I love the more tanky champions that still do lots of

    damage and when I discovered Udyr, I found the perfect champion for me. With the new developments in this

    preseason, I'm really looking forward to the strength of Udyr this season.

    Strengths and Weaknesses of Udyr

    Overall, Udyr is one of the strongest mid-late game champions there is. His speed, damage and tankiness

    combined make him a deadly threat to almost any team comp. Let's start by looking at his strengths.

    Great clear, very hard to be counter jungled. Maxing Phoenix Stance contributes to Udyr's incredible jungle


    Incredible at splitpushing. Udyr's splitpushing powers are unparalleled. Once he's sated with this build, he

    can easily 1v1 and sometimes 1v2 or more dependent on how ahead he is, so the enemy team has to

    either send at least 2 people for you or just one and then you kill them and take their base. See more

    about split pushing in the section below.

    Very high mobility. Once your Bear Stance is maxed and you get the full speed boost from it, you are pretty

    much uncatchable since you can spam between Bear and Turtle, which gives you massive move speed and

    a shield every few seconds, plus the fully stacked passive Monkey's Agility.

    Can solo drag early. Your early game kit is perfect for soloing drag, so make sure to obtain those objectives

    early, read more about when and how you should solo it in objectives section.

    Strong CC with stun. Your stun is very unique in that you can stun every enemy on their team in under a

    few seconds. Using Bear Stance on an enemy puts a 5 second debuff on them where they can't be stunned

    again. In team fights this can be very useful as you can help peel by stunning their frontline, and then dive

    the backline and stun their carries before you roast them with your phoenix.

    One of the highest damage champs late game. As you'll find out very quickly, this build gives you one of

    the highest damage outputs in the game once you're sated with rageblade. After that you can go tanky,

    but once you hit your power spike around 15-20 minutes don't back down from fights, don't be afraid.

    Pretty much no one can 1v1 you the rest of the game unless they're insanely fed.

    However, Udyr has his downsides as well, specifically one major one: crowd control.

    Can be kited by champs with high mobility / cc.Unfortunately, even though Udyr has many strengths, this

    one thing can be a massive problem and is the main reason he is not played much in LCS. He relies on face

    to face combat, pummeling enemies down with his fists, but because of that, he can be locked down / kited

    fairly easily. Stuns, slows, fears, binds, silences, etc pretty much all remove Udyr from a fight. This is what

    we have items for though. The reason you almost always purchase Mercury's Treads is because it

    reduces the duration of all crowd control by 20%, which is incredibly strong for you. For teams with a lot of

    crowd control ( Morgana, Leona, etc ) or champions that have disable ults such as Warwick or

    Malzahar, buy a Quicksilver Sash early. That is one purchase that you will never regret as it makes you

    much more dangerous in team fights or 1v1s.

    Very mana dependent. All of your skills cost mana, and to play Udyr to his maximum potential, every fight

    requires you to rotate quickly through your abilities. This can run Udyr oom very quickly, so you need to

    keep an eye on your mana bar before entering a fight and know about how many stances you shift

    through before you just become an auto attacking bear. Also, always take the first 2 blue buffs unless mid

    lane desperately needs the second one as it will help your jungle clear and ability to gank lanes immensely.


    If you're going devourer you have to take the ferocity tree as it will give you incredible amounts of burst damage

    mid-late game. Fortunately with the new mastery system you don't have to sacrifice too much tankiness since you

    can still put 12 points in resolve.

    Ferocity Tree

    Tier 1 - Fury vs Sorcery

    Additionally, udyr sucks at contest

    objectives like towers and neutral

    objectives when he is forced to init

  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    Fury is the only viable option with this build. The 4% attack speed is

    all around far better than magic damage when you're going sated


    Tier 1.5 - Double Edged Sword vs Feast

    Your choice is between more sustain or more damage, and honestly

    this isn't a debate either: Double Edged Sword all the way. As Udyr

    your sustain is already crazy high. Add Hunter's Potion to the

    mix and there's no reason you'd need Feast. Plus the 3% increased

    damage is insanely strong.

    Tier 2 - Vampirism vs Natural Talent

    Natural Talent is definitely the right choice here. Since you alreadyget plenty of lifesteal from Turtle Stance, the 2%

    spellvamp/lifesteal you'd get from Vampirism is not nearly as strong

    as scaling AD/AP.

    Tier 2.5 - Bounty Hunter vs Oppressor

    For Udyr's kit, the best mastery here is Bounty Hunter. Once you

    kill 2 different champions, this mastery will give you more damage

    than Oppressor. Since you only have one stun for a short period of

    time, you can't make great use the 2.5% increased damage to

    enemies with impaired movement. This is simply sacrificing a very

    small amount of early game damage for a ton of damage late game (5% increased damage once you've killed each

    enemy champion).

    Tier 3 - Battering Blows vs Piercing Thoughts

    With this tier, you'll want a bit of each talent. Since you're a mixed damage champion getting a bit of magic and

    armor penetration is really strong and will help you shred tanks.

    Keystone - Fervor of Battle

    Yayyyy 6.1, they finally buffed Fervor of Battle making it by far the best keystone for Udyr! Since you're going

    sated rageblade, your attack speed is already hilarious, so you build your fervor stacks from 0 to max in a matter of

    seconds, which gives you unparalleled burst damage that far exceeds any of the other keystone choices.

    Resolve Tree

    Tier 1 - Recovery vs Unyielding

    Recovery is the better option here. Even though you'll be building some MR and Armor items, overall you make

    Unyielding useful until you're pretty much full build

    Tier 1.5 - Explorer vs Tough Skin

    This one is personal choice, but I've found that the movement speed isn't very useful, whereas Tough Skin will

    make you a bit more tanky in the early game to help your jungle clear and ganks.

    Tier 2 - Runic Armor vs Veteran's Scars

    Since you'll be maxing your Turtle Stance second, the best mastery in this tier is Runic Armor. It makes your

    turtle far more powerful, as it increases your lifesteal and shield by 8%.

    Tier 2.5 - Insight vs Perseverance

    The last mastery in this tree you want is Insight, and this one isn't up for debate. The 15% reduced cooldown of

    your flash and smite is far too valuable to give up for 75 health.

    Trust me: The scaling AD/AP is to

    trash. Games will have been deci

    the time you actually get benefit f

    scaling offensive stats from this m

  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    Flash vs Ghost

    There is a lot of debate with Udyr as to which summoner spells you should take. In actuality, there are very few

    scenarios in which ghost is more beneficial than flash on Udyr. First off, you have no ability to go over a wall so any

    time you need a fast escape to prevent death, or a jump over baron/drag pit to steal objectives, you'll be screwed

    without flash. Second, in team fights there is no better way to disrupt a combo / take out the enemy carries than

    flash. Let's say for example that a team fight starts and the enemy team has an MF who starts to channel her ult.

    Instead of ghosting and possibly being cc'd along the way to her and being dead by the time you reach her, you

    just instantly flash onto her, stun her, and save your wh ole team from the ult while 2 shotting her while she's

    stunned. Or for another example, let's say their team has a killer wombo combo (malph/ori/yasuo) for example. If

    they engage on you, you won't be able to ghost out in time but you can flash their engage and blow up their

    carries instead.

    For early game ganks, flash and ghost are pretty much even in terms of usefulness. Both have their benefits, but if

    you use them properly you can easily secure kills. So overall, flash is much better for team fights, objective steals,

    and quick escapes early game. The only time I would advise running ghost over flash, is if their team has an

    insanely strong team fight and yours is more of a split push / pick comp because the one thing ghost is best for issplit pushing. You can outrun the enemy team for days so you can pretty much split push without any concern of

    being killed. But again, this is not a very common circumstance, and even then I'd be hesitant about giving up all

    the benefits of flash.


    Jungle Items Defensive Items Offensive Items Boots/Flasks

    Jungle Items

    Hunter's Potion is undeniably the best 250 gold you will spend in a game. You already start

    with Refillable Potion so upgrading it barely costs you anything and the sustain it gives you is

    unparalleled. Keep in mind, this item is bought AFTER your devourer, always purchase devourer

    before buying anything else. Many people will argue that because Udyr already has such great

    jungle sustain, it's an unnecessary buy. However, t here are many reasons why that is completely

    false, the main reason being Hunter's Potion allows you to pretty much never back if you don't

    want to. You start with 5 stacks, and every time you kill a jungle creature, it refills 1 stack (if

    you're at max stacks it will use a charge on you and then refill that charge). And the best part is,

    it refills your mana. So you can clear your whole jungle extremely fast and come out with full

    mana and health with 5 stacks still on your potion. It has a ton of other uses as well: soloing rift

    But you don't even need the extra

    from this potion. You can already h

    with turtle stance and your jungle i

    I literally see no reason to buy this

    not sold, although I'm probably not

    as big of a deal over this comparedsomeone like embracing.

  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    / dragon is 10 times easier since you can just use all 5 stacks when you start the objective and

    end up at full health and mana afterwards. Or you could gank a lane, lose some health from the

    fight, but use up your 5 stacks and then go straight back to farming without having to back. And

    the best part is with this item, you can start your jungle farming at 20% health / mana and

    come out on the other side with 100% health and mana because it builds stacks as you go. All in

    all this is the best 250 gold you will spend, as it allows you to stay in the game for much longer

    periods of time without having to back.

    Stalker's Blade is by far the best jungle item for Udyr. This item gives you the passive "Chilling

    Smite", which allows you to cast smite on champions dealing true damage and stealing 20% of

    their movement speed for 2 seconds. The reason this is so powerful is because Udyr relies on

    getting in the face of an enemy and blowing them up. Once you're in melee range of them, 9

    times out of 10 they will die. But getting there can often be the hard part, especially against

    champions with high mobility/escape and lots of cc: this is where Chilling Smite comes in. Not

    only does it slow them so you can catch them, but it also speeds you up, making it much easier

    for you to run up to their face and stun them. That and the instant true damage it deals givesyou a bit of ranged damage that can be extremely useful for finishing enemies off.

    Skirmisher's Sabre is a great item for dueling but is not the best for Udyr. The problem with

    this item on Udyr is that it doesn't give you the gap close that Stalker's Blade does. This item

    is meant for Champions who have enough CC to lock people down so they don't have to chase

    you ( Rammus, Warwick, etc), or champions that can stick to an enemy no matter how

    much escape the have ( Master Yi, Shyvana, etc).

    Defensive Items

    Iceborn Gauntlet is your go to first armor item for a few reasons. What you're looking for in

    your first item after devourer/rageblade is cooldown reduction, mana, and typically armor unless

    the enemy team doesn't have any threatening AD champs. This is why a lot of people advisegetting a Frozen Heart as your first item. However, most of the time your support, or even

    sometimes top laner, will end up getting one and you won't need to buy this item. Iceborn

    Gauntlet provides the same mana/cdr and plenty of armor but gives you one of the strongest

    passives in the game for Udyr. It's the sheen passive (bonus damage on hit after using a spell)

    but it also creates an icy zone that slows enemies, that icy zone is what makes this item so

    powerful on Udyr. You now slow enemies any time you attack them (since you're constantly

    changing stances), which makes it 10 times harder for enemies to escape your claws. Because

    you rely so heavily on close combat, this item helps prevent your biggest downfall: being kited.

    And that is why this is an essential item in this build.

    Spirit Visage is your main magic resist item. It gives you a little more cdr, tons of magic resist

    and health, PLUS a passive that increases all healing by 20%. Because we also took Runic

    Armor your turtle stance is now incredibly deadly. Not only does it give you a massive shield

    when maxed, but you also gain a ton of lifesteal. This item is especailly strong when you have

    anyone on your team that gives heals ( Soraka, Sona, Fiora, etc). Overall, spirit visage

    works great with your kit and should be your go to magic resist item.

    Thornmail is one of my favorite items in the game because it's so much fun watching enemies

    kill themselves. This is an item that you only want to build if a team is very heavy on attack

    damage/auto attack champions. The reason it is so strong is while you're killing them with your

    spells, if they try to auto you back, they kill themselves in the process since it reflects 15% of the

    physical damage you take (+ 25% bonus armor) back to them as magic damage. Overall a very

    fun item but should only be built against mostly all AD teams.

    As mentioned above, Frozen Heart is a great item for Udyr because of the cdr, mana, armor,

    and passive that it gives you. However, you should only build one if no one else on your team is

    going to build one and should be built in replacement of Iceborn Gauntlet.

    Dead Man's Plate is a fantastic item on Udyr because of the speed it gives you. This item

    makes you nearly uncatchable, so you can split push freely and flood their gates. That being said,

    that is pretty much it's only use other than some extra health and armor. You should only build

    Dead Man's Plate if you are planning on split pushing most of the game. This would be your 5th

    or 6th item and would replace a damage item like trinity force.

    Banshee's Veil is your other option for magic resistance. Although not as strong overall for

    Udyr as spirit visage, it brings a very unique and important passive. It gives you a spell shield that

    blocks the next enemy ability (refreshes after no damage is taken from champions for 40

    seconds). This item cant be built in replacement of Spirit Visageif a team has champions that

    can ruin you with a single spell engage such as Blitzcrank, Ashe, Leona, etc.

    For teams that are heavy on AD and crit/auto attack reliant, Randuin's Omen is a great armor

    item for you. It gives you lots of health, armor, slows the enemies attack speed, and reduces the

    damage you take from critical strikes by 10%. On top of all that it helps you kite champions by

    giving you an on use ability that slows enemies within a 500 yard radius by 35% for 4 seconds.

    This is a very strong item overall, but should only be build after Thornmail against all AD


    Quicksilver Sash is an amazingly useful item for Udyr. It's very cheap and gives you a bit of

    Either way, I expect more from yo

    defense in order to sell me on get

    potion upgrade. -2

    I think you're overvaluing frozen h

  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    magic resistance, as well as one of the best on use effects in the game. The on use removes all

    debuffs from you (90 second cooldown), which is vital against certain team comps. You should

    build this item against any team with heavy cc ( Leona, Amumu, Thresh, etc) OR

    against any champions that have an ult that can one shot you / remove you from a team fight (

    Malzahar, Warwick, Zed, etc). Once you are full build, you can either upgrade your qss

    to Mercurial Scimitar or sell it for a better end game item.

    Offensive Items

    Guinsoo's Rageblade is the main focus of this build. As a sated jungler, it gives you everything

    you could ever wish for from an item. Massive damage on attack, plus insane attack speed. Since

    you're already sated, it only takes a few fast autos to build to max stacks and once you're there

    you'll be amazed at how fast you can shred any enemy.

    Although Trinity Force is one of the best items overall for Udyr, with this build it takes a back

    seat since you have to build tanky after you get your rageblade. One of the things about this

    build is that since you're almost always going to buy Iceborn Gauntlet, the sheen passive on it

    and Trinity Force do not stack. That being said, just because the passives don't stack doesn't

    mean it's not worth buying both. The main purpose of Trinity Force is not the sheen passive, it's

    the all around stats that benefit Udyr more than most champs. Even without the extra passive

    you still get AD, crit, attack speed, health, cdr, mana, zeal movement speed, and of course the

    ever important Phage movement speed. This is why it costs so much (3800g), and as a last item,

    even without the sheen passive that gets nullified, it still gives you far more than any other item

    could as your last item. Having the slow on hit from Iceborn Gauntlet, plus the Phage move

    speed on hit from triforce is an incredibly deadly and very powerful end game. Between that and

    the all around stats you get, it more than outweighs the missed sheen passive.

    Blade of the Ruined King used to be a very strong item for Udyr before this last preseason, but

    with the introduction of Guinsoo's Rageblade it has become a much less common purchase.The reason why is if you're building damage, Trinity Force just brings more to the table for you

    then bork. But if the enemy team is pretty much all tanks, this would still be a strong buy as the

    combination of sated rageblade and bork will shred any tank.

    Wit's End is a fantastic item under the right circumstances. If a team has a lot of AP, a wit's

    end can be the perfect extra damage/tank item to mess them up. Not only does it steal up to 25

    magic resistance from any champion you attack, but it also provides you with a ton of attack

    speed and magic resistance. This makes Wit's End one of the strongest items for Udyr against

    heavy AP teams.

    Boots / Flasks

    Although Mercury's Treads are your go to boots in most every game. The reason you almostalways purchase these is because they reduce the duration of all crowd control effects on you by

    20%, which is incredibly strong for Udyr since his biggest downfall is cc.

    Ninja Tabi should be purchased if the enemy team is all attack damage and has little cc.

    Boots of Swiftness are your third and least used option for boots. You should only build these

    if the enemy team has little to no cc and you plan on split pushing for most of the game.

    With the removal of the Homeguard boot enchant, Enchantment: Alacrity became the only

    truly viable enchantment for Udyr to purchase, since his kit relies on movement speed so much.

    Elixir of Iron is the only elixir you should buy with this build. For one, because you already do

    tons of damage with this build, getting extra tanky is far more valuable so you can focus on

    blowing them up while not getting blown up yourself. For two, because giant sized Udyr is


    In my opinion, this is the best build for Udyr and it wouldn't work with any jungle enchant other

    than Enchantment: Devourer. The only other viable enchant for you to take is

    Enchantment: Cinderhulk, but it's not what Udyr excels at. If you want to play a cinderhulk

    champion there are many others that are far stronger.

    Initial Clear
  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    An important aspect of Udyr is that he can

    clear a full side of his jungle and come out

    level 3 with full health. This is a quick

    explanation of how to maximize the efficiency

    of your initial clear.

    First off always start at gromp, regardless of

    which side you're on. Cast Phoenix Stance

    in base when you load in, then when gromp

    spawns auto it once, then recast Phoenix

    (always smite as soon as it spawns, unless

    you're being leashed by darius, twitch, or any

    other champ with a damage over time

    effect). If you end gromp with 3 stacks of

    phoenix, hit blue buff with a melee to use

    your full stacks then begin the Turtle

    Stance - Phoenix Stance rotation. After

    blue go do wolves and hit level 3. At this

    point you have a choice: gank a lane early or

    power farm the rest of your jungle. Your level 3 will be a laners level 2, and most junglers don't have the sustain or

    clear time that Udyr has so your gank is extremely effective that early. In most situations you will be able to gank

    mid or top/bot.

    When to Speed Clear - Not So Fireproof Udyr

    Above is a video showing you when you should ignore your level 3 gank and instead finish clearing your jungle. If

    you chose to power farm the rest of your jungle, you want to take a second Phoenix point and clear the other 3

    camps to hit 4 and then grab Bear Stance. You should ONLY do this if every one of your lanes is pushing hard

    and you know there aren't any ganking opportunities available.

    Finally, you have one last option after hitting level 3: stealing the enemy jungler's buff. Only do this when you

    have vision on every lane and know about where their jungler should be. Also, you should be careful about

    invading certain junglers, to see a full guide on which junglers I recommend counter jungling, check out the

    champion threat list above. However, under the right conditions, let's say you both started in blue buff jungle: hit

    level 3 then run up to their red buff to try and steal it / get a kill. If you started blue and they started red, hit level

    3 then run across to their blue and get a second blue buff!

    Mastering Sated Time

    How do you evaluate whether

    gankable? -8

    Show through example
  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    How to Get Sated in 12 Minutes - Not So Fireproof Udyr

    Above is a video on how to get yourself sated in 12 minutes, without power farming. In the video I'm able to get

    sated incredibly fast, while also snowballing every lane (and myself). No amount of power farming can get you this

    fast of a sated time, or win you a game this quickly, which is why it's so important to focus on ganking just as

    much as farming. One of the most vital parts of playing Udyr is how quickly you can get Sated, without

    sacrificing your map presence. With the change in rift herald stacks (now grants 5 stacks upon assist or kill), you

    can get sated incredibly fast every game (I average 13-16 minutes), but I've been sated in under 11 minutes

    before with the right circumstances. Prior to getting your devourer, you should focus on hitting level 3 and finding

    a lane that's pushed to gank. Getting a few assists/kills early will speed up your sated time significantly.

    Once you HAVE your devourer, you should turn to early

    objectives. For example, if your top lane is pushed up to the

    enemy tower, ping them to come do rift herald with you as

    the opponent laner will not be able to follow since they have

    waves to clear. On the other hand if your top lane is pushedinto their own tower, go gank them, get the kill and then

    secure rift herald. Same situation goes for bot lane and drag,

    or mid lane for either. If you can secure an early rift herald

    and drag, your sated time is guaranteed to be under 15

    minutes. You cannot solo rift herald until you are sated, but

    dragon is easy to solo at any level. If you are going to solo

    dragon, make sure you bring a pink ward to clear any

    enemy wards and then keep an eye on every lane for MIAs.

    Your rotation for soloing dragon should be Turtle Stance

    > Tiger Stance > Phoenix Stance.

    How to Gank

    People generally assume as Udyr you're going to be power farming and not ganking much early. The truth is,

    Udyr is a very strong early game ganker as well as a great power farmer. Your job is to find a good balance and only

    go for smart ganks you know will get results. To watch different ways to gank and where you should enter from,

    check out the Mastering Sated Time video. Getting your lanes fed early will ultimately be 10 times better for your

    team than having you power farm, but if your lanes are pushing or you don't see a good opportunity, you don't

    want to waste time that could be spent farming your early power spike.

    Ganking is all about timing, you have to know when it will be worth sacrificing your jungle farm and when it will

    just be a waste of time. If you can get a lanes flash or a kill, it is always worth leaving your jungle for. As Udyr,

    giving lanes kills is good, but often taking kills is equally beneficial to the team. On other junglers (like Amumu)

    often times it is best to give the lanes the kill, but if Udyr gets a few kills early game, that match is most likely over

    since this build snowballs incredibly fast.

    /i don't think you've really empha

    the importance / role that neutral

    objective control like dragon or m

    importantly, rift herald play in you

    stacking of devourer

    It's important to teach your reade

    to gank vs champions with dashe

    gnar or leblanc as well. This is O


    I want you to go into further deta

    (perhaps teaching through exam

    about exactly what you mean wh

    say ganking is all about timing -4

  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    The most important aspect of ganking is where you choose to enter the lane from. The goal is to be inbetween the

    enemy and their tower so you can kill them before they get to their safe zone. Try to gank from as close to their

    tower as possible and cut them off. Remember early game tower diving is very rarely a good idea so often times if

    you get a lanes flash, rather than continuing to chase, back off and come back around a minute later to secure the

    kill. I highly recommend smiting birds as often as possible to get the ward detecting buff so you don't waste your

    time hiding in a warded bush.

    How to Tower Dive - Not So Fireproof Udyr

    Above is a video showing how you should properly execute an early game tower dive gank. In this video you'll see

    myself (Udyr) and Lulu setting up a dive on Jarvin. The reason this worked so well is we were patient and took no

    chances. First I stole the enemy jungler's gromp while Lulu pushed her minion wave to the tower. This was

    essential so that we wouldn't take any tower damage until we engaged on him. Once the wave was pushed. I ran

    in from behind and Lulu immediately polymorphed him, preventing him from flashing. Right before the polymorphran off I stunned him so he was locked down, unable to flash or escape the entire time. Then all it took was a

    phoenix hit to finish him off, all while Lulu tanked the tower for me and then dropped tower aggro before she died.

    This early game tower dive worked because we were able to cc lock him the whole fight, he was already low, and

    we had the minions pushed to his tower. Make sure that if you decide to dive early you're very careful with it and

    have good coordination with your teammate because the last thing you want is the enemy to turn it around and

    get a double kill.

    Team Fighting

    In a team fight, your job varies based on the team comp you have. As long as you have a support on your teamthat has good peel, your job is to dive the enemy backline and take out their most deadly damage dealers, whether

    that's the AD Carry/Mid/Top or some obnoxious AP support like Annie or Brand (damn you Riot), you need to figure

    out a way to jump on them and stun them as quickly as possible so you can take them down. This is where flash

    comes in handy, because there's nothing more valuable then being able to flash directly onto the enemies carries

    and take each of them out of the fight for a few seconds, as well as (hopefully) blowing them up.

    Now on the other hand if your team lacks peel, or you're not doing very well in the game, your job becomes more

    of a build tanky and protect your carries type of role. So when the fight starts and they hard engage onto your

    backline, you stun then immediately and blow them up before they can mess up your poor defenseless marksmen.

    The most important aspect of a team fight is how you decide to engage, and from which direction. There are many

    ways to engage a team and a lot of it will depend on both your comp and theirs. Let's say your team has a fantastic

    combo (Malph and Ori, Mumu and Leona, etc). You want to wait for their engage and then flank from another

    direction so that you cut their escape off. For example, if your team is in between the tier 1 towers in mid lane and

    you walk behind the enemy team by going through their jungle, as soon as your team engages, you can rush in

    from behind and have a direct line to stun and take out their carries. Flanking is very useful and will secure avictory in a team fight if done correctly, but if done poorly can also remove you from the most important parts of

    the fight and throw the game, so always make sure your timing is correct and you are there to fight when the

    engage happens.

    GREAT!! I love this!
  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review


    How to Team Fight - Not So Fireproof Udyr

    In this video, you'll a few examples of how to team fight as Udyr. For the first example, you'll see a fight in the

    enemy base, it's 2v2 at first, and then Ahri comes in. Since we're in the enemy base by their towers, we don't

    want to engage on them, we want them to engage on us. So I bait them into coming out a bit, all while working

    on destroying their inhib. As soon as they engage with the MF ult, I reengage on them, dodging the ult and

    stunning her quickly so I can blow her up. Then I turn back to the inhib, until Ahri comes down from above leaving

    me no escape. At this point it's just a 1v1 and I shield myself, then double back right as she throws out her orb,

    dodging the initial hit, flip into bear, step to the side to avoid her orb, stun her and kill her.

    For the second example, you'll see a team fight by dragon pit. It's a 4v3 favoring the enemy team (azir comes in

    later to make it 4v4, our adc is dead and their mid lane is top). Evelynn immediately engages, and rather than

    going straight for their adc (who is protected by Nami, Malphite, and 2 traps blocking the path), I blow up Evelynn

    who is binded and pulled for an easy kill. At this point, Malphite comes in and reengages hard with a Nami stun as

    well, but as soon as we're out of it Caitlyn has now moved in front of her traps, allowing me to get in her face. I

    ignore the Malphite since he's already done his damage and we don't have a carry in the fight for me to peel, and Igo straight for Caitlyn, stunning her and killing her before she can escape. At that point I turn back to Malphite,

    switching into turtle to stay alive. What you should take away from this is knowing when to focus the carry and

    when to peel/stop the engage. Don't rush the carries if they're too heavily protected or too far away with escape.

    Your job is to peel your carries and wait for the right opening to charge the backline. Once the opportunity is there,

    you charge them hard and light them all up.

    With all that being said, where Udyr excels most is in splitpushing, which I'll explain below.

    Your Role as Udyr

    How to Split Push - Sated Rageblade Udyr 5.24

    Udyr is one of the games strongest split pushers. His wave clear is unbelievable once you're sated with

    rageblade, and he can shred towers incredibly fast. On top of that, he has a very good escape with bear/turtle

    stances and once he has sated/rageblade he can 1v1 pretty much any champion no matter how fed. The idea is,

    later in the game the enemy team has 2 choices when you're split pushing. Either A, send 2 people to come kill

    you (which even sometimes you can still 1v2), or B, let you take their towers. So they really don't have much

    choice in the matter. Typically teams will send 2 people for you which gives your team a free 4v3 in whichever lane

    they are pushing. Keep in mind if you are split pushing, make sure the rest of your team is pressuring another

    lane. If they send 2 for you, your team wins the fight or takes their towers. If they send 0-1 for you, you win the

    fight or take their towers. So either way your team should win.

    This being said, often times when you are split pushing it's easy to get lost in your own world since you're so

    isolated from the rest of the game. When you split push, if the rest of your team isn't pushing another objective to

    draw the enemy team away, you can expect to see their whole team collapsing on you and taking you down with

    ease. When you split, you need to have knowledge of where every enemy champion is before you start pushing

    hard. Keep wherever you are splitting very well warded, and keep your eyes on the minimap at all times. Also,

    This is an important point that i do

    is stressed enough. Udyr isn't a

    supertank like maokai or sion. Th

    he tanks as much damage as the

    later in the game is through his

    movement speed.

    He'll run towards the carry, and fo

    carry to kite back. Then, he'll run

    towards the front line to continue

    meaningful DPS, and make the cwaste time running back to auto a

    him. At least that's what my ment

    to say on this matter. Anyways, y

    done a good job with this section

    to +1 your guide.

    If you shape this up, i'll +scout yo


    It's kinda useless to split if your te

    can't take advantage of the map p

    you give them - this is especially

    prevalent when your opponents a

    playing assassins and can catch

    squishy teammates. -2
  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review



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    an IV



















    er Yi












    make sure you're still grouping for objectives and helping defend when you're needed.


    Thanks again for taking the time to check out my guide, I hope it helped anyone who's interested in trying out this

    amazing champion. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions for me on the guide and I'll try to update it

    as often as possible.
  • 7/25/2019 ellesmere's udyr guide review





















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