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Welcome back to SiMania Admods: the Musical! When last we checked in, heiress Marty and her three sisters had a successful run through college, and then the sisters and their two brothers settled down with happy families. Finally, Marty arrived home at the lovely house Katie had built. By the time I loaded them again, the family found themselves on a new lot with a new house, because I am a house-building addict, y’all. I cannot help myself. They’re living in Veronaville again, where this whole legacy began back with Aria, so I built them what I thought was a suitable Veronaville-style legacy mansion.

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Here’s the inside, for any of you besides me that are interested in these kinds of things. Upstairs, there is a great room/playroom in the middle, surrounded starting bottom left clockwise with: adult bedroom, elder bedroom, master bath, children’s bath, boys’ room, girls’ room, and nursery.

Downstairs, starting from bottom left clockwise, is a living room, dining/kitchen, pet room, study, sunroom, front hall, and an angular little bathroom squeezed into the middle right there.

Okay, enough with the tour, right? What about the story already?! Well, we’re getting there . . .

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At the new house, Marty quickly invited over Steven, who had inexplicably changed into a pink maid outfit instead of his usual white. She quickly moved him in and got him into more sensible clothes.

While Marty prepared drinks for the upcoming wedding party, Steven apparently thought to impress his future bride by cooking them a little lunch.

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It didn’t go so well. Poor Steven. He may have maxed cleaning but he doesn’t have much in the way of other skills.

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Isn’t it bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding? These two weren’t worried about that apparently, as they ran around the house pre-party making out.

Marty’s parents, Rolfe and Martha, were outside doing pretty much the same thing.

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The guests were all five of the other Encore children. I didn’t do it on purpose, but I dressed them all in black, red, and white so they actually looked kind of coordinated when they all arrived. Of course they rushed in the house to do stupid stuff before they could be corralled off to the ceremony.

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Whoops! Looks like someone (who is definitely not me) planted the trees too close. Steven’s probably got a mouthful of pollen right about now.

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With the trees retreating to a safe distance, Steven breathed in deeply while Marty walked down the aisle. All of the guests except Sandy made it into seats. Despite there being more than enough seats, Sandy decided to stare down Betty throughout the whole ceremony instead of paying attention.

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Marty and Steven said their vows , kissed, exchanged rings . . .

. . . and became Marty and Steven Encore, the generation four couple.

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Steven and Rolfe are family sims and Martha has a secondary family aspiration, so the wedding made three quarters of the house extremely happy.

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Marty and Steven shared their first dance together right in front of the arch.

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Meanwhile, Marty’s sisters stood off a little ways and gossiped about Steven burning his food. Ah, mean sims, never change.

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The wedding party mostly consisted of juice drinking and playing with the family’s three dogs: Doody, Putzie, and Frenchy.

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A little bit of this helped drive the party score up too.

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By the time the (roof raiser) party wound down, Steven and Marty were back in their regular clothes and attending to everyday business, namely scheduling a vacation and training the dogs.

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“Bye Mom and Dad! I’m going on my honeymoon with Steven! Wish me luck!”“Wasn’t today a beautiful sunny day, Rolfe?”“Right then. Don’t mind me. I’ll show myself out.”

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Afraid the legacy might get a bit too . . . dignified? Don’t be.

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Marty and Steven brought the education bookcase with them and spent the first part of their vacation studying. Steven was severely deficient in skills, and if he was ever going to make Captain Hero like his lifetime want, he’d need some skills. Marty maxed hers as a kid, so she studied parenting and stuff like that to keep Steven company. Not much of a honeymoon, huh?

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They soon got back on track and spent the rest of the vacation relaxing and being romantic.

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For Marty, an avid romance sim, this meant having public woohoo at least once daily. I think they desecrated pretty much every clothing booth in Takemizu.

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They hit all the regular hot spots in Takemizu, eating foreign food, combing the zen garden, relaxing in the hot springs.

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They also made it out to The Temple in the Shadows (is that what it’s called? I think it is . . .) and met the wise old man. While Marty chatted him up about her favorite pastime, Steven jumped rope nearby. I’m the sure the wise man was very impressed with these two erudite scholars.

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They finally got to hear the story thanks to Marty’s scintillating conversational skills. She actually did this rather quickly so I think she and the wise man must have had a lot of interests in common.

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The rest of the trip was a bit of a mixed bag, really. Marty wowed mullet-kimono guy with tales of her great wedding. We also got to witness a local pouring soap in the fountain, which was quite amusing. Finally, Marty got the itches from going on a tour. That’s what she gets for going without Steven!

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Finally, with Takemizu explored and thoroughly woohooed-throughout, Steven and Marty took to the bedroom at the vacation house to conceive their first child. Problem was, it just wasn’t happening. Although Marty loved all the woohoo, both of them were getting pretty tired but no lullaby was forthcoming. Finally I just sent them to sleep.

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The next morning, the couple discussed their sudden brush with infertility.

“Maybe public woohoo would help? Couldn’t hurt to try.”

Sure, Marty. Very convincing.

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So . . . I tried the cheater’s public woohoo (aka a photo booth at home) and not only did they have another dream date and made Marty platinum, the lullaby played and the couple officially got to hear “the music of the night.” Even though it was daytime at this point. Look, just go with it. Their vacation over and their one job fulfilled, Steven called for a ride for the couple to go back home.

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They left the vacation house . . .

. . . and arrived back home safely. Marsha rushed to hug her daughter so maybe she and Rolfe did notice they were gone.

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It is not very respectful to pee in the graveyard, Doody. I am not impressed. Neither is Steven, who had to go clean it up because I didn’t want weeds in there.

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Both of these couples are verrrrrry affectionate. They aren’t always in the same room as each other, but if they’re left alone, both of them end up like this.

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Pop! Marty is definitely pregnant with the first child of generation five!

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Love the ghost dogs playing together. This is Bernice and Cacophony, in case you wanted to know. They’re so cute and a little sad. At least they’re having fun in the afterlife.

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“Mmm, my wife is so hot. She could not be more attractive to me right now.”

Seriously, Rolfe?

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It’s time to bring in the next generation of puppies, so we need a little space in the house. Frenchy and Doody went to Danny here. We kept Putzie in the hopes that he would pass on his blue mask coloring.

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Meanwhile, the Encores adopted a new dog, a little beagle named Diva. I still am tightly holding on to possible names for this generation, so I’m going to name the dogs something related to opera.

Diva and Putzie got on great right away.

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However, Diva didn’t start off great with the family. I’m afraid Diva is a Bad Dog. She peed everywhere around the house and didn’t stop until her training bar was completely full. She also attempted to destroy furniture quite a few times. As a result, she got trained in these two areas pretty well, but her first days in the house sure were rough.

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Because she had to be constantly scolded, Diva didn’t start out with the best relationships with the family. In order for there to be puppies, she has to be friends with someone, so Marty began buttering her up with treats and strokes and they were soon friends. Diva came to us knowing ‘sit up’, so I had Marty command her to do that a few times too because that gets a pretty good relationship bump for a successful command.

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Pop again! This time Marty was making friends with Putzie, since she needs good relationships with both dogs and she didn’t really know Putzie very well. If everything goes well, we should have puppies and a baby in the house at roughly the same time.

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Aria is the first non-dog ghost to appear at the new house, fittingly since she is the founder. I think she makes a rather dignified-looking ghost.

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She also found her way inside right away, dashing my hopes that the ghosts might stay out for a bit. She proceeded to enter the study . . .

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. . . and scare the third trimester pregnant sim. Not cool, Aria. As if she didn’t need to pee enough already. Actually, Marty had a pretty easy pregnancy and didn’t even get sick once.

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A few more pregnancy shots for you. Marty never feared her wedding or the impending birth, which makes her a good romance sim in my book. She actually rolled a want for this child when she came home pregnant from vacation, and you better believe I locked that right away!

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Marty may be happy despite being a romance sim, but Steven is over the moon with his new wife and their baby. Both sims are waiting for their LTW career tracks to open up (Law for Steven, Oceanography for Marty) so they spend a lot of time together at home. Marty actually found her job the second day of her pregnancy, but I decided to let her stay home until she was un-pregnant since romancing with Steven kept her in a good mood.

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Later that day, Diva and Putzie finally try for puppy. Like their masters, it took them a few tries to get a lullaby. Immediately after returning inside, Putzie became an elder. Luckily he’ll be able to get to know his puppies since he’s just now becoming an elder. I decided not to use the kibble of life on him since Diva and his puppy or puppies will still be around. Besides, with the way this family’s been going, we’ll need the space to get enough kids to get the skin.

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That evening Marty goes into labor in the study. I can’t wait to see how the baby turns out. I’m hoping for blue skin obviously, but I’m also hoping we’ll see a redhead since Steven and Martha both have red hair.

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Missed the aspiration points but you can see from the influence points that the baby made the household very happy, including Marty.

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Oh my goodness! We actually got a blue baby the first time! I cannot believe my luck after two generations where the skin waited until the sixth child then didn’t appear at all. Picking Marty as heiress turned out to be the right choice, because the skin skipped a generation and she delivered a potential heir on the first try. For once, I’m nearly as excited about a birth as the sims – I literally clapped my hands together and said “Yes!” when Marty had her baby girl.

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And here she is, Miss Christine Encore, with the family eyes and brown hair. Guess she got all her genetics from Marty.

Christine Daae is the main character of The Phantom of the Opera, an orphaned girl who lives in the opera house and works in the dance corps until chance (and the phantom’s meddlings and tutelage) give her the opportunity to become the opera’s new soprano. She comes to meet again a childhood friend named Raoul and is left with a choice between the controlling but compelling phantom or building a life with Raoul.

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Everyone is delighted with the new baby. I love the look Rolfe and Martha are sharing in this first photo. “We did it,” they seem to be thinking. “The family delivered on its promise.” Or probably they’re thinking about making out, but let’s pretend they’re reflecting on the momentous birth.

Steven is, of course, thrilled, and rolls up wants to play with Christine right away. He does so, and promptly winds up with baby spit up on him. From the pool to the shower, sir.

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Now that’s she both trained and pregnant, Diva has transformed into a productive and pleasing family member. Marty is particularly devoted to her.

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But Marty is also devoted to her new daughter. If I leave her alone upstairs, I often find her rocking Christine or bouncing her. If it weren’t for the frequent wants to meet new people and woohoo in public, I might wonder about her aspiration.

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So . . . I tried to get a cute pic of Christine in the dangler, maybe chewing on her feet or something, but instead she just laid there and screamed. I don’t get it. Her diaper was clean, her belly was full, her mom had been doting on her and she had just woken up from a nap. I guess she’s just cranky. Or maybe she hates the dangler. Who knows?

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Another weird incident. Betty came over and invited herself in to play darts. When I looked at Marty’s relationship with Betty, she was furious for some reason. I never did figure out what Betty did to make Marty mad, but I had Marty apologize until the furiousness wore off and their relationship returned to its previous heights.

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Ugh, Putzie is finicky. I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something broken in my game with finicky pets. Are they this bad for everyone else? He won’t eat from the pet bowls but he will eat trash, drink pee puddles with a wolf (after the wolf rolled in it, naturally) and eat snow. But he won’t eat dog food.

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Christine is still a baby but the presence of morning sickness and the bump confirm that Marty is pregnant again. Now that we have a potential heiress, there only needs to be three children, so I want them close in age so they grow up together.

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Steven finally finds his job and with the skills he’s been working on during vacation and in the meantime at home, he starts pretty high up. Soon he’s permaplat. Unfortunately, his next lifetime want is cult leader and requires a college degree, so this will be the only one he completes. Marty, meanwhile, is pregnant again. The days in between pregnancies all happened to be days off from work, so she hasn’t gotten a chance to go complete her LTW yet.

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“Hello, little baby. It’s nice to see someone else with such a fetching skin color. Not like all these peach freaks around us. No, we’re the special ones, aren’t we, sweetie?”

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Marty had a very special relationship with Christine right off the bat. She had a high score towards her daughter since her birth, and Christine must have felt likewise, because with a pretty normal level of interaction between them, they made best friends just before Marty brought her to the cake. I’ve never had that happen before.

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Oh, wow. Red hair! That was a surprise! I guess the red eyebrows on the blue skin just looked brown, because that’s definitely red hair and when I got her to the mirror, her eyebrows were also categorized as red. Well, that’s even better! Family skin, family eyes, red hair. How’s the personality? That’s good too! Christine is 7/3/2/7/10, a very nice, playful, and neat little thing. I like this kid.

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Here she is with some better hair and clothes, plus some light freckles. Freckles on blue skin? She has red hair, so why not? I just thought it looked cute on her. She’s a pretty adorable little girl.

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Cleve! I’m so happy to see you, you crazy sim. Luckily you’re still stupid and can’t figure out how to make it inside.

Kea! I’m not so happy to see you! Please don’t be mean like you were in previous chapters. :(

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Of course Diva had to go and have four puppies. Of course. And the little things were so active that one of them jumped up and ran out of the picture before the fourth pup was even done appearing, so I never did have a chance to take a pic of all four of them. There’s two girls named Soprano and Contralto, and two boys named Tenor and Baritone. So far they all have white fur and their mom’s yellow eyes. No blue mask. Too bad.

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Some father! Putzie went and slept in the doghouse outside while his four puppies were tearing up the inside of the house.

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I know you’re hungry! Just eat, you stupid dog! There are three full, clean bowls of dog food just in the other room!

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Meanwhile, in less distressing and dumb happenings, Steven made friends with Christine the day after her birthday. She’s very close with both her parents right away.

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It was a family effort to train Christine. Marsha started the potty-training and Steven finished it later. Rolfe taught her how to walk and Marsha taught her to talk. Finally, Marty taught her a nursery rhyme.

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“Oh my, that was some kick! Look, honey, I just reached the third trimester!”“Not now, wife, on my way to work.”“Hmmph.”

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Steven made it up to her later, though.

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Marty continues to defy her romancin’ heart, doting on her daughter and spending lots of her free time playing with puppies. I guess most legacy sims that are romance end up living the family lifestyle without too much fuss, but Marty really seems to take to it. The funny thing is, she still rolls a lot of romance wants. She may be pregnant and playing with her daughter, but inside she’s wishing to do public woohoo with three sims. Not likely to happen, Marty.

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Oh my goodness, four puppies. They are really a handful. The house is basically full of pee puddles because we can’t always get them out in time and they seem to go in the middle of the night when everyone’s asleep anyway. Other than that, they’re not bad, but they’re constantly interrupting sims for attention.

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“So hot.”

Stop being gross, Rolfe, and leave the poor woman alone in the bathroom!

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In the middle of winter, despite being extremely pregnant, Marty decided to clean the dog house – you know, as one does – and wound up giving birth out on the patio instead. Steven is at work but Rolfe and Marsha were making out outside – again, as one does – and ran to their daughter’s aid. Amusingly, while Marsha took the straight path there, Rolfe elected to go through the pool to get to the other side of the area. See him climbing the pool slide there? Now that cracked me up.

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Rolfe made it to the other side just in time to witness the birth, although now he was freezing.

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Meet baby boy Raoul, with S2 skin, the family eyes, and what I’m pretty sure this time is brown hair. He’s unfortunately not eligible for heir.

Raoul was a childhood friend of Christine’s, and then met her again at the opera after being separated for many years. He’s the Vicomte de Chagny, a French noble, and a patron of the opera. They fall in love but have to hide from the possessive phantom.

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Just like his sister, Raoul got plenty of attention. Steven rolled up wants for him all the time and Marty spent time in the nursery as well.

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Just an elderly blue man getting down to the sweet tunes of his wife’s piano concerto. Nothing to see here.

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Marty has to wake up early for her first shift in the Oceanography track. For some reason, even though he should have slept in till six, Steven got up too. I guess he wanted to show his support for his wife. He’s a pretty good guy, really, and he is totally devoted to his family as only a family sim can be.

I’m glad Marty finally has the chance to become permaplatinum. Between the way the days off lined up and her pregnancies, it was at least a week before she could go in.

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Christine and her grandparents decided to have a STEM conference in the nursery. Sure. That makes sense. Looks like the topics should be quite varied.

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“And then he asked me why I wear blue makeup! Can you believe it?”

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Viola stopped by and she is still the responsible one of the Encore kids. Instead of heading inside to play like Betty, Viola takes some time to clean up after the puppies before showering them with attention.

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Marty brought home a friend from work named Isaac so she didn’t display the points, but she reached her LTW. Now all the adults in the house are permaplat. Her next lifetime want is to be a visionary.

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Isaac is apparently bohemian because he greeted Rolfe with an earthy hug. It took me a little while to figure out that’s what was happening because at first I was just thinking, “Why is Rolfe hugging this guy he’s never met before? Do they have some relationship I’m not aware of?”

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While Isaac plays hacky-sack with Marsha in the background, Marty experiences the first kick of her final pregnancy. Baby number 3, the last one, is on its way. Let’s hope for blue skin so we can actually have a choice for heir for the first time since the second generation!

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And now let’s end with a double birthday. In act four, scene three, you’ll get to see how Christine and Raoul grow up, and what baby number three looks like. Will there be competition for the heirship or will Christine clinch it? Thanks again for reading and be sure to visit SiMania!