Download pdf - End of term task


End of term missionStop motion animation by Linda by Linda

RubensRubensby Linda by Linda RubensRubens


Mission: create your own stop motion short

film using iPads .


Step 1: the script

Get into groups of three. Your first step is to write a script for your short film.

Characters: include no more than three.

Setting: think of a particular time and or place.

Target audience: who are you writing for?

Does your story have a moral?



Relating to others

Relating to othersThinkingThinking

Relating to others

Relating to others


Think of your audience

Are you writing a children's story?

Or are you writing for a teenage audience?

Possible themes: friendship, sport, holidays, relationships, fears, dreams.

Think of the genre of your story.


Step 2: the puppets

Make your puppets using the materials provided.

Use the clay to make your puppets then personalize them according to your script.

Next it is time to make your set. Remember to bring props from home to add to the set.


Step 3: the trailer and movie

Make a trailer of your story.

Finally, record your story using iPads and edit using iMovie.

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