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I was born the 26 of august in 1996.

We lived in a Militar Unit and we were so happy.

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When I recently was born I went a lot to my grandmother.

We went for many places on vacations.

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I wnet to the kinder garden and I was enrolled in many activities.

At the same tiem I went to ballet classes, and I partcipate in many festivals.

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When I was a kid my parets made me a lot of funy parties.

And I always was smilling and having fun with my cousins and my friends.

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Then when I was 7 years old we moved to the Heroico Colegio Militar.

In that place I was the happiest person in the world.

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We were away from most of the family but still when we saw we were always very happy.

I remember that at that times my family was very unit and we celebrate all hollidays together.

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When my father had vacations we went to the beach and qe have a lot of fun.

The after a few years I went to the primary, and before I knew it, it was my graduation.

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Then when I was 11, my brother was born.

Shortly after this happened we went back home to change, and all was again one more time.

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When we moved from cas I felt very sad, but then I realized that here I met many of my best friends.

He was always happy and I kept laughing.

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Shortly after we moved, bought a house in Irapuato.

I love going to the zoo in Irapuato, I've always loved animals!

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After that, I spent two years and it was time for my 15th birthday party!

I was very nervous but after all it was a great experience and I had so much fun.

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While going about the party, I had just entered the Tec, where everything would change.

And here I am, now in her fourth semester of high school and with the company of the great friends I've made .