

The picture to the left is a cut-away of a test with an Acetylene torch that reaches temperatures of between 6700-6800 degrees

Fahrenheit. A picture is worth a thousand

words! During the test AC electricity was

flowing constantly through the 2” conduit pipe. The temp remained

constant along the ten foot of pipe [except the middle] showing the

absorption of heat by the EnSaFA® fireproofing material, preventing a burn through.

Environmentally Safe Fire Absorbent For Fireproofing

Residential And Commercial Structures

Easy Installation Of The Fireproofed Panels Shipped Direct To The Building Site From The Licensed Manufacturer

NOTE the interior wall joint showing the middle of the wall joint is where the 4' by 8' wall panel would join [see Provisional Patent Pend. #61,139,307 that shows more detail].

The inventor of these fireproofed products; Earl Wayne Fowler will send you a copy of the patent upon request when mutual Non-disclosures are signed.

The only change in construction to

accommodate the exterior panels is a flat 2X4 stud placed in the center of the wall joint.


21st Century Technology Through Use Patent Licensing Now Available To You To Prevent THIS From Ever Happening

Again Can you imagine technology that would have safely prevented the WTC

buildings on September 11, 2001 from

imploding and killing and injuring so many people that fateful day?

These buildings and residential structures DO NOT have to be death

traps any longer. They now can have continuous safe AC power to make “Safe Rooms” and elevator evacuation possible.

The steel girders in the WTC type buildings can now be protected by fireproofing that will not allow the JP-8 fuel you see burning here to soften the steel girders causing the implosion on 9-11.

You can only imagine how safe you can now make homes from fire with

EnSaFA® Products.

In 2006 Over 2,500 Americans Were Killed In A Residential Fire

The photo [right side] shows where many residential fires start which is the garage.

With EnSaFA® Fireproofed Wall Panels,Roofing Panels,

Attic Panels, and Fireproofed Doors the Fire would have

been contained in the garage so the occupants could have a safer way to evacuate the house.

These Fireproofed doors and panels are UL Listed and meet or beat all Local, State, and Federal fire codes.

Long-term Goal

To License to qualified manufacturers the rights to manufacture and distribute this new environmentally safe fireproofing material to make residential and commercial structures safe from fire and property damage. This safe organic product can be grown and manufactured throughout the world to reduce hunger, create a safe technology to save lives and property, which would reduce casualty insurance rates and

energy costs. To furnish qualified engineers and fire technicians

through Fowlermite® Licensing Agencies to the Licensee to help in the manufacturing setup.

Customer Wishes

These products puts the “custom” back into the customer. As a licensed manufacturer you put the customer in the drivers seat as to what they want regarding fire safety, comfort, energy

savings, and peace of mind. These 21st Century products can be obtained from

your manufacturing plants and/or bought through the home improvement outlets such as Lowe's and Home Depot.

For the “Do It Yourself Person” these products are so easy to install and gives the customer another savings potential.

Fulfilling Customer Needs

The fireproofing material sealed in these doors, walls, ceilings, attics, and roofing panels is made from

patented formulated pinto beans and sodium lauryl sulfate giving the home or commercial property

owner a safe way to protect lives and property. The product is so safe it can be eaten without harm

to the human body. Another formulation of these safe products gives it the ability to extinguish Class ABC & D Fires.

Not only will these products make you safer, they will “improve” the value of your asset.

Cost Analysis

Every dollar spent on fireproofing, insulating, weatherproofing, and safety returns at least two dollars in property value.

Currently we are using clay in our fire doors with only measured amount of time before fire will burn through to other parts of the structure.

NOW we can completely control the time of evacuation by containing fire in each room of the

structure and provide a “safe room” to be rescued from if necessary and that is PRICELESS!

Strengths and Advantages

Fireproofing material is environmentally safe and “green”.

Will lower the cost of insurance, energy, and maintenance costs of structures. Save lives and protect property. Only licensed manufacturers will be able to produce

the fireproofing products. Available qualified help in setting up manufacturing through the inventor. Negotiable license agreements to insure the success of all parties involved. The only “one of a kind” fireproofing material like it in the world!

Next Steps of Action

Contact the inventor Earl Wayne Fowler with any questions @ 505-254-2845 or email [email protected]

Sign mutual non-disclosure agreements Ask inventor about other patents involving this technology if interested. If you as a manufacturer are interested

in doing manufacturing outside the USA with this technology please advise.