  1. 1. Resource The Art, Science, Skill of Facilitation with Tony Mann of Resource Strategic Change Facilitators
  2. 2. The Process Iceberg Meeting Model
  3. 3. Process Iceberg Meeting Model Resource Planning a Meeting/Event Emotions Individual Preferences and Roles Communications & Inter-Personal Interactions Process - Format & Tools Objectives & Tasks 80% 20%
  4. 4. Understanding Task and Process TASK = What we do PROCESS (FORMAT)= How we do it Therefore there are Task issues and Process/Format methods
  5. 5. Linking Task and Process + P1 Format + Technique + P2 Format + Technique Objective + Process = The following diagram illustrates the sequence of developing a planned approach to an event/meting/workshop: - as each Task is identified it is linked to Process - Process is the combination of: Tools/Techniques AND Format T1 Task + P4 Format + Technique T4 Task + P3 Format + Technique T3 Task T2 Task
  6. 6. Models, Tools and Techniques - Hear the Process Words
  7. 7. Debate Selecting thebest Model, Tool & Technique Six Sigma Hosting Brain Storm Brain Dump World Cafe Rich Picture Four Box AI Dots Convergent Type of Thinking Divergent Open- ended Scope Narrow Degree of Uncertainty Certainty UncertaintyRIG SCA Animal Kingdom
  8. 8. Book and Manual
