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Research is a vital aspect that has influenced our production process significantly. Our use of different media technologies are a indication of our process and how we developed our coursework. Research was an important part of producing a successful outcome

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RESEARCH & CONSTRUCTION • While working on our production, YouTube was a essential source for us. This is because we could access so

much music videos additionally it allowed us to find inspiration for our song choice. Additionally during construction of our video we regularly posted our video on youtube so we can embed it to our blog.Youtube therefore was very quick and easy to use.To add it enables you to effectively communicate with wider range of audiences. This was helpful for us because while looking for good song we used to check the comments as we wanted to see what the audiences think and how the video and song appealed to them. Thus we tried to choose a good song. Further to this YouTube was a good tool as there is so much different genres from known to unknown. Moreover YouTube allowed us to research real media texts and also previously done media coursework's which was good for us to pick up creative ideas and how we can use it in our videos. YouTube was a very useful platform because while listening and watching many videos YouTube automatically gives recommendations of other videos that are similar to what we searching. This was helpful as we are more clear of our genre and what type of conventions they consists so we are able to compare. Once we watched videos related with our chosen genre (indie-pop) we successfully was able to choose a suitable song. After this we started to analyze the chosen song in depth and compare it to other indie pop music videos. Further to this YouTube was very handy to us because it provides communication. This is because we were able to check comments from people about our chosen song and the original music video. This helped us as we wanted to see what the target audience thought. This was essential so that in our own video we can develop areas which the original music lacked or keep some conventions same. Therefore YouTube was very helpful for us to gain inspiration and gather our creative ideas. Below are some videos we analyzed both from our genre and other and also some comments on YouTube on our chosen song. Therefore using this media platform benefitted us by making it easier to research and gain insight for our genre and gather ideas

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• Blogger was very useful while doing research as we were able to access other blog pages and previous media students blogs. These helped as us some of them had the same genre as us therefore we tried to research the type of things they included in their video , what type of actors they used , outfits etc. Therefore it helped us research our genre in more depth effectively. We also used blogger for construction and planning. We used it for our planning process by scheduling our work for example what we will do for this week and put in our drafts. We used it to upload our locations , shot lists , pictures, models etc. We uploaded questionnaires etc. .Additionally it made our work more organized and easy to access thus it made our planning more easy to plan and follow. Further to this we used it during our construction of our music video as we embedded our video and footage from YouTube to the blog which was very easy and quick procedure. Blogger was therefore used throughout research, planning and construction we updated our coursework using blogger. Additionally blogger allowed us to improve our work throughout the research , planning and construction and evaluation procedures for example it allows you to interact with audiences and people. E.g. our teacher comments on our work or other students doing media which helped us to improve our work throughout research , planning and construction. Blogger made all this information from research , planning and construction into format that made our work look presentable. Moreover Blogger was a very productive app that can be also downloaded to our phones so we can access it any time. Further to this blogger made it significantly easy for us to track our work and edit our work any time.

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• We used Canon EOS 700D camera to record all our footage.This camera was very good and useful in constructing successfully our product.This is because it was a professional camera that had many effects that we could apply and also was a very good quality.This therefore made our work look much better and did not make it look too amaeture.Additionally we used the tripod to hold the camera still so we don’t get a shaky footage.We also used this camera for planning and research as we went out to record practice shots to help us have an insight before we went to record the real thing.We also used this camera for our evaluation as we had to record our target audience.Thus this camera was very functional and easy to use.Therefore it allowed us to produce a successful outcome

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After getting the footage we used the Mac to create folders and import the footages we recorded.There was softwares such as final cut pro , iMovie and photoshop that was very beneficial to us.The Mac has helped us to produce professional work as the softwares are high standard technologies.Also the Mac allowed us to use internet and search about our genres etc.It was a good technology to use for research and planning as it was fast , quick and easy to use.

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• I used presentation apps throughout my whole coursework. Some of these were ; Slide share , Prezi , PowerPoint , Emaze etc. These were helpful as they made our work look more organized and professional as it is presented in publishable format. While Researching we used it present our ideas and target audience on these platforms. Additionally while planning we done for example Pitch to show what we are planning to do and how we will do , shots we will be using etc. Further to this during construction we used these apps to show our cd cover and updates of how the coursework is going etc. Moreover I used these presentation website for my evaluation which they are good because they are easy and quick also you can upload videos and pictures too which made my evaluation to high standards.

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RESEARCH AND PLANNING • After we had a clear idea of our song and a rough idea of our

storyline. We started to gather our creative ideas and planned our shots. Once this was done we started to use sticky notes to draw the scenes and annotate it. We then took pictures of each sticky note and then ordered them. Using IMovie we downloaded our chosen song and then placed the scenes where we wanted them to be. This gave us an insight of how our original music video will appear but also while planning the shots helped us to think of the indie – pop music videos that we watched so we tried to make our video conventional too. Therefore IMovie was helpful for us to gather our ideas and have a clear picture of our ideas it also helped us to see if some shots were too much or if our music was very slow for the scene. Therefore this application helped us to think more deeply about our work.

Using IMovie was good because it was very easy to use and quick. This animatic helped us as it made it so much easier for us to plan our filming schedule and where to start filming from.

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We used Gmail throughout our research , planning and construction. We created a joint account where so we can both access it. We created blog through this Gmail account and we was easily able to post etc. and share our footage on Gmail. Further to this we also used Outlook as we needed to send emails to the record label also we also used it to ask permission for some of our locations.

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• Through out our research and planning are used Google as my search engine.It made it easier for us because we searched to find information on of our chosen song an the artists e.g. their record label.Also we searched our locations. Google was very good because it was very fast and we were able to access so much information just by writing a word. Therefore this made our research and planning so much easier and quicker.

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PLANNING AND RESEARCH• A Google maps was one the most beneficial apps that was very useful throughout our

planning and research. This is because we used Google maps to plan our schedule plans and where to meet , what time , how to travel to our locations. Google maps was easily accessible via our phones. It made it very easy to get to our locations with the best route. Additionally Google maps was helpful for our research this is because while researching locations to record we listed any locations that was suitable for an indie pop music video. However some locations my partner did not know or I did not know where the location was therefore we used Google maps street view which showed us the locations. This saved so much time for us because after looking at some locations we were able to eliminate them by looking through Google maps therefore we did not have to visit it. Therefore it made it so much easier to plan our locations and where to exactly film using Google maps. Also we researched other locations using Google maps because we thought it would be very tike consuming to go around looking for suitable places to film therefore it was so much easier to use Google maps. Thus we successfully identified the locations without visiting them.

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PLANNING • Our phones were essential for us while planning. This was because using

messaging apps we were able to communicate about when to meet , where , what props we needed for our shots etc. This was helpful as sometimes while planning we missed some important things so when we realized this it is so much easier for us to communicate and plan again or add more things using our phone sending each other plan sheets etc.

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We used word to create schedule plans for our filming. Word made it less time consuming to create the Filming plan schedules. Additionally it was very easy to use. This made our filming so much easy as the schedule plans were very detailed e.g. we done shot time , costume , props , description etc. Additionally I used word to create our questionnaire for our target audience which was very easy and then print to give out. Further to this we used it to print our lyrics so we can annotate it and write what the lyrics mean and any shots we wanted to use etc.

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We used IMovie for editing our practice shots that we done in school. We planned some shots to use and then recorded it at Tilt down. Once we done this using iMovie we created a short video of these shots edited them and posted them. IMovie was very easy to use and very quick to upload to YouTube then to our blog. Recording these shots helped us to see if we can do these shots again for our video , also if the shots are suitable for our genre etc.

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• At the start of our project we were using Imovie however later during our construction of products we realized that Final cut Pro was a more professional software to create our product.Therefore we converted to final cut pro.Final cut pro was the main software that we spent time with.We developed many skills while using this software.It was very easy to use and had many professional updates and cut pro has led our work to very high standards and good quality. We used things fast forward , blades , fades etc. .Therefore this software made our editing so much easier and effective , we were able to adapt to final cut pro vey quickly and therefore it helped us produce successful outcome.

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We used Bluetooth speakers to record the performance scenes. We connected the speaker with our phones and then it played it out loud.This device made our editing very easy we were able to cut easily and everything was on time.Additionally it gave us more time as if we did not have this we had to do it with our phones which would have been very difficult.

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• We used Photoshop to produce our Advert and Digipak.Photoshop was very helpful to us as it has many useful tools.Additionally Indie pop Adverts and Digipaks are very creative and absract.Therefore photoshop allowed me to experiment using many tools and produce a successful outcome .E.g. layering , spot healing brush , magic wand etc. It has very professional tools that can be easily applied. Photoshop thus allowed us to produce creative outcomes which fits with our genre also this software was very professional.

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OVERALL • Overall all we have used a variety of media

technologies to produce this product successfully. All these technologies had positive effect on our coursework .Further to this they were very helpful and beneficial. All these technologies were very productive and we were able to use them effectively for our coursework. Therefore we were able to produce products that were not amateur but at high standards.
