Page 1: Evaluation of feedback for fonts (planning)

From my feedback of the masthead designs I got to see what other people’s views are on my typography. They voted font 1 to be the typography for my masthead and the comments for this font was mainly positive saying things like ‘unique’ and ‘stands out’ however there are some comments saying that it might not be legible or not clear enough.

Font 2 was my 2nd popular font the comments were also mainly positive as they complimented the shade of red and described it as a ‘retro look’ however I think it didn’t get more votes as they felt it was too similar to other mastheads on magazines at the moment and it not unique enough to stand out.

My 3rd font failed to get any votes, the main theme of the comments were that it was a nice font however it just didn’t standout enough the lines where to faint meaning that it might not be readable.

Masthead 4 received 1 vote the feedback audience said that the colour was too red and that it just didn’t stand out as much as the others however they did say that it was a modern look and it was clear and easy to identify .

Overall for my masthead typography I have picked font 1. This received the most amo9unt of votes and all the comments were mainly positive. I will try to improve the font by using my feedback such as making it more readable as that was the main down fall for the font.