EVALUATION QUESTION 3 By Ben Matthews Target audience survey Feedback

Evaluation question 3 audience feedback

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Page 1: Evaluation question 3 audience feedback


By Ben Matthews

Target audience survey Feedback

Page 2: Evaluation question 3 audience feedback

The Survey■ After we had finished the documentary we decided to

make a questionnaire to hand out to some of our primary audience who viewed our documentary in order to see how they react and to gain feedback on how to improve it.

■ The sample were a group of our student peers who fit the target audience of our documentary, this was to get feedback which help better our chances of appealing to themselves and others like them.

■ The survey included question based on audience satisfaction, opinions and feedback on particular elements.

■ In the survey there was a mix of both open ended and closed questions where appropriate.

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Documentary rating

■ Question 1- Out of 10 how did would you rate the documentary? (1 being very poor- 10 being excellent)

■ We felt that the results from this question came out very well and proved that our documentary would appeal to the target audience.

■ With an average score of 8.82 we felt that this pushed into the upper bracket of the rating and overall implied that we had made a good product.

■ The rating also did indicate that there was room for improvement from the documentary which lead to the feedback from the next questions

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten02468


Question 1- Out of 10 how did would you rate the documentary? (1 being

very poor- 10 being excellent)

Rating Quantity

1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 4 9 12

10 1

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On/Off screen hosts

■ Question 2- Do you like the combination of the on-screen/off-screen presenter? If not why?

■ When creating the documentary we decided we decided that we were going to use a combination of an on and off-screen host in order to keep the documentary flowing even in times of background footage.

■ In order to make this work we did much research Into the codes and conventions of real documentaries which gave us an idea of how to perform this interchanging effect.

■ From this result we can safely assume that our execution of the on and off screen effect was done well as 17 out of 17 people in our sample liked the interchanging combination with 1 person even saying in the comment element of the question “It worked really well”.

■ I feel this result gives us clarification that the use of this was best for our documentary and that by watching professional documentaries and how they did us helped us emulate them and produce a professional looking product.

Answer Quantity Yes 17 No 0

Question 2- Do you like the combination of the on-screen/off-screen presenter? If not why?

Yes No

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Audio/Sound levels Comment

“Really good- bit at the end where you couldn’t hear what was being said”

“Good, apart from when Coke machine was on”“Mostly good, just a few voxpops too quite”

“Most sound levels good, some at the end couldn’t hear properly”“Some parts where difficult to hear, overall quite good”

“At times couldn’t hear the voice over quickly”“Most sound levels where equal”

“They were good- any obvious changes I presume the PC speakers are to blame”

“Towards the end was a bit too loud in places + Voxpops were a tad unclear”

“Overall the level was constant, some areas near the end there was a slight obstruction”

“They were almost perfect until the end there were two very harsh /random sounds that overpowered the voiceover”

“Very good apart from the end where background footage was too loud”

“Good but a couple clips where the sound wasn’t muted on the background footage”

“Good and very clear”“On some Vox-pops”

“Very good- sometimes background took focus from narration”“Very clear + level. Background noise didn’t effect the VO”

■ Question 3- What was you opinion of the audio levels and or sounds used?

■ On this question we decided to make it open end, this is because there are so many elements of audio which had to be considered so I felt by having it open ended the feedback could be more focused on 1 or 2 particular parts.

■ We believe that the feedback from this was quite good overall of the documentary as many people said other than certain elements the sound and audio were clear.

■ The main issues raised by our sample with the audio levels were- Unclear vox-pops and inaudible VO at the end.

■ Firstly, the inaudible voice over toward the end was due to an editing error in which the background footage volume wasn’t muted which made the narration unclear. Luckily due to this feedback we were able to identify the problem and go back and rectify the error in order to make the voice over more clear. I do believe though that this benefited us going forward as due to this feedback I believe less editing mistakes like this will happen in future projects.

■ The feedback from the vox-pops were expected, this is due to a error in production where the mic frequency was too high when using it for vox-pops resulting in a high pitched buzzing noise.

■ Despite us reducing the impact of it significantly in editing it was still noticeable to the primary audience. I believe this feedback put into perspective how important the consistency of the audio is to the primary audience as they obviously want to hear the content, but with distractions such as deviations in the audio levels they may be put off when watching the documentary.

■ As a result I believe what we took away from this question is knowing the importance of audio levels and how important the quality of them is, I believe knowing this by learning from this mistake will help rectify errors like this in future productions.

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Target audience- Age■ After viewing “Branded”, What do you think would be appropriate demographic for this documentary?

■ As said before the age demographic for our documentary is 17-25 years old.

■ When making the documentary we attempted to make it as suitable to the target audience as possible by including features such as similar aged hosts, youthful language, Voxpops wit young people.

■ This question told us that these techniques worked in attracting and representing the target audience as only 1 person deviated away from the age bracket we hoped for 16-27. We did receive other audible feedback which suggested the topic may be a bit to mature for the target demographic. Despite this I believe due to this resounding result that we fulfilled our target age demographic and adequately represented them within this documentary. Because of this in future projects I would like to try and emulate this level of success in representing and attracting the right age demographic with the level of research and planning put into finding out the preferences of our target audience.

Age Quantity 10-15 0 16-21 11 22-27 5 28-32 1 33-40 0 40+ 0

10:15 16-21 22-27 28-32 33-40 40+0







After viewing “Branded”, What do you think would be appropriate demographic for this documentary?





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Target Audience- Gender■ We then found what gender we thought was appropriate for the documentary we had produces.

■ Our target gender demographic for our documentary was unisex.

■ Whilst our feedback suggested that the majority of our target audience sample agreed that is was suitable for both genders, there were around 1/3 which believed it was bias towards 1 gender.

■ We found that in our research that the subject of branded items could be considered a female dominated topic. We tried to break this perception by having 2 male hosts at the forefront of the documentary.

■ Whilst this possible changed perceptions 4 out of the 17 believed that this could’ve possibly made the documentary more target towards males. Later in the survey we asked what could make the product more suited to our intended uni-sex demographic, 3 said that it needed to have more females in.

■ I believe from this feedback we probably should’ve had a male and female host in hopes to balance it out and give both genders a host they can relate to in terms of gender.

■ I do believe this is the only big change we would have to make in hopes to make it targeted towards both genders.

Gender Quantity Male 4

Female 2 Both 11


Male Female Both

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Target Audience- Occupation

■ For our target audience we aimed to target predominantly students who were employed part time, but due to the nature of the subject I feel that the intended demographic could be universal and be appropriate to all occupations listed.

■ Like the age demographic I feel the feedback we gained from this was positive and shows that by researching our target audience we were able to create a product which would appeal to our primary target market. This is due to nearly 4/5 people believing we hit our primary demographic.

■ Because of this like the age demographic I would like to try and emulate this level of success in future projects by approaching it the same way I did.

Student 14 Part time employee 5 Full time employee 3

Unemployed 0 All 2

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Target audience ■ I believe from these results

myself and my group can safely assume that our product was very effective in presenting the issue of brand overpricing to our target audience.

■ To test this assumption we asked the sample if they believed our product was appropriate for our target audience.

■ The response we feel backed up our assumptions as all but 1 people in the sample believed our product catered to our intended target demographic.

Answer Quantity

Yes 16

No 1

Did you feel the documentary appealed to the target audience?

Yes No

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Appealing better to the target audience ■ How do you feel the “Branded”

could better appeal to the target audience?

■ Whilst our previous results showed our documentaries effectiveness in catering to all our demographics in our primary target audience, we acknowledged that there were improvements to be had in order to completely cater to our target audience.

■ We found that issues were only small things such as adding a female host or exploring clothing brands. I believe that if we were to do this again we would take these into consideration due to their small nature.

■ In all honesty I don’t believe the reasons discussed impact on the quality of our documentary.

Comment“Language used by presenters”

“Subject itself is mature for teens”“No Comment”

“Talk more about clothes- Things that appeal to a younger audience”“It was mainly males, could’ve involved more women”

“Include more information about clothes”“More graphics”

“Include more about fashion/clothes”“Maybe some more girls in it”

“More lively music”“More memorable fonts/graphics”

“More women presented, there were lots of quite teenage boys for Vox-pops”

“No Comment”“Mention student spending”

“No Comment”“No Comment”

“Clothing brands explored”“No Comment”

No Comment

More females included in the documentary

Clothing Brands explored



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

How do you feel the “Branded” could better appeal to the target audience?

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Pacing Comment Quantity?

Yes 14Too Fast 3Too Slow 0

Could you easily keep up with the documentary?, if not was it too fast or slow?

Yes Too Fast Too Slow

■ Could you easily keep up with the documentary?, if not was it too fast or slow?

■ When asking if the pace was good the audience we understood that it can be down to personal preference how each individual audience member likes the content presented.

■ We were very happy with the response from our target audience as only 3 people felt the pace was to fast them which meant the majority amount of people could keep up with the documentary and its content.

■ In order to find out why people fond it to fast we set up a follow up allowing to add additional comments.

■ The response of this included they thought the “Pace was too fast for what I would’ve liked” and the “Presenters spoke too fast”

■ I believe as peoples preference to pacing is different I feel that even if I had the chance to do it again I would’ve paced it the same due to the majority of the target audience feeling comfortable with the pacing, by slowing it down for the 3 individuals it may have risked the majority of the audience finding the information to slow and stagnant.

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Background Music■ Did you feel the background music added

to the documentary?■ When researching conventions of

professional documentaries we found that many of them included background music. This was done with the intention of either conveying the tone of the documentary to the reader or to quicken or slow down the pace.

■ Because of this we adopted very energetic and exciting music which was suitable for the young target audience.

■ We wanted to see if following this convention benefitted our documentary.

■ We found that all but 1 person felt that the documentary benefited from having the background music. This told us that this was a worthwhile convention to follow when creating a documentary.

■ We found in the follow up question that the 1 who didn't think this was worthwhile could barely notice the background music, which is why it didn’t add anything for them.

■ From this we learn possibly that in future projects like this we should possibly make the music more pronounced and noticeable to make it worthwhile.

Did you feel the background music added to the documentary?

Yes No

Additional Comments“It was energetic” “Suitable music”

“Good music choice”“Fit the topic well”

“It was very relevant” “It was upbeat”

“Hardly noticed the music honestly”“It was okay”

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Brand Identity ■ Do you feel “Branded” as a documentary carried a good brand identity?

■ When producing our documentary we much focus into making sure that our documentaries image was recognisable and understood by the target audience.

■ This question told us by putting in features which enhance the brand identity, the target audience could distinguish this brand from others as 100% of the sample believed “BRANDED” carried a good brand identity.

■ From this we learnt that this level of attention to brand image was worthwhile and in future we will likely try and replicate this as the benefits of brand image extend to the other subsidiary products.

Answer QuantityYes 17No 0

Do you feel “Branded” as a docu-mentary carried a good brand iden-


Yes No

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InformativeRating Quantity

1 02 03 04 05 06 07 18 89 5

10 3

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten0123456789

On a scale of 1-10, how informative did you feel the first 5 minutes of the documentary were? (1= not informative at all.

10= completely informative)




On a scale of 1-10, how informative did you feel the first 5 minutes of the documentary were? (1= not informative at all. 10= completely informative)

The documentary's prime objective was to inform I believe this was a positive result. As the average result was around 8 which equates to being quite informative.

I believe this acts as proof that our documentary meets this objective giving the documentary value.

Whilst 3 of our primary audience rated it a 10 the rest rated it bellow between 7-9. This meant there is still room for improvement and that our documentary could’ve been more informative.

I believe this result teaches us to put more effort in to the topic research in order to gain more facts and content around the subject.

This could also be down to the documentary content and that we should’ve put more focus into the facts rather than introductions.

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Would the target audience watch it?

■ If you this was to be created into a full documentary, would you watch it?

■ I believe that this was very encouraging for us and showed us that if this documentary was to be made professionally the likelihood of our target audience watching it is high.

■ I believe this serves as proof that we have created a documentary that could appeal to the demographic we intended.

■ The one person who chose no commented that “Business stuff isn’t my thing” whilst this is personal preference it still proves that our documentary has room for improvement and if done differently I believe I would’ve done more research into how to make the audience appeal to people who aren't necessarily interested in the subject.

Answer QuantityYes 16No 1

If you this was to be created into a full documentary, would you watch it?

Yes No

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Conclusion■ In conclusion I believe that overall the feedback from our

primary audience was very positive and gave us the confidence that our documentary both appeals to the target audience and meets its primary objective- To inform the audience about brand dominace and overpricing.

■ I believe after reviewing the feedback that the biggest issues with the documentary were audio quality of vox pops and making sure our documentary is aimed towards a uni-sex target audience.

■ I believe by find out the issues that our potential viewers (primary Target audience) have with the documentary help us identify how we could’ve bettered our documentary and learn lessons on how to avoid these mistakes in future projects. This changes include better primary TA research, more thorough topic research and more on avoiding mistakes in production such as the one we suffered when we left the mic frequency being to high during vox-pops.