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Real Music Videos Conventions

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Real Music Videos Conventions The key conventions which I studied where Andrew Goodwins

conventions of a music video, some where easier to conform to, others where harder and so were not used within my music video to Icona Pop’s song ‘I Love It’


There are many close up shots / mid shots of the three main protagonists and artists of the song which is commonly found within music videos as the record companies demand this in order to promote. This was done in my music video in order to introduce the characters to our target audience who then may be able to relate to them more. We also did this to get the message of having fun across clearly to the audience.

There is a relationship with the music and visuals for example during the conga scene the footage is sped up in order to correlate with the beat of the music. Another example of this would be through the montage and quick edits that reinforce the rhythm and message of the protagonists having a good time and their summer flying away.

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Real Music Videos Conventions Another way I followed the conventions of music videos is through the

relationship between visuals and lyrics for example when the lyrics ‘You want me down on earth, but I am up in space’ are being sung the handheld camera falls to the ground and looks to the skies. Another example is when the word ‘Bridge’ is played then there is a scene of the three protagonists on a bridge. It is not as noticeable but effective in conveying the storyline of a boyfriend perhaps holding back his girlfriend.

The music video also follows the typical genre characteristics of a pop music video through the conventions of bright colours, dancing and close ups. This is another way I followed real music video conventions.


A way that our music video subverts real music video conventions is through NOT using voyeuristic treatment of the female body and displaying females as objects. The opposite was done throughout our music video empowering the females highlighting how they do not need a man. The male is never shown which gives him less importance and so this challenges Mulvey’s theory of music videos being watched with the ‘Male Gaze’

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Real Music Videos – Genre Conventions POP GENRE

For music videos that fall into the pop genre there are conventions that help the audience recognise that specific genre and the audience has familiarity. Ryal describes genre as a ‘framework of structuring rules’ which people follow as it is a form of ‘supervision’. Therefore we wanted to stick to these codes but make our own unique twists. For example dancing is a convention of pop music videos however we included dancing through the use of a dance mat that is both entertaining and relatable to our target audience. We included many bright colours through neon face paints and shinning stairs. Our locations are also very extravagant being the prestige of London as a very glamorous setting is often used in pop music videos to give a sense of wealth and extravagance, however I believe ours to be less artificial.

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Real Digipak Conventions

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Real Digipak Conventions

There are many digipak conventions which I have conformed to in my own digipak in order to make it more professional and realistic. For example a convention is that the artists are shown on the front cover and continuously throughout in order to promote their identity and help audiences recognise their product. This I have also done using pictures of the three protagonists in different locations in order to highlight the many different activities and locations that they explored in having fun. This also makes the digipak more personal and helps to build the identity of our characters/artists.

We have included many simple items that make up a digipak for example a barcode and track at the back page however we only have one song which could make our digipak less realistic.

The artist and song title are clear and concise on the front page however it could have been incorporated more in order to plant it within the audiences heads, this being done on many digipaks.

Again there are no images that will cause our female protagonists to be objectified which adds to our theme of girl power.

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Real Advert Conventions

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Real Advert Conventions

The most effective convention was including an image of our artist/protagonists as they are a theme running throughout all three of our mediums – music video, digipak and poster. This will mean that the audience will recognise them.

I also incorporated a review from the magazine ‘Sugar Scope’ in order to show the audience how successful the final product is and conform to other posters as they had reviews found on them also. ‘Sugar Scope’ is also a magazine for female teenagers, young adults and adults who fall into our target audience and so this would attract more of our desired audience.

Many posters had a facebook page included however as I didn’t have one for my project I gave the Twitter account that was made which they will be able to follow.

The title of the song is clearly displayed as to inform the audience, also the availability date is also in bold print.

There is a logo or information as to where a customer can go to purchase our album which is clear to see.

Overall we conformed to advert conventions as they were easy to follow and would provide the best form of advertisment and professionalism.

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How Your Use Of Conventions May Appeal to An Audience

The conventions that I have used within my music video, digipak and poster will appeal to my audience through providing a sense of familiarity. Where the audience can recognise traits which they then can place into categories. This will ensure that the audience will know where to place us and not make them stress, this would make them more positive towards our product. Although the slight changes that we have made to the conventions, for example the exciting ways of using bright colours through neon face paints, will keep them interested. Giving us an edge ensuring that they would anticipate our next adventures.