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Page 1: Evolution of Technologies

Evolution of Technologies



Page 2: Evolution of Technologies

Paper money soon to become Bitcoins

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency. Users send payments by broadcasting digitally signed messages to the network. They can be obtained by mining or in exchange for local currency. Even though the market is growing very slow in the future they are very likely to completely replace paper currency. Starting on February 10 the UK section of eBay will open a "virtual currency" category within its classified ads for the listing of Bitcoin.


Page 3: Evolution of Technologies

Newspapers are becoming Blogs

This transfer has been going on for a while; many newspapers have closed down, many cut the spendings, yet there are still several of them that are going strong. Of course, Internet has made it easier and faster for people to share news, open blogs and publish their articles, yet there are still group of people who like the smell of the morning papers, or the feeling of the pages. I am one of them. This means we still have time left to enjoy newspapers before they disappear.


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Wi-Fi soon to become Li-Fi

Since wireless communications is so popular it is also important to address its issues: the capacity, efficiency, availability and security. And as a solution he created LED light bulbs which help to deliver networked, mobile, high-speed communication in a similar manner as Wi-Fi. LED lights are the access points. Li-Fi or light fidelity is faster then Wi-Fi and had can be used in sensitive areas such as in aircraft cabins, hospitals and nuclear power plant without any interference. It is expected to be ten times cheaper and more environmentally friendly than Wi-Fi.


Page 5: Evolution of Technologies

Paper printers are being replaced with 3D printers

With information being saved on the cloud, printers are becoming less and less useable. Soon 3D printers will be dominating the market, which help the users instead of printing regular words or pictures to print objects. There are different types of 3D printers: plastic, metal or even chocolate. The way the printer works is: they melt the base(metal, plastic, etc.) to the shape of the object directed by the computer.


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