Page 1: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Question H-

What do you believe are the greatest challenges facing the sector or industry you

would like to specialize in at IE? What role do you hope to be able to play in this

sector or industry in the medium term?

IE Application

Express Yourself

Manuel F. Ospina

IE IMBA Applicant

2015 intake

Page 2: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Target of the coming slides

As a Telecommunications engineer who

works as a project manager leading

technology initiatives in the ICT

(Information Communications and

Technology) sector, I want to continue

building my profile in the ICT industry.

In the current presentation, I will share

my opinion about the greatest challenges

that face the sector in the Latin American

region, and the role I hope to play in the

intermediate term.


Page 3: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

2,2% 1,8%




2,5% 2,4%

3,2% 3,6%

2,3% 2,1%




3,0% 2,9%

4,4% 3,9%

USA Canada WestEurope

Japan APxJ LatinAmerica


2014 2015





11,0% 11,4% 12,1%




3,0% 2,0%







USA Canada WestEurope

Japan APxJ LatinAmerica


YOY Growth 2012 YOY Growth 2013

Latin America has to face several challenges to improve its current

economic indicators. Nonetheless it is a very promising region to do

business in the ICT (Information Communication and Technologies) sector


Source: IDC Black Book, Jul 2013

Total ICT Market Growth by Market

Source: IMF world Economic outlook

Real GDP Annual Percent Change GDP in Latin America is below

the world average; the region

has to face challenges to

increase the current numbers.

Despite its less-than-amazing

GDP numbers, the region is

the fastest growing ICT market

in the world.

“ Latin America will continue to

demonstrate its ability to leapfrog when

it comes to technology uptake. But for

this to come true in its greatest extent,

technology solutions will need to

contribute to escalate, optimize and

potentiate existing resources. Real

gains in agility and productivity will

continue to drive demand, With that in

mind, opportunities are up for grabs”

IDC Latin America Predictions 2014


Page 4: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Global technological developments and government efforts are creating a

positive business environment in the region, that have changed customer

demands, requiring the improvement of the ICT services in every sector

ICT flow that is changing the market

Global technological developments

Government efforts

Latin American context

Customer demands

Improvement of ICT services

Intersectorial companies

need to improve their ICT


Sectors such as:




Oil & gas


Global technological development is

improving productivity and decreasing

costs, as well as increasing revenues and

services for final users in all industries.

Example of technologies mentioned

above include: Cloud, mobility, analytics,

and social networks.

Governments understand the

importance of ICT in improving

citizens’ lives and are leading

plans to make these services

available to everyone.

Examples of regional

government plans:

Colombia: Vive Digital

Paraguay: Paraguay

Conectado and PNT

Panama: National ICT

Strategy 2008–2018

Chile: Strategy for Digital


Mexico: Digital Agenda

Average GDP in the region is

below the world average,

however the region is the

fastest growing ICT market in

the world.

Global companies are

discovering Latin America as a

fresh region to do business.

Increased availability of new

technologies is changing

customers’ behaviors and

creating new needs.


Page 5: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Infrastructure Innovation

Human Talent


Customer behaviors are generating challenges for the ICT sector, and the

sector’s growth depends on quick responses in the areas of infrastructure,

innovation, adaptability and human talent

Groups of the ICT challenges



Find new technologies to

improve current processes,

services, revenues, and


Define the best cost-benefit


Ensure that networks and

application infrastructures

can respond to customer


Create scalable solutions.

Ensure internal structures will

respond quickly to market


Improve companies’ internal


Ensure best human resources to lead

responses to technological changes.

Maintain resources and avoid talent



Page 6: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Infrastructure Innovation

Human Resource Adaptability

Infrastructure decisions in the intermediate term will define future market

behavior in the coming years; leaders are charged with making important


Challenges and my Role

Infrastructure Infrastructure challenges

Skills Assessment

Technical skills

Sector knowledge


Strategic thinking

Work experience

Problem solving


Global mindset

Lead technology initiatives for key companies in the sector

as a service provider.

Make complex decisions that will impact the companies’

infrastructure in the present and the future.

Lead technological projects for intersectorial companies

and to have a considerable positive impact on their business.

This could be in the below fields:

Technology deployment and Consultant.

Infrastructure Operation.

The role I hope to play in the intermediate term

Skills and self-assessment


Private Sector


Define a work path and deploy public networks to enable citizen access to online world. More

connectivity increments use of the internet and of new technologies that will incentivize demand for ICT

services, as well as for private investments.

Regulate ICT markets to encourage growth in the sector in a healthy business environment.

Deploy scalable infrastructure to improve services for end users in the most cost-effective way

possible (Technologies related to Cloud, Mobility, Applications, and Social Media).

Make the best decisions with regards to Inbound vs. Out-bound, In-source vs. Out-Source or Cloud vs.


Focus on practical ICT education for engineering, management, law, etc. students.

Work jointly with the private sector to strengthen education in new leading technologies.


Managerial decision





IE courses helpful to improve skills



Page 7: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Infrastructure Innovation

Human Resource Adaptability

Companies of inter sectorial industries use ICT innovation, to reach

differentiation from the competition and improve performance


Challenges and my Role

Skills Assessment

Technical skills

Sector knowledge

Global mindset


Strategic thinking



Project management

Lead innovation initiatives in the region, with the required

knowledge and skills, and to reach business goals.

Be an agent of change for innovative projects that will

generate key changes in the region.

Be persistent with innovation efforts.

Add a global and technical point of view to innovation

initiatives in the Latin American region.

Develop a personal business idea that will permit innovation

in the region.





Leading people and


Communications skills

Critical management



Private Sector


Develop strategies to increase in-country innovation and form clusters of innovative countries.

Support and incentivize technical education for people from disadvantaged socio-economic

backgrounds by working jointly with the education sector.

Identify key ICT differentiators to increase the quality of services, revenues and profits.

Challenge the status quo, investigate customer behaviors, search for new technologies and new

ways to do tasks.

Be open to new ideas, new ways to do things and be unafraid of making mistakes. A persistent

search for innovation and the creative exercise involved in doing so, lead to huge changes in companies.

Work jointly with the private and public sector to support continual research for new technologies and


Challenge the status quo, work with local and international partners to increase innovation in the region.

Innovation challenges

The role I hope to play in the intermediate term IE courses helpful to improve skills


Skills and self-assessment


Page 8: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Customer behaviors change constantly; a strong relationship with final

customers and fast adaptability with ICT tools will allow companies to

respond quickly to new market demands

Challenges and my Role

Skills Assessment





Strategic thinking

Work experience

Problem solving

Global mindset

Lead processes in companies to improve the responses

to customer demands, through my current experience,

knowledge of the sector, and the tools provided by the IE


Identify required changes in companies based on customer


Lead initiatives to improve the flexibility of companies in

the sector, through the soft and hard skills.

Leading people and




Communication skills




Infrastructure Innovation

Human Resource Adaptability

Challenges and my Role

Adaptability Adaptability challenges


Private Sector


Government regulators require clear definitions of internal processes, to respond quickly to market

changes, and to maintain healthy environments to do business.

Clear definitions of internal process to respond quickly to market changes and internal engagement

from all the members to produce the needed fast responses to market changes.

Develop resilient organizations with strong internal communications and high sensitivity to customer


Break out of the comfort zone; self confidence and innovation enable fast responses to market


Continually monitor social networks to detect patterns and be aware of new market demands.

Prepare the ICT professionals of the future to be proactive and sensitive to market behaviors while

working effectively.

The role I hope to play in the intermediate term IE courses helpful to improve skills


Skills and self-assessment


Page 9: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

Infrastructure Innovation

Human Resource Adaptability

Talent is a key factor that permits companies to reach their targets; human

beings represent the greatest value for companies

Challenges and my Role

Skills Assessment


Sector knowledge

Read audience

Strategic thinking


Problem solving

Multicultural awareness

Team work

Work jointly with the areas to define growth plans for

human resources to maintain IT staff, create a healthy work

environment, and retain high qualify staff.

Lead coaching for staff in my group to permit talent

improvement and high company performance.

Develop an integral profile (in terms of technical skills and

experience) to be prepared in the long term as an academic


Challenges and my Role


Private Sector


Make efforts to improve citizens’ technical education and ensure preparation of local professionals for the

ICT sector.

Develop strong ICT staff recruitment procedures to ensure the best skilled resources.

Follow effective training plans on new technologies to develop employee skills and ensure the high

quality service that the market demands.

Develop strategies for main IT staff to increase their loyalty and avoid talent rotation and additional costs

generated by training, learning curve etc.

Create good work conditions, healthy work environments, and carrier plans to ensure staff retention.

Human talent challenges


Communications skills

International exchanges




IE courses helpful to improve skills

The role I hope to play in the intermediate term

Human talent

Work jointly with companies to improve professionals’ preparation in fields such as engineering, law, and

management, focusing on the ICT sector.


Skills and self-assessment


Page 10: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself

The ICT sector in Latin America, affronts considerable challenges and

requires prepared leaders, to improve business environments, services,

revenues and profits on companies

Latin America



My Role

with an MBA

of the IE

Conclusions Latin America has to contend with considerable challenges to increase its current GDP, and to

decrease poverty in the region. ICT is a tool that can be used to decrease this gap, and to reach

governments’ goals.

Latin America is the fastest growing ICT market in the world that will lead the race to close the

poverty gap. To achieve this, public and private sectors have to work jointly.

Global technological developments and government efforts are creating a positive business

context in the region, which is changing customer behaviors and creating an increasing demand

for ICT services.

The challenges that the ICT market faces are grouped as follows:

Infrastructure: Infrastructure decisions and investments will define future market behavior

for the coming years.

Innovation: Innovation gives companies of inter sectorial industries the differentiators and

tools to reach business goals and be leaders in the markets.

Adaptability: Final customers and the fast adaptability achieved with ICT tools will allow

companies to respond quickly to new market demands.

Human Talent: Human talent is the greatest value for each company, and allows

companies to reach corporate goals.

The education sector will determine the professional quality of human resources and work jointly

with governments and private companies to develop the required skills in future leaders.

Lead technology and innovation initiatives for key companies in the sector as a service provider.

Make the best decisions to improve the context of the sector, as a highly prepared leader.

Be an agent of change for innovative projects that will generate key changes in the region.

Develop an integral profile to be prepared in the long term as an academic trainer.

Develop a personal business idea that will permit innovation in the region.


Page 11: Express Yourself- IE- Manuel Ospina

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Manuel Ospina 2014 – Express Yourself


IDC Latin America Predictions 2014, December 2013, IDC #LA14047

Latin America ICT Industry Update, August 28, 2013, Coral Gables

WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK, April 2014, World Economic and Financial Surveys

The Global Information Technology Report 2013, Growth and Jobs in a Hyperconnected

World , World Economic Forum

The Global Information Technology Report 2014, Rewards and Risks of Big Data, World

Economic Forum

IE Business School, International MBA, Program Structure

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS IN THE ICT INDUSTRY, 2001, Akademi University, Leppimäki,

Sami, Tammi, Mari and Meristö, Tarja