Page 1: Farm Safety C LP R egu latio n · Ireland Safety Quiz finals, hosted by the Northern Ireland Safety Group, will be held in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast. Thu rsday,


NISO is a not-for-profit voluntary body,dedicated to the promotion of health

and safety in Irish workplaces

Farm SafetyFeatureCLP RegulationFeature

Page 2: Farm Safety C LP R egu latio n · Ireland Safety Quiz finals, hosted by the Northern Ireland Safety Group, will be held in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast. Thu rsday,

NISO PresidentReflects on 2014


Editorial/President’s Message .................2

NISO/National News..........3-7


FORUMIOSH launches newDesmond-SouthMunster Branch.......................10

COMMENTMichael Gillen shareshis health and safetyresolutions for 2015 ..............11

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) ....................12

Helpline .....................................13

All Ireland Safety Table Quiz 2015......................14

Legislation Update ................15

Upcoming Events ..................16

Members todownload previouscopies of the NISOUpdate!



NISO Update! is issuedby the National IrishSafety Organisation(NISO).

Material printed in NISO Update!is not necessarily endorsed by theNational Irish SafetyOrganisation.

Editorial enquiries to: The Editor,NISO, A11 Calmount Park,Calmount Avenue, Ballymount,Dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9760 Fax: 01 465 9765 Email: [email protected]

Design & Print: Print Bureau Tel: 01 4733

One of the highlights of 2014for the National Irish SafetyOrganisation was theNational Health and SafetyConference which was heldjointly with the Health andSafety Authority for the firsttime. The year 2014 marked25 years since the HSA waslaunched at the NISO AnnualConference in Limerick underthe terms of the Health,Safety and Welfare at WorkAct of 1989.

The 2014 NationalConference was opened byMichael D Higgins, Presidentof Ireland. NISO and theHSA were honoured by hispresence at our joint event.The Minister for Business andEmployment, Ged Nash, wasalso in attendance, this beingthe first time that the ministerwith responsibility for healthand safety has been present ata NISO conference since 2008.

NISO / NISG All IrelandOccupational Safety AwardsEven in these difficulteconomic times, the numbersattending the NISO / NISG AllIreland Safety Awards galadinner and presentationceremony continues to growyear on year. I would like totake this opportunity to thankall organisations who made asubmission to the All IrelandSafety Awards in 2014.Participation in the All IrelandSafety Awards programmedemonstrates a realcommitment to raising thehealth and safety standards ofyour organisation.

Preparations for the All IrelandSafety Awards 2015 are nowwell under way. The SafetyAwards Workshops for 2015commenced in January andwill continue into February.Please visit for dates,times and locations of theSafety Awards Workshops.

NISO is delighted to announcethe introduction of the newSuperior Performance Award in2015. This will be awarded tothe company that demonstratesoverall superior performance intheir safety and healthsubmission. The SuperiorPerformance Award issponsored by Anderco Safety.

NISO Supports Safe FarmingThe year 2014 was a black yearfor the farming communitywith 30 fatalities, the highestnumber of fatalities in theagricultural sector in over 20years. NISO has been activelypromoting farm safetyawareness and held three FarmSafety Seminars in 2014. Theseseminars generated greatinterest with just under twohundred farmers attending intotal. The feedback from thefarming sector has been verypositive and the seminars werewell received. I wouldpersonally like to thank thepanel of speakers who gave oftheir time to address theseminars. NISO held a seminarfor the farming community inCork in January 2015. NISO isholding further farm safetyseminars in 2015, the next isbeing held in claremorris Co.Mayo on the 19th of February.I would urge every safetyprofessional who has aninfluence over farmers, be itfriend or relative, to encouragefarmers to think ‘safety first’ intheir daily farming activities.

Health and Safety FundingNISO continues to raiseconcerns regarding thecontinual reduction of fundingto the Health and SafetyAuthority over the last sixyears. Research has shown thatan adequately funded Healthand Safety Authority has apositive effect on the reductionof workplace accidents andfatalities.

Dates For 2015Saturday, 18 April: The AllIreland Safety Quiz finals,hosted by the NorthernIreland Safety Group, will beheld in the Ramada PlazaHotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast.

Thursday, 23 April: TheNISO Annual GeneralMeeting will take place in TheGresham Hotel, Dublin 1.

February and March 2015:The NISO / NISG All IrelandSafety Quiz regional heatswill be taking place.Organisations are encouragedto make a special effort andenter teams into their regionalheats.

Friday, 2 October: TheAnnual Health and SafetyConference and All IrelandOccupational Safety Awards,hosted by the Western Region,will be held in the RadissonBlu Hotel, Galway.

We look forward to yourparticipation in NISO eventsover the coming year.

As president, on behalf ofNISO, my fellow officers,executive members and headoffice staff, I would like towish all our members and thewider safety community asafe, healthy and peaceful2015.

Pauric Corrigan,President, National Irish

Safety Organisation.

Pauric Corrigan, president, National Irish Safety Organisation



Page 3: Farm Safety C LP R egu latio n · Ireland Safety Quiz finals, hosted by the Northern Ireland Safety Group, will be held in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast. Thu rsday,



EU-OSHA launch free e-guideon managing stress andpsychosocial risks at workAs part of the Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress campaign, theEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) recentlylaunched its e-guide on managing stress and psychosocial risks.

HSA Safety AlertHelmets for EquestrianActivities

Stress is an important occupationalsafety and health (OSH) concern inabout 80% of European businesses andis one of the main reasons for lostworking days in Europe. However, lessthan a third of European establishmentshave procedures in place to deal withwork-related stress. The e-guide is apractical tool to help both employersand workers, particularly of smallbusinesses, better understand andmanage stress and psychosocial risks.

The e-guide is now available in severalnational versions. In total, 34 country-specific versions will be published andeach is adapted to the legislation,context and language of its nation. Each

one also directs users to relevantnational resources on stress andpsychosocial risks. The e-guide is aimed,in particular, at tackling the needs ofemployers and workers of smallenterprises.

Each version of the e-guide contains:• simple explanations of risks, their

causes and consequences for workersand businesses,

• advice and instructions on how tospot problems early and take action,

• practical examples of preventionand risk management, particularlyfor small businesses,

• information on national resources.

Created to improve understanding andraise awareness of stress andpsychosocial risks at work throughoutEurope, the e-guide also helps toovercome certain misconceptions thatexist about stress, separating fact frommyth. It is particularly intended forthose in small enterprises who needguidance or advice on the first steps totake to tackle stress and psychosocialrisks in the workplace.

The e-guide is free of charge and eachversion is available to browse online orcan be downloaded for offline use.

To download the free e-guide, pleasevisit

The Health and Safety Authoritywishes to advise that the EuropeanCommission has informed memberstates that standard EN 1384:2012[Helmets for Equestrian Activities] isno longer a harmonised standardunder the Directive 89/686/EEC onPersonal Protective Equipment.

This means that EN 1384:2012 canno longer be used to support CEmarking of helmets bymanufacturers; therefore helmetsmarked with reference to EN1384:2012 only do not provide anadequate level of safety.

Consequently it is advised that allnew helmets being placed on themarket should be checked to ensurethat they are manufactured to higherstandards than EN 1384:2012 (see

Commission decision below). Also,helmets in use should be checked toensure that they also meet higherstandards than EN 1384:2012.

For more information please see thelink below to the CommissionDecision.

SAVE LIVES: Farmsafety campaignlaunched by the IFAIrish Farmers’ Association (IFA) haslaunched a new farm safetycampaign – SAVE LIVES – to raiseawareness of the dangers of workingon the farm and to encouragefarmers to always think safety first.

Speaking on the SAVE LIVEScampaign, Eddie Downey, president,IFA, said he hopes this new campaignwill encourage farmers to changetheir working practices, be moreresponsive to potential dangers andtake preventative action.

‘I am asking all farm families to takeaction today to make their farms asafer place to work. The best way toreduce accidents and fatalities is toupdate your Farm Safety statement -this will help you identify the risksand to put in place appropriatecontrol measures,’ said Mr. Downey.

See pages 8-9 for the IFA’s FarmSafety feature article.

For more on the IFA’s SAVE LIVEScampaign, please visit

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HSA publications CompostingInformationSheetCompostingis a naturalbiologicalprocess ofdecomposingorganic wastematerial.Under therightconditions,the micro-organisms naturally presentin the organic waste multiply andmetabolise the organic matter, turningit into compost. Some of these micro-organisms are pathogenic and suitablecontrols must be put in place toprevent employee exposure.

The Composting Information Sheet isa guide to composting safely, ensuringemployee protection, health advice andhazards to be aware of.

OccupationalHygieneReportWritingInformationSheetThe ability towrite effectivereports helpsoccupationalhygienistsachieve their

goals of preventing and controllingworkplace hazards. Effectiveoccupational hygiene reports provideemployers with clear and criticalinformation to support their RiskAssessment requirements underRegulation 4 of the Safety, Health andWelfare at Work (Chemical Agent)Regulations 2001 (S.I. No 619/2001).

This information sheet has beenprepared by the HSA to provideguidance to occupational hygieneprofessionals and their clients on thecontents and structure of a basicoccupational hygiene survey report.

Managingthe Risk ofWork-relatedViolenceandAggressioninHealthcareInformationSheetThe purposeof thisinformation sheet is to provideinformation and guidance onmanaging the risk of work-relatedviolence and aggression in thehealthcare setting. Work-relatedviolence and aggression has beendefined by the European Commissionas any incident where staff are abused,

threatened or assaulted incircumstances related to their work,involving an explicit or implicitchallenge to their safety, wellbeing orhealth.

Guidance-Note onPeriodicInspectionand Testing ofElectricalInstallationsrequired bythe 2007Health Safetyand Welfareat Work(GeneralApplication) Regulations Electrical installations, if not properlymaintained, can kill, injure and causeserious property damage. In Ireland,people are killed almost every yearfrom contact with, or as a result of,electricity. This Guidance-Note aims toassist employers, employees and othersput in place a suitable regime forperiodic inspection and testing ofelectrical installations to reduce thepossibility of harm arising from theelectrical installation in a workplace.

For futher information please

Setback for safer lorry rulesThe European Transport SafetyCouncil (ETSC) says an EU deal topostpone new rules enabling safer lorrydesigns is a setback for road safety.

Representatives of EU member states,the European Parliament and theEuropean Commission met inDecember 2014 to hammer out anagreement on new legislation thatenables, but does not require,manufacturers to make changes tolorry cabs that improve visibility andreduce the impact of crashes on othervehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Thefinal agreement, which is still subject toagreement by member staterepresentatives and a vote by the

European Parliament, effectively delaysthe optional changes until 2022.

According to ETSC data, around 4,300people in the EU died in collisionsinvolving lorries in 2011. Because oftheir size and weight, crashes can becatastrophic with a much higher risk ofdeath or serious injury.

New research by Transport ResearchLaboratory (TRL) estimates that up to900 lives could be saved annually as aresult of the proposed measures.

For more information please

Information Sheet October 2014



Occupational Hygiene Survey Report

Occupational HygieneReport Writing

Information Sheet August, 2014

Occupational HygieneReport W

Occupational HygieneritingReport W

Occupational Hygieneriting

This information sheet has been prepared by the Health and Safety Authority to provide guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure

Report W

This information sheet has been prepared by the Health and Safety Authority to provide guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure

Information Sheet


This information sheet has been prepared by the Health and Safety Authority to provide guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure

Report W

Information Sheet


This information sheet has been prepared by the Health and Safety Authority to provide guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure

Information Sheet

August, 2014

This information sheet has been prepared by the Health and Safety Authority to provide guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure

guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure of a basic occupational hygiene survey report.

he ability to write effective reports helps Toccupational hygienists achieve their goals of preventing and controlling workplace hazards. Effective occupational hygiene reports provide employers with clear and critical information to

guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure of a basic occupational hygiene survey report.

he ability to write effective reports helps occupational hygienists achieve their goals of preventing and controlling workplace hazards. Effective occupational hygiene reports provide employers with clear and critical information to


guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure of a basic occupational hygiene survey report.

preventing and controlling workplace hazards. Effective occupational hygiene reports provide employers with clear and critical information to

Occupational Hygiene SurReport


guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure

vional Hygiene Sur

guidance to occupational hygiene professionals and their clients on the contents and structure


employers with clear and critical information to support their Risk Assessment requirements under Regulation 4 of the Safety

ork (Chemical Agent) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No W619/2001)

he reports can vary depending on the purpose of the Tmonitoring and the needs of the client; however the basic contents remain the same. Regardless of the type of report, all reports should include the following common elements.

support their Risk Assessment requirements under elfare at , Health and WRegulation 4 of the Safety

ork (Chemical Agent) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No

he reports can vary depending on the purpose of the monitoring and the needs of the client; however the basic contents remain the same. Regardless of the type of report, all reports should include the following common elements.

he report title should include a title page with support their Risk Assessment requirements under elfare at

ork (Chemical Agent) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No

he reports can vary depending on the purpose of the monitoring and the needs of the client; however the basic contents remain the same. Regardless of the type of report, all reports should include the following

Tthe following information:

A title summarising the nature of the survey•

Date of the report•

Name and address of the client•

Name and address of the consultant or •

he report title should include a title page with the following information:

A title summarising the nature of the survey

Date of the report

Name and address of the client

Name and address of the consultant or

he report title should include a title page with

A title summarising the nature of the survey

Name and address of the consultant or

common elements.

A typical report is divided into the flowing contents:

T• itle

Executive summary•


rocess descriptionP•

Methods and measurements•

common elements.

A typical report is divided into the flowing contents:

Executive summary

rocess description

Methods and measurements

Name and address of the consultant or

A typical report is divided into the flowing contents:

•organisation carrying out the work

Name and signature of the hygienist(s) or •person(s) who prepared the report

here appropriate, name and signature of W•consultant who approved the final report.

Name and address of the consultant or organisation carrying out the work

Name and signature of the hygienist(s) or person(s) who prepared the report

here appropriate, name and signature of consultant who approved the final report.

Name and address of the consultant or

Name and signature of the hygienist(s) or

here appropriate, name and signature of consultant who approved the final report.

Results and discussion•

Concl• usions and recommendations.

Results and discussion

usions and recommendations.

An aggressive or violent act can be physical, such asspitting, or use of force against a person; forexample pushing, hitting, punching a person orattacking a person with a weapon or object. It canalso be non-physical, such as verbal abuse, threatsor gestures.

This information sheet does not addressinterpersonal conflicts among staff such asworkplace bullying or harassment. There isseparate guidance on these matters.

THE EFFECTS OF VIOLENCE ANDAGGRESSIONWork-related violence and aggression is the thirdhighest cause of injuries reported to the Healthand Safety Authority from the healthcare sector.Work-related violence and aggression threatensthe safety and wellbeing of service-users andemployees and can cause both immediate andlong-term effects. A person who directlyexperiences a violent or aggressive incident cansuffer physical and/or psychological harm or injury.

The purpose of this informationsheet is to provide informationand guidance on managing therisk of work-related violence andaggression in the healthcaresetting. Work-related violenceand aggression has been definedby the European Commission asany incident where staff areabused, threatened or assaultedin circumstances related to theirwork, involving an explicit orimplicit challenge to their safety,wellbeing or health.

Page 1Managing the Risk of Work-related Violence and Aggression in Healthcare

Managing the Risk of Work-related Violence andAggression in Healthcare Information Sheet November, 2014

required by the 2007 Safety Health and Welfareat Work (General Application) Regulations

Guidance-Note on PeriodicInspection and Testing ofElectrical Installations

November 2014

IntroductionElectrical installations, if not properly maintained, cankill, injure and cause serious property damage. InIreland, people are killed almost every year fromcontact with, or as a result of electricity. ThisGuidance-Note aims to assist employers, employeesand others put in place a suitable regime for periodicinspection and testing of electrical installations toreduce the possibility of harm arising from theelectrical installation in a workplace.

What Aspects of the ElectricalInstallation are covered?An installation could vary from a standard small 230Volt single phase electrical wiring system withdistribution boards, lighting and general services to, incertain instances, arrangements involving three-phasehigh-voltage switch-gear, transformers and associatedparts of the electrical installation in a major industrial orcommercial environment. Systems such as Fire Alarm,Emergency Lighting and Security Alarms have detailedrequirements set out in Irish Standards IS 3217, IS3218 and IS-EN 50131 respectively. Theserequirements should be adhered to and will not becovered further in this Guidance.

Guidance-Note on Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations required by the 2007 Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations Page 1

If you have any healthand safety ideas,experiences, stories ortips that you would liketo share with NISOUpdate, we would loveto hear from you!Please send an emailexpressing yourinterest in contributingto NISO Update toGeraldine [email protected].

Page 5: Farm Safety C LP R egu latio n · Ireland Safety Quiz finals, hosted by the Northern Ireland Safety Group, will be held in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast. Thu rsday,



The Injuries Board reiterates theimportance of workplace safety asrecent figures reveal that employerliability awards went up by !2m from2012 to 2013.

The Injuries Board awardedcompensation of !24m in respect of826 claims for workplace accidents in2013 compared to !22m compensationfor 807 awards in 2012. The averageaward for a workplace accident lastyear also increased from !27,286 in2012 to !28,886 in 2013. The highestaward for a workplace accident lastyear was !432,000, a substantialincrease on the previous year’s figure of!332,143. The highest award in 2013related to a fatal accident.

Noting the increasing numbers inemployment as the economic recoverygathers pace, Injuries Board CEO,Patricia Byron suggested that the yearon year increase in employer liabilityclaims is reflective of the increasingnumbers in the workforce. ‘As theeconomy starts to grow again, and asbusinesses around the country begin toexpand, it is important that a renewedfocus on health and safety iscultivated,’ Byron commented.

Key statistics from the Injures Boardanalysis of employer liability awardsin 2013 are as follows:• Slips, trips and falls were the most

common accident type accounting

for almost one third (30.8%) of allawards for workplace accidents.

• The vast majority of awards (80%)were under !38,000.

• The average award for a workplaceaccident was !28,886. The averageaward for men was slightly higherat !29,523, while women receivedan average award of !27,441.

• The majority of awards were toworkers in the 25 to 34 age group(31.6%).

• Men are twice as likely as womento sustain a workplace injury withmen accounting for 7 in 10 awards(69.4%), slightly up on last year,

while women accounted for theremaining 3 in 10 (30.6%) awards.

• Over the last three years, Thursdaysin November have proven to be themost common days for workplaceaccidents while the least number ofaccidents occurred on Sundays, andthe safest month was April.

• Dublin, Cork and Limerick werethe counties with the highestnumber of awards, whereasLeitrim, Roscommon, Sligo andLongford had the lowest.

For further information please

Employer liability awards on the increase with!24m awarded for workplace accidents in 2013

A report by the Conference Board ofCanada’s Centre for Food in Canada incollaboration with the University of

Guelph’s Food Institute ranks Irelandand Canada in joint top place for FoodSafety among 16 OECD Countries.

The report measures and ranksCanada’s food safety performanceagainst that of 16 peer OECDcountries including Australia, France,Germany, the UK and the USA.

The new Report provides an overallworld ranking of food safetyperformance. All of the countriessurveyed have very high food safetystandards, but Canada and Ireland, in

particular, earned excellent gradesrelative to their peers. The Report’sauthors place great emphasis on theneed to ensure food safety and theavailability of allergen labelling.

The Report covered: Australia, Austria,Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the UKand USA.

For more information please visit theDepartment of Health website

Ireland ranks top tier for food safety

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Any organisation supplying hazardouschemicals within Ireland or the EU willhave to re-label them in accordance withCLP by 1 June 2015.

CLP ensures that chemical hazards areclearly communicated to workers andconsumers. If your chemicals meet thecriteria for classification as hazardous,you must re-label them. CLP requirescompanies to classify, label and packagetheir hazardous chemicals appropriatelybefore placing them on the market. Inorder to classify the mixture correctlyyou must undertake a series of steps.These are set out clearly on the ECHA

webpages on ‘mixture classification’.

From 1 June 2015, the Classification,Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulationwill be the only legislation to apply to theclassification and labelling of bothsubstances and mixtures. The obligationsunder the CLP Regulation are similar tothe previous EU legislation; however, thereare some important differences. Anenormous number of products must be re-labelled to comply with CLP, includingconsumer items such as paints ordetergents, as well as industrial mixtures.

National Irish Safety Organisation inassociation with the Health and Safety

Authority held a number of CLPRegulation workshops in 2014 and 2015.Further CLP Regulations Seminars aheadof the June 1 2015 CLP deadline will besubject to demand.

See page 12 for our CLP Regulationsarticle.

Please see, for further informationon CLP.

Countdown to Classification, Labelling andPackaging (CLP) Compliance

Figures released by the Health and SafetyAuthority report that 55 people werekilled in work-related accidents last year,representing a 17% increase on the 47deaths reported in 2013.

Fatalities in the Agriculture sectorincreased by 87% in 2014 with 30 deathscompared to 16 in 2013. For the fifth yearrunning the Agriculture sector hasrecorded the highest number of fatalities,representing roughly 55% of all work-related deaths in 2014.

During 2014 there were reductions infatalities in the following sectors:construction (from 11 down to 8); Fishing(5 down to 1) and Transportation andStorage (4 down to 3).

Aside from Agriculture there were

increases in fatalities in Manufacturing(from 1 up to 3) and the Administrativeand Support Services sectors (0 to 2).

Speaking about the HSA’s plans for 2015,HSA Chief Executive, MartinO’Halloran, said that there are a numberof key areas that will be targeted: ‘We donote that each year many fatal accidentsinvolve self-employed persons, so we willcontinue to provide assistance andsupport to small business owners with anemphasis on safety around vehicles. Wewill also further our collaboration withother agencies and representative bodiesthat have an interest in workplace healthand safety.’

Please see for furtherinformation.

Work-place fatalities increased by17% in 2014

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) ofthe National Irish Safety Organisation(NISO) will take place on Thursday 23April at 15.15hrs in The Gresham Hotel,Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1.

The AGM is open to all members ofNISO. Members are encouraged toattend the National AGM, express their

views and become involved with theirregional committees. The AGM willalso provide an opportunity forattendees to network with other like-minded professionals.

Please email [email protected] or call 01 465 9760 for any queries regardingthe NISO National AGM.

National Irish Safety Organisation National AGM 2015

NISO/NISG All Ireland QuizFinalsRamada Plaza Hotel, Belfast18 April; 20.00hrs

NISO AGMThe Gresham Hotel, Dublin 123 April; 15.15hrs

All Ireland Safety AwardsDeadline for Entries:Early Bird: 2 April 2015Standard: 1 May 2015

Annual Health and SafetyConference and the AllIreland Safety Awards GalaDinner Radison Blu Hotel and Spa,Galway2 October

Dates for 2015

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Minister for Agriculture, SimonCoveney, has stated that farmers couldface penalties to their direct payments ifthey fail farm safety protocols.

Earlier in January, Phil Hogan, EUAgriculture Commissioner, indicatedthat penalties may be imposed onfarmers if they don’t address farmsafety failings. Responding to thecommissioner’s comments on farmpenalties, Minister Coveney said, ‘Wewill look, with an open mind, at someof the things [Commissioner] PhilHogan has said and if we think that willwork then we will look to implement it.’

Minister Coveney said he is concernedby the recent spike in farm fatalities,especially considering the increasedawareness around farm safety. Hehighlighted the importance of the farmsafety scheme implemented by theDepartment of Agriculture.

‘The truth is that there is more beingdone for farm safety now than everbefore,’ the Minister said. ‘There aremore inspections on farms by theHealth and Safety Authority, there’s amore coordinated effort across all thefarm organisations by us in theDepartment of Agriculture.

‘We have just opened the first farmsafety scheme. We are going to spend!12.5m on that. We are doing more onfarm safety than has ever been donebefore, yet we are after having the worstyear that we have ever experienced. Forthe moment, let’s make sure that thefarm safety scheme works… to reducethe trauma and tragedy from farmdeaths which we saw last year,’ MinisterCoveney concluded.

Source: The Irish Farmer’s Journal


Farmers may face penalties totheir direct payments

Over 6,000 farmers applied to the FarmSafety Scheme by the deadline forapplications of 16 January.

Deadline extension deniedDespite some calls for an extension, thedeadline was not changed. TheDepartment of Agriculture stated thatany extension to the closing date woulddelay the start of processing of

applications and in turn the issuing ofapprovals to successful applicants. Thescheme is part of the TAMS 1programme of schemes which must beconcluded by August 2015. Instead,Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveneyhas stated that a follow-on Farm SafetyScheme will operate in TAMS 2 whenthat begins over the coming months,following EU Commission approval of

Ireland’s proposed rural developmentprogramme. The current scheme willprovide grant aid for 28 safety itemsvarying from replacement of corrodedslats and slurry lids to safer handlingequipment for cattle and sheep.

Source: Irish Farmer’s Journal.


Over 6,000 applications to the Farm Safety Scheme

WelcomeNational IrishSafetyOrganisationwould like tothank all theorganisationsthat have joined usrecently. Organisations to recentlyjoin National Irish SafetyOrganisation include:

• Bon Secours Hospital, Galway• Brothers of Charity, Limerick• Irish Wheelchair Association,

Co. Offaly• KD Group, Co. Mayo• Lidl Ireland GmbH, Co. Kildare• M+W Group, Co. Kildare• North West Forest Services

Ltd., Co. Donegal• O’Kane Engineering Ltd., Co.

Dublin• SF Engineering, Co. Sligo• Tipperary Fire & Rescue, Co.

Tipperary• Zimmer Orthopaedics

Manufacturing, Co. Clare

Membership of NISO clearlydemonstrates your ongoingcommitment to improving healthand safety standards in yourworkplace. As a not for profitorganisation committed topromoting health and safetyawareness, we value your supportand look forward to yourinteraction with NISO in 2015.

Merit MedicalIreland Ltd.was awardedwith aDistinction atthe 2014 AllIrelandOccupationalAwards

L to R: Pauric Corrigan, president, NISO; Aoife Fenton, EHS specialist, MeritMedical Ireland Ltd.; Mairead McGuinness, MEP; Jimmy Fenton,chairperson, NISG.

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SAVE LIVES – Think Safety – Farm SafelyIFA ‘SAVE LIVES’ Campaign encourages farmers tomake safety a top priority in 2015

The level of farm fatalities in 2014 hasshocked the farming community.Thirty lives were lost in farm accidentson Irish farms last year. That is 30farm families now coming to termswith the devastating consequences ofthe death of a loved one, not tomention all the farm families that arecoming to terms with life after aserious injury.

Internationally, statistics show thatfarming is one of the most dangerousprofessions. This is also the case inIreland: of the 55 workplace fatalitiesin 2014, 30 occurred in the agriculturalsector. This is an 87% increase in farmfatalities compared with 2013. Greatwork has been done by the agriculturalsector, and particularly the FarmSafety Partnership AdvisoryCommittee, in recent years to increaseawareness and encourage farm familiesto maintain the highest safetystandards on their farms.

There must be an appropriate responseby the agricultural sector to this spikein fatalities in 2015. For this reason, IFAis disappointed with the Health andSafety Authority’s decision, withoutconsultation with or notification of theFarm Safety Partnership AdvisoryCommittee, to consider directprosecution. As of January 2015, theHealth and Safety Authority willconsider direct prosecution if a farmer:(i) fails to have slurry pit fully covered,(ii) fails to have the PTO shaft coveredor (iii) there is a child under seven in thecab of a tractor.

Research has shown that traditionalpolicy tools, including legislation,sanction and regulation, have a limitedimpact on changing behaviour andbringing about a real change in farmsafety. To achieve a sustained changeand reduce farm accidents, Governmentmust engage with farmers and enhancetheir level of personal responsibilitythrough targeted information and

education campaigns that are cognisantof the farm family model and therealities faced by farmers.

IFA strongly opposes the suggestedlinking of farm safety inspections tocross compliance under the SingleFarm Payment scheme as it would becounterproductive in reducing farmaccidents and would in fact increasestress on farm families, which has beenproven to increase ill health and therisk of accidents.

To build on the substantial workalready undertaken by IFA to raiseawareness of the dangers of workingon the farm, the Association launcheda new campaign, SAVE LIVES – ThinkSafety – Farm Safely, to encouragefarmers to make safety a top priorityin 2015. SAVE LIVES is an acronym ofthe following safety messages:

S tress distracts - stay focused on the job in hand.

A pply the handbrake of the tractorwhenever you leave the cab.

V entilate and evacuate whenagitating slurry - gases can kill.

E nsure roof can support your weightif you are working on it.

L oose or flapping clothes can getcaught in machinery, be careful.

I cy roads and pathways can bedangerous, slow down.

V isitors on the farm, especiallychildren, should be made aware ofany dangers.

E scape routes should be plannedwhen handling cattle.

S witch on the light - someone mayhave moved something and youcould trip.

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The campaign was launched with thedistribution of 95,000 farm calendarsto farm families throughout ruralIreland. A new SAVE LIVES pen willbe distributed to farmers at all IFAmeetings and events in 2015. IFA isseeking to involve over 60 co-ops andfeed merchants, inviting them toparticipate in the campaign. AcornIndependent Merchants, whichrepresents 11 agri-merchants aroundthe country, has been the first to sign

up and agree to print SAVE LIVES onall merchandise produced by Acornmembers together with displaying thelogo on its transport fleet.

It is IFA’s steadfast belief thatawareness and education are the bestways to improve work practices, tomake farmers more aware andresponsive to the potential risks and totake preventative action to reducethese risks. Awareness and education

will bring about a real change inbehaviour and make Irish farms a safeplace to work and live. Issued by the National Press Office, The Irish Farmers’

Contact:Niall Madigan Tel (01) 450 1931/ 086 822 8635Brigid Fitzgerald Tel (01) 426 0344/ 087 652 2527

NISO Annual Health and SafetyConference 2015Ireland’s premier health andsafety conference for safetyprofessionals and businessleaders.

Friday 2 October 2015Radisson Blu Hotel and Spa, GalwayIf you are interested in sponsoring the NISO Annual Health and Safety Conferenceand Trade Exhibition in 2015, please contact Susan Birkett on 01 465 9760 oremail [email protected].

The NISO Conference offers delegates an insight into current topical issues which will beaddressed by a panel of renowned national and international speakers.

To register your interest in conference 2015, email [email protected] with‘Conference 2015 Interest’ in the subject line.

National IrishSafety OrganisationsupportsEmbrace FARM

Supporting familiesafter the loss of aloved one from afarming accident.Founded by Brian and Norma Rohanfrom Shanahoe, Co. Laois, in 2014,Embrace FARM is a bereavementsupport group for farm families who,like them, have lost a loved one or,indeed, those who have sufferedserious injury in a farming accident.Please visit www.embracefarm.comfor more information. Email: [email protected]; Tel: 085 7709966

Radisson Blu Hotel and Spa, Galway

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IOSH launches newDesmond-South Munster BranchThe Institution of Occupational Safety and Health(IOSH), the world’s largest safety and healthorganisation, has launched a new branch in Ireland.IOSH’s Desmond-South MunsterBranch replaces its Ireland Branch’sSouthern District, and already hasaround 300 safety and healthprofessionals as members.

The new branch aims to play a key rolein improving occupational safety andhealth in the region and ensuringsustainable growth of Ireland’s economypost-recession.

Official Unveiling of IOSH’s Desmond-South Munster BranchThe Desmond-South Munster branchwas officially unveiled during an eventheld at Cork City Hall on 4 December2014.

Commenting on the launch of the newbranch, Bob Seward, chair of IOSHDesmond-South Munster Branch, said:‘We intend to work hard to help grow theorganisation’s membership under the newbranch structure. We also want to provideour members with access to the tools andsupport services that will enable them tomaintain the highest standards andprovide the best service to employers.’

‘We will continue to support the Healthand Safety Authority initiatives andother safety organisations such as NISOto improve safety and health in theworkplace.’

Branch StatusThe branch status marks a specialmilestone for IOSH in Ireland, andrecognises the progress that had beenmade since the foundation of the IOSHIreland Southern District in 1995.The new branch’s name - Desmond-South Munster - reflects the region’s

historical Anglicisation of ‘DeasMumhan’ to ‘Desmond’, meaning SouthMunster.

Mr Seward said: ‘This new status bringswith it additional responsibilities toensure we progress IOSH aims andobjectives in the region.

‘In addition, we intend to furtherdevelop and strengthen our relationswith the educational institutions,University College Cork, Cork Instituteof Technology, Institute of TechnologyTralee and the National MaritimeCollege of Ireland.’

Workplace Fatalities in the Cork andKerry RegionFifteen per cent of Ireland’s workforce isemployed in the Cork and Kerry region,however, approximately 30% of allworkplace fatalities throughout thecountry occurred in this region in 2013.

The branch believes that the vastmajority of accidents and fatalities in theregion could have been avoided throughthe application of good health and safetystandards and practices.

Liam Howe, chair of IOSH IrelandBranch, said: ‘I feel now more than everis the time for the formation of the newDesmond-South Munster Branch, andfor its safety professionals to shine. It istheir job to spell out to their employerwhat we in the profession know – thatgood health and safety managementsaves lives and money.’

IOSH’s Lif! Savings Ireland CampaignAs part of its activities, the Desmond-South Munster Branch will promote

IOSH’s Lif! Savings Ireland campaign(,which aims to show companies thatgood safety and health management cansave money as well as lives.

Workplace injury and ill health costs theIrish economy around !3 billion and 1million working days a year.

IOSH is keen to hear from companiesthat are reaping the rewards of havingput health and safety at the heart of theirbusiness.

Any firm that has implemented a healthand safety initiative which has resulted incash savings, and would like to tell theirstory as part of the Lif! Savings Irelandcampaign, can let IOSH know byemailing [email protected] orcalling 1800 331 331.

For more details about the Desmond-South Munster Branch and updates onits activities, visit desmondsouthmunster.

Pictured (left to right) at the IOSH Desmond-South MunsterBranch launch event were branch treasurer Fabian Murphy,branch chair Bob Seward, Cork Lord Mayor Councillor MaryShields; IOSH Ireland branch chair Liam Howe, and branchsecretary Finbarr Moloney. Photo by Tony O'ConnellPhotography

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Michael Gillen, Senior Executive at PharmaChemical Ireland, shareshis health and safety resolutions for 2015 with NISO Update readersHealth and Safety – changing the perception

The start of a new year is a great time formaking resolutions. The success of the TVprogramme Operation Transformationover the past 7 years is testament topeople’s desire to change for the better at thebeginning of a new year. So now is the timeto think about what resolutions I shouldmake in 2015 and whether I am willing toput in the effort to make them happen.

Changing the mindsetI have worked in health and safety, bothdirectly and indirectly, for more than 20years. The recurrent perception amongstthe public at large over this period of timeis that health and safety stops us fromdoing things. In the UK, for example,health and safety is still associated withchildren being stopped from running inschool playgrounds. So what can you andI, as health and safety professionals, do tochange this negative perception of ourprofession?

The theme of the October 2014 NISO /HSA Health and Safety Conference inMullingar was ‘Safety is a Mindset’. Ibelieve the key resolution we all shouldmake in 2015 is to try to change the generalmindset about health and safety. This inturn will change the perception of healthand safety from being negative and areason NOT to do something, to one thatis positive and that facilitates progress. Thekey to doing this lies in considering healthand safety in all aspects of life rather thanjust the narrow confines of the workplace.Now, I am not for a moment suggestingthat workplace health and safety beignored; rather, I suggest that we shouldbroaden the scope of the subject intoeveryday life.

Risk AssessmentA very simple experiment, which supports

the above proposal and at the same timeidentifies how much intuitive health andsafety awareness people have, is as follows:observe someone as they are about to crossa road at a busy junction (ideally oneshould know this person or else you couldget some strange looks). Ask them if theybother to look right and left before crossingthe road (provided the traffic flows in bothdirections) and in most instances theanswer is in the affirmative. Now, ask themif they ever do a risk assessment and see ifthe response is equally positive.

I conducted this experiment amongst agroup of friends, family and colleaguesduring the month of December 2014 andfrom my small sample size (15), 100%stated that they always looked right and left(I have a suspicion they may not have allhave been telling the truth). However whenI asked how many conduct riskassessments, only 13% (2 out of 15)answered in the affirmative. So why dopeople intuitively conduct risk assessmentson a continual basis, yet fail to appreciatethat this is the case? I believe that the rootcause of this conundrum lies in the factthat most people associate health andsafety with the workplace andunfortunately, in the workplace health andsafety is usually someone else’s job.

In a slight variation to the aboveexperiment, observe a child as they areabout to cross the road (now this is where itis an absolute must that you know the childand preferably their extended family or elseyou will really get some dodgy looks!!).Now if a parent or guardian is holding thechild’s hand, the child will inevitably crossthe road without looking right and left. Yetif the child is not holding an adult’s hand,they usually look right and left (and oftendo so a couple of times). Why? Becauseeven children, when someone assumesresponsibility for their health and safety,tend to follow blindly and unfortunatelythe same is true in adults.

Four Key AttributesSo what is the solution for our New Yearresolution?

Let us start by changing the mindset. LastOctober, I suggested that the 4 keyattributes required to convert potential intoachievement are: belief, attitude,expectation and habit.

• Beliefs control the release ofuntapped potential. It is our role, ashealth and safety professionals, tochallenge limiting beliefs and I believethat we should start with ourselves.Remember - it is an expert’s beliefthat is the most difficult to change.

• Attitudes can be viewed as a settledway of thinking or feeling aboutsomething and they can be positive ornegative (depending on howsomething is framed). It is our role, ashealth and safety professionals, tobroaden the frame of a topic from thenarrow hazard based frame to abroader more inclusive riskassessment frame. Find ways in whichthings CAN be done – look for thestepping stone rather than theobstacle.

• Expectation is what is considered mostlikely to happen. It is our role, as healthand safety professionals, to helpcolleagues and friends to set goals inhealth and safety for as we visualise thenew we become dissatisfied with theold. This change in mentality approachis critically important if we are tosucceed.

• Habits are critical in changingmindsets and move us from theconsciously incompetent to theunconsciously competent. It is ourrole, as health and safetyprofessionals, to provide sufficientsupport to allow good habits to form,but not such support that we ‘insist’on leading by the hand.

I want 2015 to be a year in which peopledevelop a positive perception of health andsafety. With this in mind, my resolution forthe New Year is to work towards changingthe health and safety mindset of those Iinteract with on a personal andprofessional level. You are all welcome tojoin me!

If you have any health and safetyideas, experiences, stories or tipsthat you would like to share withNISO Update, we would love tohear from you! Please send anemail expressing your interest incontributing to NISO Update toGeraldine at [email protected] .

Michael Gillen, Senior Executive at PharmaChemical Ireland

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Globally Harmonized System ofClassification and Labelling ofChemicals (GHS)June 1 2015 marks the next milestone date for the introduction ofthe GHS when many thousands of hazardous mixtures (chemicalproducts) being made or imported into Ireland will need to complywith the CLP Regulation 1272/2008. Brian O’Connor, EHS Coordinator,


Hazardous substances threatenphysical health and the environmentno matter which country a chemical isbeing used in. GHS aims to overcomethe problem of differing labellingrequirements on physical, health andenvironmental hazards for the samechemicals around the world. As aresult of differing classification andlabelling requirements in differentcountries, chemicals and mixturesbeing produced for exportation have tobe labelled according to the eachcountry’s differing criteria. Theintroduction of GHS will now help tofacilitate international chemicals trade.

The EU brought GHS into law via theClassification, Labelling andPackaging (CLP) Regulation 2009.However, because of the enormity ofthis task, a staggered approach wasadopted with various milestone datesset between 2009 and 2017. Dates ofnote include:

• 1 December 2010: Hazardoussubstances being placed on themarket must comply with CLP.

• 1 December 2012: Transitionperiod for substances already onthe market prior to 1 December2010 to comply with CLP ended 1December 2012.

• 1 June 2015: Hazardous mixturesbeing placed on the market mustcomply with CLP.

• 1 June 2017: Transition period formixtures already on the marketprior to 1 June 2015 to comply withCLP ends 1 June 2017.

Main ChangesThe most noticeable change in the CLPregulation is the new globalterminology and change in pictogram(formerly called a symbol). See tableon the right.

CLP Article 17 sets out the ‘generalrules’ that apply to the label whichcomprises of:• the name, address and telephone

number of the supplier, • product identifiers,

and, where applicable: • hazard pictograms, • signal word, • hazard statements, • precautionary statements and • supplemental information.

Who is affected?The responsibility for the labelling andpackaging of hazardous substances andmixtures lies with manufacturers ofsubstances, importers of substances ormixtures and formulators of mixtures.Distributors or downstream users who donot reformulate or change the substancesor mixtures but relabel/repackagethem also have a responsibility.

Manufacturers, importers anddownstream users must ensure allsubstances and mixtures are classified,labelled and packaged according to CLPRegulation before placing them on themarket. However, the downstream userand distributor may use theclassification derived by another actor inthe supply chain, provided that thecomposition is unchanged. If any newscientific or technical data becomeavailable following classification, themanufacturer, importer or downstream

user must re-evaluate the classificationand update the label accordingly.

A Classification and LabellingInventory has been set up at theEuropean Chemicals Agency (ECHA).Importers and manufacturers mustnotify the Inventory of HazardousSubstances if they are placing them onthe market, on their own or in mixturesand irrespective of the tonnage.

Although many companies may not bedirectly impacted by the new CLPRegulation, an employer must ensurethat workers understand the new labeland the safety advice for each chemicalhandled. This can be communicated toworkers through training, tool boxtalks, notice boards, inductions andother modes of communication.

Sources of informationThe ‘chemicals’ area of the Health andSafety Authority (HSA), is an excellent resourceand provides guidance on what isinvolved in the GHS. The ECHAwebsite: alsoprovides useful guidance, in particularfor manufacturers and importers; theguidance document titled How tonotify substances to theClassification and LabellingInventory, Practical Guide 7.

Brian O’Connor BSc OSH, MSc EHS, CMIOSH

The new pictogram is diamond shaped with awhite background and red border.

Use of a Signal Word, i.e., Danger or Warning.

Use of a Hazard Statement, e.g., H317‘May cause an allergic skin reaction’.

The old CPL is square shaped with an orangebackground.

Use of an Indication of Danger, i.e., Toxic.

Use of a Risk Statement, e.g., R43 ‘May cause sensitization by skin contact’.



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QUESTION 1Our company is interested inentering the All Ireland OccupationalSafety Awards. How does a companyenter the Safety Awards and what isinvolved in the process?

ANSWER 1The All Ireland Occupational SafetyAwards recognises a company’sdedication to health and safety in theworkplace. The awards provide aneffective means for conducting aninternal health and safety audit,allows a company to benchmark theirperformance against competitors inthe same industry and demonstrates apositive corporate governanceattitude within the organisation.

The first step in entering the SafetyAwards is to register your interestwith the National Irish SafetyOrganisation (NISO) by [email protected] with your details. Thenext step is to visit the Safety Awardswebsite: Entry to theSafety Awards is submission basedand the information to be included inthe submission falls into ten differentcategories which are:1. Statistics and Accident History2. Health and Safety Management3. Hazard Identification and Risk

Management4. Implementation and Operation of

Health and Safety Policies andProcedures

5. Health and SafetyCommunication and Consultation

6. Pro-active Health and SafetyManagement

7. Health & Safety Training 8. Reactive Health and Safety

Management9. Emergency Preparedness and

Response10. Demonstration of Superior

Performance in Health and Safety

It is recommended by the awardsadjudicators that a submission bestructured in a manner similar to thesections requested by the organisers.Therefore, a submission should besub-divided into the sections listedabove.

The submission must includeevidence for each category. However,you must ensure that the evidencefalls within the correct time period;this is a common mistake wherevaluable marks are lost every year. Forexample, the 2015 Safety Awards will

reflect on a company’s health andsafety performance in 2014, therefore,unless requested otherwise, theevidence must relate to 2014.

For further information on enteringthe All Ireland Occupational SafetyAwards, visit the Safety Awardswebsite: The websitecontains a very useful FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) section whichis updated annually to make the entryprocess as easy possible forcompanies.

NISO team answers members’ queries.

Help on entering the All Ireland Occupational Safety Awards


2015Annual Occupational Safety Awards

National IrishSafety Organisation

Northern IrelandSafety Group


Occupational Health Award sponsored by:

SuperiorPerformance Awardsponsored by:

Supreme SafetyAward sponsored by:

Page 14: Farm Safety C LP R egu latio n · Ireland Safety Quiz finals, hosted by the Northern Ireland Safety Group, will be held in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast. Thu rsday,

The NISO / NISG All Ireland SafetyTable Quiz 2015 Regional Quiz Dates

NISO West Region [covering counties Galway, Mayo,Roscommon]5 February 2015; 20:00 hrs; Oranmore Lodge Hotel,Oranmore, Co Galway.

NISO East Region [covering counties Dublin, Kildare,Wicklow]26 February 2015; 19:30 hrs; Gresham Hotel, UpperO’Connell Street, Dublin.

NISO South East Region [covering counties Carlow,Kilkenny, Tipperary South, Waterford, Wexford]6 March 2015; 20:00hrs; Dooleys Hotel, Merchants Quay,Waterford.

NISG Northern Ireland [covering counties Antrim, Armagh,Derry, Down, Fermanagh, Tyrone]6 March 2015; 19:00hrs; Wellington Park Hotel, 21 MaloneRoad, Belfast, BT9 6RU.

NISO Midland Region [covering counties Laois, Longford,Offaly, Westmeath] 10 March 2015; 20:00hrs; Bridge House Hotel, Tullamore,Co Offaly.

NISO North West Region [covering counties Donegal,Leitrim, Sligo] 12 March 2015; 20:00hrs; Southern Hotel, Sligo.

NISO Mid West Region [covering counties Clare, Limerick,Tipperary North] 12 March 2015; 20:00hrs; Greenhills Hotel, Ennis Road,Limerick.

NISO North East Region [covering counties Cavan, Louth,Meath, Monaghan] 25 March 2015; 19:00hrs; Fairways Hotel, Dundalk, CoLouth.

NISO South Region [covering counties Cork, Kerry]26 March 2015; 20:00hrs; Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co Cork.

All Ireland Finals18 April 2015; 14.30hrsRamada Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast.

Why Enter?The All Ireland Safety Quiz is the perfectopportunity for organisations to get up to speedwith health and safety issues, regulations andlegislation. While this is an entertaining andsociable event, participants are also more likely toretain the health and safety information that theyhave learned in preparation for the quiz. Takingpart in the All Ireland Safety Quiz is also an idealway to inspire fresh ideas and heighten the safetyawareness culture within organisations.

Regional Safety Quiz FormatThe All Ireland Safety Quiz is in table quiz formatand comprises of teams of up to 4 persons. Thereare two quiz categories: Novice and PreviousEntrants. The winning teams from both theNovice and Previous Entrants categories willproceed to the All Ireland Safety Quiz Finals on 18April in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Belfast.

All Ireland Safety Quiz Finals FormatThe winning teams that make it through theirregional heats to the All Ireland Safety Quiz Finalswill compete with the other regional winners toclaim the title of overall winner in their category(Novice or Previous Entrants). The Finals willcomprise of teams of up to 4 persons – there willbe no questions asked to individuals. The top twoteams from both the Novice and Previous Entrantscategories will emerge as winners and runners upof the All Ireland Safety Quiz Finals.


Northern Ireland Safety Group

National Irish SafetyOrganisation

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Legislation UpdateHealth (Provision of FoodAllergen Information toConsumers in respect of Non-Prepacked Food) Regulations2014 [S.I. No. 489/2014]These Regulations concern theprovision of food allergeninformation to consumers inrespect of non-prepackedfood. They provide for themeans, expression andpresentation through whichallergen particulars are to bemade available on non-prepacked food, as providedfor under Article 44 ofRegulation (EU) No.1169/2011 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Councilof 25 October 2011 on theprovision of food informationto consumers.

These Regulations may becited as the Health (Provisionof Food Allergen Informationto Consumers in respect ofNon-Prepacked Food)Regulations 2014.

Road Safety Authority(Commercial VehicleRoadworthiness) Act 2012(Commencement) (PenaltyPoints - Certificate of RoadWorthiness) Order 2014 [S.I.No. 508/2014]This order commences theinsertion into Part 1 of theFirst Schedule of the RoadTraffic Act 2002 a reference atnumber 2A for the offence ofusing a vehicle without acertificate of roadworthiness.Commitment of this offencewill result in a direct summonsto court, and on conviction anendorsement of 5 penaltypoints on the offender’sdriving licence.

Previously an offenceconsisting of contravention ofRegulation 19 of EC (VehicleTesting) Regulations 2004,using a vehicle without acertificate of roadworthiness isnow an offence under Section6 (2) of the Road SafetyAuthority (CommercialVehicle Roadworthiness) Act2012.

European Union (MarineEquipment) Regulations 2014[S.I. No. 540/2014]Commission Directive2013/52/EU of 30 October2013 updates the principalDirective 96/98/EC on marineequipment by substituting anew Annex A that sets out themarine equipment to be placedon board ships and the testingstandards that apply under theinternational maritimeconventions of theInternational MaritimeOrganisation for MARPOL(prevention of pollution),SOLAS (safety at sea), LoadLines and the CollisionRegulations.

These Regulations transposeDirective 2013/32/EU witheffect from 04 December 2014and restate the provisions ofthe principal Directive. Theyprovide that transitionalarrangements apply until 04December 2016 in respect ofcertain marine equipment thatwas manufactured before 04December 2014.

Waste Management (FacilityPermit and Registration)(Amendment) Regulations2014 [S.I. No. 546/2014]These Regulations amend SI821 of 2007 in order to provide

transitional arrangements forthe implementation of theEuropean Union (IndustrialEmissions) Regulations 2013which provide that certainwaste activities require alicence under Part IV of theEnvironmental ProtectionAgency Act 1992 rather than awaste facility permit.

GUIDANCEManaging Health and Safetyin FishingThe aim of this guidancedocument is to help improvestandards of safety and healthin the commercial sea/marinefishing sector. In an effort to aidprevention of accidents and ill-health among fishermen, thisguidance document looks at therole of the Safety Statement inmanaging health and safety, themost common causes of death,injury and ill-health and givesbasic information to helpilluminate or control the risksinvolved in fishing.

Although this guidancedocument is principally aimedat small fishing boats (i.e.vessels less than 15 metresincluding single handedoperations on small open anddecked boats), parts of theguidance will be of interest andrelevance to those who work on

or operate larger fishing vessels.

This comprehensive guidancedocument covers topicsincluding:• Occupational Health and

Safety Legislation• Causes of injury and ill

health in fishing• Managing safety, health and

welfare in fishing• Common hazards• Health of fishermen• Emergency plans and first aid• Fire and fire prevention• Personal protective

equipment, working gear,lifejackets and personalfloatation devices

• Netting / jigging / trolling /longlining

• Landing and port operations• Investigation and reporting of

accidentsTo download this guidancedocument on Managing Healthand Safety inFishing

ECONOMIC SECTOR 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015A - Agriculture, forestry Crop and animal production, 20 10 22 22 20 16 30 0

and fishing hunting and related service activitiesForestry and logging 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 0Fishing and aquaculture 1 2 4 5 7 5 1 0

B - Mining and quarrying 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1C - Manufacturing 6 1 2 2 0 1 3 0D - Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 2 0 2 3 4 1 0 0F - Construction 15 10 6 6 8 11 8 0G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and personal goods 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 0H - Transportation and storage 3 6 3 7 1 4 4 0I - Accommodation and food service activities 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0J - Information and communication 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0K - Financial and insurance activities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L - Real estate activities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M- Professional, scientific and technical activities 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0N - Administrative and support service activities 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0P - Education 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0Q - Human health and social work activities 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0R - Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0S - Other service activities 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0Total 57 43 48 54 48 47 55 1Source:


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NISO, A11 Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9760 Fax: 01 465 9765 Email: [email protected] Website:

1. Courses scheduled at NISOTraining Centre, Ballymount,Dublin 12

Occupational First Aid, 5N1207; *QQI Level 5 (Course Length: 3 days)28 - 30 January

Safe Pass Course, on Fridays (Course Length: 1 day)February 2015

Occupational First Aid Re-Certification; *QQI Level 5 (Course Length: 1 day)6 February

Basic Manual Handling Course (Course Length: Half day)9 February

VDU/DSE Assessors Course (Course Length: 1 day)13 February

Manual Handling Instructor & AssessorCourse, *QQI Level 6(Course length: 5 days; 3 days Week 1and 2 days Week 2) 23-25 February & 2-3 March

*QQI, formerly known as FETAC

2. Courses and events in theregions

EAST REGIONSafety Awards WorkshopCityNorth Hotel, Gormanstown, Meath28 January 2015; 11.30 - 13.00hrs

Seminar: Management of AsbestosThe Gresham Hotel, Dublin16 February 2015

Safety QuizThe Gresham Hotel, Dublin26 February 2015; 19.30hrs

WEST REGIONSafety Awards WorkshopOranmore Lodge Hotel, Oranmore, Galway5 February 2015; 14.00 - 15.30hrs

Safety QuizOranmore Lodge Hotel, Oranmore, Galway5 February 2015; 20.00 hrs

Seminar: Farm SafetyMcWilliam Park Hotel, Claremorris, Co. Mayo19 February 2015

MIDLAND REGIONCourse: NISO Introduction toOccupational Health and SafetyAthlone Institue of Technology(Course length: 13 weeks, 2 hours perweek)Commencing: 4 February 2015Contact: [email protected]

Safety QuizBridge House Hotel, Tullamore, Offaly10 March 2015; 20.00hrs

MID WEST REGIONCourse: NISO Introduction toOccupational Health and SafetyLimerick Insitute of Technology(Course length: 13 weeks, 2 hours per week)Commencing: 27 January 2015Contact: [email protected]

Safety Awards WorkshopGreenhills Hotel, Limerick4 February 2015; 14.00 - 15.30hrs

Safety QuizGreenhills Hotel, Limerick12 March 2015; 20.00 hrs

NORTH WEST REGIONSafety QuizSouthern Hotel, Sligo12 March 2015; 20.00hrs

NORTH EAST REGIONSafety QuizFairways Hotel, Dundalk, Louth25 March 2015; 19.00hrs

SOUTH REGIONSafety Awards WorkshopOriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork29 January 2015; 11.30 - 13.00hrs

Safety QuizOriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork26 March 2015; 20.00hrs

SOUTH EAST REGIONSafety QuizDooleys Hotel, Waterford6 March 2015; 20.00hrsWaterford

NORTHERN IRELANDSafety Awards WorkshopCITB-Construction Skills, Crumlin, Co. Antrim16 February

Safety QuizWellington Park Hotel, Belfast6 March 2015; 19.00hrs

3. National/All Ireland Events

All Ireland Safety Quiz FinalsRamada Plaza Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge,Belfast18 April 2015; 14.30hrs

National Annual General MeetingThe Gresham Hotel, Dublin23 April 2015; 15.15hrs

NISO Annual Conference and TradeExhibitionRadisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Galway2 October 2015

Trade Exhibition: Spaces AvailableFor more information on booking aspace call 01 465 9760 or [email protected]

NISO/NISG Safety Awards CeremonyRadisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Galway2 October 2015

National Irish Safety Organisation Events DiaryPlease keep an eye on our website: for forthcoming courses in 2015.
