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Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved.

February 12, 2013

Interview with Mashhur Anam

Holographic Transformation: Awaken Your Multidimensional Consciousness

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Copyright © 2013 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Hello and welcome, everyone. This is Darius Barazandeh. You’re tuning into the You

Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. I am very excited to be here and to share this

space with you and my mission and passion and your knowing is that you and I created

this sacred space a long time ago. A long time ago so that you could awaken to

something new, to something incredibly powerful, to something magical in your life and

that you could have infinitely more of your dear self, more of that self that is your

greatest gift to you and you are giving it to yourself right now by being here. What we do

if you are new here or you haven’t been on earlier for some of the activation work and

the awakening circle we literally people in a hundred countries will get together about 8

or 10 minutes early and we do an activation, a heart centered activation. We connect

with the highest energy of people all over the planet and we literally bring our energy

into an even higher state when the call begins. So if that’s for you come on early and

you can always take part in that.

Now, what we have today is something very unique and the guest that we have is

somebody very unlike, I would say, anyone else that we’ve ever had on our series. He

really is a master of understanding the different levels of the universe and

multidimensional consciousness. We’re going to be talking about literally creating a

bridge to multidimensional consciousness and what that will do for you. While this

sounds generally like a great thing or something that we’d all love to do, this incredible

transformational expert and true light worker has devised tools and software and

programs to actually access this part of you.

If you have an iPhone or some kind of smartphone and you can imagine downloading

an app that lets you do something incredible and activate the true power of that device,

we literally are very much like that. We have all of the applications installed to move into

multidimensional consciousness. We have all of the software already in our being to

receive. We have all of the antennas already wired up and installed to receive higher

wisdom. We have all of it. We just have to turn the switch and that’s one of Mashhur’s

greatest gifts. We are going to do that actually here. We are going to be talking about it

and giving it to you and giving you an experience so I want to get started. Because the

sooner we can get started I believe the deeper we will be able to go, and the bridge that

you set into motion to be created for yourself many, many eons ago is now coming into

form right now in this moment. If you’re here take away all of the distractions, pay

particular attention and be open with your heart.

Our guest, Mashhur Anam, is an alchemist of life transformation. He’s guided by a belief

and a deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years of curiosity, exploration

and a desire to help humanity raise its consciousness, Mashhur was guided to explore

and really uncover the true holographic nature and underpinnings of our universe

almost like the actual gears that make our universe go. What he uncovered was a

multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design and hold the fabric of our

reality together as we know it. If some of you have been tuning in or listening and

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people have been saying, “Okay, now you’re going to awaken,” or “Now you’re going to

receive this new insight or this activation,” and you say, “Well, I’m just not really feeling

it.” The difference is you are going to be able to actually install that which will move you

into this higher plane.

Now, Mashhur’s background in technology coupled with his extensive exploration of

multidimensional existence has helped him bring forth holographic tools that everyone

can use such as the Rings of Harmony, the Harmonic Shield, the Holographic Vision

Board, Liquid Luck and many more; some very complex in nature, but instantly useable

and applicable to anyone from any background to launch and work with instantly.

Now, during this most important time in our planetary evolution and transformation,

these tools are being made available to people like you and me, so we can raise our

consciousness. We can expand our awareness. We can actually reprogram – imagine

that – our abundance matrix and recreate our relational patterns and restore our inner

and global harmony no matter what we have been through. I want to say that because I

know there are people that are having their challenges and these tools, actually,

Mashhur has used in many different ways to help people just like me and you, but even

to help in other areas such as computer industries or retail stores, garment industries,

natural health areas and in health. People all over the world can experience this

environmental harmony being downloaded through holographic tools that we’re going to

be covering right now.

With just a huge warm…and I know the one of a kind welcome that you can give only at

the You Wealth Revolution, let’s just send a huge amount of love to Mashhur Anam and

welcome him to our incredible session today. Alright, on the count of three – one, two

and three – Mashhur, welcome to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings.

Mashhur: Thank you, Darius. Thank you, You Wealth Revolution, and all the people who are

attending whether you’re listening live or listening to the replay. Thank you for attending.

Thank you for being a part of our transformation. We have gone through a major shift

over the last few years and we’re going to keep doing that. We’ll continue to develop our

consciousness, open up new possibilities – 2013 is a year of transformation,

communication and collaboration. We want to see global collaboration, we want to see

that in – I know – within us. We want to see that within governments, for countries and

for everyone. We all play a huge part, even if you don’t think that you’re doing much,

even if you are brand new, but understand through you information goes out to your

neighborhood, to your city, state, country and the entire planet.

Everybody receives the benefit because we are all connected, just like thinking about a

toothache. If you have a toothache your whole body hurts. It doesn’t matter. It’s just in

one tooth. Similarly, if one part of the planet is in disharmony, it affects everybody else.

So when we create in our harmony we also send out that ripple effect and the vibration

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to the rest of humanity and all life on earth. It’s going to be great. Thank you for being

here and we’re going to have some fun.

Darius: I’m excited because I believe and know that they created this moment for themselves.

It’s a gift that they are giving themselves right now through you and your journey and

that journey was kind of what I want to ask about. How are the tools and things that

you’ve created, how are they different than other transformational teachings or works

that people here may be exposed to?

Mashhur: Well, see, for tens of thousands of years or maybe from the beginning of time people

have been using many different types of tools, techniques, modalities and methods.

They have served us tremendously, but now as we’re talking about moving from a three

dimensional space time to a fifth dimensional space time, we want to go beyond them.

The tools have served their purpose and now what’s the next level? See, I’ve done a lot

of studies when it comes to different teachings, different methods, different modalities

and I listen to what people have said. Whenever people said that you cannot do X, Y, Z,

I thought, “You know what? I’m going to find a way to do that.”

I was always curious. I was open-minded when it comes to these tools, but I was always

curious to go beyond. Then I start to think that, alright, what can I do to make things

simple because I’ve done Qi gong classes and I love it, but they ask you to do 30

minutes of Qi gong in the morning, 30 minutes in the afternoon. That will be the best-

case scenario or if you could do it more, it’s great. Most people in the western world do

not even spend five minutes because people get excited and then things show up and

nobody has time.

I started to bring in my technology background into spirituality and I wanted to merge

science, technology and spirituality and create something new and something different

so that people can use them and that’s why I thought about how, for example, would

software work. You install software on your computer and there’s an icon. All you’ve got

to do is double-click the icon to launch the software. You don’t need to know all the

details about software. The same way holographic tools and programs are designed so

that when you have the installation, all you need to do is use an activation phrase,

which is like double-clicking it and it creates a call to the original program.

All those tools, which reside on a different plane, they’re not in our normal space time,

since they’re outside of our normal space time, they can access all timelines. You can

use it for your past, present, future and the other thing is using these tools, you can go

beyond your three dimensional redecorating, meaning let’s say you’re playing a DVD

that you don’t like and the DVD is your life and you’re watching it on TV. Using

conventional tools, what you would do is you would decorate the area around your TV

so it makes you feel good. The quickest way to do it would be to change the DVD that’s

creating the projection.

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With these tools, you start to access the primary matrix of information that creates

everything about you. All the patterns, whether these are patterns of failure or anger or

judgment or other type of density, doesn’t matter what they are, you start to access

these patterns and gradually you just start to transform them. That’s the one major

difference between the holographic tools and programs and other type of tools and

programs because these are multidimensional in nature.

Darius: It’s incredible and we’ve had so many people that have used these tools. In fact, it’s

become one of the most popular transformation methods. Why do you think that is?

Why do so many people just naturally move toward this work? Is it because they know

there is this ability to activate now, it doesn’t need to be a struggle or so much work and

digging and peeling away the onion like it used to be maybe five or ten years ago?

Mashhur: Yes, one is people are curious. They are thinking about holograms. They’ve seen

holograms on TV in science fiction movies and they’re wondering what these are. The

second thing is people have used so many modalities, so many methods, learned so

many from so many books and they’re looking at what else can I apply because

something is not working. A lot of times they are connected with – that’s something else

we can probably touch later on – morphic fields, which are group consciousness that

are huge.

If somebody’s stuck in a group consciousness that believes nothing works for me or I

always lose money or I always get the worst possible options, whenever people are

stuck in those morphic fields we want to be able to detach from them so when they are

learning about these things they know that they can redesign their reality. They’re not

just somebody who’s just going through life and letting life happen, but you have the

power. This is your hologram. This is your universe and you can redesign it.

Scientists know these days that the universe is holographic in nature. When you’re

talking about that then people are becoming more enthusiastic about holographic tools

and programs because it just makes sense.

Darius: It’s almost like they’re activating a part of themselves that’s already there. I want to ask

about that area of morphic fields because we’ve got a question from Susan who is

dealing with lack and scarcity in her life and she’s wondering if she might be connected

to a morphic field and, of course, maybe let’s tell people what those are for those that

haven’t heard about them in a little more detail as well, but would someone like Susan

be connected to a field like that if she’s experiencing lack and poverty?

Mashhur: Yes, definitely. That’s one of the things. There are a few things to consider. One is

morphic field, one would be your ancestral patterns and another one would be what

have you seen around you growing up? Did you grow up seeing your parents struggling,

people around you struggling? What did you believe about money? Did you grow up

thinking money is bad because people around you did not have enough? All of these

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play a part and they all get connected and create a matrix of information for you that

gets encoded in you that says, “Okay, I live in lack,” or “I don’t deserve money,” or “I’m

not worthy of being wealthy. I’m not worthy of being abundant.” All of these come

together, so you would want to look at your belief system, look at your ancestors, look at

the environment and look at how do you think, act, react and work on transforming


Darius: How could a morphic field influence our life? I mean let’s start with that area, there’s a

lot of people writing in now about morphic fields and ask okay I have a health challenge

or I have an abundance challenge or relationship challenges. How could this first area,

this morphic field, influence our life?

Mashhur: Yeah, let’s talk about morphic fields. People can find out more about it. You can just do

a search on Google or any other search engine. Morphic field was first…I think the term

was developed by a physicist. If I remember correctly, it’s Rupert Sheldrake. He talked

about how groups get connected and individuals get connected in these huge fields and

together. They make it stronger and stronger as more and more people come in with a

particular belief system. It becomes alive.

Think about in the US, we have primarily the Democratic Party and the Republican

Party. When I say Democratic Party or Republican Party, what are some of your first

thoughts? That is the morphic field you are connected into. Many of you are connected

or you are thinking like millions of other people who would have that very same

response when I ask them that question. Think about green tea. What popped up first

for you? That is a morphic field you are connected into.

Now, industries know that – the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry and many

other industries. They plug people into these morphic fields easily through

advertisements and through the usage of many different types of information that

people are seeing all over. Once people are connected into a morphic field, they know

that they think, act and react in a certain way. When something is not working, we want

to look at what are our belief systems and we want to be able to disconnect from this

morphic field.

Think about a USB connection from your smartphone to your computer. If the computer

does not have what you’re looking for, unplug. Plug into another computer, which has

the information. That’s what we need to do when it comes to morphic fields.

Darius: It’s amazing and I mean so many people are connected to this. Does, how does raising

our level of consciousness help us to move into the next level and influence in our lives?

Does it move us to a different morphic field or does it simply allow us to choose the

morphic fields that we want to connect to?

Mashhur: Well, it helps us to kind of loosen up some of our old connections and it gradually starts

our higher connections. Think about a person who has been making $50,000 a year and

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all of a sudden that person got a raise and now he or she is making $75,000 a year.

Now gradually the person will develop new friends and new shopping habits and maybe

a new place to live based on the extra income. It’s a gradual shift. The morphic fields

are like that. You start to raise your level of consciousness. You start to connect with

people that are like-minded and then you detach from old morphic fields because at

some point you realize that, oh, I used to be like that and I have no idea how I survived

all these years thinking like that.

Then you start to have a new belief system that, yes, everything is possible for me, I

can make more changes and when you see a few things working, you create reference

points in your mind. Then you add more and more reference points and gradually you

start to connect with morphic fields that are much higher in vibration and then energy

and information flows through you very easily.

Darius: I know you talk about a 12 chakra system and most people are used to a seven chakra

system. What is the 12 chakra system? How is it different and I’m sure as you’re

mentioning awakening to higher levels of energy and information, does the 12 chakra

system actually influence that as well?

Mashhur: Absolutely. Most people are talking about a seven chakra system because we have

closed off some of these higher chakras that are actually above and below us. In reality,

we have a lot more than 12, but primarily these are the 12 we want to work with now.

First thing is living from your heart, opening up your heart chakra completely. Then

having the energy flow through the first seven chakras so that your alignment is right,

you’re starting to receive more and more guidance from the divine energy, from

universal energy. Then you want to start to expand that and open up the 12 major

chakras so that you can really step into your true power.

The manifestation ability increases because the 12th chakra above your crown, that’s

the golden vibration. There is another one below your feet, which holds all information,

all records for your soul’s journey. When you start to open up and awaken the additional

chakras and have the information and energy flow through them, you start to awaken

the Kundalini energy. Not only through the seven chakras, but through 12 chakras and

once that happens, you actually start to open up your memories of other timelines.

You start to notice information coming from nature, coming from the ocean, coming from

the stars. You can look at people’s scenarios and see flashbacks. A lot of times people

think some people are very special. They can see more, they can notice more, but it is

available for everyone. That’s why I like to provide the tools so that people don’t have to

be dependent on others or keep going to others for answers. You can find out your

answers. When you really are aligned and focused and you have energy flowing

through the 12 chakras, everything becomes smooth and effortless for you.

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Darius: You’ve worked with so many people, thousands and shifted their lives, pages of people

with their stories from your work and from some of the tools. If the 12 chakras that we’re

talking about now, at least that we’re talking about, before they come to you, how many

chakras are open? How many are they actually living from before they come in and

begin to really immerse in your work?

Mashhur: Well, majority of the people are going through a heart chakra opening now, so that

means we want to move through opening up the first seven and then the other five, so

all 12. It’s a gradual process. Now, using the holographic tools, what that does is it helps

you to connect with multiple timelines. So you start to release density, transforms blocks

and patterns of disharmony. They also have to clean up your chakra. You don’t need to

spend hours and hours every day or a few times a week. It becomes effortless. Run the

tools let them work in the background, but when people start to do that they gradually

start to open up more.

Now these days a lot of kids are coming to the planet who have, let’s say, more than

seven chakras open and as people grow more into spiritual growth and understanding,

the nature of this universe and understanding how they help others, they start to open

up the higher chakras. They’re opening up gradually. Normally, they don’t open up in

one burst because it could be too much. The more we develop our consciousness, they

open up and then our light for these 12 chakras gets strengthened.

They are also connected to the 12 rays of the sun. The sun actually radiates out seven

major rays. The other five major rays are held internally, so the higher chakras are

actually connected to these extra five rays of the sun, too. When you start to open them

up you also strengthen your connection with our sun and other cosmic beings.

Darius: I want to begin to move into that because there’s so much more to this work than we

can even begin to cover, but for people that are new, one of the things that I’ve seen

you activate in people are the Rings of Harmony and we’ve seen incredible things

happen on this very series when people activate the Rings of Harmony. What are the

Rings of Harmony and what do they actually do for people?

Mashhur: The Rings of Harmony is actually a holographic tool and it has seven rings and the high

versions, which I’ll release soon, will have 12 rings. When people call this tool, the

Rings come around them. They do a scanning of their energy field and they take up

disharmony. What are some of the patterns that are not in harmony for you whether its

relationship, abundance, it doesn’t matter, whether it’s other timelines, whether it’s

ancestral patterns. They go through a scanning and gradually they start to rotate

different symbols, geometry, vibration and information align and different transformation

happens for our energy field. As we start to run this on a regular basis, we start to

basically detox our field, flush out all density and transform our energy so that we can

start to move towards this multidimensional existence.

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The other thing is people can run the Rings of Harmony around anything whether it’s

food or their home, office, business, websites, logos, doesn’t matter. It flushes out

density and it will bring in higher vibration. That’s one of the most powerful tools that I

have seen that can harmonize energy and raise the vibration and it’s the quickest way.

The way people can call it once they have the installation is just by a single command,

which launches the Rings and they will come around you and then they will do their

work and when they’re done, they will leave. It’s that simple.

Darius: That is incredible. We’re getting a bunch of questions about that. I want to talk about

something, though, that is also new to many and then new to me is the Golden Helix,

which is – from what my research has uncovered – it’s actually DNA activation. What

DNA are we activating through that tool and why would we want to activate that Golden

Helix and DNA?

Mashhur: Golden Helix is a DNA activation module. It almost looks like a wind spinner that you

would see people selling or stores selling to flow energy and they talk about bringing in

good luck and many things. Now, the activation of DNA now is important because we

have a double helix. That’s how we are born. When we are talking about moving to

higher planes, higher dimensions we want to be able to prepare our DNA and our

crystalline matrix so that we can hold that light.

The ascension is a process moving to fifth dimension and there is a process where we

our cellular vibration increases and our DNA, our atoms and our entire being can hold a

lot more light. Our current structure can only go so far. So by using the DNA activation

module, what you do is you start to attract other DNA strands that are in our energy field

and gradually you can move from a double helix to a quad, six and more, depending on

where people are and how ready they are. We will want to be able to hold that energy.

Darius: Well, speaking of energy, you’ve definitely activated a lot of questions because the lines

are just filling up with questions. I got kind of excited because I’m thinking, oh my gosh,

I’ve got through so much and get as much. Quick question from Ann in Spokane, she’s

asking, “How can some of these tools help us to manifest what we want faster?” For

her, she’s dealing with a financial challenge. Another person, Natasha, is dealing with a

relationship and weight gain and other types of issues. For everybody here, how can

some of these tools really move us into a quicker manifestation?

Mashhur: The first thing would be to release density around you and your goals whether it’s

financial, whether it’s weight related, whether it’s relationship, doesn’t matter. The Rings

of Harmony will start to gradually flush out density then detach from morphic fields that

are not beneficial, connect with morphic fields that would support you. When you start to

energize your chakras, bringing in higher vibration, you can start to move into a space

that is more neutral, non-judgmental. The majority of the times people want something

and they are in that is it here, when is it going to show up or it didn’t work the last five

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times, I don’t know if it’s going to work. We create interference patterns by doing all of


When you really let go of those patterns, when you’re in neutrality, when you’re non-

judgmental, when you hold your alignment then your thoughts become powerful. Your

vibration becomes more aligned. It becomes stronger and just naturally things start to

line up for you. Really, it’s not complicated. However, we want to focus on releasing

density first, so we can transform issues that are not working for us, so we flush out all

of those from our systems first. Then we can embody the vibration that you’re looking

for and really work with the stellar being, the consciousness of our sun, the higher

chakras and start to redesign your life.

Think about what is it that you’re wanting to manifest, what would you like to allow

because the moment you think about that, it already is done on a higher plane. The trick

is how do you bring the vibration down to 3D, 4D reality and for that, the more neutral

you are, the cleaner your field is, the easier it becomes.

Darius: It makes sense and the easier it is for us to disconnect from a morphic field that isn’t

serving us because we’ve released that density. I want to ask this for Shelley, who’s in

Caracas, Venezuela. She says, “How do I unplug from the morphic field of bad

relationships?” For anybody here, just make note of maybe what morphic field you

believe you’re connected to both beneficial and unbeneficial and even if it’s not bad

relationships, but it’s something else like finances or heath issues, we can get some

answers and I believe we are doing an activation as well, so that may help. Mashhur, for

Shelley, how does she unplug from that?

Mashhur: First, for Shelley and everybody, think about what is your issue, and then think about

your ancestors. Have you seen that? Think about your family members, have you seen

that? Think about your entire lives. How many times have you repeated them? Think

about all of those connections and then focus on them and just watch them in your

mind, in front of you and ask what lessons have I not learned yet? Just think about

lessons in the form of golden orbs are coming to you and you’re integrating them. Then

start to work with the sun, start to work with the Rings of Harmony around you and all

those people who are involved. All those patterns of disharmony, all those events, run

the Rings around all of those and flush out density. Then start to unplug yourself from

morphic fields that are not beneficial.

The vision board does it automatically. However, you can also create a visual in the

mind. For example, if you think about the movie Avatar, the way they connect and

disconnect with animals. It’s a very nice, organic connection that your brain understands

because around Avatar, there’s a morphic field of a few hundred million people. Start to

disconnect yourself from that bad relationship, all the issues with finances or issues with

health, unplug and take that same connection and plug into a type of relationship that

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you like. Do you have a favorite movie, do you have a favorite book, do you have an

idea of a relationship, have you seen it, what feeling would that generate for you?

Start to think about that and plug that connection into that morphic field of that book or

that movie or maybe a couple of that. What vibration do they generate? Start to absorb

them and then notice what changes. Whenever old patterns or belief systems show up,

just disconnect from them immediately. Negotiate with yourself that, alright, for all this

time I have been going through these issues, now for the next three months we’re going

to play a new game.

We’re going to start to disconnect from these old patterns, connect with these new belief

systems and let’s see how that transforms instead of resisting your subconscious or

your left brain, a part of you that would create that disharmony because your brain

wants to protect you. It wants to keep you safe in that same environment instead of

taking you into an unknown territory. Negotiate with yourself. Make a decision that,

alright, I am disconnecting and for the next three months I’m going to keep playing and

let’s see what shows up. Be in that vibration of childlike curiosity, so when you are

curious and neutral and non-judgmental, that’s when things really show up like


Darius: Wonderful advice and I think there’re some things that people can do right now. I know

we’re going to be actually doing an activation process here shortly. How much time do

we need because I’ve got a few more questions that have been coming in?

Mashhur: Let’s do maybe five to seven minutes.

Darius: Okay, okay. So we’ll get that started here very shortly. Now a lot of people have been

writing in and one lady, Sheila, said, “I keep getting the same pattern of fear or

judgment or loneliness coming in. How do I begin to dissolve that?” I think you were

mentioning…I know we spoke privately about something called the stellar bridge

activation, which I’d never heard of before. Is that something that works in those areas?

Mashhur: Yes, so that is a brand new program, I completed that a few weeks ago and there are a

very small number of people who have used it so far. I’ve gotten a response from a

number of people saying they woke up differently, some people said they were a bit

disoriented because they got disconnected from a lot of old stuff too fast and they

weren’t sure what was happening. There were a number of those emails and I

answered them. Here’s what I did.

Stellar bridge, that’s a recording I have done. There is no voice or guided meditation or

journey there. It’s just sound of waves. I was in an area and it was just surrounded by

beautiful nature, oceans, under a starry sky and I started to see information from the

stars were coming down. I felt like I want to record something, so I started recording the

waves and the sound of nature at nighttime and then I started to bring in and encode

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layers and layers and layers of data on that music from the stars. What that does is, first

of all, it helps you to connect with the consciousness of the stars that you are not alone.

From the scientists, from NASA, we know that a lot of our atoms actually come from

supernovas. Depending on what type of supernova – is it a red giant, neutron star,

magnetor, a pulsar – that also shapes your characteristics, science knows that. Now

when you start to connect with the stars, you start to connect with your origin, you start

to notice that you’re not alone because you are a part of these stars that you see.

You’re all connected. Gradually, when you know that there’s no loneliness, everybody’s

connected, you’re connected with all the stars, they are supporting you, you start to let

that go.

The other thing is the waves are also programed to kind of isolate your, let’s say,

patterns of anger, fear and judgment. They look at these patterns. Now how would they

look at these patterns? Well, these are encoded on the audio recording or more like the

nature sounds. So behind that sound, there are lots of layers of holograms. Now when I

say holographic matrix, I mean sound, I mean light, I mean geometry, algorithms,

information because a lot of things show up for me. So I would look at what does a

pattern of anger look like in you. What does a pattern of judgment look like?

These embedded matrices are isolating those patterns and with the waves, the sound of

the waves, you are almost like washing these out of your system. Gradually, it helps you

to connect with these stellar beings and your entire energy field, basically. It is

redesigned to hold a lot more energy and information.

Darius: Well, as I was preparing for this, we got different comments that came in and things that

we researched. Kim from Canada said, “I listened to the stellar bridge activation on a

loop while I slept. When I woke up, I felt different. I couldn’t describe it. I later realized

old programming had been deleted. Thank you for your ability to connect in this way.”

It’s essentially like we create a bridge to a higher dimension of beingness and

knowingness and delete the old energy patterns that have kept us may be where we

don’t want to be.

Mashhur: Yeah, exactly. We start to transform them and literally I actually see these bridges

getting constructed and for each person, these connections start to go into different

stars. That is a fun thing to watch.

Darius: Does everybody have, Mashhur, a different stellar bridge? I mean is it different for each

person and is it sort of in some way aligned to their destiny or is it not related to that?

Mashhur: The stars are huge, so we may have received particles from many different stars, but in

general, when we go up to higher level of consciousness and we keep going higher and

higher, at one point that was our vibration. So that’s where we came from. It is a matter

of us going back and reconnecting with these systems. Now different people may

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connect with different parts of the universe and different galaxies and different star

systems, but when you keep going up, at one point we all become one unified matrix.

Darius: Okay, I want to ask this question. It just came in from Frank and he’s wondering, “I feel

like I’ve never been able to find what my purpose is. How can these tools help me to not

only find my purpose, but live my purpose without getting stuck, fearful or lost in old


Mashhur: First, what I would suggest is remove that interference pattern thinking – I cannot find

my purpose. When you’re thinking that, you’re connecting with millions of other people

on the planet who are going through a state of disharmony now because their alignment

is not there. You want to be able to disconnect from their field and know that once you

start to flush out your density, once you start to work with the sun, raise your vibration,

opening up your chakras, information will show up for you easily.

See, I would tell you I never wanted to be in this field. I liked media industry. I managed

development of software and applications for them and I worked with a lot of fun groups

and I have fun. In the background, I always work for humanity and the planet. I thought

that was something I was going to do in the background, but at one point, I was told

that, “Okay, enough of this technology. Now you work for the planet. You start to bring

these tools.” Literally, I was told that and then things changed. When you have your

alignment, things will show up. You’ll basically be pushed in that direction.

Wherever you are doesn’t matter. Understand there is a reason behind that. The reason

I started technology programming and I developed software is so I could understand

logic and information. I construct holographic tools and programs in a similar way using

different technology, but my foundation was built from all the technology and all the

studying and all the work I’ve done. There was a purpose behind me being in the

technology industry.

Wherever people are, understand there is a reason for you to be there. Think about

what have you not learned yet and then release your judgment, release density and just

notice what can you transform now? What do you want to create? How do you want to

redesign your reality? This is a very important year and the next few years are very

important for us because we are reshaping everything. Start to think what can I

contribute? How would I like to live in this new world? What do I want to do and allow

things to show up?

Darius: I love that. It’s almost like putting out your order for the universe and looking at the

menu of possibilities and then having the ability to make that real. For a lot people that

maybe are frustrated or worried or fearful that the future’s not going to be better, do you

have any words for them and I know we’ve got to get into this amazing process and

actually make them feel some of this, but for those that are frustrated or scared or just

not sure that it’s possible for them, what comes in from the universe to you?

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Mashhur: First of all, we want to detach from these fields – frustration, fear, anger, judgment –

because, as I mentioned earlier, this is a year of transformation, communication and

collaboration. Communication includes communication with your different personality,

your higher self, your subconscious, your unconscious, all of these. Collaboration is also

collaborating not only with people around, but with the planet, with animals, nature, all

life. Rise above the fear and judgment. The easiest thing is really use the Rings of

Harmony and all of these issues that you’re having go into the sun. Literally think about

just taking a spaceship or use the harmonic shield, go straight into the sun, march with

the consciousness of the sun, become the sun.

Gradually start to breathe in and out energy from the sun and notice that you are the

sun. The planets are revolving around you, this is your universe. Start to rise above

judgment and all frustration and everything. Understand the sun gives us light and loves

the entire planet, the entire solar system gets energy from the sum. If the sun did not

give us light for one day thinking, “Okay, you human beings are going around fighting. I

don’t like that,” guess what would happen? We wouldn’t survive, but the sun doesn’t do


Neutrality is important in a disconnect from all this disharmony and judging yourself for

everything you have done, flush them out of your system. Disconnect from those

morphic fields and connect with higher vibration, merge with the sun. That is really an

easy and simple way to do that and flush the light of the sun, the rays of the sun into

your chakras. Cleanse your chakras. These are some important steps.

Darius: Myrna, who I think has used the stellar bridge, she just wrote in. She says, “I love the

stellar bridge. I use it whenever I need to regroup. It brings me right back into alignment

and away I go again toward what I want.” Let’s maybe do some of the activation,

Mashhur. I want to make sure we have plenty of time for everybody. Maybe we can also

toward the end of the call get back kind of what your read is on the energy of the group,

too. I would recommend you guys stay to the end because Mashhur always downloads

something very fascinating for us, but yeah, tell us what we need to do to take part in

this and how we can just receive it.

Mashhur: Absolutely. One quick thing about stellar bridge before I forget, you can also start to use

the vibration of the stars to manifest things. When you are in neutrality, sun is only one

star, but here with stellar bridge, I looked at a hundred light-year radius around us. So

we’re talking about I don’t know how many millions of stars. That’s why initially when I

developed this product it actually made me dizzy for two days.

So I needed to reduce the intensity because it connected me to a higher plane too fast

and I could actually hear these voices of the stars, like the humming sound. Those of

you who are more sensitive, you may feel that vibration and the sound. Make an

intention about what is it that you’d like to transform, what would you like to create in

your reality and then use that stellar bridge and just be in that vibration. Start to notice

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that the universe is orchestrating everything to redesign your hologram and your reality.

Start to build up that faith.

Alright, let’s take a deep breath everyone and let go and I will activate the harmonic

shield around each and every one of you individually. This creates a sacred space of

neutrality and non-judgment for us. I will create a larger group harmonic shield and

place everyone inside that group harmonic shield. As a group, we will journey into the

center of our sun. We’ll flush all of your energy fields with the 12 rays of the sun.

Gradually allow that to grow through your chakras, your meridians, your atoms, your

cells, your DNA, your physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Notice

the quality of the light that’s now the sound. Start to develop these senses. It’s available

for everyone.

I’m going to take a look at the first seven major chakras now and do some deep

cleansing of the chakras. So keep breathing in and out deeply and gently. At the same

time, I will also activate the harmonic, the holographic vision board and I’ll pull up your

connections to people, places, timelines and morphic fields that are not beneficial for

you anymore. Let’s disconnect them all. You will automatically be connected to higher

vibration. Keep breathing in and out through your chakras. Ask yourself if you could see

what’s coming out of them as they’re cleansed. What would that look like? What would

that feel like? What would that smell like? By asking these questions, you can open up

your senses, so your brain will start to send you the information that it’s filtering out now.

I will also focus on the other five chakras and start the cleansing process for them. Allow

these 12 rays of the sun to go through these 12 major chakras. I will activate the Golden

Helix for you. This module will come down for each and every one of you and go

through you scanning your DNA, will analyze what needs to be transformed so that you

can hold more light. This Golden Helix divides into many nanno-helixes. They keep

going up and down your DNA strands. Just keep breathing in and out deeply and gently.

We’re still connected, right?

Darius: Yes, we are.

Mashhur: Okay, I hear some noise. Okay, let’s continue. I’ll bring in a gentle vibration from the

stellar bridge activation, vibration from the stars. Allow it to gently come down through

your 12 chakras. Think about some of your goals, your vision for your life, your vision for

the planet. Allow the stars to help you redesign your reality. Let me also bring down a

matrix of abundance for everyone and let’s integrate these. Just keep breathing in and

out as we complete the process. Let’s connect with the morphic field of 100% success.

Everything works out for you magically and miraculously, all the time. Abundance is

your true nature. Let’s take a deep breath and release. As a group, let’s come back to

earth and our normal space time, disconnect from the group, rub your hands together

and gently open your eyes. Alright, that was fun.

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Darius: Wow, I just want people to kind of make note of what they experienced and where

they’re at and what’s happened and I’d love to hear from all of you because as we

share, we actually create a new morphic field of transformation and awakening. It’s

going to be something you can connect to right now by sharing what happened.

Whether something did happen or not, share with us. You can do that at There’s a little box there and it’s just the Q&A for

this call. I will love to read and share with everybody. It’s been incredible.

One person said, “Darius, this is exploding consciousness. These healers are amazing

and awesome. Thank you for making these calls happen.” Now, Mashhur, one of the

things that I felt as we did that was almost as if any blocks in my body or things that I

needed to work on, they almost became, well, I almost want to say like the energy was

like decreased almost like a battery where it was unplugged from its power source.

Does that make sense?

Mashhur: Yeah, it gets all those patterns just melting to the sun and the stellar vibration. This

vibration is so powerful. The more people start to work with this, the easier it gets. The

only thing that gets in the way is thinking that nothing works for me. I don’t think it’s

going to work because so many things did not work before. Disconnect from those and

be in that space of childlike curiosity. Just be curious – I wonder how this is going to

work, I wonder how, let’s say, fear, doubt, resentment, anger, judgment can be flushed

out of my system by using the vibration of the stars. Just ask I wonder how it’s going to

happen and let it show up for you.

Don’t resist, don’t judge, don’t get caught into when am I going to get the million dollars?

When you align with that vibrationally you will receive it whether you want it or not. You

are all manifesting, so understand, things that you do not like and they’re showing up in

your life, there is some type of a vibrational alignment between you and all those things.

Identify what that is because you are manifesting that. That means, yes, you have the

ability to manifest. Now what you want to do is transform that ability and redirect the

energy so that instead of manifesting the sort of things that you don’t like, you can

manifest the things that you want to experience. It’s a gradual shift that needs to


Darius: Well, I want to share for everybody what’s coming in because it’s been a flood of about

30 different people sharing and it’s just coming in by the dozens. I’m going to read a few

of these if we have some time and just allowing us to create this morphic field of instant

awakening, which we are going to create right now.

One person said, “I usually experience nothing, but when I called in the rays of the sun,

I saw myself in a golden light and then I just went into my state of peace.” Another

person said, “I had 18 months of shoulder pain that has now left my body. Thank you so

much, Mashhur Anam and Darius.” Another person, Amethyst from Texas, said, “I felt

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my cells vibrate as if they were shaking off the negativities. I felt myself sit up taller. My

sinuses cleared. I felt more connected to the stars and it made sense it is home.”

Another person, Sherry from Canada, said, “I could feel the stars when Mashhur

activated the stellar bridge. It was like a beautiful swoosh of silvery light energy going

through my whole body. It was a fabulous massage of energy.” Blaze – I’m just going to

keep going. There are so many wrote in. I don’t even have words for that – “I’ve used a

lot of Mashhur’s tools, which are always great and useful, but this combo was on a

whole other level. What a delight, joy, peace and release at so many levels.” There’s a

little more to that.

Jules from Texas, our good friend, said, “Tingle from head to toe, a big shift going on

and on since yesterday, but it feels like this came through the end of the shift. Thank

you very much.” Another person wrote in and she said, “I have a one year old daughter

and so I opened my eyes and I saw sparkles. Was this the shield? I truly feel connected

to everything. Thank you so much.” If someone was seeing sparkles, one person was

hearing sounds like talking coming in from the stars, what would those things be,


Mashhur: Well, your mind can interpret them in many different ways. Like when I first connected

or listened to the stellar bridge after the encoding, I was hearing like millions of stars in

my head and just this humming voice at a different rate, different types of voices, but

they all created an orchestra. People can hear sound, but notice what shows up

because you’re opening up more sense than you can communicate with them so you

can receive information.

Darius: Yeah, some people heard singing. I’m getting singing. I’m getting the feeling of ejecting

out toxins from their chakras. One person wrote that almost like she was a giant

octopus ejecting toxins from her chakra. Another person, Ellen, said, “My entire chest is

beyond description,” or that was actually Susan. Ellen said, “I felt every chakra spinning.

My head started to tingle, the palms of my hands open.” I don’t have time to read all of

them. We just got another 10 or 15 in. Jada said, “Wow, he is amazing, just what I

needed. I need to listen to this again. I’m awakening to his soft, gentle, loving energy. I

can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it.” So many people are writing in.

Before we end the call, I want to talk about kind of what messages you might be getting

in from the higher dimensions for this group. There are a lot of people that are asking,

“How do I get some of the newer work or how do we go deeper into some of these

newer pieces that you added on?” Certainly, we’ve kind of grown up with you and done

some of the earlier work. What’s new about the latest package and the latest deeper

work that you’ve put together and how can we go deeper into that?

Mashhur: The latest package has two of the basic tools that I always recommend to people. I’m

adding them again because a lot of people don’t have them and they request, “Is this

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package available?” I’ve gotten emails in the past saying that’s not on your site

anymore, so how can they get that. The Rings of Harmony and the Vision Board is

included in this package. The Rings of Harmony, as I mentioned, is most likely one of

the most powerful tools available on the planet to deep cleanse, release and resolve

issues and raise vibration of anything. Whether you’re talking about personal field, your

home, office, business, website, product services, it doesn’t matter.

A lot of core connections that are not beneficial will be released and extracted by the

Rings. They really help you to flush out that density. They also help you to cleanse your

chakras. Once you start to use the tool and the Rings on a regular basis you start to

release density from all timelines. Gradually, at one point you’ll realize that you have

done enough cleansing that there isn’t much left for you on this planet and then you will

open up another reality where you start to see all these connections with stars and

galaxies and start to receive information. At least, that’s what happened to me and also

a number of people that I worked with closely and some of the people who test a lot of

these products.

It’s a very powerful tool to release anything. If you’re having an issue, let’s say, issue

with you and your boss or employees or a company, run the Rings around all of you.

Include all timelines, wherever you may have met, wherever your paths may have

crossed. So flush out density and harmonize the energy for all timelines. That is

something very important for us to do because as we talk about raising our vibration,

holding more light, we want to resolve all issues that existed in the past. The Rings are

very powerful for that.

The vision board is next and we talked about morphic fields. It’s the easiest way to

disconnect from morphic fields. You can ask the vision board, “Display connections to

people, places, timelines and morphic fields that are not beneficial for my abundance.” It

will show you. If you are visual, you will see. The vision board is like a spreadsheet. It

has two columns. In the right-hand column, automatically based on your goals and

visions, it will display connections to morphic fields that are not beneficial. It has a

delete button at the bottom or a disconnect button at the bottom. Think or press


So when you do that physically, even if you don’t see it, just saying that you’re pressing

the button disconnect, that gives your left brain some more confidence that, okay, there

is a disconnect button. I’m pressing it and that’s why I disconnected all these

connections. When I made that, I could make it automated, but this manual works for

people the best when they’re getting started. At one point, what people start to notice is

when issues show up, tools pop up around them automatically. The vision board or the

Rings would show up. I’ve heard that from many people.

Darius: Wow, okay. So, yeah, it’s almost like you have this, well, holographic view of the

universe and the tools to delete whatever you wish to delete in the hologram. I mean

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this is really the real way that our consciousness is created and we are experiencing the

world through this hologram. We have this power to change it at will.

I want to tell people where it is. I want to go through some of these pieces because I

think there’s also a lot to learn as we go through and expand on. It’s at

Mashhur, so when people install these, you said many people actually see the hologram

in front of them and the tools almost like they have a special visor with digital display

and then they can choose the reality. You also have Item Three, which I’ve never seen

before. We did talk about which is the 12 chakra activation. Tell me about this and why

you started including this in this work.

Mashhur: As we expand our consciousness and go into higher dimension, higher planes, we

really need to be able to open up and operate from this 12 chakra system. I don’t know

if there is anything else on the market, but it is essential, really. For this, there are two

parts. First of all, there is a PDF with information about the 12 major chakras. The two-

part recording, the first part has the first seven chakras. I go through each one

individually and do some deep cleansing first, then activate with the appropriate rays

from the sun and then I bring in the matrix and encode them in their chakras that is for

2013 and beyond. There are many layers of these holographic matrixes encoded in the

recording. Every time you listen to it, you get a little more based on how much you can

absorb and integrate.

The second part has chakras eight through 12 and there is also a third recording for this

one, which includes all 12 chakras. This is basically combining one and two without my

explanations so that if you want to run it at night in a loop you could do that. However,

what I recommend strongly is go through part one at least for two weeks so that you can

start to embody that vibration and integrate those matrixes and then add the other five

chakras. Otherwise, your energy field can think, okay, this is too much information. I’m

not going to do anything and get rejected. You don’t want that, so go through part one

first and then do the night time recording in a loop if you like.

It’s certainly very powerful to activate and awaken these 12 chakras and when the

energy flows through them without resistance, it’s really easy to manifest and just leap

from the vibration of peacefulness and harmony. You don’t get caught up in all everyday

all types of density, but you maintain your harmony. In the end, we want to operate from

that state so neutrality and non-judgment is always there and doesn’t matter what

happens outside of us. We hold our harmony and alignment.

Darius: One of the people that we had gotten information from was somebody named Nedge in

Turkey and he wrote in and said, “I recently purchased the awaken and activate 12

chakras. Everything in my life is easier than it used to be. Tools are great. I see

miracles, however, every single day. I am focused on my inner self.” I think that’s pretty

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much what you talk about is that ability. You even have here the Golden Helix. Now how

is that different than maybe some of what we did on the call today and for those that

may have joined us, what is the Golden Helix DNA Activation as well?

Mashhur: The DNA activation module Golden Helix, I use that during our journey. When you get

that recording, first when you listen to any of the recordings, you get an installation from

me so that you can use the activation commands. It’s almost like installing the software

on your laptop and then you have the desktop shortcuts so that you can double-click

any time and launch the programs. The Golden Helix is basically a DNA activation

module to upgrade your DNA so that you can hold more light.

As we move from our current state of being, the more of our crystalline energy, our

crystals need to be able to hold a lot more light. Our structure will gradually change. Our

DNA will change so this will help to attract the additional strands of DNA. The scientists

know they are here. They’re around us, but they’re not a part of the double helix for the

majority of the people. Gradually, you start to be able to add these to go into a quad

helix or six or eight, twelve and beyond depending on where you are and how much

light you need to process. That’s basically the Golden Helix module.

Darius: Incredible, a lot of people writing in about that. I want to get into more of the package

and what’s in there. There’s even a coaching package here and the stellar bridge

activation. I want to ask about that, which is Item 5. This is at Susan is asking where it

is. It’s at

Now, the Item Five is the stellar bridge activation and this is what we talked about

earlier. How many times should people listen to this and generally what happens each

time they listen? Is there a point where, Mashhur, they maybe listen too much and it’s

done or is there always a higher level as they keep listening and listening?

Mashhur: Yeah, that’s an important thing to mention. All of these tools and programs have a built

in module that automatically checks where you are currently, how much you can

embody. Based on that, that will be the information that you will receive. Now stellar

bridge, you can listen to it probably at least for a year, but what I do with these

recordings is time to time since they work on activation commands and they’re matrix is

built in, I time to time then send in more information based on where people are. There

are times where people have told me that you talk about seven rings for the Rings of

Harmony, but I’m seeing 12. Yes, there is another version when people are ready they

will automatically start to attract that new one so that happens for everybody and that’s

because the module is already built in. When you need the next version, it will come in

for you.

The stellar bridge, it’s a very powerful one. Go easy with that. Don’t play it in a loop the

very first night. First, listen to it once. Notice how things show up for you over the next at

least two, three days. Then gradually you can listen to it more. Go easy on that. You

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want to notice everything, what’s happening to you. This way, you understand it. Start to

notice your connection with the stars. Look at a stellar map. Go to Google with the PDF,

pull up maps of different stars, see if any of them jump up, see if you feel connected to a

particular system.

The bridge activation will start to create that connection with the star of your origin or

that could be a number of them depending how you’re constructed. You will start to

receive information from those stars and that message also has information about your

vision and your purpose. When you were a part of the star, the star had a message.

You came here with a message. What is it? You’ll start to align with that. Have fun with


The other thing is you can make a goal that my intention for listening to the stellar

bridge is so that using the star’s energy, I can manifest or I can allow and then figure out

what your purpose is. That’s always a nice way of flowing energy through you so that

you can redirect it to certain areas of your life.

Darius: Wow. That is included as well. I want to just tell people there’s also Item Six, which is

very, very amazing and I know you give people a lot of help and guidance. It’s actually a

two-hour live coaching call that’s going to be happening on the date at this page.

Sometimes you’ll add others, sometimes you’ll do bonuses. So for people that get in

and want to go deeper with Mashhur, I’ll say sometimes I’ve seen him do more and

more. I know he’s very busy, but there is a coaching call that you can actually get live

Q&A help. He’ll be doing sample sessions. He’s going to work to transform a number of

abundance and relationship issues with you on this live group coaching call, correct,


Mashhur: Right, yeah. It’s normally two hours. A majority of the time I end up going over because

there are like so many questions from people, but it helps them to ask some questions

and the group energy is great so that they can listen to it. They can download the

recording after the call, so people can listen to it at any time and they will always have

the processing available to them.

Darius: Yeah and the energy, I mean there’re certain energies that get released on that call or

installed, I guess, when you do those calls as well, correct?

Mashhur: Yes, exactly. Well, usually I start that way and look at what’s needed and let the

information come in and do some basic cleanup of the chakras, bringing in some new

matrix and then we’ll see where things go.

Darius: I love it. I remember one person said those calls are apparently like an upgrade of the

software. You just get on and it’s like your computer needs a new upgrade, your energy

system, you get it on those calls and that’s a big part of what you’re doing there.

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Now, you’re also including a bonus for a lot of people. We haven’t talked about this and

it’s one of my favorites. It’s the Harmonic Shield and it’s something that allows people to

create a safe and sacred space. I’ve got a ton of people that have written about this

protecting them. That is a bonus in this package, which will be available until Sunday.

Mashhur, tell me about the Harmonic Shield and why somebody would want to install

this shield and why now?

Mashhur: I always recommend people to use this every morning because a lot of people are in

fear as they open up more and they start to see more and notice more. They think about

what type of energy is not beneficial for them. First, we want to disconnect from those

type of thought processes because understand unless you connect with something, it’s

not going to bother you.

By using the Harmonic Shield, which is constructed of the rays of the sun and a number

of different types of frequency from the central sun and ending with sacred geometry, it

creates a very strong personal shield around you. It is like the starships like Star Trek or

other science fiction movies. You have a shield around them, so nothing can penetrate.

This creates a shield of cosmic rays and sacred geometry and it helps people to keep

the cosmic energy moving through them continuously.

Now I’ve seen like people teaching where they fill up some type of energy and it’s just

there. I don’t do that. I keep this energy flowing because nothing in the universe is

static. Everything is moving. You can bring in this energy through you all the time and

as people use this more, their sacred space of neutrality and non-judgment becomes

stronger. Protection is a by-product and as a result of your strong light only purity can

connect with you. That’s how we want to see it, not that I need protection because that

means you’re saying you’re not safe.

You are safe, so let’s disconnect from those protection type of teaching. It creates a

sacred space and gradually the more you start to work with this, the stronger it gets and

you start to maintain that sacred space, so only purity can affect you.

Darius: I love that and for people here, there’s one person, Paige, who wrote in about just family

member or relational patterns where people keep coming into her life and the energy is

not what she wants. This is something that I assume could be used to keep that sacred

space intact for them.

Mashhur: Yes, they’re around you, around your home, office, business, anything.

Darius: I want to ask really quick, why is that important now? Are there more threats to our

sacred space or is that not the right word or is it just some people are really tuning into

high vibration and they want to keep going there and is there anything about this time


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Mashhur: Yes, as people are moving to higher planes sometimes they don’t exactly know where

to go because there are all kinds of energy and some are beneficial for us some are not.

By default, the shield is not going to take you to a space that is not beneficial for you.

That is a huge benefit. Second is when you meditate, when you have the shield around

you, you start to hold that vibration of neutrality. It becomes easy to shift and transform

your inner self. Before we can project a new reality outside of us, we need to be able to

transform what’s within us because our inner reality, our inner harmony or inner

disharmony will create the external projection of harmony or disharmony.

Anything that doesn’t work for us we’re going to first take a look at ourselves and notice

where do we create disharmony. What lesson do we want to learn? What do we want to

disconnect from? How do we release everything so that we create a new reality? It is

important for 2013 and beyond because as we hold these vibrations and sacred space,

we not only have us, but we have everybody around us. We have our families. We have

our soul group. We have the planet and humanity because we are all connected on this

planet and our sacred space and our light helps to add to the planetary light.

Darius: I felt something come in to kind of talk about the significance of now because there is

some energy around that that is so critical. I think that was exactly what I was being

called to ask about. I’m going to tell people where it is. It’s at and it actually is available for $97 and it is

deeply discounted. It’s 92% off. It’s a $1,248 value. It’s $97 and, Mashhur, they get this I

think right now. It’s immediately available for them, right?

Mashhur: Right, they get the PDF files and the mp3s. They can download them right away.

Darius: Where would you suggest they start if somebody right now has…we’ve got a bunch of

people that already are getting it, but where would they start?

Mashhur: I would say start with the Rings of Harmony, always start with the Rings of Harmony

and before that, activate the harmonic shield. Just call it and it’s going to come around

you and then start with the Rings of Harmony around you, all of your issues, around

your home, around your neighborhood, family members, ancestors. Keep adding more

and more, but notice how each one of them interacts with you, what shows up, what

thoughts, feelings, emotions.

The other thing to notice is sometimes when you make major shifts are going to create

a scenario to help us go back and kind of tweak the old patterns again because it wants

to keep us safe and in the same comfort zone. If disharmony shows up all of a sudden

understand that and immediately disconnect from those. Understand that it’s a

projection of your brain to take you back to some of the old patterns. Talk to yourself,

negotiate with yourself, as I was mentioned earlier, that for the next three months we’re

going to do these new things and we’re going to have some fun and then let’s evaluate.

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Do it from a point of curiosity and just have fun with the process and notice what shows

up. Don’t get caught up in what you see around you or what’s not showing up because

those would create resistance patterns. Just start to disconnect from those and flush

your field with the Rings of Harmony, with the sunlight, use the Rings and then notice

what shows up for you and what you feel like using.

Darius: Fantastic, fantastic and I think they’ll be guided to the right tool at the right time and I

would use them, one or all as needed. It’s at and its $97, instantly available. Really

quick, Mashhur, I know we’ve gone a little long. I kept people and promised that you

would share something that maybe has been downloaded to you during this call, some

information that will be beneficial to them. Is there anything that came through for this

particular group and the people that are listening right now or on the replay?

Mashhur: Well, one this is I think I mentioned sometime last year once we are all connected to a

particular grid on the planet, to the planetary etheric grid, it is very important for us to

transform ourselves and raise the vibration of harmony. When we create harmony in us,

for our family, it helps the planet. It helps humanity. Together we’re talking about

awakening hundreds of millions and then eventually billions of people who are not

awake now. Our inner harmony really helps them. If you are in disharmony from that

connection on the planetary grid, understand you also send out that vibration of

disharmony to everywhere else.

We want to be in harmony, really do some work on transforming your issues, belief

systems, things that no longer serve you. Flush out that density from you and do

something for the planet. If you’re using the Rings of Harmony, once in a while look at

Google maps, look at the whole planet, look at the maps, pick one country or a city that

attracts you and tune into that city and notice what that city needs. Use the Rings of

Harmony to help the people and the city and the country, so this way, we help others to

release density faster.

Darius: Fantastic wisdom and a way we can all help and change the planet. I’m incredibly

excited. This is what Mashhur’s bringing and it’s $97 and it’s available instantly. There’s

the Rings of Harmony, the holographic tool, the holographic vision board, there is the

activate and awaken the 12 chakras, the DNA activation module, the Golden Helix, the

stellar bridge activation, the two-hour live coaching call that could go longer and

certainly opens you up for anything else that may come in that area. I’ve known

Mashhur to be very generous with his time there, but it does definitely get you that and

the Harmonic Shield. If you’re in a place where you feel like maybe you’re getting there,

but the energy of someone or something you kind of get sucked into, then you want to

keep that sacred space.

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Mashhur, thank you so much for being here and coming back, it’s always a pleasure

and these are some of the most powerful tools. As people are writing in, I can see that

they’ve definitely transformed a lot of people in a big way more than ever before.

Mashhur: Oh, it’s awesome and I love coming back and chatting with you and this entire group is

amazing. All of you together have created a huge vibration of harmony and together we

are always helping humanity and all life on earth because what we help that energy to

expand and gradually we want to create a morphic field so that just by coming together

in a group like this, you help harmonize the planet. You can have millions of people all

over the world listening to these recordings and the live calls, so their lives can be


Darius: Yeah, thank you so much, Mashhur, incredible session and information and


Mashhur: My pleasure. It is always awesome.
