

Feeling Full Ketogenic Diet

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!

The New

Way to Keto!

Learn the secrets to losing weight with Keto by reducing your calories AND staying full!


© Copyright 2020


About the Author

Tina MarieDigital Creator, Educator, and Entrepreneur

Tina Marie has her Doctorate in Business Administration and taught at University for 5 years after leaving a 20-year career in the corporate world, working in Human Resources, Change Management, eBusiness and Training.

Having struggled with weight and health issues on-and-off during her life, she knew she needed additional support to achieve her goals. Merging how human's learn with the power of the mind was a logical solution to her willpower problem.

The success tools she created took the science of how habits are formed, and the brains ability to process information on multiple levels to produce an internal support system to help anyone succeed.

You are invited to share in the successful weight loss journey by leveraging the power of your mind!

Tina Marie is honored to help you achieve your weight loss goals and knows have taken the first step towards success!

© Copyright 2020 Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. Be sure to consult a medical professional before making any medical decisions.


Sections1. Introduction

▪ History, Benefits & Types of Keto

2. Understanding Change

▪ The Science of Change

3. Weight Loss Formula

▪ It’s just Basic Math

4. How to Feel Full on Keto

▪ Making good choices

5. Creating Good Keto Habits

▪ The Power of P.L.E.A.R

6. Using the Power of your Mind

▪ Positive Affirmations

7. How to Fast-Track to Success

▪ Leverage the Power of your Brain

8. Conclusion

▪ Success Action Steps

9. Resources

• Tools for Success

10. List of Feeling Full Keto Foods

11. What is Intermittent Fasting?

12. Scientific References

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“Just as technology is constantly upgraded, we can upgrade our own thinking when it

comes to creating new habits!”

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!

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Welcome to the New You!

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!


History of the Ketogenic Diet(1)

The Ketogenic Diet, now commonly called Keto, has been around since the 1920s and 30s.

▪ Russel Wilder from the Mayo Clinic named the “ketogenic diet” and used it as a treatment for epilepsy

▪ In 1971, Peter Huttenlocher devised a ketogenic diet where 60% of the calories came from MCT oil

The science behind Keto is a ratio of high fat to protein and carbohydrates. This combination changes the way energy is used in the body.

The goal is to get more calories from protein and fat than from carbs. It works by depleting your body of its store of sugar, so it will start to break down protein and fat for energy, causingketosis (and weight loss).


7 Scientific Benefits of Keto(2)

1. Aids in weight loss

2. Reduces acne outbreaks

3. May lower the risk of cancer

4. Improves heart health

5. May protect brain functions

6. Potentially reduces seizures

7. Improves health in women with PCOS

Main Types of Keto(3)

“Macros” are the percent of daily calories from fat, protein & carbs consumed.

• Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)

• 75% fat,15-20% protein, 5-10% carbs

• Targeted Keto Diet (TKD)

• 65-70% fat, 20% protein, 10-15% carbs

• Cyclical Keto Diet (CKD)

• 5 Days on Keto / 2 days off

• High-Protein Keto Diet (HPKD)

• 60-65% fat, 30% protein, 5-10% carb

• Restricted Keto Diet (RKD)

• Restricting calories to increase weight loss

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!

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Understanding how people successfully change their behaviors is important –so important that the National Institute of Health (NIH) has an entire program devoted to understanding how it works(4).

The most well-known scientificresearch about change is probably the Stages of Change Model developed in 1983 by Prochaska and DiClemente.

Still used today, the Stages of Change Model identified 5 stages people move through to make change occur(5).

Creating & Changing Habits

Automatic behaviors and habits are created through classical conditioning.

Think of Pavlov's experiment … he rang a bell every time a dog was fed. Quickly the dog associated the bell sound with food and would start to drool when it heard a bell. This is classical conditioning.

As humans, our mind swiftly connects conditions of our environment with actions we take – creating habits. We identify a stimulus (wake up) with a response (brush teeth) – repeat this often enough and our mind creates a habit!

A recent article in Psychology Today(6)

identified 4 tips to quickly creating habits:

1) Small, specific actions are more likely to become habitual.

2) Easy actions increases the likelihood that it becomes a habit.

3) Physical movement actions are easier to “condition” into a habit.

4) Habits that have auditory and/or visual cues are easier to create and maintain.

The best way to change an existing habit is to create new one to replace it.

When it comes to eating, each of us probably have multiple habits – some good, some not so good.

Adapting to the Keto Diet will break many bad habits and replace them with good ones!

Understanding Change

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Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!


Aware of Problem

Prepareto Act

Take Action



Weight Loss Formula

Let's face it, we all know that losing weight is hard... But it's not rocket science... Or even brain surgery... It comes down to simple basic math.

One must create a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. One (1) pound is equal to 3500 calories. If you reduceyour calories by that much each week you will lose 1 pound.

Creating a calorie reduction can be done in two ways:

1. Increasing your activity to burn more calories

2. Decreasing the amount of caloriesyou intake each day

Many of us also live in a dehydratedstate due to drinking beverages other than water(11).

This often leads us to being confused … are we hungry or thirsty.

Always drink water when you think you are hungry as it may satisfy your craving.

And don't forget, your thirsty indicator works just like your full indicator... It takes time.

First thing in the morning:

▪ Drink 16 to 24 oz of unsweetened plain water or tea.

▪ Then wait at least 30 minutes to see if your craving has diminished

REMEMBER - Eating is a choice...

▪ What you eat …

▪ When you eat …

▪ How much you eat …

When you choose the Ketogenic Diet, YOU are in


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Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!


We all know that eating protein and fat has a higher level of satiety... Meaning eating fat & protein keepsus fuller than carbohydrates.

But some people, like myself, just don't seem to get full with fat and protein alone. The first time I went on the ketogenic diet I struggled with hunger all the time.

Although I felt better and lost weight on the standard keto diet, I was hungry most of the time which made me grumpy and not fun to be around.

I knew there had to be a way that I could feel full and be successful in my weight loss on the ketogenicdiet.

With lots of trial-and-error I developed the following key points that helped me stay full.

How to Feel Full on KetoFeeling Full on Keto Key Points

▪ Leverage high-fiber keto friendly foods to be full (See Food List)

▪ Learn how to deal with your hunger mentally (See Using the Power of your Mind)

▪ Use intermittent fasting - yes that sounds scary but it's not! (See Resources)

Special “Feeling Full” Products

▪ Skinny Pasta by Weight Watchers

▪ 10 Grams of Fiber and Zero Net Carbs!

▪ Organic Acacia Fiber by Skinny Gut

▪ 6 Grams of Fiber and One Net Carbs!

▪ Water!!!

▪ Drink plain water when you thinkyou are hungry & wait 15 minutes!

Be sure you get 25 grams of fiber each day!

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Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!

Click to see the complete

Food List


Using the 4 tips of creating habits that we just discussed (small, easy, physical, audio/visual), P.L.E.A.R. was created to help you succeed with theKeto Diet:

Planning involves three specific


1. Select your Keto plan/macros2. Select an eating window (optional)

3. Plan your food in advance

You can start small, such as focusing on the Targeted or High Protein Keto plans as they have more carbs, and work your way up to the Standard Keto Diet. The key here is to set a specific goal to make it easier to stay with it.

Now that you know WHAT your target macros are, plan WHAT you are going to eat in advance. This makes it easyto stay with your plan and reach your weight loss goal.

Logging your food adds both a

physical and visual component to creating your keto habit and will spur weight loss.

There are hundreds of Food Logging Apps so pick one that works for you. Two popular ones are My Fitness Pal®

and Carb Manager®.

By logging your daily food intake, you will understand how many calories you are eating. A recent study(7) found that people who logged their food daily LOST twice as much weight as those who did not.

Eating food to reach your target

macros allows your body to start to break down protein and fat for energy, causing ketosis (and weight loss).

Adjusting your actions means you

take a few moments each day to reflect on what worked and what did not work. Celebrate the small wins and remember – baby steps are okay!

Repeating the previous 4 steps

ensures you can focus on small, easy, physical actions with visual cues to lock your habit in fast.

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Creating Good Keto Habits

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!


Remember the 4 Tips to quickly creating a habit? This step adds the audio piece to the mix, amplifying your success!

A 2017 study(8) confirmed past research about positive self-affirmations actually boost human response to specific situations and can promote positive behavior change.

“A positive affirmation is a statement that reflects on an important personal


If you have the desire to commit to the Keto lifestyle and lose weight then you know it takes planning and dedicationto succeed. By adding positive affirmations to your daily activity, you greatly increase the change for success.

In short: Hearing statements that YOUvalue will help you CHANGE your behavior!

Keto Positive Affirmations:

▪ I start my day eager to follow the keto diet

▪ I am successful using the keto lifestyle to achieve my desired weight

▪ I am in control of what and when I eat

▪ I eat low carb vegetables and fruits that fit my macros

▪ Eating healthy fats are at the core of my keto meals

▪ I keep healthy keto foods available to stay on track

▪ Eating keto focused foods keeps me full and satisfied

▪ I stay active and hydrated to enhance my keto lifestyle

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Read & Repeat 3-minutes per day!

Using the Power of your Mind

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!


Fast Track to SuccessCongratulations - If you have read this far, then you really want to lose weight with Keto.

So why not let technology help you unlock your willpower automatically?

Learning happens all the time, but it is more than an event, it is a processwhich involves how our brains take in, process, connect, store and use information.

Our brain and it's three (3) levels of consciousness create our reality.Sigmund Freud(9) described these levels to include the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.

The subconscious mind acts like the Random Access Memory (RAM) in a computer, storing a large amount of knowledge and memory.

Our subconscious mind influences how we interact with the world around us -even stopping us from succeeding!

You can re-program your behavior by directly influencing the subconscious mind through subliminal messaging that you believe in!

Subliminal messages are played at a frequency so you do not hear it consciously, but your subconscious mind processes the information.

Subliminal messages enhance ONLY what you VALUE and desire – research(9) has proven these messages CANNOT make you do something you do not want to do (10).

We used the power of science backed information to create the ultimate tool to enhance your weight loss.

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Our subconsciousmind is over half of our brain capability - so why not leverage it to help create new habits?

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!


Follow these steps to give yourself the edge to succeed with Keto!

Embrace P.L.E.A.R

❑Plan what & when you eat & pick your Keto Plan

❑Log food daily with a Tracking App

❑Eat foods to reach your daily Keto Macros (Baby steps are Okay!)

❑Adjust your plan through Daily Reflection (Celebrate small successes!)

❑Repeat daily to create your habit

Unlock the Power of your Mind with Positive Affirmations

❑Read out loud the affirmations multiple times daily

❑Use Subliminal Audio to fast-track your habit creation

Find Your Success!


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Subliminal Success

60-MinuteAudio File!

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!



You are invited to share in the successful weight lossjourney by leveraging the

power of your mind!


© Copyright 2020

Using her background in education and business, she embraced the power of the subliminal mind and positive affirmations to create 60- Minute subliminal audio files/MP3s to help everyone achieve their weight loss goals.



For less than a dinner-for-two at

Applebee’s® you can gain control of your weight loss journey

with powerful subliminal messages!

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!

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List of Feeling Full Keto Foods

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!

▪ Chia Seeds - Two tablespoons is 11 grams of fiber & 2 net carbs

▪ Artichokes - One medium sized is 10 grams of fiber & 4 net carbs

▪ Avocado - One small is 9 grams of fiber & 3 net carbs

▪ Cooked Spinach – 8 ounces is 7 grams of fiber & 3.7 net carbs

▪ Raspberries - Half cup is 4.5 grams of fiber & 4 net carbs

▪ Almonds - One ounce (28 nuts) is 4.5 grams of fiber & 3 net carbs

▪ Asparagus - One cup chopped is 3.6 grams of fiber & 3 net carbs

▪ Blackberries - Half cup is 3.5 grams of fiber & 3 net carbs

▪ Broccoli - One cup cooked florets is 2.6 grams of fiber & 3 net carbs

▪ Eggplant - One cup cooked, cubed is 2.5 grams of fiber & 6 net carbs

▪ Flax Seeds - Two tablespoons ground is 3 grams of fiber & 1 net carbs

▪ Cabbage - One cup shredded raw is 2.2 grams of fiber & 2.8 net carbs

▪ Brussel Sprouts - Half cup is 2 grams of fiber & 4 net carbs

▪ Green Beans - Half cup is 2 grams of fiber & 3 net carbs

▪ Cauliflower - One cup of chopped is 2 grams of fiber & 2 net carbs

▪ Celery - One cup chopped is 2 grams of fiber & 1 net carb

▪ Raw Spinach - Two cups is 1.6 grams of fiber & 0.4 net carbs

▪ Lettuce - One cup of Butter/Bib lettuce is 1 gram of fiber & 1 net carb

▪ Mushrooms - One cup sliced is 1 gram of fiber & 2 net carbs

▪ Zucchini - One cup sliced raw is 1 gram of fiber & 2 net carbs

Be sure to note the serving size and consider the total calories when planning meals.

Eating fiber means you must

stay hydrated!

Drink plenty of water!

All Nutritional Data is from CarbManager®


History of Intermittent Fasting(1)

Intermittent Fasting, now commonly called IF, reached the main stream in 2012 and grew in popularity in 2016 –credited to the following individuals:

▪ BBC broadcast journalist Dr. Michael Mosley’s TV documentary Eat Fast, Live Longer and book The Fast Diet

▪ Journalist Kate Harrison’s book The 5:2 Diet based on her personal experience

▪ Dr. Jason Fung’s 2016 bestseller The Obesity Code

The science behind IF is to fast longenough for the body’s insulin levels to drop far enough for an extended period of time that our body’s start to burn off our fat.

6 Scientific Benefits of Fasting(2)

1. Helps you eat fewer calories

2. Increase your metabolic rate so your body burns more calories

3. Lower your Type 2 Diabetes risk

4. Reduce stress & inflammation on your body

5. Help your heart by improving several heart disease risk factors

6. Benefits your brain health

Main Types of Fasting(3)

• Eating Window

• 16:8, 14:10 or 12:12

• Fasting for X hours & eating for X hours (e.g. 14:10 = Fasting for 14 hours and eating for 10 hours)

• 5:2 Diet

• Eat normal 5 days per week

• 500 calories per day/2x week

• Eat-Stop-Eat

• Eat normal 5 days per week

• 24 hour fast twice per week

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What is Intermittent Fasting?

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!





Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. Be sure to consult a medical professional before making any medical decisions.

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Scientific References

Tina Marie’s Guide to Feeling Full on Keto!
