Page 1: Film opening sequence analysis report sheet (2)

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

The Hobbit - Name: Declan Tyldesley

My Analysis Supporting Images

Cinematography & Camera Techniques

This Aerial shot is used in a film called the Hobbit an unexpected journey. The director of this film has used this certain shot to show how powerful the dwarfen army is, because of the size of their empire which they call home. This aerial shot also shows us that the mountain that the dwarfs lived in was well structured, so the mountain could be described as indestructible and that it could survey any attack by any deadly enemies.

This shot used in the Hobbit an unexpected journey can be told in two ways which are a close up shot and Iconography. They have used these two shots to express that this sword is an important part in the film because Bilbo has been hiding this treasure for quite some time about his journey. In my opinion the director has put a good amount of iconography in this film because the object is shown many times throughout this film to show this is an important object that is expressed throughout this film. By using this close up shot as well as iconography we can see that this object stands out to all of

Page 2: Film opening sequence analysis report sheet (2)

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

the other items in this chest because it is placed at the top and the largest object in the chest.

Another shot used in the Hobbit an unexpected journey is a panning shot. By using this panning shot it is allowing us to get a good view of the king’s fortress and home town guarded by the great dwarfen knight’s. The director has used this panning shot to show how large and powerful there home town was until it was attacked.The director has also used this panning shot to show the early morning setting in the town Erobor. Within the cinematography, panning shot it is showing how peaceful the town is.

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

The colour scheme used in The hobbit an unexpected journey is quite a mixed theme because at the start of the opening title sequence it starts off in a dark room until he lights his candle, which is a use of back lighting in the film The Hobbit. But as we get further into the opening sequence we start to see an early morning setting as it pan’s around the dwarfen home town, but we only see the early morning setting when he has a flashback of his past on how

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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

peaceful and powerful the dwarfen army was.

Genre Conventions

The Hobbit an unexpected journey genre, is an action and adventure genre because throughout this we see quite large amounts of action take place and it involves quite a lot of adventure because he goes to the other side of country from The shrine to Erobor to try and claim back the dwarfen home land.

Narrative The story line of the Hobbit an unexpected journey is about an old dwarf, Bilbo Baggins who is telling his grandson about his past and what happened back then if it was major fights that have taken place between many people, which involved many deaths. While Bilbo Baggins is talking about his past he has many Flashbacks so we can see what happened back then / all the action and mysterious places such as the elven kingdom which is well designed by the director.

Editing Techniques

The editing teqniques used in the film, The Hobbit an unexpected journey is; some of the back lighting involved throughout the film and some major editing teqniques that were used could be things like the elven kingdom or the dwarfen kingdom, these editing teqniques were used to make things look a lot better while watching the film by

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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

doing this it makes the audience feel like something is real on the screen for example the Arkenstone.

Title Credit Design

As you can see on the write this is the title credit design that they have used because they are make there title credits look olden because The Hobbit was set a long time ago and they did write in a different format so they have tried to include that as well as the olden feature, So people might believe that this format is true and was used once before so the director has done a good use of title credits.