Page 1: Film Poster Audience Feedback – Results and Analysis

Film Poster Audience Feedback – Results and Analysis

Page 2: Film Poster Audience Feedback – Results and Analysis

The poster my participants were asked questions about

Page 3: Film Poster Audience Feedback – Results and Analysis

An example of the questionnaire given to media literate participants so that he feedback obtained would contain helpful, relevant and informed criticism.

Page 4: Film Poster Audience Feedback – Results and Analysis

An example of the questionnaire given to media literate participants so that he feedback obtained would contain helpful, relevant and informed criticism.

Page 5: Film Poster Audience Feedback – Results and Analysis

An example of the questionnaire given to media literate participants so that he feedback obtained would contain helpful, relevant and informed criticism.

Each respondent has been given the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.

10) Out of the following posters, which do you think uses the negative space of the black box the best? Is it an appropriate image? What does your chosen image communicate to you and how does it relate to the film?

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Q.1 Title preference – Results and Analysis

1. Orator Std – Works well with other elements of the poster. Not too formal or unreadable

2. Orator Std – bold, not trying to be all fluffy and fancy. Represents films serious nature

3. Orator Std – looks the best overall, seriousness relates to genre/narrative aspects

4. Pristina – it is handwriting-like and so I believe this reflects the age of the main character

• 3 out of 4 of my respondents believe Orator Std to be the best font to use as my film title as it best reflects the nature of m film and works well with other aspects of the poster.

• Although it was criticised that a handwriting styled font would be better used, like Pristina

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Q.2 Font Suggestions –Results and Analysis

1. -

2. -

3. Something more child like

4. -

• The responses of this question were largely unanswered and so unhelpful but from the answer obtained, it was suggested that a more childish font should be used

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Q.3 Looking at the placing of each piece of text/image, do you have any suggestions on how to improve the posters aesthetic? –Results and Analysis

1. No I think everything has been though out and placed in the best way

2. Make the review quotes larger, emphasise the star rating, make bird slightly bigger

3. Make review quotes bigger/more noticeable

4. Make the title more bold/centred to make it clearer

• There was issue with the sizing of the review quotes and was thought it’d be best to increase their font sixe to make them more noticeable and readable

• It was suggested that the initial title also needs to be made more clear by bolding it and place it further to the centre

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Q.4 What are your preconceptions about the film? –Results and Analysis

1. There is a dark aspect to it – sinister contrast of the white pure bird and danger red, dismal black box. The box is a coffin and the bird is a ghost, could be aspects of death

2. From the poster I imagine the film to be based on caring for a bird. From the colour scheme there is the aspect of danger (red) and purity (white bird) with the darkness of the box (black)

3. There is a bird and a box involved, a relationship between them suggests a freedom of spirit or a more literal meaning of a bird in a box

4. Flying away isn’t an option = dark theme. Reviews + laurels show its for a media educated audience. The colours hint towards professionalism and artistry

• The imagery used has successfully hinted towards the conceptions present in the film. For instance, aspects of colour and a relationship between the bird and the box have been highlighted and accurately analysed

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Q.5 What does the title name mean to you and how does it relate to the script? –Results and Analysis

1. The script tells the tale of a girl attempting to care for a bird and so ‘Caring for Feathers’ means exactly that, further emphasised by the use of the bird image.

2. “Feathers” associated with a bird and “Caring” meaning someone caring for the feathers/bird. So a bird has been injured and needs help

3. Crafty play on key aspects – “Caring” connotes that someone was in need of aid, “Feathers” hints towards a bird. Imagery used greatly underlines this

4. It relates to the main story line/narrative as well as the climax because the girl is determined to care for the bird. Echoes issues of caring vs. neglect

• The title has been praised for involving aspects of the main narrative which allow a further insight into the film before its seen, hinting at characters involved and potential issues and themes

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Q.6 Is the tagline appropriate? In what ways could you improve it? –Results and Analysis

1. Very appropriate. It’s a crafty word play on the narrative of the story, including aspects of the bird and how it can’t fly away because its injure. But may also relate to the girl being trapped. Should improve by enlarging it and change the font to something more childlike

2. Yes because the bird can’t fly and the girl can’t escape. Very relevant. Possibly make it bolder

3. Yes. The bird can’t fly away because its hurt and could relate to the girl because she can’t escape either. Short and snappy, could be taken as inspirational/deep so is an appropriate tagline

4. I think the tagline shouldn’t be changed because its dark and mysterious. Whether its referencing the bird or the girl we will never be certain, may be both, but this mystery intrigues the audience even further.

• The tagline was praised for its creativeness and relativity towards the narrative and how mysterious it is so it can entice an audience.

• As a form of improvement it was suggested to make it bolder and choose a more childlike font style.

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Q.7 What do you think the connection between the bird and the box is? – Results and Analysis

1. The positioning of the bird flying away from the box and the lid of the box being wide open shows us that the bird has broken free out of the box. Although this is a misguidance it connotes hope

2. The bird was kept inside the box. The white colour of the bird compared to the black box suggests a large contrast, light and dark, freedom and entrapment signified by the positioning of the bird fly away and the lid open of the box

3. The connection is the bird was one trapped but is now free. Knowing the end of the film, the white of the bird may represent it as a ghost and the box as a coffin

4. Entrapment/freedom – clearly signified by the bird facing the other direction to the box and lid as if it has just flown free

• The relation between the bird and box were successfully highlighted due to the positioning of the images and what the could connote.

• This successfully represents the more imperative aspects of my film and its narrative

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Q.8 Can you identify and of the narratives issues and themes? What are they? –Results and Analysis

1. Evidence of freedom and need for escape due to the positioning of the bird and box, also signified by the contrast of black and white that there is innocence and dark elements in the narrative

2. Yes. Issues of freedom and entrapment are the most prominent. Hints of innocence due to the white of the bird and a sense of danger because of the red background.

3. Entrapment, innocence, freedom, darkness – the issue of death due to the ghostly white bird and the black coffin-like box

4. Entrapment vs. Freedom. Caring vs. neglect. The title contrasts with the imagery – “Caring for Feather” yet the bird is flying away so how are they suppose to care for it? Echoes neglect

• The poster successfully represents the more dominant but important issues/themes featured in the film. Each respondent were able to accurately identify them

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Q.9 Does the poster give you any ideas about the context of the film? What is it? –Results and Analysis

1. Obvious that the narrative involves a bird and a box. The red suggests danger and the darkness of the box emphasises this but the purity of the bird contrasts this so there is the element of hope. “Caring for Feathers” evidently suggests it’s a story of someone caring for a bird

2. The title hints towards the film involving the care of a bird which is then further cemented by the imagery used

3. A bird is involved as well as a box. The potential storyline may be based on entrapment and freedom and purity

4. The tagline references the climax and the plot, as does the bird and the box

• The context of the film was accurately identified by each respondent which shows the success of my poster

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Q.10 Which do you think uses the negative space of the black box best? What does your chosen image communicate to you and how does it relate to the film? – Results

2 1, 3, 4

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1. Its what she wants in her life, her dream and aspiration is revealed more. It fills the negative space efficiently so the poster gives more of an impact

2. The two posters I did not choose suggests a happy family which is completely false. The young girl may as well be trapped in her own home with a cold mother and violent brother

3. The script tells a story about a girl living unhappily with her family. So it is clear that the poster I chose is giving a further insight into the character that is not much explored in the film. What is revealed is a key component about the girls dreams and aspirations for her family but the film doesn’t show this so it is important for the poster to and so they work together

4. I chose it because it best represents that a child has drawn it and that it is a clear depiction of the what the girl wants which isn’t represented by the script

Q.10 Which do you think uses the negative space of the black box best? What does your chosen image communicate to you and how does it relate to the film? – Results

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• This was the chosen poster design from the majority of the respondents

• It was chosen because it reveals a lot more about the character and the narrative than in the film. The cartoon style shows the child may have drawn it, revealing to us her hopes and dreams that are not explored in the film

Q.10 Which do you think uses the negative space of the black box best? What does your chosen image communicate to you and how does it relate to the film? – Analysis

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From the responses of this questionnaire, I have decided to improve my poster by doing the following actions:• Increase the font size of the review quotes• Make the title of the film closer to the centre and slightly bolder• Un-change the imagery used• Use the chosen drawing in the negative space of the box