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About The Publisher Palm Beach Natural Health Letter is committed to bringing you the latest news, articles, and reports -- from around the world and under the radar -- exposing lies, busting myths, revealing natural health secrets, and reporting the little known facts. Our #1 goal is to help you and your family live a better, more informed, healthier life. Our team of writers have no agenda except to report the truth and give the consumer the right to make educated decisions. For more information visit Table Of Contents Introduction: Brain Health ………………………………………………… 4 Anatomy Of The Brain …………………………………………………..… 4 10 Secrets To Improving Brain Performance And Function…………….5 The Brain Blacklist: 15 Things That Will Kill Your Brain…………………8


Brain Super Foods……………………………………………………………10

Best Brain Supplements Reviewed..…………………………………….….12

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Introduction: Brain Health Nearly every animal you could think of, including man, has a brain. Your brain helps with mental agility, focus, memory, coordination, and more. It also is the nucleus of the vast amounts of information that you come into contact with on a daily basis through touch, see, hear, smell, and taste – and disseminates it to the proper channels within your body. Your brain also helps you think, reason, feel emotion, and dream.   And of course there’s the functionality of the brain, regulating body temperature, heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. However, must of us walk around day after day and pretty much neglect our brain. We don’t eat the right things or do the right exercises to ‘feed’ our brain. On the opposite side of the spectrum, many of us are doing things that is slowly killing our brain cells. Anatomy Of The Brain The basic lower brain consists of the spinal cord, brain stem and diencephalon as well as the cerebellum and cortex. The brain stem comprises the medulla, pons, midbrain, hypothalamus and thalamus. Medulla. Helps regulate blood pressure and breathing as well as helps relay information to the senses. Pons. Helps with breathing, taste, and sleep. Midbrain. Helps with motor functions (cerebellum, basal ganglia, cerebral cortex), eye movements, auditory control and voluntary movement. Frontal lobe. Helps with motor skills (including speech) and cognitive functions. Remaining areas of the frontal lobe help with thought, learning, and memory.

Occipital lobe. Receives and processes visual information directly from the eyes and relates this information to the parietal lobe.

Temporal lobe. Processes auditory information from the ears and relates it to the parietal lobe and the motor cortex of the frontal lobe. It also works with other parts of the brain to help coordinate fine motions, such as fingertip movements.

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Limbic system. Helps with emotional behavior and controlling movements of visceral muscles. Hippocampus: Is important for short-term memory.

Amygdala: Controls social and sexual emotions..

Insula. Influences automatic functions of the brainstem such as pulse and breathing.

Thalamus. Helps relay incoming sensory information.

Hypothalamus. Controls hormones and help with sexual reproduction, eating, drinking, growth, and maternal behavior. Some have dubbed it the ‘biological clock.”

10 Secrets To Improving Brain Performance And Function

1. Exercise. This is both physical and mental exercises. Physically, exercises such as cardio increase blood flow to the brain and helps in the development and protection of neurons. Research shows that regular exercise also helps boost mitochondria, which are like small batteries in your body that control energy, which in turn helps the brain work more efficient… smarter… better.

2. Getting The Right Amount Of Sleep. Sleep helps your body and mind rest, recuperate and regenerate. Getting at least 6 hours of sleep per night will help you think better and focus more the next day. Sleep also helps challenge your mind with dreaming and memory production. But having a good night’s sleep is not the only way that ‘resting’ the brain can help boost performance. Napping also helps. Studies have shown that infants who nap between learning and testing had better ability to recognize patterns and memory than those that didn’t. Memory plays a crucial role in cognitive development. Additional research has demonstrated that adults who took mid-day naps improved their brain power and focus.

3. Brain Boosting Nutrients. Coconut oil, vitamin D, DHAs and B12 are known nutrients that help brain development and function. Coconut oil contains MCTs, short for medium chain triglycerides. Coconut oil contains about 66 percent MCTs. Therapeutic levels of MCTs have been studied at 20 grams per day. MCTs help with the function of ketones, also known as ketoacids. Ketones helps your body convert fat into energy which flows through your bloodstream and fuels the brain. Vitamin D helps increase nerve growth in the brain for better planning and processing of information as well as memory function. We are all exposed to vitamin D naturally through the sun’s rays. However, it’s not always easy to get the amount we need from direct sunlight. Adults need roughly 8,000 IUs of vitamin D daily to have optimum levels for best brain function. DHA, which is often found in fish oil as well as squid oil and krill oil, helps with brain development. We don’t have DHA naturally in our

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bodies and have to get it from either eating DHA rich foods (like liver) or supplements. Studies have shown that increasing daily intake of DHA helps with preventative degeneration of brain cells. Vitamin B12 has been linked to brain agility and being ‘sharp’. Low levels of Vitamin B12 may result in mental fogginess and poor memory. Did you ever have days where you’d walk to your closet then forget what you were going there for? That may be a sign you have low B12. B12 is naturally found in seafood, beef, chicken, pork, milk, and eggs. However, you can also take it in the supplement form as capsule or sublingual spray/drops. As with any supplement treatment, it’s always best to consult your physician or health practitioner before starting any new dietary regimen.

4. Gut Health and Probiotics. The flora, or good bacteria, in your gut assists in the transmission of information to the brain. Research has shown that there is a connection between your GI health and brain development. In simple terms, the health of your gut may impact your brain’s health including moods, behavior, and function. Reducing the amounts of sugars and processed foods will help maintain adequate levels of micro flora in your gut. If you consume high amounts of sugars or processed foods, your gut’s flora will be compromised. Some have found that taking probiotics daily help restore gut health, and indirectly, brain health.  

5. The Sound of Music. We’re not talking about the much loved Rodger’s and Hammerstein movie here. Literally speaking, the sound of music or melodies may have both a soothing effect on the mind as well as a brain boosting effect. Some have dubbed this the ‘Mozart Effect’, whereas listening to classical music may make you smarter. Some pregnant women even put headphones on their tummies to stimulate the brain development in their in-utero babies. In addition, some research has shown that listening to classical music helped with cognitive and verbal fluency.

6. Mind Games. Did you ever see brain quizzed pop up in social media? Quick tests that aim to sharpen your brain function. Well, there not so far off from the real goal of boosting memory performance and function. Challenging your mind by playing games, word jumbles, cross-word puzzles are a great way to stimulate brain power. is a popular website that offers brain-challenging development tools and games.

7. Healthy Blood Sugar Levels. Some research has shown that large fluctuations in insulin levels may affect your mental alertness and function. To combat this, make sure to keep blood sugar levels constant by eating several small meals a day (not skipping meals), as well as watch sugar and carb intake.

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8. Paleo or Pioneer? Some people call it a paleo diet. Others a pioneer diet. Whatever you call it, the bottom line is to eat more natural, organic foods with as little processed foods as possible. This includes whole grains, grass-feed beef, free-range chicken, fresh Alaska salmon, fresh organic and non-GMO veggies. Research has shown that eating clean means having a clean mind and body free of toxins.

9. Being Anti-Inflammatory. Research has shown that having tissue inflammation in your body almost anywhere can slowdown performance and provoke health issues whether cause by infection, toxins, chemicals or other. Foods rich in omega-3’s and antioxidants help reduce inflammation.

10. Living Smoke-Free. By now we as a society know the many dangers surrounding smoking. If cancer and respiratory related diseases don’t scare you enough, you can also add killing your brain to the list. Some studies have shown that years of tobacco use dulled mental performance as well as compromised speed and accuracy in overall mental function. And if you live with a smoker, this affects you as well.

The brain is affected by many things that go into our body and surround us on a daily basis. Some things are in our control and some aren’t. However, lifestyle plays a huge role in our overall health including brain function and development. Choices we make. Things we do or don’t do.

Although the expression goes, “bad habits die hard”. If you don’t break a bad habit, your brain may actually die. Quite simply, persisting with bad habits will slowly kill your brain. It would be like walking around with a whole in your brain, affecting performance, memory, and overall cognitive function.

Here are some things you should avoid…

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The Brain Blacklist: 15 Things That Will Kill Your Brain Whether it’s your lifestyle, your immediate environment, or what you into your body, there are things that you may do or be around that can destroy your brain. The following are your top ‘brain killers’ and should be avoided when possible:

1. High Blood Glucose. The way your body regulates and metabolizes sugars has an effect on brain function. Too much sugar in the blood can result in poor memory, problems with learning, and mood-related issues.

2. Sleep Deprivation. It makes sense that lack of sleep and rest, will effect brain performance. Research has shown that long periods of not sleeping can actually result in brain damage because new brain cells are not being generated and the ability for the brain to repair itself. 8 hours sleep is what doctors tend to recommend, so being at or around that number will help body and brain.

3. Empty Calories. Junk food may fill you up, but it’s not providing the body and brain with the proper nourishment for optimal performance and hampers your mental and physical energy. Avoid junk food when possible.    

4. Stress. Stress can do more than raise your blood pressure. Stress elevates your adrenaline which in turn increases your cortisol production. High cortisol levels kills brain cells.

5. Concussions and Contusions. Getting head injuries happen more often than you think doing common things such as biking, sports, slips and falls, and playground accidents. Concussions aren’t fatal, however, they do affect neurons. And a contusion is like a bruise on your brain that results from head ‘hits’ similar to what you would see in boxing. So it’s important when playing contact sports, riding a bike/moped/motorcycle, or if you’re roller blading, to wear a helmet or protective head gear.

6. Shaken Head Syndrome. You’ve heard the horror stories on the news about ‘shaken baby syndrome’, where an infant is shaken so hard that they die. Well, this can happen at all ages. If someone shakes there head violently back and forth it may cause axons to tear, causing brain cell death.

7. Over Drinking. Too much alcohol consumption can cause a chemical imbalance as well as structural changes in the brain. But constant over drinking, such as when someone is an alcoholic, kills brain cells. Research indicated that patients who were alcoholics and had MRIs to monitor brain size had decreased brain volume than patients who weren’t alcoholics.

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8. Taking Drugs. This is a no-brainer. You remember the commercials ‘say no to drugs’. Well the warning should be followed. Different drugs have different effects on the brain, but the end result is the same… brain cell destruction:

a. Cocaine – Doesn’t just kill any brain cell, it destroys brain cells in your ‘pleasure center’ (center of the brain). These are brain cells that make you feel good and triggered by positive emotions.

b. Ecstasy – This drug actually puts holes in your brain. Ecstasy depletes serotonin manufacturing cells. These cells help regulate mood and relaxation.

c. Methamphetamines – Over use of drugs in this class, like Heroin, Morphine, Codeine, Crack, Crystal Meth and Speed, result in permanent brain damage. These drugs are also highly addictive.

d. Oxycodone – This is a serious drug and has serious side effects. Oxycodone abuse kills brain cells, hear tissue, and damages your kidneys.

e. PCP – Commonly referred to as ‘Angle Dust’, this drug has been linked to frontal-lobe brain damage and can cause memory loss, uncontrollable thoughts, and compulsive actions.

9. Dehydration. If your body (and brain) are lacking fluids, it actually throws off your ions, which can result in brain cell destruction. |

10. Drinking Absinthe. Absinthe was popular in the early 1900s and has been making a revival. It’s an alcoholic beverage that has hallucinatory properties. It contains extremely high amounts of ethanol and a chemical called thujone (barbiturate); both of which can cause brain cell death as well as seizures and possibly death.

11. Too Much Water. It’s good to keep your body hydrated, but it’s not good to drink too much water in a short time period. That may result in a condition called ‘water toxicity’, which can affect your nervous system and kill brain cells.

12. Elevated Testosterone Levels. The male hormone, testosterone, helps the body in various ways. However, some men have low T levels and take supplements to help increase their hormone levels. Too high levels can negatively affect brain cells, so it’s important, if you’re on testosterone supplements, to have blood work done periodically to make sure you stay in a ‘normal’, healthy range.

13. Steroids. Along the same lines as testosterone, some men take steroids to help their body bulk up quicker. However, steroids increase T levels and as mentioned above, can be detrimental to brain cells.

14. Cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes has been proven to cause many health problems including emphysema and cancer. But smoking also stops neurogenesis (the production of new brain cells) and kills current brain cells.

15. Environmental Evils. Over exposure to mercury, lead, carbon monoxide, pesticides, electricity, cleaning solvents, certain cosmetics, paint remover, welding fumes, air pollution, radiation, microwaving, formaldehyde, and ketamine (type of anesthesia) can all diminish brain cells.

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Brain-Boosting Super Foods

There are many foods that are rich with brain-boosting nutriens to help repair and replenish your brain cells. The below are a list of foods that you can grow or easily get at your grocery store.

1. Brocolli. This green bouquet of goodness is rich in choline that helps new brain cells grow. It’s also rich in Vitamin K, which helps cognitive function and memory. Doctor’s recommend eating 1 cup at least 3 times per week for better brain power.

2. Walnuts. Although most nuts are a great protien source, walnuts are the richest of the nuts with omega-3 fatty acids, which help the function of neurotransmitters in the brain and enhances cognitive skills and memory. Some studies even show that walnuts help oxygen and bloodflow to the brain. Even better, walnuts have magnesium and Vitam B6, which help boost and protect the brain.

3. Tumeric. Although not a food, per se. This spice can be sprinkled on top of food to help sharpen your brain power. Turmeric contains curcumin that can help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps reduce inflammation.

4. Wild Salmon. This superfish is another brain booster as it’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that can prevent the Alzheimer’s disease. Wild salmon is not the same as farm raised. Farm raised salmon typically has high PCBs and mercury, which is not good for brain health.

5. Tomatoes. Wheather it’s eaten as ketchup, sauce, soup, smoothie or on it’s own in a nice tomoato salad, this ripe red ‘fruit’ is rich in the powerful antioxidant, lycopene, which fights free radical damage to brain cells that typically contributes to dementia.

6. Green Tea. Ok, even though this is a beverage, we had to add it to the list. Here’s why, studies have shown green tea increases elecritical connectivity in the brain which helps improve cognitive skills, reduce dementia, boost memory, help concentration and reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Whether you enjoy it warm or cold, the nutrients in green tea are amazing.

7. Dark Cholcolate. Who knew a guilty pleasure could actually be good for you! Yes, sinfully decadent dark chocolate has caffine, which helps mental alertness as well as flavonoids which help increase blood circulation in the brain. One study even showed a connection between dark chocolate and increased concentration, response time and recall.

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8. Blueberries. Blueberries are a great superfruit for shaprening your brain. It’s great as a preventative measure but even if you’re older, it may help prolong your brain power. Blueberries have flavonoids that boost memory and improve learning and other cognitive functions. Blueberries also protect your brain from free radicals and may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Doctors’ recommend ½ cup daily.

9. AcornSquash. This autumn favorite can be enjoyed any time of year. It’s high in folic acid and vitamin B12 that help prevent brain shrinkage and nerve damage. It also helps brain cell transmission.

10. Spinach. If it’s good enough for Popeye, it’s good enough for you! Spinach does more than just help build muscles, it is high in potassium, which helps maintain the brain’s electrical conductivity, improve thinking and recall capacity. Spinach is also rich in antioxidants, which protect the brain cells from damage. In addition, spinach contains vital nutrients such as magnesium, folate, Vitamin E and Vitamin K that help lower the risk of developing dementia

11. Avacados. Who knew eating guacamole is actually good for you?! That’s right, avacaods are rich in Vitamins E & C, which are powerful antioxidents.

12. Peanut Butter. Also rich in healthy fats, peanut butter also has Vitamin E. these are both good nutrients that help a health brain and heart.

13. Whole grains. Fiber-rich whole grains, in breads or cereals, have been linked to lower risk of the mild cognitive impairment that can progress to Alzheimer’s disease.

14. Beets. Whether you juice ‘em or enjoy them in a salad, beets have a high amount of natural nitrates which help improve blood flow to the brain.

15. Garlic. A recent stuy had found that garlic may help combat brain cancer. Garlic has organo-sulfur compounds, which killed gliblastoma cells, a type of maligant tumor.

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, ‘you are what you eat’. If you want to help improve your brain function and overall health, it’s important to put the right foods into your body as well as get proper excerise.

These are healthy, simple and readily available foods that can do amazing things for your brain. The key to unlocking your ultimate brain power is now at your fingertips… so what are you going to do about it?

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Best Brain Supplements Reviewed

Your brain will perform best with the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals. If you’re looking for ways to boost brain performance and enhance function, you’re in luck. Our friends at have done the research for you. Check out what they’ve found to be the best of the best brain supplements.

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For more information and the complete ‘Top 10’ list visit    

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