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  • Rationale Paper EDTECH 592

    Farmer, Casey R


    This paper contains information and assignments about my experience in the EDTECH

    program at Boise State. I entered the program in 2012 and will graduate with a

    masters degree in May 2014.

  • Introduction

    I have had many good experiences and many difficult challenges as I finish up my

    M.E.T. at Boise State University. I began the program in the spring of 2012. Before I even

    started the program I was debating on whether even to return to school for my masters degree. I

    had just spent four years and a lot of money on my undergraduate degree. I went back and forth

    on whether or not to go back to school. When I finally decided to go for it, I was unsure on what

    kind of masters degree to get and at what university.

    Once I finally decided to make a goal of a masters degree I had to determine where to go

    and what to study. At the time, the school where I was teaching at, invested in new interactive

    white boards called Promethean Boards and each grade level was supplied with the interactive

    vote tools. The school also purchased mini laptops for each grade level as well. When the

    school began to hand out and install the tools, they had no trainers or teachers with experience on

    how to effectively use these new tools. This allowed me to envision what I wanted to

    accomplish. At that point I knew that I wanted to be the teacher that knew how to use and utilize

    these new technologies in education to help enhance my students learning and keep them

    engaged. With the world changing to a more digital society some schools are slowly adjusting

    as well to accommodate this technological revolution. As I began to research various schools

    and their master programs I came across two schools, one online and one was face to face. I

    ended up choosing Boise State because of their online program.

    Having online courses is very challenging. It requires self-discipline and self-motivation.

    I have taken online courses in the past, but they were not graduate courses. I spent hours looking

    at research about the EDTECH program at Boise and the program was exactly what I was

    looking for and the instructors and former students had nothing but positive feedback.

  • Teaching middle school science was one of the main factors in choosing an online

    program as well. This program has allowed me to expand on my knowledge of education and it

    also introduced me to new learning theories and teaching strategies. Every class I took in the

    program had various forms of communication and allowed me to bounce ideas and strategies not

    only from teachers in the same county as me, but also some all over the United States and some

    even in different countries. The influence of Boises program surprised me when I took a class

    with someone I work with and whose niece was in my science class. This proves to me that I

    made the right decision.

    When I first began the program I really thought that I was going to learn all about

    technology and how to use it in the classroom. As the program continued on not only did I learn

    about various forms of technologies and how to use it to enhance my instruction, but I also

    learned the rationale of using it and how to assess it to determine its effectiveness. This was very

    important, because it helped show me and my students meaning of why we are creating

    something or using this technology. When there is meaning behind something students learn

    more. I have seen success in my students, because of what I have been able to accomplish at


    The way the program at Boise is organized had a lot to do with my success in the

    program and in teaching. When taking the classes each one of them have their own structure, but

    at the same time they all interrelate with one another. Having connections from one class to

    another and able to use multiple resources makes learning a lot easier. A lot of times information

    you learn in one class can easily be forgotten because you do not use it again right away, but in

    this program each skill was used and built scaffolding in each class.

  • The purpose of this paper is to reflect back on my work through the EDTECH program at

    Boise State. As I reflect back I intend to show some of my best work or most meaningful work

    in which I gained the most information out of. Each piece of work I choose will also be tied to

    an A.E.C.T. (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) standard. My time

    at Boise has been a great experience. I feel very accomplished and I have already begun

    implementing the ideas and concepts that I have learned into my teaching practices.

    1.1 Instructional Systems Design

    Instructional Systems Design (ISD) is an organized procedure that includes the steps of

    analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating instruction.

    EDTECH 503: Goals of the Water Cycle

    The first artifact I chose for instructional systems design was an assignment in EDTECH

    503 where I designed goals of the water cycle. This assignment was the first time I used the

    ADDIE method. This method is analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. I really

    understood how important it is to first analyze what I want my student to learn. As an educator I

    have always taught my lessons then designed my assessments based off of what I taught

    throughout the unit. This new method allowed me to realize my teaching method could easily be

    improved. After learning this method I have changed my philosophy and I now apply this to all

    my lessons. When completing this assignment I had to analyze three things, what the students

    already know, what they are going to learn, and how am I going to evaluate their learning. I then

    began designing what the students were going to learn and the objectives the students were going

    to accomplish. Once I analyzed what I wanted my students to learn I then designed the way I was

    going to teach it into a more detail flow map that made it easier to read and design the lesson.

    Once I implemented this lesson and saw how effective this strategy is I began to use this to help

    develop all of my unit plans.

  • EDTECH 502: Virtual Field Trip

    Another artifact I chose for instructional systems design was the virtual field trip website

    I created in EDTECH 502. This type of assignment allows students to visualize themselves

    going on a trip and to explore this area. For my lesson I chose for students to go on a tour of

    Italy. When designing a virtual fieldtrip I was able to create exactly what I wanted my students

    to get out of the tour. I conducted research in advance to create a worksheet that goes along with

    the virtual field trip, for students to complete. I selected some of the most famous cities and

    historical sites for the students to visit while on their virtual tour. When planning this

    assignment I felt that this easily fit this standard because of the information I included when

    designing this website. When teachers are able to create their own website, whether it is through

    Dreamweaver, Google Sites, or Weebly, it allows them to control all the information and the

    links that the students will use to complete their assignments. This assignment fits in this

    standard because of the way I had to create the website. Before I created the website I first had

    to analyze what the goal of my lesson was going to accomplish. For this lesson I wanted my

    students to see the historical significance of Italy. Once I determined a destination for my

    students to visit, I began designing and developing the webpage. I knew the important places

    that I wanted my students to visit, so I had to locate informative websites that would give my

    students enough information to complete the trip. I also wanted to design the website to be

    memorable for students. To do this I chose to make the webpages using the colors of Italy. In

    order to implement the lesson I had to make sure that the website would be available on the

    students iPads and that they had access to the questions and rubric that I was going to use to

    evaluate their assessment.

  • Standard 1.1 allowed me to grow as a student at Boise State. When I started the program

    I had no idea all the information I did not know about educational technology. Learning how to

    first analyze what I wanted to teach before I began planning my lessons, has definitely enhanced

    my teaching skills.. With the development of new technologies, such as interactive television

    and computer conferencing, distance educators can approach the design of courses and delivery

    of curricula following a less objectivist and a more constructivist approach (Vrasidas, 2000). I

    really did not have any idea on what theory I practiced. I now realize that I am more about the

    constructivist approach and getting my class to be student-centered. Planning my assessments

    allowed me to focus my instruction around my students. Using the ADDIE method allows me to

    teach in way that are new to my students which helps keep them engaged.

    1.2 Message Design

    Message design involves planning for the manipulation of the physical form of the message.

    EDTECH 506: Visual Literacy

    The artifact I chose for this standard was the visual literacy assignment in EDTECH 506.

    This assignment allowed me to use my understanding of Adobe Fireworks and create an image

    that would show my students understanding of the layer of the atmosphere. The goal of this

    assignment is that when students look at this image it shows a concept and not just a picture.

    This type of graphic creates meaning to the students. When students see this image they can

    visualize how our layers around the earth are set up. By seeing the image students should be

    able to visualize what types of things that would be seen in each layer. By understanding this

    visual when they see these images in the sky they should be able to relate what they see to this

    visual to determine what layer of the atmosphere this is taking place in. Visual literacy as the

    ability to read, interpret, and understand information presented in pictorial or graphic images

    (Stokes, 2001). Some students are visual learners and it is important to make sure that we teach

  • these students by using visuals. While one student might be able to read information to recall it

    others like visuals. In order to create this image I used Adobe Fireworks and approached the

    graphic on how I feel students would best understand it. I first began by creating the earth. In

    order to do this I made sure that the graphic would resemble the earth. In order for the students

    to visualize the different layers I used various colors that students could relate to. I chose blue

    for the first layer, because it would be the layer when students look up and see the sky they

    would think of this layer. The other two layers I used green and red. These colors were chosen

    because green represents go which is where planes fly, and red represents stop which is the

    layer that people except for astronauts would not go.

    EDTECH 506: Selection

    The second artifact I chose for message design was the selection graphic I created in

    EDTECH 506. For this assignment I used Adobe Fireworks and created a graphic of an atom.

    The goal of this graphic is for students to understand the basic structure of an atom. The main

    concept is for students to understand there are particles in an atom which are protons, neutrons,

    and electrons. I wanted to design an image that students would understand and not be

    overwhelmed with. In our science book it shows a very detailed graphic with the electron cloud

    and the image itself can be very confusing and hard for younger students to understand. In order

    to help my students understand this standard, I simply broke the image apart and simplified the

    information they need. I took out the information that is not required for students to know in the

    standard and made a basic image with all the particles of the atom. This artifact fits well within

    this standard 1.2 because I had to gather all the information my students needed than plan and

    develop a graphic that will show a physical form of the standard. By looking at my created

    image students will know where the particles are and how they make up an atom.

  • Both of these assignments taught me a lot about planning and what I want my image to

    represent. For some of my lessons I often looked for an image and then designed my lesson

    around that image. I learned from this standard that planning my lesson first and then creating an

    image is much more effective. There is a reason teachers use plan books and it is because we

    want to make sure we know what we want to teach before we start teaching. Planning is a very

    important part of being a teacher. Learning to use Adobe Fireworks in this class as well as other

    classes allows me as a teacher to be creative with my graphics that I use to engage my students.

    1.3 Instructional Strategies

    Instructional strategies are specifications for selecting and sequencing events and activities

    within a lesson.

    EDTECH 502: Jigsaw

    The jigsaw activity that was created in EDTECH 502 is an example of standard 2.3. This

    assignment required the use of the internet and computer to complete and to create. Jigsaws are

    assignments that are created for students to learn on their own and become masters of a topic.

    These assignments are the basis of the constructivist approach. When students are given a task it

    holds students responsible for their learning. This also helps create a student centered classroom

    and allows the teacher to move about the classroom and act as a facilitator. In jigsaws students

    are broken off into various groups and then given an objective and the resources to complete the

    objective and become experts in their objective. Once students have ample time to become

    experts they are then broken up into small groups with one student being an expert in field.

    Once the students are in their new groups they then begin teaching the other group members

    about their topic in which they are masters in. In order to create this activity I used Adobe

    Dreamweaver to create the website and then planned an activity for students to work

    collaboratively to complete an assignment and become experts in various areas. To help me

  • create this website I had to do my own research in order to provide enough information for

    students to become experts of certain topics. Once I found the information I wanted to use I

    developed a webpage that had all the links and instructions for my students. I had to design the

    page to be simple enough for my students to navigate. I also developed guiding questions for the

    students to follow to help guide them to become experts in their topics. Through completing this

    assignment I learned how effective jigsaw activities can be when planning activities for a lesson.

    These types of assignments keep students engaged as well as holding them responsible for their

    learning. This is especially true when using technology. The focus is on the students to learn the

    information and teach it to others.

    EDTECH 503: ARCS Table

    Another artifact for instructional strategies is the ARCS table I created in EDTECH 503.

    This table breaks down the different objectives and activities that students will complete during

    this particular science lesson. ARCS is an acronym for attention, relevance, confidence and

    satisfaction. The purpose of the ARCS table is for teachers to evaluate the content of a lesson

    before they teach it. By completing an ARCS table teachers have an idea of what the goal of

    each lesson will be and what strategies or techniques they plan to use in order for the students to

    show mastery of the topic. This assignment allowed me to visualize what I want to accomplish

    and plan for the lesson at the same time. When designing this it allowed me to understand not

    only what I hoped to accomplish, but also what the students were going to accomplish. This

    table was the one of the first tasks I completed when designing this unit lesson. Without these

    strategies in place I would not be able to plan my lessons properly and they would not have as

    much meaning for the students. This assignment showed mastery of this specific standard

    because I had to sequence the objectives that I wanted my students to learn and then I was able to

  • build my lessons from this sequencing. Understanding what I want my students to learn before I

    plan a lesson is important because I see a visual of what needs to happen. Because of this I have

    learned how much smoother a lesson will be if I sequence my objectives before planning my


    1.4 Learner Characteristics

    Learner characteristics are those facets of the learner's experiential background that

    impact the effectiveness of a learning process.

    EDTECH 503: ID Project

    When I began this program I struggled with how instructional design fit into educational

    technology. It really was not until I began working on my EDTECH 503 ID Project when I really

    began to understand how it all fits together. I used a systematic process where I first determined

    what I wanted my students to learn by creating the assessment tool, followed by designing and

    implementing the lesson, and finally I evaluated on whether or not the students learned what I

    wanted them to learn. This assignment allowed me to analyze what I wanted my students to

    understand during the course of our weather unit. Once I came up with a goal for students to

    create an iMovie on the steps of the water cycle I was able to begin designing and developing

    how I was going to teach the students how to do this. This assignment went extremely well and

    the students took it much farther then I imagined. It went so well that administration came down

    to learn the lesson as well so they could use iMovie. This fit in to my belief of the constructivist

    theory, because the students learned and develop an iMovie with me as the facilitator. This is a

    lesson that I shared with my fellow colleagues and definitely one I will incorporate again. An

    assignment of this magnitude is very complex. Usually when teachers incorporate lessons it is

    building on a prior knowledge and will be assessed in a way that students understand. This

    assignment was one that students had no prior knowledge of and never used the technology, so it

  • was very important that each step was accounted for and all guidelines and procedures were in

    place. The success of this assignment allowed me to incorporate this type of assignment in some

    of my other units.

    EDTECH 541: Multimedia in the Classroom

    In EDTECH 541 I completed an assignment that was called multimedia in the classroom.

    This artifact fits in in standard 1.4 because of the use of multimedia. This is not a specific lesson

    or plan, but for me this assignment went father then just listing what the different types of

    multimedias I use in the classroom. The way this artifact fits in with standard 1.4 is because I

    use different technology in the classroom in order to fit my students learning characteristics.

    Students all have the ability to learn, but I also understand that they all learn in different ways.

    To help teach all students technology is a great resource. There are so many different types of

    technology that I can use to help reach all my students. When I entered the program I only knew

    of a few resources that were available for me to use. The idea of using various technologies

    allows teachers to sequence events and activities. For this assignment I explained how teachers

    can use these types of technologies in their classroom, for example I teach my lesson and then I

    can show students a video about what we are learning. After I show the video I can have

    students create a video of their own which shows their understanding of an assignment. By

    doing this I teach to different learning styles and students will show what they learn. This makes

    the student just as responsible for learning the information, because they receive the information

    in a variety of ways that fit their learning styles. I believe in the constructivist theory and when

    students are engaged is when the most learning takes place. Giving students various forms of a

    lesson reaches on different levels of learning. Because of all the different activities that can be

    accomplished is why I chose this artifact.

  • Both of these assignments showed me how important it is for students to understand their

    students and the different way in which each student learns. I hate to say this but most teachers

    teach the way in which they learn. This does not make them bad teachers, but its comfortable

    for them and realistically it makes learning difficult for some students. By understanding

    students and their learning styles and characteristics and planning lessons around these

    characteristics will help facilitate learning.

    2.1 Print Technologies

    Print technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials, such as books and static visual

    materials, primarily through mechanical or photographic printing processes.

    EDTECH 501: Glogster- Evolution of Educational Technology

    The Glogster that I created in EDTECH 501 is an excellent artifact of standard 2.1. This

    assignment I went through and looked at the history of educational technology. After I evaluated

    the technologies I went through and picked what I felt were some of the most important and

    compiled them into a Glog. Now the assignment itself is not a print technology, but the

    technologies that I choose deal with print technologies. I feel that this was important and I

    learned so much because technology in education has adapted very slowly. One print technology

    was a photographic slide show that came into education in the 1960s. Some schools adopted

    computers in the late 70s, but I remember how we used them when I was in school well into the

    90s. This shows the slow adaptations schools have had and now that students use computers,

    tablets, and mobile devices everyday shows the importance of implementing technology into the

    class. Glogster is easy to use in the classroom and I have used it on some occasions. Students

    enjoy using it when it is functional, but more often than not there are always complications with

    so many students using that website at once.

    EDTECH 504: Annotated Bibliography

  • Another artifact that I selected for this standard was the annotated bibliography in

    EDTECH 504. This was an assignment that I looked at various resources when looking for a

    connection between educational technology and the constructivist theory. For this assignment I

    learned how important technology is to the constructivist approach of learning. Technology is

    adapting and so are students, because of this it is important for teachers to adapt as well. This

    assignment is a list of journal articles that I selected fit the criteria and they are cited with a brief

    description of each article. This was the first time I have created an annotated bibliography.

    Throughout all my schooling I have completed many bibliographies, but an annotated one was

    new. I learned when completing this type of assignment it allows me to review my information

    more easily when completing final assignments or when relating information together to help

    understand a common theme. One of the best features of using an annotated bibliography is that

    students or teachers will have the ability to print it out for easy access for their references. This

    is very useful especially when students begin collaborating or bring their ideas together.

    EDTECH 506: Typography

    A final artifact that shows mastery of this standard is the typography assignment in

    EDTECH 506. This assignment allowed me to take a vocabulary term that we are covering and

    turn it into a visual that helps the students remember. For this assignment I created four visuals.

    The first two deal with the periodic table and the properties of metals and nonmetals. The way

    this will work for students is on the right side of the periodic table we have metals so I chose the

    word luster and tried to make it shiny for the property of metal and it is on the right. The second

    word was brittle which I tried to break the word up to explain what brittle is and it is a property

    of nonmetals so this word is on the left. Each of the images also shows a very distinct

    characteristic of the words and colors. Because these terms originally come from our text and I

  • adjusted it to fit in a more photographic image that students can relate to demonstrates my

    mastery of this standard. Another use for this assignment is that I have the ability to print this

    visual out for students, which will allow them to glue it into their interactive note books. Once

    the students glue it in their notebook, it will allow them the opportunity to write notes and use

    other graphics with it to help learn the concept.

    2.2 Audiovisual Technologies

    Audiovisual technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials by using mechanical

    devices or electronic machines to present auditory and visual messages.

    EDTECH 532: Voicethread

    EDTECH 501: Digital Inequality-Voicethread

    Voicethread is a technique that I selected for audiovisual technologies. One artifact I

    selected was the Voicethread in EDTECH 532. This shows a great audiovisual because it is a

    thread that is shared by many students in the EDTECH program. Students continue to share their

    thoughts to the thread and the conversation continues nearly two years after the Voicethread was

    created. Another Voicethread that I chose for an artifact was the Digital Inequality assignment

    for EDTECH 501. This assignment was very important to my studies at Boise. It was here

    where I first learned about the term digital inequality. I learned that people all over the world are

    part of this inequality and for many education is the only use of technology that they will ever

    use. This shows how slow technology is spreading. Even though technology has advanced so

    much, but they are only advancing in the areas that they already are. Because of this people who

    live in the areas without the technology are missing out on these advancements. Voicethread is a

    new way for students to communicate and share their thoughts and ideas. It is a way for a

    teacher to upload a PowerPoint and explain their thoughts and students can express their ideas

    and questions if they have any very similar to being in a classroom. I have used Voicethread

  • multiple times in my teachings. One example is when I created one for my World War II unit

    and students commented first on what they knew about the war, then they commented what they

    wanted to learn about the war. After the unit was over I had my students go back and comment

    on what they learned. This was very useful, because it allowed me to listen to what the students

    remembered about my lessons. More importantly though the students had great discussions,

    about how this war impacted life back then, and influenced how society has changed since World

    War II. By completing Voicethread assignments I learned that some students are more likely to

    be involved in this type of assignment, because they do not have to get up in front of the class

    and talk. Voicethread allows the shy students to type their responses and be a part of the


    EDTECH 521: Final Project

    The final project from EDTECH 521 was an online instruction that I created through

    Adobe Connect. This was a lesson about the water cycle. This was an online lesson in which I

    recorded what I wanted my students to learn. I hooked the students by explaining that the same

    water that dinosaurs once used to survive is the same water we use today. I than began to ask

    why they believe this is possible? This is what led me into my lesson on how water can never be

    created nor destroyed it only changes its form. This allowed me to cover the terms of

    evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff and groundwater. This was one of

    my first times using Adobe Connect and it shows how good of a resource that it can be. This is a

    resource that will allow teachers to create and record their lesson for their students to follow.

    This is a major breakthrough in educational technology because it will allow students to actually

    see a lesson as the online instructor wants them too. It allows the teacher to create an online

    classroom and students can be present with the teacher or students will be able to pull up the

  • lesson if they missed it. This is a way for students to come as close to a face to face classroom

    without actually be face to face. Students and teachers interact through their microphones on

    their computers to ask questions and interact with the resources that the teacher has prepared in

    their lessons. Adobe Connect is a great resource for teachers to use in online classes or even

    face-to-face classes. Having the ability to record lessons allows students to review concepts that

    they do not understand. This also allows teachers to look at a lesson and reflect on their lessons.

    2.3 Computer-Based Technologies

    Computer-based technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials using

    microprocessor-based resources.

    EDTECH 502: Mlearning

    m-Learning is for students to use the website to plan and develop a trip to Washington

    DC. I created this image as an interdisciplinary unit. I worked with our math teacher to develop

    a webpage where students would learn about the history and the geography of Washington DC

    and develop a budget for the trip. The page offers links to hotels, destinations, transportation, and

    airline tickets. This assignment was developed for students who are planning a budget and have

    to come up with a vacation to fit in that budget. Students have to use their skills of the internet as

    well as what they have learned in class to plan a vacation within their budget I used Adobe to

    create this webpage. I developed a very simple page that would be easy enough for students to

    manipulate and find everything they need to complete the assignment. In order to eliminate

    students using multiple sources and finding various prices and webpages, I placed all the sites

    that students would use on the webpage. I chose images and links for students to follow to

    complete the assignment. The overall idea of this assignment was to create a webpage that

    would be adjusted for different mobile devices. I learned by completing this how important it is

  • to develop pages that have mobile capabilities, because some webpages are hard to read and

    navigate when on a phone or tablet.

    EDTECH 502: Concept Map

    The concept map I created in EDTECH 502 is another artifact that I chose for standard

    2.3. This assignment was a website that I designed for my students to use and learn about the

    water cycle. I used Adobe Dreamweaver to create this webpage. In order to create an interactive

    page for my students to use I first did some research and found websites that would be a good

    resource for my students to gather information. I than used Adobe Fireworks to create a concept

    map and inserted this image into my webpage. Once the image was embedded into my page I

    created links on each image that would take the students to the websites that I located for them to

    gather information. This assignment allowed students to interact with different forms of the

    water cycle. The home page I created gave a brief overview of the water cycle and it also

    allowed students to use the map that I created in Adobe Fireworks to click on different images to

    link them to a more specific concept. With the development of concept mapping (CM) software

    and web-based technologies, CCM, either at a distance or in a face-to-face condition, has

    become even more popular. (Basque & Lavoie, 2006) The way students learn has definitely

    changed and concept mapping is a new way for students to gain information. I learned a lot

    through this assignment, especially on how much technology and education has changed. I even

    have my students make concept maps when we finish a unit and have them bring it all together,

    which I learned is very useful for my visual learners.

    2.4 Integrated Technologies

    Integrated technologies are ways to produce and deliver materials which encompass

    several forms of media under the control of a computer.

    EDTECH 502: Webquest

  • The webquest that was created in EDTECH 502 is the assignment I picked as an example

    of standard 2.4. I chose this because a webquest is a great way to use multiple technologies

    using a computer. A webquest is another resource that many teachers are using especially with

    many classrooms having access to iPads or laptops. In general each webquest has a task,

    process, and evaluation. This is another assignment that fits into my theory of the constructivist

    approach of learning. Here students are again responsible for their own learning. Students begin

    with viewing the task page where it will explain their process of completing their learning. Once

    students understand what they are going to accomplish they have to view the process page which

    will explain how they will achieve their objective. The last page lets the students know how they

    will be evaluated. This was the first webquest that I created. Through doing this I learned how

    important details are. When planning a webquest it is important to make sure that all

    information is given. I also learned that when designing a webquest as the creator you cannot

    expect students to know everything. Therefore it is important to not assume a student may know

    small details. The way that this artifact fits into standard 2.4 is because I had my students use

    different types of technology resources to learn about the water cycle. When students make their

    way through the webpages there are multiple resources that the students will use to help master

    the topic. These technologies include videos, interactive games, puzzles, and diagrams. This

    artifact taught me how much students enjoy web quests. Students really enjoy using their tablets

    and when they have the ability to use it to learn can really be useful. An assignment like a

    webquest allows students to explore and I feel that when students are exploring their brain is

    actively engaged and this is basis for their learning of the topic.

    EDTECH 532: Final Project

  • The final project I created for EDTECH 532 was one of my favorite assignments to

    complete. This class was about games and simulations and for the final project was to create an

    idea for a game or simulation. For this assignment I took the original concept of the Oregon

    Trail game and combined it with components of a Sim City game. I learned through this

    assignment how important simulations can be to a students learning. Students when completing

    simulations take risks and chances knowing that it is only a simulation. This was a new way for

    me to look at student learning because this can have a major impact on student achievement. In

    the game outline I came up with students would create their own town during the westward

    expansion and develop a way for that town to survive. The key is that as the game progress so

    does the rest of America. Just like in reality snowstorms, droughts, and floods can occur and it

    would be up to the student to develop plans in order to assure the towns survival. The students

    also have to find a way to get settlers to move their and promise prosperity, whether it be through

    farming or mining. Though this game has not been developed, with the help of my professors I

    submitted it to an educational video game company. I chose this artifact as a standard under 2.4,

    because of the way the class was developed and how I progressed through the class. This was

    the final project, but in order to get to this point I had to go through a series of assignments. The

    assignments were very similar to playing a game. For each assignment that was completed, you

    were awarded points for the assignment. The points than determined the grade received. I took

    this concept and incorporated it into my class. I would assign different assignments for students

    to complete using different forms of technology. I would use videos, PowerPoints, Glogster, and

    Wikis. Students would complete these assignments to gain points. This fits into this standard

    because of the way that I used different technologies to deliver the assignments and for students

    to create and display their learning.

  • 3.1 Media Utilization

    Media utilization is the systematic use of resources for learning.

    EDTECH 541: Social Media in the Classroom

    In EDTECH 541 I did an assignment about social media in the classroom. With social

    media being a part of students everyday lives teachers need to look at ways to incorporate that

    into learning. Using this type of media can allow teachers to reach students on a new level. I

    learned that social media is so much more than Facebook and Twitter. People realized how

    important social media is to students lives already and have developed pages designed for

    students to use. The most used media site right now is Edmodo. I currently use Edmodo in my

    classroom and the students really enjoy it. It allows them to communicate and express their

    ideas on my page. The most important aspect of Edmodo is that it cut down on my paper use

    because it allows me to post some things that I would normally print out and students will have

    access to it through the page. This also allows me to post my assignments and lesson on the

    website for students that are absent can access it from home and helps them so they do not fall

    behind. This assignment taught me that it is important for teachers to adapt their ways to fit the

    needs of the students. At the same time teachers need to monitor student behavior on the social

    networking sites. Social networking sites such as Facebook provide individuals with a way of

    maintaining and strengthening social ties, which can be beneficial in both social and academic

    settings (Cain, 2008) . Students in todays society are addicted to social media and it is

    important to find ways to reach the students. In using Edmodo or Wikis I learned that students

    will actively engage in conversation outside of my classroom. A great example is almost every

    time a student is absent they will post a comment about what they missed. Usually within

    minutes a student responds with what we talked about and what they learned.

    EDTECH 501-Learning Log

  • My professional learning log for EDTECH 501 is another example I linked to standard

    3.1. This log shows multiple resources for using technology in the classroom. This was one of

    my first classes in the EDTECH program and really gave me an overview of the entire program.

    I learned that technology is so much more than just using a computer in the classroom. It helped

    teach me the reasoning behind using technology and why so many people are opposed to using

    it. As a student in the EDTECH program I have to be an advocate for using technology in

    schools and share my ideas with other teachers. Learning logs are important in all classes. For

    this class I used, but in my science class I have my students create a science

    journal for their learning log. Students keep up with all their work and reflect on their learning.

    The students then process their journals into an image or video. This allows them to recall their

    information they have learned throughout the school year.

    3.2 Diffusion of Innovations

    Diffusion of innovations is the process of communicating through planned strategies for the

    purpose of gaining adoption.

    EDTECH 502: Accessibility Hot Links Page

    The accessibility hot links page that I developed for EDTECH 502 is an example that I

    chose for standard 3.2. This page was developed for individuals who want to learn more about

    colorblindness. This page taught me a lot about myself. I am colorblind so for me this was

    important to help other individuals learn more about colorblindness. Colorblindness is often

    overlooked especially in education. Teachers who use technology often create PowerPoint

    presentations and make them colorful and attractive. Most do not realize that this can be difficult

    for students that are colorblind because they see the colors in a different way and sometimes are

    not able to see the words or because of the way it looks cause headaches. This can cause

    students to miss important information or not look at the board because it hurts and teachers may

  • think it is because they are not paying attention. This page fit this standard because as teachers

    that use media we have to make sure that the media being used is developed for all students. As

    teachers we have to take in account all students, and the best way to do this is to make sure that

    you have an understanding of who your students are. Because colorblindness is often

    overlooked I made sure that I shared this webpage with my colleagues and educated them on

    colorblindness. Many people are often unaware that they are colorblind including students. If

    teachers overlook this fact, taking notes from PowerPoints or looking at geographical maps can

    be very challenging. This is why I felt it necessary to educate my students and other teachers on

    the importance of colorblindness. In order to help students be successful we have to

    accommodate our lessons to fit even students that are colorblind.

    EDTECH 521: Phone Interview Tool

    EDTECH 523: Communication Plan

    In EDTECH 521 I created a phone interview tool that was designed for online teachers to

    introduce themselves to their students. Through this assignment I learned how important it is to

    have an outline for this introduction. First impressions are very important in all relationships

    especially in education. For students it is important to help calm them down because each year

    they enter a new classroom, new students, and new rules. For this assignment I developed

    questions for both the student and their parents. Developing relationships is a very important

    part of education for both parents and students. I learned in my few years of education to make

    communication tools for all different types of communication. When a tool is in place it

    eliminates the possibility of forgetting key information. In online classes communication is a

    very important role because there is no fact to face instruction. Because of this in EDTECH 523

    I created a communication plan. Schools are adapting to a more student centered approach and

  • students need to know what is going to be expected out of them before the class starts. Creating

    a communication plan allows students and the teacher to know how all communication is going

    to take place throughout the class. In this plan it is important for both educators and students to

    check their email on a daily basis and for them to communicate through the discussion board on

    a weekly basis. I also learned that if a student is not responding to emails or participation in

    discussion board posts the educator needs to check in on that student. There are many everyday

    life events that occur that can cause a student to miss posts and the educator needs to make sure

    that these students are not going to fall behind in the class. I feel that both of these assignments

    fit well into standard 3.2 because of the way I used them. Though I use these every year with my

    students, I also share them with my colleagues. By sharing this type of tool makes students and

    parents feel more comfortable when they enter our classrooms. Once I share these with the

    teachers I work with we adapt it to fit with our goals of what we want to accomplish during the

    school year. This helps create consistency and eliminates one teacher calling all students. This

    allows us to break up our list of students and each student will get the same message.

    3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization

    Implementation is using instructional materials or strategies in real (not simulated)

    settings. Institutionalization is the continuing, routine use of the instructional innovation in

    the structure and culture of an organization.

    EDTECH 501: Technology Trends Lesson Plan

    The technology trends lesson plan that I created in EDTECH 501 was designed for

    students to use various forms of technology in a specific lesson. This type of lesson reaches

    students on multiple levels, because it allows them to be their own learners. This is the

    constructivist theory for student learning. When students are given their assignment it does not

    always fit their learning styles. Giving students options for learning ensures that students are

    going to get the most out of an assignment. I designed this lesson on the games and simulations

  • class that I took and students have to earn points in order to complete the assignment. Students

    will be assigned points for each assignment they complete. This artifact fits into standard 3.3

    because this is an assignment that I used in my classroom with great success and shared this type

    of assignment with other teachers. In order to implement this assignment I first had to develop a

    routine for my students. I developed this routine by modeling what I expected out of my

    students. Once my students understood their expectations I was able to begin implementing this

    lesson. This lesson took students some time to get used to, but understood what was expected

    and this developed into a very engaging lesson. Students viewed this assignment as a

    competition and the competition is what really stimulated student learning.

    EDTECH 541: Spreadsheet/Database Lesson

    The spreadsheet and database lesson plan that I created in EDTECH 541 is the second

    artifact I chose for the standard 3.3. In this lesson students will learn how to use spreadsheets

    and other databases to complete assignments. For this assignment I gave multiple ways teachers

    would be able to utilize this type of assignment in their classroom. Here I learned more about

    using spreadsheets in lessons. This was important for me because when I teach science it is

    important for students to analyze data. One way students can learn to analyze data is through the

    use of spreadsheets. Spreadsheets show students what they need to know and allow them to

    create graphs or charts when they finish looking at the data. Through my research in this

    program I learned that a lot schools especially science and math use spreadsheets. This is perfect

    for students in the science fair or in math when looking for mean, median and mode. When

    using technology in a classroom on a regular helps students become more familiar with using

    technology. This artifact fits into standard 3.3 because this is another assignment that I was able

    to implement into my classroom. The example I used in the Prezi is the lesson I used with my

  • students. In my class I had my students develop a spreadsheet over a week and keep track of

    different weather patterns. Students inputted data like daily high temperatures and low

    temperatures, along with humidity, average temperature and precipitation. Once students

    completed the spreadsheets they were than able to analyze how the daily temperatures compared

    to average temperatures and how humidity affects the precipitation.

    3.4 Policies and Regulations

    Policies and regulations are the rules and actions of society (or its surrogates) that affect

    the diffusion and use of Instructional Technology.

    EDTECH 521: Netiquette Project

    Policies and regulations are very important role in education. For this standard I chose

    the netiquette project that I completed in EDTECH 521. I honestly had no idea what netiquette

    was. This is an important role in any class that deals with using technology. Netiquette is how

    students and teachers interact with one another through discussion boards and emails. Teachers

    have to make sure that this netiquette is established before a class begins. With so many cases

    around the world that deal with bullying taking place over the internet, it is up to the teacher to

    make sure this type of bullying does not occur. Setting up the rules and the guidelines using

    netiquette guidelines is a great way to prevent online bullying. Netiquette covers not only rules

    of behavior during discussions but also guidelines that reflect the unique electronic nature of the

    medium (Roblyer & Doering, 2012). When participating in any conversation through email or

    text it is extremely important to follow netiquette guidelines. I use this PowerPoint in the

    beginning of each school year. This helps set the culture of the classroom when we go over our

    classroom expectations. I learned that even though students are given the rules of expectations it

    is still very important for the teacher to model these expectations. I model this by using our

  • Edmodo page and have my students tell me an interesting fact about themselves and I respond

    with positive feedback.

    EDTECH 541: Internet Safety

    Another artifact for the standard on policies and regulation was the EDTECH 541

    assignment on internet safety. Using the internet for education is a great tool, but the internet has

    so much more than just educational information. The internet is full of inappropriate information

    for students. Internet safety is important for teachers, students and parents. I developed this

    information on ways to help everyone to be safe on the internet. Many websites post ads that

    link to other pages and those pages have ads. When students begin looking for information a

    teacher is not always there to make sure they are on school appropriate pages. Many schools

    have webpages blocked, but that does not always keep students from getting on these types of

    webpages. Also schools have invested a lot of money in iPads or other devices and students are

    finding ways to get around the firewalls that schools have set up. Internet safety is a real

    problem all around the world and its up to the teachers to help educate these students on how to

    be safe. At the beginning of the school year I create a packet that contains my syllabus,

    classroom expectations, rules, and an internet safety packet. I feel that it is important for my

    students and guardians to know about internet safety because we use the internet for many

    assignments in my class. I learned that even though students may follow the safety rules, every

    so often even the best student may accidently select a link that is not appropriate for them. When

    this happens I make sure the students inform me or another teacher, so we can block that link.

    Because of this I make sure that students return the internet safety handout signed by them and

    their guardian.

  • 4.1 Project Management

    Project management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling instructional design

    and development projects.

    EDTECH 505: Far West Laboratory Request for Proposal

    Project management is very important when it comes to education. One artifact I chose

    for this standard was the Far West Laboratory proposal. For this assignment I had to plan an

    evaluation for the company. This plan was developed to gain insight on whether or not the

    company should move forward with another type of investment. In order to complete this

    assignment I had to view the goals of what the company wanted to complete and create a plan to

    evaluate their goals. When completing this evaluation I learned that every detail matters when

    completing an evaluation. For many schools and companies an evaluation of anything

    determines whether or not they will continue with the project. Evaluations include the expected

    goals, how the evaluation will occur, a time frame and the cost of the evaluation. In order to plan

    this proposal I had to first determine what the objectives were of evaluation. This was probably

    the most difficult part because when writing objectives you have to be clear and concise. Once

    the objectives were written I began developing assessment tools that would allow me to monitor

    whether or not the objectives were being met or what needs to be critiqued to help meet the

    objectives. I also had to develop a cost for completing the evaluation and who was going to be in

    control of the evaluation. I learned through this assignment how important the first step of

    finding the objectives is. Another thing I learned was that when developing assessment tools it is

    important that they are created to evaluate what needs to be evaluated. What I mean is you dont

    want an assessment tool that evaluates multiple items, we want one that focuses on the objective

    we are evaluating.

    EDTECH 554: Software Evaluation Rubric

  • The final artifact I chose for this standard was the software evaluation rubric I designed

    for EDTECH 554. This rubric was created for schools and teachers to evaluate different types of

    software that schools were using to help students reach various goals. While I was completing

    this assignment I learned how important it is for schools to evaluate the resources that they are

    using. Resources are for students to help them expand their knowledge of certain topics. If for

    any reasons these resources are not actively helping students then schools should not be investing

    money into the resource. For this document I created a rubric that schools can use to evaluate

    their programs. The most important concept to evaluate is the instructional content. If a website

    does not have strong information for students to follow then there is no reason for schools or

    students to use it. Some other important factors are whether or not the website offers assistance

    or how well the graphics are. I learned while completing this that there are many websites that

    do not meet the criteria of my designed rubric and therefore would not be good for schools to

    use. Even though these resources do not meet the requirements of my rubric schools continue to

    use them because it keeps students busy. In order to create this rubric I had to first plan a list of

    objectives that I wanted to be evaluated. The planning was the most important part of this

    process. When developing one tool that will be used on multiple software programs, it was

    important to factor in every aspect. Once I planned my objectives I began creating the rubric.

    The rubric is precise on what it needs to be measuring which allows any evaluator to use the

    rubric and come up with a strong evaluation on the software.

    4.2 Resource Management

    Resource management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling resource support

    systems and services.

    EDTECH 541: Relative Advantage Chart

  • The relative advantage chart that I created for EDTECH 541 is a great example of

    resource management. This chart gave a list of different resources and how they can be utilized

    in the classroom. This chart offers multiple ways that students can become their own learners. It

    offers multiple ways for teachers to take their classroom and make it a student centered

    classroom. Student centered classrooms are becoming more and more important in todays

    society. Education is making a dramatic shift from the traditional style of teaching where the

    focus is around the teacher. I focused this assignment around a social studies class and used

    multiple resources for students to use technology with. Each resource will allow students to

    reach their own standards and be responsible for their learning. This chart fits into standard 4.2

    because it allows teachers to plan how they want to implement different forms of technology into

    their lessons. I learned from this assignment that once a teacher plans what they are going to use

    to implement a lesson, it will be a lot easier for them to control what information students are


    EDTECH 541: Networking

    The final artifact for resource management is the networking project I completed during

    EDTECH 541. Networking is something that all schools and companies use. A network is how

    students and employees connect to the internet. Schools need to manage and monitor how

    students connect and make sure they are doing it safely. It is important for teachers to know

    about their schools networks. Networks are key to using technology in school and in

    corporations. When a network is working at its best schools and businesses flow smoothly,

    however when the network goes down it is a struggle to get any work done. I also learned that

    networks allow schools and teachers the ability to monitor and control what websites students are

  • using and helps to block websites that students should not be on. This is very important because

    there are so many websites that are inappropriate for students to be on.

    4.3 Delivery System Management

    Delivery system management involves planning, monitoring and controlling 'the method by

    which distribution of instructional materials is organized' . . . [It is] a combination of

    medium and method of usage that is employed to present instructional information to a


    EDTECH 541: Instructional Software Presentation

    For this standard I select the artifact from my EDTECH 541 class which was about

    instructional software. This was a Prezi that I created that gave uses and examples of different

    ways to engage students. Some of these methods include drill and practice, tutorials and

    simulations. Each one offers its own ways to help students learn and each one can be used in a

    different way. Drill and practice allows students work on a skill that they have already learned.

    Tutorials give students another perspective of a specific concept. The final way was simulations.

    Simulations were designed for students to use a concept during a simulation. Through this

    assignment I learned that there are many ways for students to receive and practice information.

    All of this is possible because of all the new technologies that are available. I chose this

    assignment because it allows teachers to plan a variety of ways to utilize technology into their

    lessons. Because of the software this also allows the teacher to monitor the progress of students

    and their growth. For example, Study Island monitors the student progress and will not allow

    them to move to the next standard until they demonstrate mastery of the standard that they are

    working on. This type of software also allows the teacher to control the information that is given

    to the student. If the teacher only wants the student to work on one objective they can assign

    them that objective and students will not be able to work on any other objective.

    EDTECH 506: Unit Plan

  • Another assignment that shows master of this standard was an assignment that I

    completed in EDTECH 506. This was a unit plan for my chemistry unit. By completing a unit

    plan on what I want my students to accomplish over this plan I was able to develop individual

    lessons that will be organized in a way in which will make the information easier for students to

    follow. This assignment shows each standard that the students will have to master along with

    assignments and labs for the students to complete that will show their mastery of the topic.

    Because of the assignments and labs that are set up with the unit plan I will be able to monitor

    student achievement. Creating unit plans is always a way to organize the material on what

    students need to accomplish and it also allows the teacher to develop a time frame in order to

    complete the lessons. This assignment showed how I planned my unit on chemistry. Once I

    planned my unit I began developing my lessons of what I wanted my students to learn. By doing

    this I am able to control and monitor the information the students will receive during the unit of

    chemistry. This will be done by using various websites and videos along with my direct

    instruction of using visual aids that I created using Adobe Fireworks.

    4.4 Information Management

    Information management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling the storage,

    transfer, or processing of information in order to provide resources for learning.

    EDTECH 501: RSS for Education

    The second artifact I chose was the RSS for education in EDTECH 501. RSS stands for

    really simple syndication. This was something that I have seen when I explored the internet, but

    never knew what it meant. The RSS tool if used properly can be a very useful tool for educators.

    This is a tool that allows teachers to subscribe to a page and every time there is an update it

    makes the person who subscribed to the page aware that there has been an update. This is a way

    for teachers to monitor new information. This is perfect for blogs or educational sites that

  • teachers follow. This type of assignment fits in with standard 4.4 because it allows teachers and

    students to add resources, transfer or share resources, and allows the users to process the

    information in a timely manner.

    EDTECH 501: Zotero Group Library

    In EDTECH 501 I was introduced to Zotero. Zotero has been a life saver for me

    throughout my time in the EDTECH program. Zotero is a way for teachers to plan, monitor, and

    keep track of their resources they find. This keeps any webpages or articles that a user finds and

    stores them on their Zotero site. It also allows user to create folders and share what they find

    with other users. Zotero also lets the user write abstract and other information for the user to

    find their resources more easily. Finally Zotero has a component where it will cite the resources

    the user is using. It will cite the information and create a bibliography page for them. This is

    important because it helps teach students about plagiarism and it properly shows them how a

    citation page should look.

    5.1 Problem Analysis

    Problem analysis involves determining the nature and parameters of the problem by using

    information-gathering and decision-making strategies.

    EDTECH 505: Evaluation Design

    In EDTECH 505 I created an evaluation design which was the beginning step of my final

    project. This is where I began to design the evaluation for my project. It was at this step where I

    began gathering information and developing techniques in order to complete my evaluation.

    This was a major step of the project. When in this stage I learned on that some programs are

    really not worth evaluating. When developing an evaluation design, it is important to have

    specific goals that need to be evaluated. For example my evaluation design was on the 1-1

    student to iPad use and how students are using the iPads and what apps they are using are more

  • important than if the students are using the iPads. This is because students can easily be using

    the iPads, but in ineffective ways. I must have changed what I was going to evaluate at least two

    or three different times. This was an important lesson because when evaluating anything if it is

    not worth evaluating then there is no point on continuing to evaluate it. In completing this step

    of the project I learned a lot about gathering crucial information to apply to evaluations.

    EDTECH 501: School Evaluation Summary

    In EDTECH 501 I completed a school evaluation summary of my schools technology.

    This artifact was chosen because it was the first problem analysis that I completed in my

    program. Through this evaluation I learned that my school had plenty of technology however the

    technology was not being utilized. This was one of my first classes and it allowed me to

    communicate with my peers about how their schools are using technology and what kind of

    trainings they were having. I learned through my evaluation that even though we had new

    technologies we were still using the old ways of teaching. This was contradicting to what the

    district had hoped to accomplish. After I gather the information I was able to speak with my

    administrators about what I discovered and they allowed me to host various staff developments

    to help educate our staff on how to properly use this technology.

    5.2 Criterion-Referenced Measurement

    Criterion-referenced measurement involves techniques for determining learner mastery of

    pre-specified content.

    EDTECH 502: Webquest Rubric

    The webquest rubric that was created in EDTECH 502 is an example of how students

    would show mastery of a topic. Students enjoy webquest because it allows them to learn at their

    own pace and makes them become in charge of their learning. This rubric was for students to

  • following in order to complete the given task. If students follow the rubric and are able to

    complete the webquest, students will then show mastery. This assignment will allow students to

    be responsible for their own learning. The first step for students to complete this assignment is

    to have them review the rubric. Once students review the rubric students must understand what

    is expected out of them in order to gain full mastery of the expected assignment. Without a rubric

    this assignment would not have meaning for the students, and would not give a way for the

    teacher to see if students show mastery of the topic.

    EDTECH 523: Synchronous Learning Rubric

    The synchronous learning rubric in EDTECH 523 was developed for learners to

    determine whether or not they are following the guidelines. This assignment was completed for

    students to monitor how they are communicating with their peers. I learned from this assignment

    that it is always important to develop rubrics for every lesson and everything that needs to be

    evaluated. If students are not given a rubric they really do not know what is expected out of

    them. Synchronous learning is a difficult task in online learning because students are not face to

    face and they have to use other means of communication. Synchronous learning is difficult for

    students because some students tend to just be a small part of an assignment rather than does

    what is expected. This is why it is important to have this type of rubric in place. If students

    follow the given rubric it will allow them to achieve the expected goals.

    5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation

    Formative evaluation involves gathering information on adequacy and using this

    information as a basis for further development. Summative evaluation involves gathering

    information on adequacy and using this information to make decisions about utilization.

    EDTECH 554: Technology Plan Project

  • In EDTECH 554 I completed a technology plan with a partner. For this assignment we

    were given data and had to analyze this data and develop a plan for the school district. My

    partner and I determined that some of the district employees need professional development days

    to help educate them on how to integrate technology into their classrooms. Because some of the

    employees have no experience we developed phases in which to complete these trainings. This

    assignment fits into standard 5.3 because this is a summative evaluation and a plan was created

    in order to help solve the issues that were determined in the data analyses. When completing this

    assignment it was important to gather all the information in a timely manner, organize the

    information, and complete an evaluation. When completing any kind of evaluation, gathering

    the information is the most critical part. As an evaluator you have to be bias free and look at all

    information. This even includes information that might not seem important at the time, but in the

    end it may play a key role in decision making.

    5.4 Long-Range Planning

    Long-range planning that focuses on the organization as a whole is strategic planning.

    Long-range is usually defined as a future period of about three to five years or longer.

    During strategic planning, managers are trying to decide in the present what must be done

    to ensure organizational success in the future.

    EDTECH 505: Evaluation Project

    In EDTECH 505 our final project was an evaluation project that I completed on my

    school and its use of iPads for students. This fits into this standard because I had to plan out my

    evaluation and then complete the steps necessary for the evaluation. This was one of the more

    difficult assignments in the program and also one of the most meaningful. I had a hard time

    understanding evaluation in education until I completed this assignment. As a teacher I

    overlooked the importance of evaluation. When planning anything short or long-range

    evaluation is important in order to make the program or lesson successful. I learned through

  • completing this assignment that it is important for schools to evaluate the programs they

    implement. This was a plan that was put in place in my school to help students learn and it is

    part of the district technology plan that is in place for multiple years.

    EDTECH 541: Vision Statement

    The vision statement that I created in EDTECH 541 is another artifact I chose for long-

    range planning. I knew when developing a vision statement that I had to look at the long term

    goals of what I was planning, but I did not know what I wanted till I began creating my vision

    statement. The goal of this statement was to develop a long term goal of how technology can be

    used in education. I know a lot of teachers feel that if they use computers to create PowerPoints

    than they are utilizing technology, but there is so much more than that. My purpose of my vision

    statement was to show how I believe technology can and should be used to enhance student

    learning. I learned a lot through completing this assignment because I had to look at what I

    wanted to accomplish through using technology in education. This vision statement is something

    that looked at the way education once was and my vision of how education should adapt to use

    technology. Society has changed and education needs to change as well. In creating a vision

    statement it allows teachers and schools to understand exactly what they want to accomplish in a

    long term goal. Vision statements may change each year to adapt with technology but each year

    it builds off the same specific goals. This is an important part of education, when everything

    around a teacher is changing teachers also need to change. A vision statement is a good way to

    help these teachers change and adapt their teaching styles and use a more constructivist



  • In conclusion I am very excited to finish the program and graduate, and at the same time I

    am unsure of what I want to do next. I have applied with hopes of entering the EDD program at

    Boise which is a doctoral of educational technology. I also feel that I have gained enough

    experience and have enough information to either advance in the education field to a position at

    the district level or even at a corporation. I have gained a lot of information in a short amount of

    time, information that I utilize on a daily, weekly and school year basis. I have also gained a lot

    of friends that I share ideas and strategies with. I am very proud of my accomplishment and look

    forward to receiving my degree.


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