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Financiamento Habitacional

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Composição do PIB 2008 por sectores

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Indices de Competitividade InternacionalFonte: Banco Mundial, Doing Business 2009

Facilidade em...200




Indice Geral 168 169 1

Começar um negócio 156 176 20

Obtenção de licenças de Construção 125 134 9

Empregar pessoal 174 175 1

Registo de Propriedade 173 169 -4

Obtenção de Crédito 84 79 -5

Protecção dos Investidores 53 49 -4

Pagamento de Impostos 130 126 -4

Comércio Transfronteiriço 172 169 -3

Cumprimento de contractos 179 179 0

Fechar o negócio 142 141 -1

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• Criado para a implementação do Programa Governamental para a construção de 1 milhão de habitações no quadriénio 2009-2012

• O Governo defende as seguintes estratégias para a sua implementação:– Regulamentação do sistema de crédito habitacional;– Criação de isenções e ou reduções de impostos sobre a

aquisição de imóveis e concessão de terrenos para a construção de residências;

– Aprovar directivas gerais da política de afectação de terrenos para fins habitacionais

• Meta: 1,000,000 de fogos– 150.000 habitações - Sector Público 11,2%– 120.000 habitações - Sector Privado 12%– 80.000 habitações - Cooperativas 8%– 685.000 habitações - Auto-construtores (rurais/ urbanos) 68,5%

Politica Habitacional do Estado

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• Inicio primeiro semestre 2009• Financiar a compra de casas para as famílias de baixa renda• Subsidiar arrendamentos• Financiar cooperativas de habitação • Financiar projectos imobiliários• Financiar projectos de autoconstrução dirigida• Papel do estado:

– Orientador– Regulador– Financiador

• Prioridades:– Pessoas de baixos recursos

• Valor: 50 mil milhões de dólares– 12,5 mil milhões por ano (equivalente a 24% dos gatos do estado para

o ano 2009)

Fundo de Fomento Habitacional

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Fundo de Fomento Habitacional

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DW Social Enterprise Model

• Social Enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives.

• It works in the market place employing good commercial practice.

• It is able to atract financial capital investments.

• But it’s surpluses are principally reinvested in order to achieve significant social impact.

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Social Housing Project

Financial Product

Physical ProductPhysical Product

End UsersEnd UsersKixi Credito

Kixi Credito

Guarantor Guarantor

HabiTerra Building


HabiTech ProjectFund




PSI / Investor

Equity Funds

Debt Financer

Debt Financer


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Unserved Demand for Housing

Potential Housing Finance ClientsEntrepreneur &

Employee 1%

Salaried Employees


Non-Contract Workers




Economic Sector of Potential Housing Finance Clients








NGOsNo access t o formal







High Income

Low Income Demand for Housing FinanceDemand for Housing FinanceLowest


Slum Residents

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Target Beneficiaries of HabiTec

Middle Class



Act ive Poor

Potentially Housing MicroFinance Clients

Vulnerable GroupsHeavilly Subsidised Housing

Elit e 25%



Not Banked



Potent ial Market Segment Pyramid


Target Beneficiaries

Slum Dwellers

Formal Housing

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Huambo Post-Conflict Target Community






GDP per capita (US$) 3,476 489 2,422

Poverty Index % 49.1 60.5 59.7

Unemployment Rate % 20.9 37.5 27.4

Business Volume %[1] 71.2 4.2 100.


[1] Percentage of national business transactions that occur by province.

Regional Targeting

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HabiTerra Project at Quissala• The project is the first phase of the an overall development

of a 120Ha site at Quissala bairro, owned by DWA, located across the road from the main market in Huambo.

• The city of Huambo is the second largest within the country and suffered a large amount of destruction and damage during the civil war that ended in 2002.

• Currently there are no organisations or company delivering any housing or housing finance products within this market segment of the working poor.

• DWA will set the precident for housing and housing finance delivery with this project, both to focus the local and central government and the financial sector interest by doing the project.

• DWA has excellent relationship with both the local authority and the central government and it is expected that this project will have a significant impact politically.

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Project Description:

Number of Units: 120 in phase 1 Phase 2 & 3

scaled up to 2,500 units

Land Status: Owned by DWA, being re-zoned

Bulk Services:

Water Supply Borehole with standpipe serving 50 households

Seweage Improved DryPit Latrines

Electricity Not Included

Roads Graded and compacted earth

Average Plot Size: 250.00 m2

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HabiTerra Auto-Construção

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KixiCasa – Microfinance for Auto-Construção

• Credit will be provided to owner builder to construct from scratch and expand the client’s home or through various micro-loans.

• The technical assistance needs of the participants varies from family to family including finance, housing advice, design, cost estimates, and supervision.

• Tools to estimate the construction budget are effective for control of construction costs, and ensure that loan reimbursements cover the needs of customers.

• DW does skills upgrading for: masons, carpenters and construction supervisors in improved techniques of housing construction.

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End User Finance


Designed for incremental home construction & land purchase

Type: Individual

Target Customer Base: Salaried employees (primarily) and Micro-entrepreneurs and

Interest Rate: 24% on a declining basis

Loan Amount Range: USD 3000 to USD 6000

Loan Amount Average: USD 3500

Maturi ty: Up to 36 months, with an average of 24 months

Compulsory Upfront Savings 20%

Repayment Frequency: Monthly

El igibi l i ty: Clients with the requisite capacity to repay; client ability to prove security client ability to prove land security through the life of the loan repayment period. Low-paid salaried employees.

Collateral: Solidarity Group or Guarantors (2)

Portfol io share Expected to constitute approximately 75% of the KixiCrédito Housing Portfolio

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Housing Upgrading Loans


Designed for incremental home improvement

Type: Individual

Target Customer Base:

Salaried employees (primarily) and Micro-entrepreneurs and

Interest Rate: 24% on a declining basis

Loan Amount Range:

USD 800 to USD 3000

Loan Amount Average:

USD 1800

Maturity: Up to 12 months, with an average of 10 months

Compulsory Upfront Savings


Repayment Frequency:


Eligibi l i ty: Clients debt load not exceeding 30%

Collateral: Solidarity Group

Portfol io share Expected portfolio (at least 25%)

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Housing & Support Services

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Intcremental Housing Model

Site LayoutPhase One

30 meters sq.

Phase Two

45 meters sq.

Phase Three

60 meters sq.

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Incremental House Tipologia

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Incremental Housing Typology

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Qissala Urbanism Plan

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CLIFF 1st Phase Financing

CLIFF Capital Requirement

£ 815,731.28

$ 1,305,170.05

CLIFF Finance Type LoanRecycling

% Recycled 85% .

% Retained 15% Based on Recycled funds

% Return 85%Return Payments After 4 years

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Opportunities & Challenges• The Angolan Government has committed itself to the building of

1,000, 000 housing units by the end of 2012.

• 670,000 of these houses are to be built by auto-construcao.

• They have also promised to provide 80% coverage of water and sanitation units through the Water for All Programme.

• Banks however are reluctant to provide housing mortgages due to the weak land tenure legislation and loan guarantees.

• Development Workshop has been invited by the Municipality of Huambo to build the countries first municipal cadastre system.

• DW has been invited by the Minister of Urbanism to advise on national urban & housing policy.

• We have a strategic opportunity to influence national policies on financing of pro-poor housing through the CLIFF Programme.