
[email protected]

Issue 5 (October 2015)

FOODIE Newsletter

FOODIE Team's corner

Dear Members of FOODIE Community,

FOODIE project has just entered in the second half of its schedule. This fifth issue concerns the period from July to

October 2015 and presents the activities carried out by the partners and the last results achieved.

In addition, you are provided with an overview of the upcoming events and a brief summary of the past events

where the FOODIE Team presented the project.

We hope you find the information interesting and would appreciate your feedback.


FOODIE is a co-funded research project within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)

programme of the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The project is devoted to provide agri-food stakeholders with a cloud-based platform offering agricultural services

based on open data. Such stakeholders comprise farmers with their direct stakeholders like suppliers, buyers and/or

service organizations, data (vector, raster, alphanumeric) suppliers, service and/or software providers, Ministries of

Agriculture, Chambers of Agriculture, Environmental organizations, and so on. For more details, please refer to the

pu lished deli era le D6.1.1 Co u ity uildi g report .

Three pilots have been implemented in order to demonstrate the objectives and achievements of the project:

Pilot 1: Precision Viticulture (Spain).

Pilot 2: Open Data for Strategic and Tactical planning (Czech Republic).

Pilot 3: Technology allows integration of logistics via service providers and farm management including traceability


The project duration is for 36 months; it started on 1 March 2014 and will be completed on 28 February 2017. The

FOODIE consortium comprises 12 organisations from 7 countries.


A step forward has been taken towards the evaluation of sustainability of the FOODIE platform beyond the project

duration in order to guarantee a return on investment (ROI). Two generic models are initially considered:

a) FOODIE platform could continue working as a service supporting several data and applications for third parties, and

b) FOODIE Consortium could sell the technology with or without data, with or without applications, e.g. to implement it

within a specific region or country.

A combined bottom up and top down model has been designed to make partners and stakeholders understand the

needs of technology integration, cooperation and potential benefits. Such evaluation is being undertaken within the

fra e ork of “ustai a ility a d tra sfera ility of FOODIE ser i e platfor task. For this purpose several surveys are

collecting the willingness of each FOODIE partner to team up, the extent of involvement and the SWOT analysis of the

exploitable results. It will be essential to review the know-how of involved partners related to agriculture or related

industries like forestry, environment management.


Spanish Pilot

The Spanish Pilot continues its development according to the schedule. The main objectives of the Spanish Pilot are the

precise management of the inherent variability of crops, for instance by variable-rate application (VRA) of inputs,

selective harvesting, greater precision and efficiency of samplings or prevention of pests.

Sensors Installation – 3

rd of September, 2015

The stage of execution is progressing, and in early September SERESCO installed a weather station and the first sensor

mote in the vineyards of Terras Gauda.

First, SERESCO proceeded with the installation and geo-positioning of the weather station (including rain and wind

speed sensors). It is not simple to assemble and requires levelling for proper operation, but it was eventually well


This pilot is supported by a set of software components to register information and to represent it in a complete and

usable way. Thus, use cases implemented are those devoted to register treatments, production and samplings (for

analysis) and those devoted to display geo-referenced information such as vegetation indexes, treatments, historical

production and historical results of the analysis of samples.

Then, SERESCO continued with the installation of one of the motes that include

more sensors (temperature and humidity, temperature in the foliage, moisture on

foliage, leaf wetness and soil temperature). The mote is already broadcasting

information. The following picture shows the situation of these two components

actually in the plot of Terras Gauda vineyards.

The Terras Gauda s Tea is goi g to i stall the rest of the se sor otes i their plots. The information gathered will be stored in the FOODIE platform, and will serve as an essential element in the analysis

for the elaboration of plans for the management of precision viticulture zones, and for making recommendations such

as irrigation, fertilization, herbicidal and phytosanitary treatments, when and where to start the harvesting, and

predictions on expected production by management zone.

Czech pilot

The Czech Pilot is addressed to improve management and logistic of farms and

agriculture service companies, introducing new tools and crop management

methods for reduction of environmental burden while maintaining production


In the Czech pilot machinery and meteorological data has been collected for

almost seven months and the data collection process continues. As the first

part of project is called proof-of concept stage, we have been experimenting

with various settings of monitoring units to find the most suitable values of

parameters affecting data collecting frequency.

German Pilot

The goals of the German Pilot is the development of a digital geography of all farmers, farms and fields in a region

(country) including the corresponding agricultural expert information, plus all infrastructure data needed for further

agricultural applications up to logistic and precision farming tasks.

At the moment PROGIS is working on the transfer of anonymized data of all participants to show ortho-images, LPIS

data and tracks on FOODIE as well as FOODIE platform.


EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Conference

29 June - 2 July 2015, Poznan, Poland

FOODIE Project was presented at EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015

Conference, in the framework of a Paper written by SERESCO and

entitled Smart Agro-Services in the Farm-Oriented Open Data in

Europe (FOODIE) Platform: Insights from the Automatic

Delimitation of Management Zones . The presentation was made

by Rodolfo de Benito, who is Business Analyst in SERESCO,

participating in the development of the Spanish Pilot.

15th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE)

06 - 10 July 2015, Cadiz, Spain

FOODIE Project was presented at CMMSE 2015.

It was an extraordinary occasion to introduce FOODIE project

through a work done by SERESCO about a potential smart agro-

service for the automatic delimitation of arable land based on

clustering algorithms and Landsat 8 imagery.

The work was presented by Rodolfo de Benito, who is part of the

team involved in the development of the Spanish Pilot, in the FOODIE


Expo Milan 2015 – Coldiretti Pavilion

23 August 2015, Milan, Italy

FOODIE Project was presented to agri-food stakeholders, mainly farmers and primary sector operators from the Veneto

Region, visiting the Coldiretti (the Association of Italian Farmers) Pavillion. The scope pursued was to make them aware

of the goals of the project and the functionalities of the platform (principally the use of spatial data and the farm

management tools). Stefano Savaris (Consorzio BIM) provided a general overview of the strategic value of the

platform, also presenting the experience of the three FOODIE pilot projects. Regional and national representatives of

Coldiretti and local administrators including Roberto Padrin, Vice President of the Province of Belluno, intervened in

this event.

29th International conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo & ICT4S)

07-09 September 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

WIRELESSINFO submitted a Paper entitled "Open Data Model for Precision

Agriculture Applications and Agricultural Pollution Monitoring" with the

scope to present the FOODIE Project. We invite you to enjoy the paper,

following this link (page 32):

International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture

and Forestry (ISAF 2015)

14 - 16 September 2015, Dresden, Germany

FOODIE project was presented at ISAF 2015, 19th

International Conference on Information Systems for

Agriculture and Forestry, together with Open Data

Hackathon for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment,

Tourism and Rural development and the Club of

Ossiach Networking Event.

The FOODIE presentation, entitled Collecting farm

related machinery and sensor data in the cloud-based

platform , has been uploaded to the FOODIE

repository on the website: http://www.foodie-

AgriFutureDays 2015

28 – 30 September 2015, Beijing, China

PROGIS and WIRELESSINFO presented FOODIE project in occasion of the AgriFutureDays, the 3-day event focused on

the future of the agricultural sector.

The AgriFutureDays, organised by Club of Ossiach (CoO), took place in cooperation with the CAAS (Chinese Academy

of Agricultural Sciences) and their 8th ISIITA (International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology) and

the 9th CCTA (International Conference on Computer and Computing).

This event attracted senior representatives from leading government, research and commercial organizations from

around the world. They shared their knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and good practice related to ICT adoption

in the rural area business and all affiliated sectors.

FOODIE as prese ted i the fra e of the se sor ased spee h Wireless Sensors Network as resource of local information in Frame of FATIMA/

Interoperability – one from the key topics for e-Agri ulture by Karel Charvat

(WRLS) as well as during the workshops E a li g I o atio for I for i g far ers a d ICT supporti g I o ati e Ad isory “er i es orga ised y Walter Mayer (PROGIS and Club of Ossiach) and Ajit Maru (GFAR-Global

Forum on Agricultural Research).

During this event a great deal of discussion with all participants about the technology drivers, the technology barriers

and the opportunities of the use of ICT in agriculture was done.

GI 2015

15 September 2015, Dresden, Germany

FOODIE was presented during this event in occasion of two workshops E a li g I o atio for I for i g far ers a d ICT supporti g I o ati e Ad isory “er i es orga ised y Karl Char at W‘L“ a d Walter Mayer P‘OGI“ .

Afterwards chances, problems and opportunities of the use of ICT in Agriculture were discussed with interested farmers

from more than 10 countries. For more details, please visit the following page:

Expo Milan 2015

5 October 2015, Milan, Italy

ENCO, BIM and PROGIS presented the FOODIE project at the EXPO Milano 2015. The event, held in the Pavilion of

Coldiretti, the Federation of Italian Farmers, was addressed to potential FOODIE Platform End-Users, namely public

administrations, farmers and farmers associations.

The debate focussed on:

FOODIE Project, its scope and activities, first results achieved (Simona Mincione, ENCO).

The role of the public administration in the FOODIE project (Stefano Savaris, BIM).

The German Pilot: an integrated model for farm management, logistics with mobile communication and precision

farming (Walter H. Mayer, PROGIS).

Further, presentations by high-profile invited speakers were included. The following main topics were tackled:

A potential future application: the FOODIE service Platform for management of the Alpine hut and mountain

farming (Michele Nenz, Coldiretti).

GIS data for the spatial planning and management (Giorgio Balzan, SIT).

Information and communication technologies for the management of complex rural region (Giuliano Vantaggi,

UNESCO Dolomites Foundation).




9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital

Earth (ISDE 2015)

05 - 10 October 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

FOODIE project was presented during the International

Symposium on Digital Earth in Halifax, Canada, at the

beginning of October 2015.

FOODIE has been recognized as a crucial platform for the

concept of Digital Earth since machinery sensor monitoring

represents a promising future development of the

geospatial applications in the domain of (precision) farming.

It has been considered as an example of ecological and

economic synergies.

ICT 2015 Innovate, Connect, Transform

20 October 2015, Lisbon, Portugal - Networking session focused o Buildi g Apps Based o Ope “patial Data .

There is big potential in exploiting open (spatial) data for businesses and human well-being. There is a large number

of projects and SMEs trying to develop apps that could be commercialised or made self-sustainable. The apps are

built based on open spatial data published through various initiatives such as INSPIRE, GEOSS or Copernicus, by

public administration and voluntary initiatives. The objective of the networking session was to exchange experience

about the commercialization and long-term sustainability of such applications. This session was organized by the

OpenTransportNet, SDI4Apps, FOODIE and SmartOpenData projects.

FOODIE project was presented by Marco de la Feld (ENCO) and Karel Charvat (WRLS) and the session was mainly

focused on challenging results reached by FOODIE project (Data models, Integration of Copernicus and GEOSS data

with national Open Data).


FOODIE Team will be presenting the project at the following events:

28 – 30 October 2015, AgroManagement 2015, Belgorod, Russia

10 – 14 November 2015, Agritechnica 2015, Hannover, Germany

16 – 17 February 2015, GFIA (Global Forum for innovation and agriculture), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


The project website houses the FOODIE Repository. It gathers all the articles published on magazines of interest, papers

submitted to a selection of international conferences and journals for scientific dissemination purposes. Click here to

learn more!


Check the FOODIE repository out which gathers all the project public deliverables. To learn more, please click the

following link:


Take a peek at the media corner of FOODIE project! More videos will be available soon!

Join FOODIE on Twitter, Facebook, slideshare and LinkedIn and share your comments and opinions with us!

Are you interested in getting involved within FOODIE project? Do you see an interesting connection between FOODIE

and your sector or your team? Write us and we will explore the opportunity to collaborate.

Should you be interested in receiving further information about the project to forward and hand out to interested

parties, please let us know and we will provide you with a brief presentation.

Lear a out the proje t s goal, its a kgrou d a d its strategy a d do load the FOODIE Flyer i : English







Translation of the FOODIE Flyer in more languages will be available in the next issue of the project newsletter!

Please disseminate this newsletter amongst your potentially interested colleagues and networks.

This project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework

Programme by the European Commission under grant agreement no. 621074

If you do not want to receive this newsletter from FOODIE project in the future, please unsubscribe writing to [email protected]

Miguel Ángel Esbrí (Project Coordinator)Atos Spain, S.A.

C/ Albarracín, 25 - 28037 Madrid (Spagna)Email: [email protected]

„Wyłączną odpowiedzialność za treść niniejszej broszury ponoszą jej autorzy. Unia Europejska nie ponosi żadnej odpowiedzialności za

ewentualne wykorzystanie zawartych w niej informacji.”


Sektor rolno-spożywczy jest sektorem unikalnym pod

względem strategicznym, dlatego powinna go tworzyć

sieć współpracujących ze sobą organizacji. Ich członk-

owie korzystają z wielu heterogenicznych źródeł

informacji, takich jak:

- deiniowanie procedur,

- ocena działań proekologicznych,

- rozwój rolnictwa ekologicznego,

- zbiory plonów, określenie terminów i cen,

- wykrywanie zagrożenia chorobami.

W tym kontekście przyszłe systemy zarządzania

danymi dotyczącymi rolnictwa muszą nie tylko

wspierać bezpośrednią opłacalność tego sektora czy

też ochroną środowiska w tym zakresie, ale równ-

ież łączyć i koordynować działania podejmowane w

obrębie tego sektora przez jego pracowników, konsu-

mentów, urzędników oraz społeczności beneicjentów.

Projekt częściowo inansowany w programie ramowym na rzecz

konkurencyjności i innowacji w ramach programu na rzecz

wspierania polityki dotyczącej technologii informacyjnych i

komunikacyjnych na mocy umowy nr. 621074


Projekt FOODIE zakłada realizację następujących celów:

budowa otwartej, interoperacyjnej platformy informa-

tycznej oferującej usługi chmurowe, umożliwiającej zar-

ządzanie przestrzennymi i nieprzestrzennymi

danymi dotyczącymi rolnictwa, pozyskiwanymi z

heterogenicznych źródeł;

integracja istniejących już na terenie Europy, otwartych

zbiorów danych dotyczących rolnictwa;

publikowanie i łączenie danych dotyczących rolnictwa z

zewnętrznych źródeł za pośrednictwem interfejsu API;

świadczenie specjalizowanych usług i aplikacji

wspierających procesy planowania i podejmowania

decyzji przez różne grupy beneicjentów;

budowa portalu umożliwiającego odnajdywanie i wy-

mianę danych, na którym irmy zewnętrzne będą mo-

gły publikować swoje aplikacje dla rolnictwa oparte na

danych, usługach i aplikacjach udostępnianych przez


Projekt FOODIE uwzględnia następujące, innowacyjne aspekty w sektorze rolno-spożywczym:wdrażanie w chmurze podstawowych i znormali-

zowanych usług w celu obniżenia nie tylko kosztów

wdrażania, ale również kosztów produkcji i


możliwość łatwego wyszukania usług i łączenia ich

z innymi usługami;

system przedpłat (ang. “Pay as you go”);

systemy nagradzania za udostępnianie danych;

klarowny zwrot z inwestycji (ROI) dla użytkownika


wieloplatformowa aplikacja końcowa o uniwersalnej


Realizacja koncepcji i celów projektu FOODIE odbywa

się za pośrednictwem platformy usługowej, która

zostanie zaprezentowana w trzech wersjach pilo-

towych na terenie Europy, przy czym każda z nich

spełnia wspólne oraz wyspecyikowane wymogi:

Wersja 1: Precision Viticulture (Hiszpania) skoncentruje

się na właściwym zarządzaniu ideą zróżnicowania plonów;

Wersja 2: Open Data for Strategic and Tactical Plan-

ning (Czechy) skupi się na usprawnieniu przyszłego

systemu zarządzania gospodarstwami rolnymi dzięki

wprowadzeniu nowych narzędzi i metod zarządzania;

Wersja 3: Technology for Integration of Logistics via

Service Providers and Farm Management (Niemcy)

skoncentruje się na integracji systemów Machine

Cooperatives z istniejącymi systemami zarządzania

gospodarstwami rolnymi i logistycznymi oraz

opracowaniu i rozbudowaniu istniejących mode-

li współpracy i biznesowych z innymi partnerami.

Miguel Ángel Esbrí (Project Coordinator)Atos Spain, S.A.

C/ Albarracín, 25 - 28037 Madrid (Spain)Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

“Bu bro�ürün içeri�i yalnızca yazarın görü�lerini yansıtır ve Avrupa Birli�i burada yer alan herhangi bir bilginin

kullanımından sorumlu de�ildir. ”

Tarım sektörü, ideal olarak etkile�im içinde olan bir

kurumlar a�ı tarafından olu�turulması gereken,

stratejik olarak benzersiz bir sektördür. Faaliyetleri

esnasında, böylesi payda�lar birçok farklı ve türde�

olmayan bilgi kayna�ını yönetmek durumundadır.

• Politikaların belirlenmesi

• Ekolojik performansın de�erlendirilmesi

• Sürdürülebilir tarımın geli�tir ilmesi; ürün

hafızası, zamanlama ve fiyatlamanın


• Hastalık tespiti

Bu ba�lamda, gelecekteki tarım bilgi yönetim

sistemleri, tarımın do�rudan karlılı�ı ya da çevrenin

korunmasının yanı sıra tarım gıda endüstrisinin,

tüketicinin, kamu yöneticisinin ve di�er payda�ların

davranı� ve faaliyetlerinin birle�tirilmesi ve koordine

edilmesini de içermek durumundadır. Bu proje 621074 numaralı anla�ma dahilinde Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından Rekabet Edebilirlik ve Yenilik Çerçeve Programının bir

parçası olan ICT Politikaları Destek Programı (ICT PSP) kapsamında kısmen finanse edilmi�tir.


FOODIE projesi şunları amaçlar:

• Çeşitli kaynaklardan beslenen coğrafi ve coğrafi

olmayan verilerin yönetimi için açık ve birlikte

çalışabilen tarım odaklı bir bulut platformu


• Tarımla ilişkili açık ve değerli Avrupa veri

kümelerinin bütünleştirilmesi.

• Bir Uygulama Programı Arabirimi (API)

vasıtasıyla, tarımsal dış veri kaynaklarından

gelen veri yayınlarının bağlantılandırılması.

• Farklı paydaş gruplarının karar alma

süreçlerinin planlamasına destek olmak

için belirli ve yüksek değerli uygulamalar


• Verinin keşfedilebildiği, değiş tokuş

edilebildiği ve FOODIE’nin ve dış şirketlerin

bu veri üzerinde çalışan kendi uygulamalarını

ve servislerini yayınlayabileceği bir pazar yeri


FOODIE projesi çeşitli yenilikçi bakış açıları


• Temel ve standartlaştırılmış servislerin bulut

üzerinden dağıtılmasıyla, dağıtım

masraflarının yanı sıra üretim ve bakım

maliyetlerinin de azaltılması.

• Servislerin kolaylıkla keşfedilebilmesi

ve birleştirilebilmesi

• Kullandığın kadar öde paradigması

• Veri paylaşımını ödüllendirme mekanizmaları

• Son kullanıcı açısından açık

Yatırım Getirisi (ROI)

• Çoklu cihaz /çoklu platform destekli çok

amaçlı ön yüzler

FOODIE kavramları ve amaçları, Avrupa’da yer alan ve

her biri ortak ve belirli gereksinimlere sahip üç farklı

pilot senaryosuyla gösterilecek ve hayata geçirilen

servis platformu aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilecektir.

• Pilot 1: Hassas Bağcılık (İspanya) ürünlerin

doğal çeşitliliğinin uygun bir şekilde

yönetilmesine odaklanacak.

• Pilot 2: Stratejik ve Taktiksel Planlama için

Açık Veri (Çek Cumhuriyeti) yeni araçlar ve

yönetim yöntemleri ile tarımsal şirketlerinin

gelecekteki yönetimlerinin geliştirilmesine


• Pilot 3: Servis sağlayıcı ve çiftlik yönetiminin

izlenebilirliği de içeren bütünleştirmeyi

sağlayan teknoloji (Almanya). Bu pilot Alman

makine kooperatifleri sistemlerinin mevcut

çiftlik yönetimi ve lojistik sistemleriyle

bütünleştirilmesinin yanı sıra mevcut

işbirliğinin ve iş modellerinin geliştirilmesi ve

yaygınlaştırılmasına odaklanacak.